FROM RAPIDLY GROWING GLOBAL CITIES TOWARDS SLOWING DOWN: CITTA SLOW- AKYAKA CASE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY HİLAL GÖZÜBOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF URBAN POLICY PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS JUNE 2019 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences _________________________ Prof. Dr. Tülin GENÇÖZ Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. ___________________________ Prof. Dr. H. Tarık ŞENGÜL Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. ___________________________ Prof. Dr. Melih ERSOY Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. F. Nihan ÖZDEMİR SÖNMEZ (Ankara Uni., REDM) _____________ Prof. Dr. Melih ERSOY (METU, CRP) _____________ Doç. MUSTAFA KEMAL BAYIRBAĞ (METU, PADM) _____________ PLAGIARISM I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Hilal GÖZÜBOL Signature : iii ABSTRACT FROM RAPIDLY GROWING GLOBAL CITIES TOWARDS SLOWING DOWN: CITTA SLOW- AKYAKA CASE GÖZÜBOL, Hilal M.S., Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Melih ERSOY June, 2019, 205 pages. Rapid globalization has changed the city life drastically which resulted in searching for alternative city planning in the world. "Speed" concept began to be remembered side by side with people harming their surroundings and their standard of living. People are constantly seeking sustainable cities in an unending race to consume things fast. Their cultural values, social relationships with each others are under treat of vanishing. Henceforth, slow movement action has been taken immediately not to lose values before it is too late. This thesis study examines the slow movement concept in Akyaka from the “being a neighbourhood” perspective. Akyaka has been downgraded from municipality status after alteration in Metropolitan Municipality Law No.6360 which was legislated in 2012 and implemented after the 2014 local elections. This process was the following of accreditation by the International Council as Slow City. The thesis also pays attention to Akyaka as being a slow city in 2011 and how it became a neighbourhood after 2014 local elections and how does this situation affect its slow city brand with regards to branding, marketing, political relations, local people aspects and tourism. The actions taken by the central government and its’ approaches to the local movements in Gökova region through Akyaka case has been taken over. The effects of the ongoing decision-making processes and participation of local people are emphasized. Finally, some recommendations were made for the sustainability of slow cities and efforts made to iv actualize the branding in the regions and country-wide to support “Slowness” against “Speed”. Keywords: Speed, Slow Movement, Cittaslow, Akyaka, The Metropolitan Municipality Law No.6360. v ÖZ HIZLA BÜYÜYEN KÜRESEL KENTLERDEN YAVAŞLAMAYA DOĞRU: YAVAŞ ŞEHİRLER – AKYAKA ÖRNEĞİ GÖZÜBOL, Hilal Yüksek Lisans, Kentsel Politika Planlaması ve Yerel Yönetimler Ana Bilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof.Dr. Melih ERSOY Haziran, 2019, 205 sayfa. Hızlı küreselleşme şehir hayatını olumsuz bir şekilde değiştirdi ve bu durum dünyada alternatif şehir arayışlarıyla sonuçlandı. “Hız” kavramı; insanların, yaşadıkları çevreye ve yaşam standartlarına zarar vermekle anılmaya başlandı. İnsanlar hızlı tüketimin arasında sürdürülebilir kent yaşamı arayışı içerisindeydiler. Değerler yok olma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya kaldığı gibi sosyal ilişkilerde zarar görmekteydi. Bu yüzden, çok geç olmadan önlemler alınmaya başlandı. Hazırlanan bu çalışmada yavaş hareketin daha çok şehircilik, markalaşma, yerel yönetim ve yerel halk arasında farkındalık kavramlarına ağırlık verildi. Türkiye de yavaş şehrin yapı taşını oluşturan kriterleri, kendi şehirlerindeki hızı değiştirmek adına yardım edeceğini düşünerek girişimlerde bulunuldu. Yavaş Şehir kriterleri ekonomik sosyal ve siyasal açılardan sürdürülebilir kent kavramı doğrultusunda incelendi. Bu tez çalışması aynı zamanda Akyaka'daki yavaş hareket kavramını; Uluslararası Konsey tarafından “Yavaş Şehir” olarak akreditasyonunun alınmasının ardından 2014 yerel seçimleriyle mahalleye dönüştürülen “Akyaka Mahallesi” açısından incelemektedir. Siyasi gücünü kaybeden Akyaka’nın 2011 yılında yavaş şehir olması ve 2014 yerel seçimlerinden sonra 6360 Sayılı Büyükşehir Belediyesi kanunuyla birlikte nasıl mahalle statüsüne düşürüldüğünü, bu durumun Akyaka’nın yavaş şehir markasını nasıl etkilediğini; yerel yönetimin, yerel halkın karar alma sürecine katılımını, vi markalaşma ve turizm açılarından detaylı bir şekilde ele almıştır. Türkiye’de merkezi yönetim ve yerel yönetimlerin, yerel hareketlere yaklaşımları; Gökova Körfezi’nde bulunan Akyaka örneği üzerinden ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Bölgede devam eden karar alma süreçlerinin etkileri ve halk tarafından ortaya çıkan tepkiler üzerinde durulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, yavaş şehirlerin sürdürülebilir olması ve elde edilen markalaşmanın, “Yavaşlık” ın, “Hız”a karşı duruşunun, bölge ve ülke çapında destek bulabilmesi konularında tavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hız, Yavaş Hareketi, Cittaslow, Akyaka, 6360 Sayılı Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kanunu. DEDICATION vii To My Mother Aysel Gözübol viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It was a great opportunity to write a research thesis about Akyaka and Cittaslow.Going there and talking to people who were a part of slow city movement was an outstanding experience. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Melih Ersoy for his advice, encouragement and patience during my research period. His vast ideas have been guidance for me. I also thank to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Bayirbağ and Prof. Dr. F. Nihan Özdemir Sönmez for their suggestions and comments. I wish to thank especially to Prof. Dr. H. Tarık Şengül for his valuable advice and constructive comments in order to give me opinions about the research. I would like to thank Müfit Bayram for his great contribution to discuss the issue from a professional aspect. I would like to thank the Deputy Mayor for giving me beneficial information to complete my case study. I also thank to City Slow Representative of Akyaka and Employee of Municipality for their contributions. A special thank goes to the Restaurant Owner who both prepared a feast of food each time and shared the opinions of restaurant owners in the region and to the owner of Gümüşkonak Hotel, for her hospitality and sympathy to this research. I am grateful to my family Ali Gözübol and especially to Tolga Şahin for his patience and never-ending support in my life, my faculty friends, especially, to Ufuk Poyraz for his kind support to make me believe what I am doing and Dilan Eyyüpoğlu for her contribution to make my graduation day. I would not have achieved this thesis without above mentioned people. I thank you all and Benevolent Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dürrin Alpakın Martinez Caro for being right next to me during my dissertation and letting my mom’s soul rest in peace on that day. I do not know how else to thank you Mrs.Caro.. Mom…I wish you could have seen this… ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................................... III ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... IV ÖZ .............................................................................................................................. VI DEDICATION ..........................................................................................................VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... IX TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ X LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. XIII LIST OF FIGURES..……………………………...……………………...…….….XIV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. XVI CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1. The Scope and Aim of the Study ......................................................................... 7 1.2. Research Methodology ....................................................................................... 11 2. URBANIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY ...................................................... 16 2.1. City Growth and Urbanization until Slow City .................................................. 22 2.1.1. City Growth .................................................................................................. 22 2.1.2. Urbanization ................................................................................................. 24 2.1.3. Alternative City Examples within Urbanisation .......................................... 27 Garden City (Ebenezer Howard)
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