Bowlers face Jan. 29 deadline• to sign up for National classics Selttle to Host conhnut thl'ouJlth 'l"u('$drt.v or - Men's 'reRllls PACIFIC CITIZEN Wcdncsda)·. Thursday. Mar. 7: 10 R.m, M'mb."hl ~ '"hlle.tlon. J.~.nelt Am ..',," CU,.... l ...... U S W4 11 er 51., l os Angel", C. ' 0012 C2UI lolA ' ·~~ 71 22nd A n n ua l C llssic . 10 8 p.m. - Men', & Wom­ 'ubllsh.d W.. kl, Empt l.1t Witt eI .h. YII, - _1111 ellil ' •• Ut. ,.Id .1 LIS A'Ifl.. , C.tW, ~ M". 3-9 " t Imperia l TenlAtive hcdule, \\ hich ('n's 'fean,s: 8 p.m. to I a.m.­ Illay vary 8rcol'dlng to the Men's Doubles. numbel' ot Nl.trirs. is: Friday, MRL 8: 10 a.m. to Vol. 66 No.3 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1968 Edit/Bus. Office: MA 8·6938 SEATTLE-bnt,y blank, Rnd TEN CENTS Sunday and MondRY, Mal'ch 6:30 p.m. - Men's & Wom­ nth6 pE'l'tin('nt inlol'mation 3 - 4' R.~tlme Doubles. en's Doubles; 6:30 p.m. 10 2 {n, th~ ~2nd annuRI .TACL MondR), ,"'vening-Mixer, lUll, - Men's & Womt'n'! 'ational Nisei Bow 1 i n g Tuesday. Mar 5: 10 a.m. ingles. Tournan,cnl to bt held at 1m­ to 6 p.rn Mlxcd Doubles: Saturday. MRI·. 9: 10 '.m. pt:l'ial Lanc~. her e {rom 6 p.m. to 1 R.m. - Men's to 4 p.m. - Mcn '.s & Women'. :Mal'ch ... to 9, are now ready. JACLers should weeper; 1 a.m. - Ragtime Singles. Forms may bp obtained from Doublc~ Saturday, Mar. 9: 6:30 p.m. n,embers of tbe National Ad­ Wednc8da,v, Mal'. 6: 10 1\.111 - Din ncr-Dance. ,, ~ isor.Y B081'd on Bowling. by to 10 p.m - Men's & Wom­ Tbe enb'y dcadllne fo,' lh. wrllmg to FI..,d Takagi at l1;n­ en's \Vecp~: 10 p,m. to 3 a.m, tournament is Jan. 29, 1968. guard the right periai Lanes. 2101 22nd Ave. So.. Seattle. WasIl. 98144 or III JACL National Headquarl­ ~r •. 1634 Post SI.. San Fran­ oisco 94115. 1ST ST, WIDENING PROPOSAL SNAGS of dissent: Jerry The warm-up ragume dou­ • bles will start Sunday or Mon­ Enomoto Outline. that JACLel's Ihould zeaJoua­ da~, March 3rd or 4th, and lI'L TOKIO BEAUTIFICATION PLAN ly guard the "right ot dissent JACL Commitme nt .t ... if only t1ll'ough the selflah LOS ANGELES - PI'oposal I!cles 1., known to many as PNWDC Convention realization that effective dia­ PERSPEC~ lor a LitUe Tokyo Assessment the slle of the annual Nisei sent against our government's DlSll.'1c! 10 ",slall streel lights, Week carOlval. PORTLAND - Addressing the policy mighl have prevented trees and widening oC Moline LTRA, whIch is seek",g Evacuation". PaciOc Northwest D I. t ric t Alley (now 10 CI. WIde) has buyers fol' the property, said ~ Council convention luncheon Yet dissent does not mean Jerry been shelved pending the dis­ t.he price has been reduced Dec. 17, National JACL Pres­ committing re}ony, assault or ~ position or the northside of 10 $540,000 ror 27.250 sq. Ct. • Enomoto - ident Jerry Enomoto declared in the deUberate refusal to E. 1st t. between San Pedro (aboul $19.82 per sq. Nlt'l Prtsldent fI) ct.) listen to those who disagree, and Alameda ts .• according LTRA feels the sile lends it­ he added, "Dissent is the will­ MOTIVATIO to lhe Lillie Tokyo Redelop­ sell ideally to high l'ise hotel, I Ex·Delano Nisei heads ingness to compete in the ment Assn. chairman Bruce apartment 0 r commercial $750 AWARD-Milwaukee MCL's Folk are Albert M. Davis, execu tive director marketplace ot ideas," quotin. Some JACLel's have com­ Kaji slores. of Intern ation a l Institu te, sponsor of the U.S. Sen. Robert Kennedy. mented aboul my Holiday Is­ Spectacle program for the Hloliday Folk firm's economic research If the E. 1st t is widened, Piotorlal History Fair won a $750 award from Pabst Brew­ multi-cultural even t; Arno ld Winograd, Enomoto, who reviewed the o ue philosophical ve.nture into .then Moline Alley will be ..- BY J OE OYAMA state of the organization in hi • "Motivation and Understand­ ing Co , the sums being don'lted to three Pabst corporate advertiSing director; named Sakura Lane At the Los Angeles Counly NEW YORK-Sam J. Naka­ address was lOOking al bi_­ Jng". Comparatively speaking, Museum of Natural HistOl'Y in chanties designated by the chapter. and Robert M. Sarbinowski, volun teer In reV iewing the Improve­ gama, a native of Delano, gel' picture to which J ACL I sl'enl more lines talking Exposition Park, "Japanese in Charles Matsumoto (left), c hairman of general chairman of the 1967 Holiday ments within Li'l Tokio this Calif., was recently ejected to should be committed: about the latter lban lhe for­ Los Angeles," It pictorial his­ the JACL groups, accepts plaque signi­ Folk Fair past year, KaJl pointed to the post 01 vice president of I-Political and 10 cia 1 mer. This was in no way sug­ tory of Li'l TokiO slOce the fying the award. Others in the picture -Photo Courtesy; Elmer Richardson. the completion and opening the Argus Research Corpora­ a wareness to strengthen chap­ gestive of comparative im­ 1890s. IS now on exhibit of the 16-s1ory KaJlma Bldg. tion of New York City. A ter roJe in local areas. portance. In my line o( work lhrough Mar. 28. Some or lhe in conjunction with the Sumi­ higbly reputable 8"m with a 2-A more effective human (corrections or penology H buildmgs in photographs taken tomo Bank ceremonies hail­ FUNDAMENTAL ISSUE VALUES: Milwaukee JACL good growlb potential, he II rights organization. you will) motivation is a by­ in the 1900. are stilt standing. Argus's director of economic ing the new Los Angeles of­ P NWDC Elects word Although overworked, The collection o[ pholo­ researcb, which ltsupplies eco­ It is still the key word. de­ fice on No\,. I~. th~ ho Tokyo Theater on E. 2nd St opened graphs took the museum near­ nomic and investment re­ Henry T. Kato ot Gresbam­ scribing the key faclor in hu­ ly three years to assemble, it Issei passed them onto Nisei wins $750 in search to stock brokers, mu­ Troutdale was elected PNW­ man progress. Regardless of Oct. 25, widcninJ! and instal­ lallon o[ lights on San Pedro was learned. On displa..v is the tual [unds and banks." DC governor, succeeding Ml'I. the field o[ endeavor, people camera of Toyo Miyatake Nakagama, an economics Emi Somekawa. Kato was DC don't get anywhere unless SI. and Ihe installation o[ through 'Shush in' instructions Folk Fair show " Little Tokyo" signs around made at Manzanar WRA Cen­ graduate ot lbe Univ. o! Chi­ chairman in 195 7-59_ motivation exists. ] n my busi­ ter as wetl as some exquisite cago, was formerly editor of ness, it is axiomatic that no the periphery of Japanese MILWAUKEE-Not only was town. pholographs of camp lICe and BY JAME J . BROWN mal course, moral principles "Monthly Economic Letter", delinquent, adull or youtb. landscape taken lhrough the Sacramento wel'e woven into the general Milwaukee's Japanese com­ a publication of the First Na­ But the "major stumbling can be rehabilitated unless he. hand-made camera. Many have remarked h'om cW'dculum and into school liIe munity honored at the city's tional City Bank of New block" Cor beautifying Li'l or she. is motivated. We ha\'e time to time the admirable a~­ In any way the ingenuity or 24th annual Holiday Folk Yor~ and seJ'ved on the edi­ Tokio has been the issue ot to want to do something. simiJalion of the Japanese im­ Ihe educators could devise. Al­ Fan'. Nov. 17-19. but the pal'­ tor i a I staff of "Business Widening E. 1st Street east of The PC article: by George migrants. Japanese American though it was Cormally taught ticipating Japanese group. WeekI! and wrote the column, San Pedro by 20 !eel. BOSWORTH BOO K IN Yoda 011 the Progressi\'e famities have been noted for in school, one was constantly J ACL. won second pJace in hBusiness Outlook." Westside Chapter Christmas 3-\'r. Impa e PAPERBACK ON STAN DS their devotion to family. their reminded both at home and in its huge Folk Spectacle. Joining Argus last May, at Party for the retarded pa­ hunger for education, the low the community ot his duty to The award carried S7~0 City Councilman Gitbert U.S. Army veteran with serv­ tients of Camarillo tate Hos­ NEW YORK-Bantam Books, delinquency rate among their respect pa~(!nts. teachers, and from the Pabst Brewing Co., ice in Japan, he lives with his Lindsay, whose dlstricl lIl­ pital. ncar Los Angeles, is a 1Il": . , announced Capt Allan children. Alter less than 100 .11 elders. The highe,t author­ w hich was dona led equally to eludes Li'j Tokio. was ap­ wife. Kazuko. and [our chil­ bright case in point for JACL R. Bosworth's book, " Ameri­ years, the third generation ity in the home that demanded three recipients designated by pOinted by the Council to help dren in Somerset, a suburb 01 A program like this exempli­ ca's ConcentratiOn Camps", Japanese or today are pretty respect and honor was the the Milwaukee Chapter; they devise a pJan to resoJ"e the New Brunswick, N.J.
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