EL GAUCHO Another 'Tight’ Year Vol. 49 - No. 46 Santa Barbara, California Wednesday, November 20, 1968 Faces State Schools SACRAMENTO (AP) — Another year of economy for the Uni­ versity of California and the state colleges is planned by the Reagan administration, Finance Director Caspar Weinberger disclosed Tuesday. Destroy American Racism- The economies—coming despite a surplus of about $100 m il­ lion this year—are expected to trigger a new fight between the Republican governor and Democrats in the legislature. Although outnumbered in the Assembly 41-39, the Demo­ Black Party Aim Says Seale crats must provide the votes for the two-thirds majority of 54 required for budget passage. The partisan split in the Senate is 20 20 He used the analogy of the - . By DENISE KESSLER “ I’m chained against this white “ The allocations to most of Garden of Eden to show how racist wall!” Seale charged. the agencies will be less than EG Staff Writer all Americans have been condi­ He then attempted to expose they expected,” Weinberger tioned towards unnatural no­ Finance Boss “ America has got to be sav­ how ‘ 4)Oth blacks and whites are said in an interview. “ We will ed!” was the theme of Chair­ tions. He claimed that when God brainwashed,” not only by our have no tax increases and we ordered Adam and Eve out of man of the Black Panther Party traditional institutions, which will have a balanced budget.” Paradise, it was like “com­ 'Called Down' Bobby Seale’s speech yesterday are based on absolutism, but He said that requests for new manding a pigeon to fly and then in front of approximately 2500 also by the rhetoric used today construction for UC and the col­ LOS ANGELES (AP) — The clipping his wings.” people. by scheming politicians.” leges are being cut in half by state finance director Caspar After a short introduction by administration officials pre­ Weinberger was accused yes­ Tom Crenshaw, political chair­ Ronald Reagan, “ Lynchin*” paring the 1968-69 fiscal year terday of ignoring the financial Baines Johnson, and others are man of the Black Student Union, budget that w ill be submitted plight of state colleges. which co-sponsored the lecture merely “ comic book charac­ to the legislature in February. The criticism came from As­ with RHA and Biafran Rescue ters” like Mickey Mouse, He said the university and the semblyman W infield A . Shoe-, Organization to Hasten Emer­ Donald Duck, Superman, Bat­ colleges had asked fo r $90 m il­ maker (D., Santa Barbara), man, and all the rest. “ We’ve gency Relief (BROTHER), Seale lion each for new construction. chairman of an Assembly ways began by explaining the purpose got to get hep to how these However, because the voters and means subcommitee open­ politicians talk,” warned Seale, o f the black party. turned down a $250 millionbond ing hearings on budgetary im ­ “ We don’t like to play Superman “ The Black Party exists to issue only $45 million is avail­ plications of enrollment. anymore.” destroy the racism that has ex­ able for each system,Weinber­ Shoemaker said it was un­ Seale urged that Americans isted in America for four hun­ precedented for the finance de­ stop playing along with these ger said. dred yea rs,” Seale announced. Construction money now must partment not to send a repre­ “ comic book notions” and start “We work in a revolution­ be taken out of day-to-day state sentative to the hearing. He practicing duelism. “ You don’t ary fashion to change the de­ revenues instead of funds bor­ said he had informed Weinberg­ even have any freedom — all you cadence that exists in Am er­ rowed through the sale of bonds. e r by letter of the hearing but have is Mickey Mouse and Don­ ic a .” Weinberger said the operat­ had received no reply. Shoe­ Seale stated that “ the whole ald Duck.” ing budgets fo r the higher edu­ maker said finance department misconcept” of racism started The trouble with Mickey BOBBY SEALE cation institutions will be lower staff members told him no one “ within the confines of political Mouse and Donald Duck is that He added that if Huey P . New­ than the educators have r e ­ would appear. systems throughout history” , they never made love to Minnie ton had been there, he wouldn’ t quested. The department should be and this is where it is embedded. Mouse and Daisy.” have left without “ replenishing Educational appropriations, highly concerned with state col­ the earth.” In comparison, he said, will be increased to lege financial problems, Shoe­ ’ Superman is a punk--he never meet rising enrollments “ tothe maker said. made love to Lois Lane, and he extent we possibly can.” Colleges face “ serious fiscal Bellamy Signs Up 400 never helped any black man However, he said there won’t problems” because it appears eith er.” be money left over for the extra that “ the actual enrollment will Seale exclaimed, *i*m a funds that UC and state college exceed estimated enrollmentby human being and I ’ m going to officials have been seeking several thousand students dur­ For Group Discussions liv e .” He stated that people since Reagan’s first educational ing the current fiscal year,” (Continued on p. 8, col. 5) cutbacks in 1961. he said. By DENISE KESSLER EG Staff Writer Tremendous enthusiasm for the Bellamy Society’s newest Mexico City Study Center Deadline project was expressed last week when approximately 85 per cent of the over 400 who were canvassed, signed up to participate in the proposed group discussions. Although the 30 volunteers who showed up for the organiza­ Extended Through Friday, Nov. 22 tional meeting were slightly under the number that had been ex­ pected, the organization’ s president Bob Purvin announced, “ W e’re In an attempt to interest pros­ gram is intended for future rural excursions, and Mexico really happy about the response to the concept and to the project pective social workers and Spanish teachers, perfecting City itself, live and in color, with Oaxaca, Tepozotlan, and its e lf.” ghetto teachers in the Mexico their knowledge of Spanish and Each canvasser who went out Wednesday night signed up on City Study Center Winter and their understanding of Mexican more. the average of 25 individuals. The response to the project came in Spring Quarters, Education culture. For $1300 the student w ill about equal numbers from both on- and off-campus. Abroad (EAP) is extending ap­ Any junior, senior or grad receive orientation at UCLA, According to Purvin, “ The canvassing went really easy.” No plication deadlines to this F ri­ with a good academic record bus down to Mexico City, and one had to be persuaded to join because, in general, people were day, November 22. and competency in Spanish (i.e. study two quarters in the Mex­ eager to become involved. However, Purvin admitted “ We did get EAP officer Brian Selander is having completed Spanish 6)can ican capital while living in a one complaint that we weren’t radical enough.” concerned that the program at­ be considered, according to Se­ selected private Mexican home. He attributes a great deal of the impact of the response to the tracts students who plan towork lander. Finally, he will receive full advertisement which the Bellamy Society put in EL GAUCHO on with M exican-Americans and in Distinguished faculty from academic credit upon returning Wednesday. "I think it really affected people,” Purvin commented. social service activities in Mexican Institutions of higher to his UC campus to resume his “ About 10 to 15 new people showed up just because of the ad.” which study of Mexican culture learning serve as resource in­ stateside studies. The next question is whether the people who signed up will can be important. structors at the UC “ Centro de Typical of the housing ar­ (Continued on p. 8, col. 3) Basically, however, the pro­ Estudios.” Additionally, Cali­ rangements is the home of Se- fornians will have at their dis­ nor and Señora Carlos Mendes. PAUL JACOBS: posal fine museum collections, (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) caca caca caca: «ç a caca Rgaa Americans Racist, Selfish iliaca c a c a «« By JOHN HANKINS people— such as drunk driving. to “ open up more schools in or­ We’d be against all kinds of der to relieve some pressure EG Staff Writer censorship.” on admissions and community Knocking American society In working toward his goal, opinion.” as racist and selfish from the Jacobs said, "It's time to move On the strike at San Francisco profit motive, Paul Jacobs, a from protest to ideology. We State College, Jacobs stated, writer and Fellow at theCenter must now go out and patiently “ it sounds like something got fo r the Study of Democratic In­ explain to people our position. screwed up. Dumke is an A - l stitutions, outlined his hope for Protesting has its place, but schmuck and the whole, thing a socialist state, in an informal w e must go beyond that now.” should’ve been left Inside the talk last Friday at UCSB. Expressing no fear of the campus. “A society must maximize Republican victories in the last “If the faculty there didn’t the freedom of its people,” he election, Jacobs means to fight go the way it did,” he added, said, “ and to do this would re­ that counter-ideology by ‘‘en­ “ the Black Student Union prob­ quire the abolishment of the gendering support outside the ably wouldn’t have been able to profit motive.” colleges, into the community.” close it down.” Believing that laws need not Many people outside the col­ Fresh from a journey to Par­ IDEALISTS AND DRAFT DODGERS take note-it's "Peace Corps b e repressive, Jacobs set down leges instinctively fight the pro­ is , Jacobs is now working to tape Week" at UCSB.
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