The Ecological Roots of New Approaches to Forestry by Fred Swanson and Dean Berg uring the 1940s through the cepts of natural disturbance and suc- played a pivotal role in this transfor- 1980s, forest management cessional processes. Itwas commonly mation. In the broadest sense, we are and research in the Pacific argued, for example, that clearcutting moving from treating forest manage- Northwest focused largely mimics natural disturbance by wild- ment as a series of discreet operations on harvesting natural stands fire-but is not as wasteful because to viewing forests as ecological sys- and establishing Douglas fir the wood is harvested and used. tems. One of the central components plantations. This was accomplished But, forestry is in the midst of a ofthis emerging emphasis on integra- with relative efficiency by clearcutting, major transformation. A5HalSalwasser tive management is leaving residual burning woody residues, establishing of the u.s. Forest Service New Per- forest structures (e.g., trees, snags, dense stands of a single tree species, spectives Program has pointed out, down logs,) as biological legacies to hastening crown closure, suppressing we are involved in an evolution across be carried over from one stand to the competing vegetation, and other prac- three stages of natural resource man- next. tices. From an economic perspective, agement: from regulation of uses, to Although some of the techniques such intensive silvicultural practices sustained yield management, to sus- involved in managing biologicallega- provided a relatively high short-term tainable ecosystem management. Re- cies may be relatively new, the under- return on investment. Biologically, search within and at the interfaces lyingconcepts have evolved over more these practices seemed at least super- between wildlife biology, fisheries, than a decade. Concern for maintain- ficiallyconsistent with prevailing con- ecosystem ecology, and forestry has ing habitat and species in federal for- 6 FORESTPERSPECTIVES .. .-. - ---- estland managed for timber produc- ... ment of many woody plants. These tion is reflected in federal laws, public surviving elements of the comments and litigation over forest In the broadest predisturbance system can strongly plans, and the continuing efforts of affect the rate and course ofecosystem many land managers to be good stew- recovery. Consequently, the design of ards of the land. Specifically, the con- sense, we are various ecosystem manipulations and cept of retaining structural and com- predictions of system response must positional diversity in managed stands moving from deal with nutrients, organisms, and to meet the objectives of multiple use structures both retained on and re- management is grounded in: 1) im- treating forest moved from a site as a result of distur- proved understanding of disturbance bance or management. processes in natural and managed for- ests, 2) a growing understanding of management as Ecological Functions ecosystem functions, and 3) experi- Parallel with disturbance ecology ence with managed forests, including a series of discreet research, there has been a great deal of the successes and failures of efforts to study focused on natural forest and implement intensive forestry practices. operations to stream systems during periods with- A major theme in leaving behind bio- out catastrophic disturbance. In the logical and physical legacies is main- viewing forests Pacific Northwest, much of this work taining future options-it is easier to began with the International Biologi- leave standing dead trees and large, cal Program in the 1970s and contin- rotting logs on land and in streams as ecological ued with the National Science Foun- than to generate them from an initially dation sponsored Long-Term Ecologi- clean clearcut. Although operational systems. cal Research Program in the 1980s, as testing of many of these alternative well as in a variety of other research prescriptions is in the early stages, it is programs. Findings from these and other studies include: imperative to work from results of is more complex than previously rec- ecosystem research and past forestry ognized. Recent studies in the central experience in designing new prescrip- Cascades Range of Oregon, based on ·Standing and down dead wood tions. detailed dendrochronologic analysis material is a significant element of of fire scar and total tree age records sustaining biological diversity (as habi- Disturbance Processes exposed in stumps, revealed that wild- tat for many species) and possibly Important changes in our under- fire was more frequent and involved a forest productivity. Traditional, inten- standing of natural systems have greater extent of low- and moderate- sive forest practices have the net effect emerged from analysis of the structure severity burning than expected. Large, of greatly reducing concentrations of and function of natural forest and wood debris in forests after the re- catastrophic fires were very heteroge- stream ecosystems and their responses neous, composed of patches of di- sidual woody debris from the previ- to disturbances. Studies in the Pacific verse sizes and bum severity. This ous natural stand decomposes. Northwest and elsewhere have re- complex wildfire regime left abun- vealed the dramatic importance of or- dant standing and down dead woody ·Coarse woody debris in streams ganisms surviving even extremely se- debris as well as highly variable densi- increases channel complexity, thereby vere disturbance. This was particu- ties of live trees. improving fish habitat quality and in- larly clear after the 1980 eruption of These studies ofdisturbance high- creasing retention ofnutrients in stream MountSt. Helens. Ourfirstimpression light the great importance of living systems. Stream cleanup practices em- was that previous ecosystems had been organisms and physical structures ployed in the 1970s, and splash dam- completely eradicated. However, which survive from one regime to the ming in earlier periods greatly reduced within days and weeks, surviving or- next. Examples of these "legacies" levels of coarse woody debris in ganisms of a great variety of life forms include: standing and down logs, soil streams, thereby reducing habitat qual- began the process of restoring terres- structure, high soil calcium contents ity. trial and aquatic systems. Survivors associated with cedar trees, reproduc- persisted below ground, in rotten logs, tive organs such as seeds and sprouts, ·Natural forest stands are very com- under snowpacks, and in lakes, and various vertebrate species (e.g., plex in early and late stages of succes- streams, and springs-some protected birds and mammals) as well as the sion-in contrast with the simpler under ice and snow cover. numerous invertebrates in the soil. structure and composition of stands Similarly, studies of wildfire his- Especially important are the hyphae managed intensively for wood fiber tory in Oregon revealed that this domi- and species of the mycorrhizal fungi production. Traditional practices nant disturbance process in the region which are essential to the re-establish- eliminate or reduce the duration of FORESTPERSPECTIVES 7 - -- " complex early and late seral forest ... acre), experience with shelterwood stages, possibly eliminating ecologi- cuts may provide a strong basis for cal processes and species that are de- anticipating effects on regeneration. pendent upon them. Input of nitrogen Tbe concept of Growth and yield potential of sites to Pacific Northwest conifer forests, where green trees are retained may be for example, occurs by nitrogen-fIX- retaining maintained by paying close attention ing organisms particuTarlyevident in to stand density, and thinning to con- early and late successional stages of biological legacies trol crown competition for light. In forest development. The presence of some cases, traditional and these nitrogen-fIXingspecies isgreatly through nontraditional practices may overlap. reduced in stands managed on short Forexample, regeneration on low den- cutting cycles, and in which compet- sity retention units may be achieved ing vegetation is suppressed. The net timber cutting is by using stocking levels and geneti- t i effect may be a reduction in long-term cally improved stock similar to that nitrogen input to these forest systems neither a return to used for intensive plantation forestry. where nitrogen availabilitycommonly Finally, when considering where limits productivity. Furthermore, sup- any early period of we are in terms ofunderstanding com- pression of biological legacies and plex forest ecosystems, it is useful to early seral vegetation, combined with consider the historical context of in- unsuccessful efforts to reestablish tree poor practices nor tensive plantation and multiple use plantations on clearcut harsh sites, may an abandonment forestry. Plantation forestry has been disrupt the belowground ecosystem developed over the past three decades to the point that the site isconverted to through the concerted efforts of in- nonforest vegetation. of the important dustry, universities, and Forest Service research and development programs. ·Insectivorous birds and canopy lessonsfrom The total research and development invertebrates, such asspiders and ants, investment in plantation forestry prob- can be important predators of forest ably exceeds several hundred million insect pests. Retention ofhabitat struc- decades of dollars directed at the rather singular ture, such as large, live trees and mul- objective
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