Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Olivier Berne, Emilie Habart, Els Peeter IRAP, Université Paul Saba:er, Toulouse, France IAS, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada EWASS 2018 Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics PI team: Olivier Berné (France), Emilie Habart (France), Els Peeters (Canada) CoIs: Abergel A. (Fr), Bergin E. (US), Bernard-Salas J. (UK), Bron E. (Sp), Cami J. (Ca), Cazaux S. (Nl), Dartois E. (Fr), Fuente A. (Sp), Goicoechea J. (Sp), Gordon K. (US), Okada Y. (Ge), Onaka T. (Jp), RoberZo M. (US), Röllig M. (Ge), Tielens A. (NL), Vicente S. (Pt), Wolfire M. (US) 120 Science collaborators from 18 countries. Team demographics: Asia Australia 2 % Brasil CSA 8 % observers experimentalists 1 % 25 % women 42 % 46 % 31 % 57 % NASA ESA 75 % men 12 % modelers www.jwst-ism.org Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics PI team: Olivier Berné (France), Emilie Habart (France), Els Peeters (Canada) CoIs: Abergel A. (Fr), Bergin E. (US), Bernard-Salas J. (UK), Bron E. (Sp), Cami J. (Ca), Cazaux S. (Nl), Dartois E. (Fr), Fuente A. (Sp), Goicoechea J. (Sp), Gordon K. (US), Okada Y. (Ge), Onaka T. (Jp), RoberZo M. (US), Röllig M. (Ge), Tielens A. (NL), Vicente S. (Pt), Wolfire M. (US) 120 Science collaborators from 18 countries Most of the energy massive stars inject in the the interstellar medium, is in the form of UV photons. The far-UV (E<13.6 eV) photons are absorbed at the surface of molecular clouds, and re- emiLed in the infrared (IR). Such regions are called Photo-DissociaQon Regions. A large fracQon of the IR emission in galaxies to be observed with JWST originates from PDRs Understanding the physical and chemical processes at the origin of the extremely rich spectra of PDRs is a key objecQve for JWST. Diffuse clouds, protoplanetary disk surfaces, irradiated globules, the envelopes of planetary nebulae, are also PDRs. www.jwst-ism.org Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Photo-DissociaQon Regions The scale length for FUV photon penetraQon corresponds to a few arcsec. JWST will resolve the transiQon from the molecular cloud to the PDR dissociaQon front, the ionizaQon front and the gas flow into the ionized region www.jwst-ism.org Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Choice of target for this program : Orion Bar - Archetypical PDR - Nearby (414 pc) - Well studied - Completes GTO (Horsehead and NGC 7023) - Subject to change depending on date of launch : Trifid is the alterna9ve target - Total Qme ~30 hrs HST (20x20’) Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics HSTHST (2.5x2.5’) Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics “Proplyds” — 0.5’’ HSTHST (2.5x2.5’) Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics “Proplyds” — 0.5’’ Proplyd ALMA Globules Filaments 1’’ 0.002 HSTHST (2.5x2.5’) pc Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Current mul:wavelength view of the Orion Bar Halpha / HST PAH / VISIR 8 um HCO+ / ALMA Ionized gaz at 1e4 K Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K HII region Molecular gas at few 10-100 K IonizaQon front H/H2 dissociaQon front Molecular cloud 15’’ Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Halpha / HST PAH / VISIR 8 um HCO+ / ALMA Ionized gaz at 1e4 K Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K HII region NIRSPEC IFU mosaics 16.7 hours Molecular gas at few 10-100 K - Map over ~27x3” IonizaQon front - R~2700 - Angular resolu:on : 0.2’’ - Orders : short, medium long : 1-5.3 µm - MSA Leakcal for all observa:ons H/H2 dissociaQon front - Shown in overlay : region mapped by ALL wavelengths - Dedicated off observa:on Molecular cloud 15’’ Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Halpha / HST PAH / VISIR 8 um HCO+ / ALMA Ionized gaz at 1e4 K Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K HII region MIRI IFU mosaics (5.4 hours) Molecular gas at few 10-100 K IonizaQon front - Map over ~27x4” - R=1550-3250 - Angular resolu:on : 0.2’’ - Orders : short, medium long : 5-28 µm - Shown in overlay : region mapped by ALL H/H2 dissociaQon front wavelengths - Dedicated off observa:on Molecular cloud 15’’ Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics JWST BeamSynthe:c spectra 5 μm 10 μm 25 μm Figure 2: Model IR spectra of the 4 key regions within the interface of an H ii region around a massive star (or cluster) and the natal molecular cloud (Fig. 1) illustrating the spectral richness that JWST will observe. Dust scattered light and continuum emission are shown in dotted and dashed lines respectively. Ionic, atomic and molecular gas lines, PAHs and small dust bands are shown in colors. The bandpasses of the photometric filters selected in this ERS for lines and bands are shown in gray. Spectra have been calculated with the Meudon PDR code (7), Cloudy (8), DustEM (9) and PAHTAT (10). atomic and H2 lines, all the known PAH bands, and dust emission features. Past observations of PDRs have been greatly hampered either by the limited spectral resolution which limits the detection of weak lines on a strong continuum, or by many telluric features which makes decomposition and accurate profile determinations of weak PAH subfeatures impossible. Indeed, PDR spectra are expected to be very rich and show a myriad of atomic and molecular lines which provide strong diagnostics of the physical conditions (Figs.2,4). The proposed observations will serve as a reference for accurate diagnostics of unresolved PDRs such as proto-planetary disk surfaces or distant star-forming regions. The proposed observations will produce “The JWST PDR template set” that will be used by a wide astronomical community to define their optimum JWST observing protocol to address a wide array of astronomical questions in which i) understanding the local physical conditions is a key scientific goal, 3 Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Halpha / HST PAH / VISIR 8 um HCO+ / ALMA Ionized gaz at 1e4 K Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K HII region Molecular gas at few 10-100 K IonizaQon front MIRI Imaging + NIRCAM parallel (6.6 hours) - 3x3 mosaic using subarray 128 H/H2 dissociaQon front - Angular resolu:on : 0.2’’ - Filters : 7.7 / 11.3 / 15 / 25.5 µm Molecular cloud 15’’ Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics NIRCAM (1.4 hours) - Full array in bright mode - 164N, 150W, 212N, 162M, 210 M - 405N, 444W, 335M, 410M, 300M Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Synthe'c)spectraSynthecc spectraSynthe:c spectra) a)a) HIIHII regionregion 1414 • 00 ++++ ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ Model(IR(spectra((R~3000)( 33 HH 1212 ArAr NeNe NeNe SS FeFe • Cloudy,(PDR(Meudon,(dustEM,(PAHTAT( Ionized gaz at 1e4 K 1010 • ObservaFons(NIRSPEC(IFU(+(NIRCAM(imaging( 2 8 Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K 2 8 • [FeII](1.64,(H2(2.12,(Br(α 4.05 + PAH(3.3(µm( 66 Molecular gas at few 10-100 K 11 44 ScatteredScattered lightlight 22 DustDust emissionemission 00 00 3030 b)b) IonizationIonization frontfront ++ 00 25 ++ ++ ++++ ++ ++ ++++ 66 FeFe HH 25 FeFe ArAr ArAr NeNe FeFe ArAr 2020 4 4 1515 1010 22 55 PAHsPAHs 00 00 c)c) PDR:PDR: HI/HHI/H dissociationdissociation frontfront 4040 22 ++ HH22 150150 HH22 FeFe 3030 100100 Flux (MJy/sr) Flux (MJy/sr) 2020 5050 1010 PAHsPAHs 00 00 1010 d)d) PDR:PDR: molecularmolecular zonezone 4040 HH22 HH22 HH22 88 3030 66 2020 44 1010 2 2 PAHsPAHs 00 00 11 22 33 44 55 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1515 2020 2525 11 μμmm 22 μμmm 55WavelengthWavelength μμmm ((µµm)m) ((((((((1(µm(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2(µm((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5(µm( Radia%ve feedback from massive stars as traced by mul%band imaging and spectroscopic mosaics Synthe'c)spectraSynthecc spectra) Synthe:c spectra a) HII region 14 • 0 ++ + ++ ++ ++ Model(IR(spectra((R~3000)( 3 H 12 Ar Ne Ne S Fe • Cloudy,(PDR(Meudon,(dustEM,(PAHTAT( Ionized gaz at 1e4 K 10 • ObservaFons(MIRI(IFU(+(imaging( Neutral atomic gas at ~1e3 K 2 8 • PAH(7.7,(11.3(µm,(VSG(15(µm,(conFnuum(25.5(µm( 6 Molecular gas at few 10-100 K 1 4 Scattered light 2 Dust emission 0 0 30 b) Ionization front + 0 + + ++ + + ++ 6 Fe H 25 Fe Ar Ar Ne Fe Ar 20 4 15 10 2 5 PAHs 0 0 c) PDR: HI/H dissociation front 40 2 + H2 150 H2 Fe 30 100 Flux (MJy/sr) 20 50 10 PAHs 0 0 10 d) PDR: molecular zone 40 H2 H2 H2 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 PAHs 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 51 μ μmm 10 2 μ μmm 25 μ m 5Wavelength μm (µm) ((((((((5(µm((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((10(µm(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((25(µm( Figure 2: Model IR spectra of the( 4 key regions within the interface of an H ii region around a massive star (or cluster) and the natal molecular cloud (Fig. 1) illustrating the spectral richness that JWST will observe.
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