American Mineralogist, Volume 61, pages l0S9-l I16, 1976 Lunar mineralogy:a heavenlydetective story. Part II1 JosrpHV. SnttrueNo Intt M. SrnslE Department of the Geophysical Sciences, Uniuersity of Chicago Chicago, I II inois 6063 7 Contents Abstract | 060 Introduction t06r Generaldiscussion of rock tvoes:relation to modelof Moon t06r Lunar specimenswith high MglFe l 066 (a) selectedspecimens of special interest r 066 (b) others I 070 Lunar specimenswith lower MglFe r07| (a) high-KREEPmaterial, mostly noritic t07I (b) low-KREEPnoritic material 107I (c) anorthositic to12 (d) graniticand rhyolitic 1074 (e) marebasalts t074 (f) ANr I 075 Origin of rock types I 075 Discussionof minerals lo'76 Feldspars r076 Olivines 107'7 Pyroxenes 1079 (a) relationof majorelements to rock type and crystallizationconditions 1079 (b) minor and traceelements 1080 (c) exsolution,inversion, and sitepopulation l08l (d) deformation 1082 Othersilicates.... 1082 Spinels 1084 (a) generalchemistry 1084 (b) spinelsfrom non-mare rocks I 084 (c) spinelsfrom mare rocks . I086 (d) miscellaneous 1086 Ilmenite I 087 Armalcolite, zirkelite, and possiblerelated phases . I089 Baddeleyite,corundum, and rutile l09l Apatite and whitlockite ... 1092 Sulfides,carbide, phosphide,and metals I 093 (a) sulfides I093 (b) coheniteand schreibersite I 095 (c) metallic Fe,Ni,Co minerals 109'7 Conclusion I 106 Appendix:additional lunar minerals..... r r07 Acknowledements I r08 References I 108 r059 1060 J. V. SMITH AND I. M. STEELE Abstract This secondpart is a revisedand expandedversion ofthe 1973Presidential Address, and incorporatesnew data publishedup to November 1975. The earlierlist of lunar mineralsis expandedto includecordierite, molybdenite, farrington- ite, akagan6ite,unidentified Cl,Fe,Zn-bearing phases, bornite(?), aluminum oxycarbide(?), monazite,thorite(?), pyrochlore(?), titanite, and graphite. A general discussionof rock types is set in the context of the phase relations in the silica-olivine-anorthiteand Fe-FeS systems,and a model for early primary differentiation followed by partial melting of cumulates.Most of the returned rocks are metamorphosed brecciascomposed of severalmaterials. Lunar specimenswith Mg-rich mineralsare reviewed in detail becausethey may representearly crystalline differentiates.Emphasis is placed on the chemicalcomposition of olivine and pyroxeneas a meansof sorting out the host rocks, while texturesand modesare given lesssignificance because of erratic mechanicaland metamorphic processes.Rocks with Mg-rich minerals are classifiedas dunitic [with olivine For, ,n, Cr,Al,Fe,Mg-spinel, and sometimesa titanate (armalcolite?)f,toctolitic (Mg-subgroup with olivine Foru-", and Fe-subgroupwith variable olivine mostly Foro-ru),spinel-troclolitic (di- verseolivine Fo", ,0,rare Mg-rich pyroxene,and Mg,Al-rich spinel).Rocks with mineralsof lower Mg-content are classified as high-KREEP material, mostly norilic (pyroxenes mostly Enuo-roFsru-ruWor-u,rare augite, relatively Na-rich plagioclase Anro rr), low-KREEP noritic (pyroxenesmostly Enrr-rrwo-3 but some Enrr-o.Wonu-.r,plagioclase Anrr-rr), anorthositic, granitic and rhyolitic, mare basalts, and ,4NI group. Important aspectsof the following minerals are discussed. Feldspars: trace elementanalysis by ion microprobe; cation vacancyin anorthite; experi- mental reproduction of texturesin basalts;twin distribution; domain texturesfrom electron microscopy:unusual ternary compositions. Oliuines: correlation of Al,Ca,Ti,Cr,Mn, and Ni with type of host rock; slight Mg,Fe ordering; magnetichyperfine peaks; reaction of olivine clastsin metamorphosedbreccias. Pyroxenes: correlationof Ca,Mg,Fe contentwith host rock and interpretationin termsof crystal-liquid differentiation;low content of Na and K; content of minor elementsincluding Ti,Al, and Cr; estimation of crystallizationand cooling conditions from exsolutionphenom- ena and site populations;interpretation of disorientationand cracking. Other silicates; possiblelimit on pressurefrom occurrenceof silicapolymorphs; limit on availability of water from rarity and compositionsof amphibole;possibility of garnet occur- ring in deep-seatedrocks; uncertainidentification of melilite. Spinels: apparent absenceof trivalent iron; new schemefor plotting compositionson a tetragonalpyramid with ulvdspinelat the apex;composition trend from Mg,Al-spinel toward chromite-rich spinel and then to ulvdspinelas the host rock trends from troctolitic to mare basalt;correlation of zoning from chromite to ulvcispinelin mare basaltwith relativestage of crystallizationof silicates;reduction of Ti-rich spinel to iron plus rutile or ilmenite plus Ti- poor spinel;partition of Zr betweenilmenite and ulvdspinelas a thermometer. Ilmenile: Mg/Fe ratio which probably depends on temperature and Mg content of coexisting(Mg,Fe)-silicates; deformation occurring at low shock pressure;interpretation of intergrowthswith rutile, spineland pyroxenein terms of exsolution,reduction or shock. Armalcolite:contains about 5 percentTi3+Tia+Ou; breaks down to ilmeniteand rutile below about 800-l000oC; has an Mg/Fe ratio which correlateswith that of coexistingsilicates; has an upper limit for pressurestability at severalkbar. Zr-rich and Cr,Zr-Ca-rich grains in brecciaswere commonly describedas armacolite,but may not be isostructural;their Mg/Fe ratios correlate with coexistingsilicates; because they are found with Mg-rich silicatesthey may occur deep in the Moon. Baddeleyite and rutile: Wide compositional ranges. Phosphate and phosphide: relative occurrence depends on the redox conditions. Whit- lockite carriessubstantial REE. Apatite is rich in F and Cl, and OH is probably absentor very low. Schreibersiteapparently derived from meteoritic debris and directly from lunar rocks, and the partition of Ni and P betweenschreibersite and iron mineral givesa usefulthermome- ter for metamorphosedbreccias. Troilite: ubiquitous in lunar rocks; anticorrelationof Fe and S in mare basaltsindicates LUNAR MINERALOGY loss of S; positive correlation of Fe and S in non-mare rocks indicates meteoritic con- tamination; Ti partitioning with ilmenite is temperaturedependent. Cohenite: results from meteoriticdebris, and probably from solar wind. Iron metals'. ubiquitous; indicate a low redox state; result from both meteoritic con- tamination and indigenousprocesses for which Co and Ni contents may provide a fairly reliableclue; occur in veins and vugs indicating presenceof vapor. The sum total of data provides important controls on geochemicaland petrologicmodels. Extensivecrystal-liquid fractionation, impact differentiation,shock and thermal metamor- phism, vapor transferand changeof redox conditions,and late meteoriticaddition are needed to explain the mineralogy.Although considerableuncertainties remain, primary differentia- tion of an olivine-richdry Moon is reaffirmed as a valuable model upon which many subsidiary processesincluding partial melting of cumulates,formation of an Fe,S-richcore, and impact metamorphismcan be addedas subsidiaryparameters. The cluesoffered to the lunar detective are heavily biasedby samplingand confusedby multiple processes,and much further research is needed. Introduction The appearanceof the review of lunar minerals by Part I (Smith, 1974) set lunar mineralogy in the Frondel (1975) makes it unnecessaryto elaborate context of a model Moon, crudely classifiedthe rock hereon the strictly mineralogicfeatures, and the pres- types, enumerated the observed minerals, and re- ent review concentrateson crystal-chemical,petro- viewed the propertiesof feldsparand olivine. Taylor logic, and geochemicalaspects of lunar mineralogy. (1975) provided a well-balancedview of the general Minerals not discussedin detail, and not listedin Part propertiesof the Moon, but his detailedgeochemical I, are given in the appendix. model has somecontroversial features especially con- cerning the origin of mare basaltsand KREEP-rich rocks. The developmentof the early Earth and Moon General discussionof rock types: was reviewed by Smith (1975), and a model was relation to model of Moon developed for origin of the Moon by catastrophic The confusion in lunar rock nomenclature has capture followed by accretionof the Earth-orbiting been partly reducedas petrologistsand geochemists debris. Simultaneousaccretion of solar-orbiting ma- realizedthat most lunar rocks are hybrids which have terial by a proto-Earth and an Earth-orbiting proto- undergonesequential changes including erratic shock Moon was also consideredlikely, while origin of the metamorphism. Most lunar petrologistsbelieve fhat from or volatilization the Earth Moon by fission of the outer part of the Moon (perhapsl0 km thick) is was thought to be unlikely. Uncertaintiesin models dominated by debris produced by repeatedimpact for the bulk composition of the Moon were empha- from -4.5 to -4.0 Gy into a complex assemblageof particular, sized: in existing estimatesfor Ca differ igneousand metamorphic rocks. Impacts by bodies four-fold. some tens of kilometersacross yielded superimposed Moon-wide blankets ranging from a few kilometers 'Note by J. V. Smith Revised version and expanded of Presi- thick at the edge of an impact basin to some meters dentialAddress, Mineralogical Society of America, deliveredat the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society,l3 November 1973.The first thick at great distances.The debris consistedof com- part was published in Vol. 59, p. 231-243, 1974, but various plex mixtures of material excavateddown to depths circumstancesmade it impossibleto preparethe secondpart
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