(No Model.) W. E. WORTHEN I,000MOTIVE, No. 517,133. Patented Mar. 27, 1894, 28) evasoco A34 e 47zéz- 341-vowbot 7. zoo--ocese &ltiovises The NATIONAL LITHoarAPHNa coupANY. WASHINGTON, o, . UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAM EZR.A. WORTHEN, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. LocoMoTIVE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 517,133, dated March 27, 1894. Application filed May 6, 1893, Serial No. 473,296, (No model.) To all, whom, it nagy concern. the products of combustion from the combus Be it known that I, WILLIAM EZRA WoR tion chamber also being carried upward and THEN, a citizen of the United States, residing through the stack. With the construction 55 in the city, county, and State of New York, shown, however, by elevating the valve I, have invented certain new and useful Im communication is afforded between the noz provements in Locomotives, of which the foll zle B and the condenser and the exhaust lowing is a specification, steam, if directed to the branch 5 will flow It is well known that accidents frequently downward and through the nozzle 14, acting occur in tunnels and elsewhere, because the as an injector to draw in the products of com O Smoke and steam from the stack of the loco bustion from the chamber X through the motive obscure the signals or the track, so openings ac into the condenser D, and dis that the engineer dpes not discover that the charge them through the pipe 10. To this signals are set for danger, or that the track is end, it is desirable that when this result is 65 obstructed, while the gas fills the tunnels and to be accomplished, the smoke stack J shall is offensive and dangerous. be closed, for which it is provided with a My invention consists in means whereby damper 21 in the shape of a butterfly valve, the steam may be condensed and the smoke which is connected by a rod 22 to a lever 20, and other solid particles precipitated, to which connected by a rod 19 to the valve 12, so that end, I combine with the exhaust nozzle of the when the valve is raised to open the commu 2 o locomotive and with the smoke-box, a con nication between the nozzle B and the con denser as fully set forth hereinafter and as denser, the damper21 will be closed, and the illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in exhaust steam will find its best outlet through which the pipe 5 into the condenser. 75 Figure 1 is a sectional elevation of sufficient In order that the exhaust steam may be 25 of a locomotive engine to illustrate my in condensed, and the smoke and other par provement; Fig. 2, a similar elevation illus ticles precipitated, I provide means whereby trating my improvement in a somewhat dif when the communication is open betwen the ferent form and arrangement. nozzle and the condenser, a stream of water The boiler A with its tubes and fire box and shall be passed through the condenser, meet the running gear of the locomotive is of any ing both the steam and the smoke. usual or suitable construction, and these parts As shown in Fig. 1, there is a tank 8, com have only been partially shown as their par municating with a water pipe 9, having at ticular construction is immaterial. At the the front end a movable scoop 30 connected forward end of the boiler is the usual smoke by a rod 31 with the engine cab so that the 35 box X and into this chamber extends the ex engineer by lowering the scoop 30, when the haust tubes, terminating in the exhaust noz engine is in motion, can cause a stream of zle B, a branch 5 of which communicates with water to pass upward through portsy covered a condenser D. As shown, the condenser is by the flanges of a cap valve 15, which is 90 in the form of a hollow cylinder or receptacle raised by the force of the Water, and into the having side openings a communicating with receptacle 8 within the smoke-box. This re the smoke-box, and adjustable ring Valves for ceptacle 8 communicates through a pipe 7 regulating said openings and the condenser with the upper portion of the condenser D communicates at its lower end with a pipe 10, above the nozzle l4, and when the valve 12 is 95 constituting a discharge pipe, and is con lifted, its lower tapering end which closes the 45 tracted at the upper end and provided with a contracted portion of the condenser, or upper nozzle 14, which is closed by the tapering end end of the nozzle 14, will be raised to permit 13 of a valve I, a cylindrical portion 12 of the the water to flow from the chamber 8 into the valve fitting an opening in the branch 5 and condenser, meeting both the steam and the OO acting as a valve for a port v between the smoke, and condensing the steam and pre 50 branch 5 and the condenser D. Ordinarily, cipitating all the solid particles so that neither the exhaust steam passes as usual from the steam nor smoke can escape from the outlet nozzle B and to the stackJ of the locomotive, 10, and the air is thus kept clear so as not to 517,188 interfere with the sight of signals, switches, of a locomotive, of a condenser communicat &c., by the engineer. ing with the said nozzle and with the smoke Where the tracks are not provided with the box and with a water supply pipe, and a valve usual tanks from which the water can be controlling the communication between the scooped up, other means than that described exhaust nozzle and the condenser, and also may be employed for supplying water to the between the water supply pipe and the con condenser; for instance, there may be a pipe denser, substantially as set forth. 25 running back to the tender and commu 3. The combination in a locomotive of the nicating with the upper part of the condenser exhaust nozzle and a valve closing the top of O below the port w, as shown in Fig. 2. It will the same, a condenser communicating with 65 be apparent that any other suitable Water re the exhaust nozzle and with the smoke-box, a ceptacle may be provided with a pipe con Water pipe communicating with the condenser, necting it with the upper part of the con a valve controlling the combination between denser so as to be controlled by the valve I, the exhaust nozzle and the water pipe and the or other valve. condenser, and means for shifting the said In the construction shown in Fig. 2, I pro valve from the cab, substantially as set forth. vide a valve 18 for closing the upper end of 4. The combination of the exhaust nozzle, the nozzle B when the valve 12 is raised. As condenser, water pipe and controlling valve, shown, the valve 18 is connected by a rod 33 and a damper arranged in the smokestack, and with one branch of a T-lever 20 which is con connected to be closed as the valve opening 75 nected by a rod 23 with the cab of the engine the communication between the nozzle and so that the engineer can, by moving Said rod, the condenser is opened, substantially as set shift the position of the lever 20 and control forth. the positions of the valve I, the damper 21, 5. The combination of the exhaust nozzle, 25 and the valve 18. condenser, water pipe, controlling valve, and It will be evident that an injector and a valve 18 for closing the exhaust nozzle, and condenser of different construction together damper within the smokestack, and a lever with a different valve arrangement from connected with the valve and damper and that illustrated may be employed. I have with a rod extending to the cab, substantially shown one construction only for the purpose as and for the purpose set forth. of illustrating my invention, it being simply 6. The combination with the exhaust noz necessary to deflect the exhaust steam into a Zle, of a condenser communicating with a dis receptacle which also receives the products charge pipe or outlet and with the smoke-box, of combustion from the Smoke-box and a and provided with a nozzle 14, a water pipe stream of water, and conducts the whole to a Communicating with the condenser above said 9o 35 discharge pipe or outlet. nozzle and a valve closing the communica It will be evident that in Some cases the tion between the exhaust nozzle and the con condensing of the exhaust may be a means denser, and between the water pipe and the of increasing the draft and the combustion upper end of the nozzle 14, substantially as and securing additional power Condensing set forth. the exhaust steam alone, reduces the back 7. The combination of the exhaust nozzle, pressure on the steam cylinders, and therefore condenser, controlling valve, and water pipe, increases the power of the locomotive; it may of a receptacle 8 and a pipe communicating not do so if it is undertaken to condense the with said receptacle and extending down 45 smoke at the same time, but the first will be Ward and provided with a scoop, and means o of use for a short run leaving the smoke stack for adjusting the Scoop from the cab, sub open for a natural draft with the smoke boxes tantially as and for the purpose set forth.
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