fe PORTLAND PATEY PRESS. E53 * VOL* 39. 1 OKI LAND, TUESDAY —-— MAINE, MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1900. PRICE THREE CENTS. BlISCEUUUl NfiOtJS* Army of the Republic, Governor 1» Acting McKinley and deollned to be a visitor aa to a Warder, who was Governor settlement of the Chinese trouble. i representing at the national encampment. He, this m Tanner, Mayor Commander Ever since the fail of Pekin, the princi- Harrison, afternoon sent a message to Executive Jones of tho Sons of Veterans and pal difficulty confronting the government Com- Director William H. the head mander Harper,' has boen to Atwell of the ex-prlsoners of war. here, arrange for the next of the local committee of the encamp- Chief Marshal J.F. R. Ross of movement in its programme. It could Minne- ment saying that because of the absence headed a not withdraw its even if so ~ apolis, parade alto- of troops, dis- numbering President McKinley from the encamp- gether about men. posed, without arranging for indemnifi- 5,000 ment he considered it advisable to romaln cation Preceding the naval the for the heavy cost it has bean put parade, big away. naval to in the Pekin arch, erected at Michigan avenue campaign. Also, it must G. A. and make Big B. At llubbard court was dedicated. An ALABAMA’S arrangements with some responsi- Gathering TB1AL~"t<)-DAY. ble immense crowd witnessed tho ceremonies authority for the future protection of in honor or the American interests in as our naval veterans which were It Is Expected She Will Prove Fastest China, busi- Chicago Opens. exceedingly ness Interests cannot bo withdrawn along simple. Battleship In Navy. with che of The late afternoon feature of the day’s General Heard From For army occupation. Therefore, celebration, the naval parade of Lake Commanding as conveying a faint hope that in the Boston, Aug. 27.— The new first class Michigan, proved somewhat of a persons of these members of the Tsung disap- battleship Alabama, built by the Cramps pointment, weather conditions Ei Yamen, there may be found some au- interfer- will bo her put through paces over tho thorized ing sauly with the arrangements. Resides tire First Time representative of the Chinese Cape Ann course tomorrow and her Since Aug. 18. the revenue cutters Morrill and Fessenden government competent to make engage- Old Sol- builders bave every expectation that she ment on these Fully 45,000 and a lleet of excursion steamers, It had points, the message of Mr. will outsail her the Kear- was been planned to have the large lleet of the prototype, Conger very wel come to the author- diers Present. sargo. and in so doing, win the distinc- ities here. Chicago Yacht club included in the pa- tion of Another rade from the lake park front off Jackson being tbo fastest line of battle- statement in Mr.Conger’s des- relative to the boulevard to Lake Michigan, where the ship in the American navy, Built as a patch decision of the gen- erals not to enter the naval battle took place, but the breeze of 16 knot ship, she is expected to main- imperial palace, ap- : mz ; a the His Tells of 19th pears to explain the movement of the morning died away and hardly a tain during her 4 hours trial run a speed Message August breath of air was American troops, which the des- stirring during the af- of over 17 knots. The remarkable tiling press ternoon so this patches were unable to clear In relax- part of the programme about tomorrow’s trial, and the first in- Battle at Tien Tsin. up, Promises To Be Most Successful Ever was abandoned, ing the attack upon the palace gates after necessarily The govern- cident of its nature, is that the stake RUP all but one of $ Rgs ment vessels towing barges filled with de- capturing them. 'c boats will be other battleships, namely Another Held. tachments from the Illinois naval event of the day of some In- reserves tlio Massachusetts, Indiana, Kentucky, Ac and gaily decorated with flags and | °leasnn/Jy andUvinpr/y Koarsarge and Texas, detached tempora- streamers and the excursion boats made rily from Rear Admiral Farquhar’s com- Cleanses the System an imposing appearance. mand. and as a squadron, they will con- Gently and Effectually The fleet arrived off Lincoln Park about Minister Want and Bond’s 4.30 and then in stitute the most formidable ever gath- Cables Arrival of when bi4ious or costive. p.. m., sight of tens of Conger thousands of the ered in New England waters. The spectators revenue cut- Dedication of Naval ters wltn their blue jacketed crews work- Fresh German /resents in the most acceptable form THE WEATHER. Troops. the laxative principles of r/ants ing the rapid fire guns of the two vessels BLAGKSTONE known to act most beneficially. Arch. went through some beautiful maneouvre- Ing In the shum fight for the supremacy. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS The evolutions exemplifying the work- CIGAR ings of two fighting ships In battle lasted — for half an hcur and at BUY THE GENUINE MANF D. BY their conclusion of The the fleet slowly steamed back to the har- Some members of Tsnng Li Yamcn Leading CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. bor. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. The And The Said To Be in Banquets Speeches I.he end of the naval fight off Lincoln Pekin. We Londre 10UISVIUE NY, NEW YORK, N.Y. Park closed the official programme of the Fat ssh br Sruggnff — ftn'tr 50* per boff/e. Last Evening. encampment for the day, but all over the in the merits* city In various halls and In the hotels, 27 — Local forecast: there were reunions of regiments and Boston, Aug. Known Everywhere. CENTER & gathering of comrades who had not met Showers, followed by clearing weather MCDOWELL, since the days of the war. One of the Tuesday morning. Wednesday, fair; Washington, August 27.—After several ous omission, but Anally concluding from QUALITY 53fl Congress St. leading affairs of the night was the ban- westerly winds. days' Intermission In Chinese advices, internal evidence that Mr, Conger’s mes- des- Chicago, August 37.—The 84th annual quet of the Iron Brigade, which was held Washington, Aug. 27 — Forecast for the government today received two sage was certainly later than any olli- COUNTS. its ad- jial | encampment of the Grand Army of the at the club house of the Athletic club at Tuesday and Wednesday for New 'Eng- patches which presumably bring emanation from the Chinese capi- which was last 0.30. The list of and toasts was vices to the most recent date There are tal, the was allowed THE WOMAN’S OXFORD TIES Republic, formally opened speakers land: Local rains and cooler Tuesday. message publicity for night the monster in the ooll- its follows: indications that the principal delays in what it was worth. tell of are at reduced prices— by meeting Wednesday, fair; light southwesterly was in D. the lines ot communication are en- real reductions f,-ona modi rate seum, full blast today and In all Speaker B. Henderson—“Our Coun- shifting to northwesterly winds. Mr. Conger’s reference to the arrival try.*’ between Tien Tsin and termer pure*. If have a doubt respects it promises to be the greatest and countered Pekin, o f 2000 fresh German caused some you Julius C. tr. S. Senator from troops Burrows, a the ad- about a and If our* most successful the — fact by newspaper no It, buy pair, aro encampment army Michigan “New Responsibilities of LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. explainable surprise, one apparently having close- cot &e good, or better, we will es- has ever held. All last and all of American vicas that small bauds of Boxers are watched night Patriots.’’ Portland, Aug. 27, 1900. —The local ly the movements of the Ger- teem It a privilege to be allowed to Governor Edward Scofield of Wisconsin on the line of communication today train after train loaded down with weather bureau records the following: operating man contingent, which is now arriving refund the cosh —“Wisconsin s Record in the Civil War.*' purchase veterans and their rolled Into the of the Pekin campaign force. Just such with friends, General Albert 1). commander in 8n. m.—Barometer. 29.945; thermome- fairly regular frequency in China Shaw, dew rel. interference with the work of the various depots in the city, and, by eve- chief G. A. R.—“The Pri^lpe Soldier of ter, 80; point; 68; humidity, 62; signal and which consquently may be expected URGE ASSORTMENT direction of the wind, calm; velocity of the United ning it was estimated by railroad officials the Great War.” corps men was experienced by soon to equal in numerical the the 1; state of weather, strength Of Woman’* Fiiimt Hlnt-k aud Governor James A. Mount of Indiana wind, p. cloudy. forces in the and that forty-five thousand old soldiers had States Philippines by military contingents of any of the Eu- Ta ii Kid Lace —“The New Birth of Our Country.” 8 p. m.—Barometer, 89.880; thermome- Oxford*, good arrived and that three thousand other ex- Lord Roberts’s troops in the Transvaal nations there James G. Flanders of Milwaukee— ter, 80; dewpoint, 61; rel. humidity, 62; ropean represented. »<arfr* and very atyllah, are cursionists bad come with them. It is “The Duties of Good direction of the wind, SW; velocity of the campaign. A mow at j Citizenship.” signiAcant statement In Minister priced only state of that there will be thousand Charles G. Dawes, comptroller of the wind, 2; weather, clear.
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