The Theological Basis for Congregational Government • Are Your Deacons Helping Your Church? FrontLineB R I N G I N G T H E T R U T H H O M E FrontLineMarch/April 2009 • $3.95 Looking forfl exibility in your Adult Bible Studies and Small Groups? Life Design adult Bible studies from RBP are intensely Biblical, intentionally practical, and incredibly fl exible for use in small groups or the classroom. With more than 15 titles to choose from, you’ll be sure to fi nd something that meets your needs. To learn more, visit www.rbpAdultMinistries.org 800-727-4440 • Canada 800-366-8004 Regular Baptist Press Building Lives by the Book MARCH/APRIL 2009Contents FRONTLINE MAGAZINE VOLUME 19 • NUMBER 2 6 A Theological Basis for Congregational 10 Congregational Government Church Departments Larry R. Oats Government Fred Moritz The church that adheres 5 On the Front Line to congregationalism is a What is it about our What God Is Doing in church that comprehends the “faith and practice” Uncertain Times theological foundations of that distinguishes us Brian Trainer this dispensationally distinc- from believers in other tive position. denominations? 20 On the Home Front 24 Cogitations 13 Are Your Deacons Warren Vanhetloo Helping Your Church? Andrew Hudson 26 Ladies’ Circle A deacon’s calling requires When God Says “Yes” honesty, tact, sympathy, and Linda Turner considerable practical wis- dom. 27 Wit & Wisdom David Atkinson 16 Francis Wayland: 28 Regional Report The Ideal of Brent Belford Autonomous Baptist Churches 29 The Evangelist’s David L. Saxon Corner 21 Unity in a Throughout their history The Lord’s Presence for Baptist Church? Baptists have been com- His People Charles R. Phelps mitted to autonomous Jerry Sivnksty local churches. Like other Every believer ought to 30 At a Glance Christians, however, they take seriously the often 1 Thessalonians—Holiness and have often noted the value of neglected portion of the Hope amid Hard Times cooperation and fellowship typical church covenant Layton Talbert between churches. in which we promise to “strive to sustain the unity of the saints.” 33 Newsworthy Robert Condict 35 Global Focus The Missionary-Sending Congregation Pearson Johnson 37 Chaplain News A Chaplain Candidate’s ROTC We are grateful to Brian Trainer for his help with this issue. Experience Seth Hamilton 39 Behind the Lines Visit us on the Web at Getting Behind the Lines www.fbfi.org through an Orderly Retreat Sandy Perry FrontLine Editor Executive Board Dr. John C. Vaughn Dr Rick W Arrowood President Rev James W Baker Office Manager Rev Earl Barnett Chaplain Wayne A Bley Mrs. Malinda Duvall Dr David L Burggraff Publication Editor Rev Richard J Cross Dr Johnny Daniels Mr. Steve Skaggs Dr Michael W Harding Contributing Dr Gary O Hirth Editors Dr Sam E Horn Dr David C Innes Dr. Mark Minnick Dr Stephen B Jones Dr. Layton Talbert Dr John C Mincy Design Dr Mark A Minnick Mr. Mike Moreau Rev Jeffery D Musgrave Harvest Media Dr Thomas Nieman Dr Matthew R Olson Executive Officers Dr David Pennington Dr. Bradley Smith Dr C Matthew Recker Chairman Rev Wilbur W Schoneweis Dr. Chuck Phelps Rev Ronald V Smith Jr Vice Chairman Dr Michael Sproul Rev Jeremy Sweatt Dr. Kevin Schaal Dr Wayne VanGelderen Jr Secretary Dr Mike Yarborough Dr. Gordon Dickson Treasurer Advisory Board Board Emeritus Rev Mark A Bouslog Dr Charles Britt Sr Dr Tom C Knauf Dr David D Byford Dr Gerald B Carlson Dr Peter I Maruyama Rev Robert Campbell Dr Edward G Caughill Dr Bennie L Moran Dr Robert A Condict Dr Walter L Coles Mr Mike Moreau Rev Kenneth M Endean Dr Marion Fast Dr Fred J Moritz Dr Johnny J Franco Dr Collins Glenn Dr Ed Nelson Dr Brian Green Dr Les Ollila Rev Michael Gray Dr Bill Hall Dr Randolph Shaylor Dr David R Shumate Dr Bruce Hamilton Dr John E Stevens Rev Douglas B Wright Dr Bob R Jones III Dr Robert Taylor Rev Aaron Young Dr Gary Jones Dr George D Youstra Dr Walter Kirk Mission Statement: The Fundamental Baptist Fellow- ship International exists to provide a rallying point for Fun- damental Baptists seeking personal revival and the opportu- nity to work with committed Bible-believers in glorifying God through the uncompromising fulfillment of the Great Com- mission. As the journal of the FBFI, FrontLine Magazine provides a forum Featured Speakers: New this year! for God’s people to reverently express a conservative Christian per- spective on pertinent issues. In an effort to keep readers informed, ■ Dr. Kevin Bauder A post-conference session quotes and references to many different individuals and organiza- ■ on Friday, June 19 tions will appear. This does not imply the endorsement of the maga- Evangelist Will Galkin zine or its board. Unsolicited manuscripts and artwork accepted for ■ Stephen Jones Time Management Seminar: review. ■ Dr. John Hartog III Achieving Your Highest Priorities Advertising: For information contact Harvest Media at (847) 352-4345 or FAX (847) 352-0317. All advertising in FrontLine is for ■ Dr. Mark Minnick Presented by Pastor Shaun the sole purpose of sharing valuable resource materials with our ■ Walker, a time management readers. Although we carefully screen the materials, we are not giv- Dr. Chuck Phelps ing a blanket endorsement of any products or advertisers. ■ Chaplain Joe Willis instructor with Franklin-Covey. FrontLine Magazine HOSTED BY 2801 Wade Hampton Blvd., Suite 115-165 Taylors, SC 29687 Bethel Baptist Church (800) 376-6856 • (864) 268-0777 Schaumburg, Illinois E-Mail: [email protected] • www.fbfi.org 4 Visit www.fbfiannualfellowship.orgFrontLine • March/April 2009 for full details. COPYRIGHT 2009 FrontLine Magazine. No materials may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publishers. ISSN 1526-8284 On the Front Line A NOTE FROM THE PRESIDENT What God Is Doing in Uncertain Times Brian Trainer Editor’s Note primary actors or subjects of activity. from tradition but from the text. The Recently a reader asked for clarifi- Chapter one describes the work of God five main articles, written by members cation on the format of FrontLine mag- the Father as He blesses, chooses, pre- of the faculty of Maranatha Baptist azine, particularly, “Why are the page destinates, adopts, redeems, forgives, Bible College and Seminary, seek to numbers in the middle of the maga- empowers, and enlightens a people develop facets of this truth. Each arti- zine out of sequence?” Most long- for His name to the praise of His glori- cle approaches the topic from a par- time readers of FrontLine know that ous grace (1:3–19). The result of these ticular point in the hermeneutical cir- the center section is designed to be actions is the creation of a body and the cle. Dr. Larry Oats’s article presents a removed for filing in a collection. It is construction of a building called the systematic theological framework for written primarily for pastors, whereas church (1:22, 23; 2:20–22). These called- congregational government in com- the rest of the magazine is written out ones are not to live parison to other models. for a broader audience of Christian independently of each Dr. Fred Moritz and Mr. readers. At first glance, this particular other but are to be joined Andy Hudson provide issue may appear to be addressed only together as one new man The local exegetical studies from to readers in full-time church minis- functioning as a single Acts displaying how the try, but we pray that it will receive household of God (2:12– church is where early church functioned. a much wider reading among all 19). The accomplishment God is at work Each focuses on different Fundamental Baptists—pastors and of the task of bringing aspects of body life. These lay people alike. The articles to follow together this redeemed today. are followed by a historic were planned and written by leaders group of strangers into a study of the position of of the Bible College and Seminary of single body has a single Francis Wayland by Dr. Maranatha Baptist Bible College, and intent: that all earthly and Dave Saxon. Wayland’s for continuity we have asked Brian heavenly powers would know the principles of congregationalism were Trainer, Chairman of Bible and Church “manifold wisdom of God” (3:10). forged at a time when autonomous Ministries at Maranatha, to write an For those who wonder what God local churches were a rarity. These introduction in On the Front Line. is doing in our uncertain times, the insights from the 1850s assist in dis- The content of this issue of answer is clear: He is constructing a cerning contemporary issues in church FrontLine is timely; it is the simple building and creating a body through governance. Then Dr. Charles Phelps foundation needed in ongoing discus- the work of Jesus Christ to the intent gives practical, pastoral lessons on sions among Fundamental Baptists that all may recognize His manifold how local churches operate. He writes regarding church governance and pol- wisdom and glorious grace. He is still from the perspective of over twenty ity. We deeply appreciate the team at at work through the local church. This years of pastoral experience. Maranatha and commend these arti- truth makes all that we do in our local It is our desire that this edition cles to you for your edification. church context vitally important. That would provide encouragement, guid- is the arena to which God is directing ance, and instruction. Every hymn His attention. That is the fellowship sung, every message preached, every uring this time of economic, to which He targeted specific inspired lesson taught, and every decision political, and ecclesiastical instruction.
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