OOVERNMINT OF HARYANA ?FT i r m Memorandum Explanatory on the Budget FOR 1988-89 CHANDIGARH; PINTID AT GOVT. PRESS, U X , CHANDIGARH 1988 ■ TON I ENTS fTmrwT irn Creneral Abstracl Pages m \ m i H’r?rT?ff ^ m r , i e g 8-89 0 ( CJeneral A bstract of Receipts and Disbursements, 1988*89 i xvli w n % ' P art ‘A’ ^ 1988-89 ^ 55pTfrr5flf sfrr Fi IFinatice Secretary’s Memorandum Explanatory on the Eistlmates, 1988-89 1-57 H itT ^ W V A iAnnexures 1—171 NI^PA - DC II D4088 *■ Jdb. National Untl^ Nation#! I 'Im tinit* of EduriHoAttl Plitntiir^r 'f'-H AfwitiiicfftttCiii 17-B,St 1/4.Jr)«]hi4l00ii DOC. D i t e irftm ro T T m x BUDGET ABSTRACT OF THE HARYANA GOVERNMENT FOR 1988-89 n COVER NMEnT o f sn trm ’I'rarnf OBNBRAL ABSTRACT OF RECEIPTS (Is thouian^ qTWrq«f>, W ? mftferr 1 9 « 6 -8 7 w-jMnt, Sectoral «od M i ^ Head 1 9 8 7 -8 8 1987^ 88 1 9 8 8 -8 9 fl'trr ^ ^ of Q^rmusmi traiiMctioas Actuals, Budget Revised Bodgef 198«-87 Estimates, Estimates, Estimates, 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 CONSOLIDATED FU>fD— r b v b n u b r e c e ip t h e a d s (RBVBNUB ACX»UNT) rfW ( x r w A—TAX r e v e n u e V—VK trirw («) Taxts OH Incomt und ExpmdUmt ( v ) V R »rhc <R VC 0021-~*Taz«t on lacoroe otb«t 23,19,01 27,94,00 27,69,00 ' 30.64,00 0 0 2 1 *mr v t than Corponttioo T u — 0022^TtMS on Agrfeuhoral •• •• Income 0 0 2 2 — ^ m ^ vx 0026— Otb«r Tajof on IncocM 1 aad Bqwaditure •• •• 002 8— «rnr v 'k 7o/tf/(d) TUxes on Ineom* and BxptndUur* 23,19,02 27,94,00 27,69,00 . 30 64,00 ^ ( v ) «mr iiPT q r ^ U ) TnxaajmPropviyattd CtipaalTranMKtleta ( w ) HPfftr <fr wx C029—I.and Revaoue 2,33,29 80,00 62,00 65,00 0 0 2 9 — OOdO^Sumpt and RegUtratioo 45,67.85 46,62,00 51,28,13 57,43,00 0030 — Rn»T?nrT 0031~Ettato Dut; 18.80 4,00 (_)81,00 .. 0 0 3 1 — K m r ^ 0035—Taxes oo Immovable PropenyoUier than Afii> •• •• •• 0035— •TT qr? cultural Land Toted Taxgs on Property 48,19.94 47.46,00 51,09,13 58,08,00 ( « ) ^n*Tftr and Capital Tronsaetions TK VX Taxts OH ComtnodUisi and (<r) 'm *TFg*rf %ftx tk v t 0039—State Excise U2,73.80 1,57,76.00 1 86,20,00 0039— Tm ^ 0 0 4 0 -Saies Tax 2.56,24.05 3,00,02,00 3,72.98,00 004 0 — W t ^ 0'w41—-laxes on Vthjciei 15.56,47 19,03,00 18,00,00 20,00,00 0041— TT ^ 0042—1 axes on Goods and PasseDyers 73,30,80 79,55,00 81,75,00 93,18,00 0 042 — »mr v\x <r 004i—Taxes and Duties oo 27,21,20 32,35.00 28,54,29 33,88,31 0 0 4 3 — ^ 0045*-OtbM Taxes and Duties an Coamodiues and Services 12,78.11 14,38.00 15,41,00 16,95,00 0 045 — 5F2T Totai («) Taxes on Commo^ K aitiei and Services 5,17,84.43 6.03.09,00 6,12 75.29 7,23,19,31 (ir) 'm ^ TOTAL A^XAX RBVf.NUK 5.89.23,39 6,78,49.00 6,91.53,42 8,11 91,31 ^ V—WX THJT? HARYANA -VND DrSSURSH'-TENTS or Rupees) ^5rf^«F,l98 6>87 ?312 19 8 7 -8 8 1 9 8 7 - 8 8 W ST'i»TT5r, 1 9 8 8 -8 9 Aetoals. 1986.87 : odac< Estimates, 1 >87*88 Revised Estimates. 1987-&8 Budiiet Estimates, 1988>89 SectoraJanjI Major Head Classificanon ofGovercs'coi iiitksaciiofis #5T-§JT ?reiT \V3 etsrsTTiB 9l^STTf5TS? ?Aif5rnicf ifra ^‘0£I-P1^JP pj^p 7^13' >on-Pt?r plan Tola! Nor-Piar Flar. Toia) Non-Plan Plac Total ^i^^^SOLlDAlTlD PUW IJ- III AEVENUE EXPEN(DiTURB h Ba DS (R£VENUE ACCOUNT) GKNEaAL SERVICES (a) OrffOHS of State iO ll—PariiaiBen(/State/UQioD Terricor)> Legislatures 87*89 87,89 95,01 95,01 1,23,03 1.23,03 1.03,71 1.03.71 2011— ^ ^ W 5 ! 20 j2— President/Vic©-President/Governor 2012— ’CP^T%/^-TT«^r5r/Tr®rn«T/€^ Administrator of Uaion Territori« 35,17 35,17 30,36 30,36 46,57 46,57 40,70 40,70 2013—Council of Ministers 1,75.64 1.75,64 1,59,81 1,59,81 2,58,71 2,58,71 1,76,35 1.76.35 2 0 1 3 — 2014— Administration of-Justice 4,87,46 4,87,46 5.17.72 5,17.72 6,72,49 6,72,49 6,27,47 6,27,47 2 0 1 4 — s?rr?r=T 2 0 J5 — EiectiODs 92.75 92,75 75,5 75,50 1,26,92 1,26.92 50.10 50,10 2 0 1 5 — Total (a) Organs of State 8,78.91 3,78,91 8.73,40 8,78.40 12,27,72 12,27.72 9.98,33 9.98,33 sit? ( v ) ^ (,&) Fiscal Service.^. (q) U) Collection of Taxes on Income and Expenditure— ( i) «JT*T ^ ^ — 2020—Coliectjon of Taxes on Incotre and 2020— *rnr ®r^r ^ Expenditure (ii) 'it . ii) CollectioQ of Taxes on Property and ^ — Capital Transactions— 2029—Land Revenue 5,16,16 3,20 5,19,36 5,26,60 3.00 5,29.60 6,48,01 2,94 6,50,95 6,46,41 2,00 6,48,41 2 0 2 9 — 1030—Stamps and Registration 46,72 .. 46,72 30,19 30,19 32,13 32,13 32,78 32.78 2030— ?r«rr 2035—Coilection of other taxes on propwty and Capita! Transactions 203 5 — ifpct i^V (iii) Collection of Taxes on Coamoditien (iii) vKf vtn 'tx v t and S«rvicea— 20)9oSutc Excise 20 39— TTRT 53,20 53.20 58.86 58,86 70,49 70.49 70.19 70.19 20 4 0 -Sales Tax 2 0 4 0 5,02,79 5.02,79 4,94.67 4,94,67 6.22,96 6,22.96 5.74.98 5,74.98 2041—Taxas on Vehicles 2041— *rr^ *Tt ^ 69.95 69,95 60.75 60.75 55,50 55.50 64.19 64.19 ?0I5—Otbet Taxes and Duties on Con* 2 0 4 5 — ip*r iftT ^rwriff «n: aodities and Services 42,78 42,78 29,59 29.59 36,39 36,39 40,94 40,94 ^ ?r*rT ^ Mv) Other Fiscal Services— (iv ) *rar ^mr?— 2047~ Other Fiscal S«fvtce» 58,93 58.93 80,15 80,15 82,0) 82.00 92,00 92.00 2 0 4 7 — Ipu TetaUb) Ptsea! Str^ce^ 12»90»53 3 20 12,93,73 12,80.81 3.00 12,83.81 15,47.48 2.94 15.50,42 15.21,49 2.00 15.3249 n t« (w ) TW|r> governm ent o f srrf^pif ?r«n general abstract of receipts (f'iS (la tbousaotfs) 5 ^2 l f 8 6 - 8 7 ST^5H, Sectoral and Major Hud I sitT^r? Classification ofOoveromefit 1 9 87-88 1 987-88 1 9 8 8 -8 9 trantactioof Aptuals. Budgrt Revised Budt?* lj>86-87 Estimates, Estimates, Estiuia'es, 1987-88 1987-88 1938-89 ( CONSOLIDATED FUND— RBVRNUE RECTJPT HEADS (REVENUE ACCOUNT)—e«i/rf 1 B—NON-TAX REVENUE {^) szTToT srrf^JiT, ?=r»? (6) Interest Receipts, Dividends atd profit/ 0349—InMiwt Receipts .. '<|),70.71 86,49,92 1,64,61,83 1,19,52,56 0 04 9— snf^qr 0350—Dividends and Profitj 32.96 86,48 99,62 1,05,56 0 3 50-—^■»Tt9I Total Jmtrtsi Receipts, ^^iPkT^r, 5T T ^ ^€TT 5TT» Dividends and Profits ^1,03.67 87,36,40 1.65,61,45 1,20,58,12 (il) ic) Other Non-tax Rertnue (0 General 5 «rv/cM ( i ) ^rPTT^ 0 J51—Public Service Commi«* 23,97 9,90 49,90 9,90 0051— smfYri itoa 0355—Police ,58,31 1,25,91 1,80,71 1,80,71 0 0 5 5 — 0056—JaDt 99,51 1,84,99 1,84 99 2,03,59 0 0 5 6 — ^5! 0)57—Supplies and Diipotal* .. 3,73 3,50 2,70 3,50 0 J 5 7 — 0058—Stationery and PrintiDg 48,42 64,62 63,66 64,59 0 058— cTOT 0059—Public Worki 1,04.97 1,62,00 1,62,00 1,72,00 0 )59— nT»Tf^ 0070—Other Admioitcrative i.54.48 4,17.64 4,52,00 4,77,82 0 0 7 0 —^ q-5TT?rfff^ Sor^oe* 007I—Cootributions and 1.04.90 2,31,20 2,50,00 C07I— # Recoveriea towards pensiooi < -.85,71 and other retirement benefit! 0075—Miscellaneoui Qeneral | ,19,67 46,77,52 40,81,80 49,10,60 9 0 7 5 — Service! Total (i) General Serfices 4 .98.77 57,50,98 54.08,96 62,72,71 3Tt? ( i) Ui) Social Services ( i i ) ^Tnnf^Ri 0202—Education, Sports, Art .
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