April 21, 1938 5c a copy THE WITNESS AUSTIN PARDUE New Dean of St. Paul’s, Buffalo ARTICLE BY THE POOR PARSON Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES SCHOOLS BRISTOR, WALLACE, formerly in charge of St. Paul’s, Kennewick, and Our Saviour, « ¡* (Hetteral fEIjeoIogtcal Pasco, Washington, is now in charge of Kemper 1TO X St. Paul’s, Port Townsend, Washington. «• J^emmary COLE, WILLIAM HENRY, formerly in KENOSHA, WISCONSIN charge of work at Turners Falls, Shelburne T h ree - y ear undergraduate Falls and Ashfield, diocese of Western Episcopal Boarding and Day School. course of prescribed and elective Massachusetts, is now the rector of Holy Preparatory to all colleges. Unusual study. Trinity, Southbridge, Mass. opportunities in Art and Music. Fourth-year course for gradu­ COOPER, FREDERICK W., formerly assis­ Complete sports program. Junior tant at the Ascension, New York, is now ates, offering larger opportunity the rector of St. Mark’s, Adams, Mass. School. Accredited. Address: for specification. DOZIER, JULIUS F., formerly of the Re­ SISTERS OF ST. MARY Provision for more advanced deemer, Oklahoma City, Okla., is now Box W .T. work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. locum tenens of Emmanuel, Memphis, Ten­ nessee. and D.Th. Kemper Hall Kenosha, Wisconsin HAINES, ALFRED J., rector of Trinity, ADDRESS Pierre, S. D., has resigned to take charge CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL of work at Winner, Colome, Dallas and THE DEAN Millboro, S. D. He is to reside at Winner. New York City HAYNES, JOHN WILSON, was ordained A boarding school for the forty boys of Chelsea Square New York City priest at the American Pro-cathedral in the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint John the Paris on April 20th by Bishop Perry. He Divine. Careful musical training and daily For Catalogue Address the Dean is to take charge immediately of the Am­ singing at the cathedral services. Small erican Church of the Ascension in Munich. classes mean individual attention and high standards. The School has its own building HERMITAGE, WILLIAM, Sacramento, Calif., and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $300.00 is temporarily in charge of St. Paul’s, Bur­ per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice Episcopal Theological School lingame, California, during the absence of test and scholarship examination. Addrest the rector, the Rev. Herald Gardner, on a The Precentor, Cathedral Choir School. Cathe­ CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS leave of absence. dral Heights, New York City. Affiliated with Harvard University offers unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as KLINE, A. REAMER, assistant at St. An­ philosophy, psychology, history, drew’s, Boston, is now the assistant at sociology, etc. Christ Church, Fitchburg, Mass. HOLDERNESS For Catalogue Address the Dean KLOMAN, FELIX, assistant at Grace Church, New York, has accepted the rectorship of In the White Mountains. College Preparatory Christ Church, Philadelphia. and General Courses. Music and Crafts. For boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 The Protestant Episcopal LITTLE, PAUL, rector of All Saints, San acres of woods. New fireproof building. In­ Francisco, California, ill for a number of dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Theological Seminary in Virginia weeks is recovering and will soon return For Catalogue and other information to duties. Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector address the Dean McKENZIE, JOHN V., formerly rector of Box W Plymouth, N. H. REV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS, D.D. St. Paul’s, Huntington, Conn., has accepted the rectorship of Christ Church, Canaan, Theological Seminary Alexandria, Va. Conn. SANDERSON, ALBERT E., formerly rector of St. Stephen’s, Oxford, N. C., has ac­ Berkeley cepted the rectorship of Emmanuel, Bristol, and St. Thomas, Abingdon, Va. Stuart If all An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old Divinity School TEISEN, TAGE, travelling in Europe for a traditions and high standards in the beau­ New Haven, Connecticut year because of ill health, has accepted for tiful Valley, of Virginia. College prepara­ tory, general courses, and secretarial Affiliated with Yale University one year the rectorship of Bethesda-by-the- Sea, Palm Beach, Florida. courses. Two years beyond high school Address DEAN W. P. LADD Muisic, art, expression. Graduates success­ 86 Sachem Street TODD, EDWIN R., rector of St. Mark’s, ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. Aberdeen, S. D., has resigned to take up New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ work in the diocese of Texas. ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. TRINITY COLLEGE URBAN, LEIGH R., rector of St. Andrew’s, Longmeadow, Mass., away from his parish Hartford, Conn. due to illness, is recovering and is soon to Offers a general cultural education, with return to his duties. special emphasis on the Classics, Modern Languages, English, Economics, History, Phil­ osophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, The Church Divinity School of the Pacific Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineering. MARGARET HALL BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA For information apply. The Dean. Dean, Henry H. Shires 2457 Ridge Road Under Sisters of St. Anne (Episcopal) Small country boarding and day school for girls, from primary through high school. Accredited college preparatory. Madera build­ ing recently thoroughly renovated includes gymnasium and swimming pool. Campus of An Honor Christian School with the highest six acres with ample playground space, a lv e r t errick academic rating. Upper School prepares for hockey field and tennis court. Rate $650. C -H university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ For catalog, address: Sister Rachel, O.S.A., ern equipment. Junior School from six years. Box A, Versailles, Kentucky. Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. & R iedinger Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. 2 & 4 East . 23rd . Street Virginia Episcopal School HOODS New . York . City Lynchburg, Virginia ALL COLLEGES— ALL DEGREES Prepares boys for colleges and university. SURPLICE S—LINEN OR SILK Splendid environment and excellent corps of teachers. High standard in scholarship and athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in C. M. ALMY & SON, Inc. STAINED GLASS . MOSAIC the mountains of Virginia. 562 FIFTH AVENUE - NEW YORK, N. Y. For catalogue apply to AND . CHURCH Outfitters to the Church and Clergy since 1892 Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D. D., Rector DECORATION St. Faith's School Secretarial, Art, Music, French, Winter ERNEST W. LAKEMAN CHURCH . APPOINTMENTS Sports. Regents Examination. Tuition $650 yr. Protection, Care, Health. DESIGNER AND WORKER IN IN . MARBLE . STONE Some scholarships available. WOOD . AND Apply to STAINED Gr LEADED GLASS REV. DR. F. ALLEN SISCO, Principal 336 EAST 28 ST. NEW YORK METAL Saratoga Spa, N. Y. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Irving P. Johnson ____ Associate Editore Managing Editor HP T-T T? XAT T HP 1VT TT Q Q Frank E. W ilson William B. Spopford Hj 1 X I I VV X IN II/ U U H. Ross Greer Literary Editor Gardiner m . Day A National Paper of the Episcopal Church A. Manby Lloyd Vol. XXII. No. 24. APRIL 21, 1938 Five Cents a Copy WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, and semi-monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year ; in Bundles for sale at the church tl?e P^:per sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 29, 1937, at the Post Office ■at Chicago, Illinois, under act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. Pa r o c h ia l Personalities TN E V E R Y Parish there are some people who are ish. Let him go out of his role to tell the layman, who ^ unhappy. They do not like the rector. Yes, you is disgruntled—if such there be-—that the best way to will foe surprised, but there are some in the Poor Par­ accomplish his purpose is not to stay away and lose for son’s Parish too. himself the benefits of the Church, (for which there is They are good people—that is, worthwhile people— no substitute) but to be a regular attendant upon the who have some training in the Church and who need sacraments, and a worshipper of God in the Church. the Church and certainly people whom the Church The priest of your parish, no matter wherein or how he needs; and yet they feel that they can not fit. Either has failed, must recognize you as a regular worshipper they can not get over their dislike of the rector, or their and one who knows the Lord in Communion with Him. prejudice against some practice which he has initiated; I wonder if you can do that without finding your dif­ •or they have allowed their prejudice to make them utter­ ficulties solved? ly indifferent, and have grown used to doing without the Do you know the most common faults which a clergy­ Church, and never receive the sacraments. man commits, and which act as offenses or barriers Let me talk frankly with those people. I can do it in to the people? Well, I shall tell you. “ He did not this column. The Church’s sacraments are not the call when some one was sick.” (Did you send for property of the rector. There is no reason why you him?) “ He did not call when we were in trouble.” should cut yourself off from the reality of the sacra­ (Nine times out of ten he did not know it.) “ He re­ mental worship of your Lord, that is, if you feel that fused to let me do what I wanted to do.” (No parish God is your Father.
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