01/07/2009 NUOVE ACCESSIONI da 01/06/2009 a 30/06/2009 N° Record Autore Titolo Editore ISBN 111530 Strummiello, Giusi. L'idea rovesciata : Schelling e l'ontologia / Giusi Strummiello. Bari : Edizioni di pagina, ©2007. 88-7470-008-3 152239 Avicenna Study Group. Interpreting Avicenna : science and philosophy in medieval Islam : Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2004. 90-04-13960-5 Conference (02 :, 2002 : Mainz, proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group Germania). / edited by Jon McGinnis. 164728 Israel in transition : from late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 London ; New York : T & T Clark 978-0-567-02726-9 B.C.E.) / edited by Lester L. Grabbe. International, 2008. 168892 Fitzmyer, Joseph A., S.I., 1920-. The One who is to come / by Joseph A. Fitzmyer. Grand Rapids (Mich.) : Eerdmans, 2007. 978-0-8028-4013-4 184730 Lourdusamy, Paulraj, 1958-. Ritual impurity and the kingdom of God : an additional chapter to the Nijmengen : Brakkenstein, 2006. 90-75496-20-6 emerging Dalit theology / Paulraj Lourdusamy. 184742 Pace, Antonino. La nuova evangelizzazione (Ca, 5) / Antonio Pace. Napoli : Guida, 2008. 978-88-6042-462-4 186002 Religion in context : Buddhism and socio-political change in Sri Colombo : Social Scientists' Association, 978-955-177-202-4 Lanka / edited by Jayadeva Uyangoda. 2007. 186011 Mora, Fabio. Tanak, Bibbia e Corano : tre scritture e tre religioni a confronto / Messina : DiScAm, 2008. 978-88-8268-0985 Fabio Mora. 187706 Guolo, Renzo. Il volto del nemico : i fondamentalismi e le religioni / Renzo Guolo. Trieste : EUT, 2006. 978-88-8303-186-1 188472 The early Enoch literature / edited by Gabriele Boccaccini and John Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2007. 978-90-04-16154-2 J. Collins. 188473 Zaman, Luc. Bible and canon : a modern historical inquiry / by Luc Zaman. Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2008. 978-90-04-16743-8 188713 Doortmont, Michel. Sources for the mutual history of Ghana and the Netherlands : an Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2007. 978-90-04-15850-4 annotated guide to the Dutch archives relating to Ghana and West Africa in the Nationaal Archief, 1593-1960s / Michel R. Doortmont & Jinna Smit. 188716 Pikaza, Xabier, O. de M., 1941-. Diccionario de la Biblia : historia y palabra / Xabier Pikaza. Estella (Navarra) : Verbo Divino, 2007. 978-84-8169-726-1 Page 1 of 14 N° Record Autore Titolo Editore ISBN 188996 Dusek, Jan, 1978-. Les manuscrits araméens du Wadi Daliyeh et la Samarie vers 450- Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2007. 978-90-04-16178-8 332 av. J.-C. / par Jan Dusek. 189002 Geschenke und Steuern, Zölle und Tribute : antike Abgabenformen Leiden ; Boston (Mass.) : Brill, 2007. 978-90-04-16065-1 in Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / hrsg. von H. Klinkott. 189092 Striving for excellence : educational ministry in the church : essays in Bangalore : Asia Theological Association, honour of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Narendra John / edited by Siga Arles, 2007. Brian C. Wintle. 189291 The suffering servant : Isaiah 53 in Jewish and Christian sources / Grand Rapids (Mich.) : Eerdmans, 2004. 0-8028-0845-X edited by Bernd Janowski. 189318 It began in Copenhagen : junctions in 300 years of Indian-Danish Delhi : ISPCK, 2005. 81-7214-892-5 relations in Christian mission / edited by George Oommen. 189614 Pioneers of Islamic revival / edited by Ali Rahnema. London ; New York : Zed Books, 2005. 978-1-84277-615-5 189945 Bioetica e confessioni religiose : atti del Convegno tenuto presso la Trento : Università degli studi di Trento, 2008. 978-88-8443-255-1 Facoltà di giurisprudenza di Trento il 12 maggio 2006 / a cura di Erminia Camassa e Carlo Casonato. 190006 Beyond Orientalism : the work of Wilhelm Halbfass and its impact Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2007. 81-208-3110-1 on Indian and cross-cultural studies / edited by Eli Franco. 190086 Kuhanen, Jan. Poverty, health, and reproduction in early colonial Uganda / Jan Joensuu : University of Joensuu, stampa 2005. 952-4586-30-4 Kuhanen. 190808 Depraz, Natalie, 1964-. Le corps glorieux : phénoménologie pratique de la "philocalie" des Louvain : Institut supérieur de philosophie, 978-90-429-2027-9 Pères du Désert et des Pères de l'Église / par Natalie Depraz. 2008. 191679 Sulle orme di Paolo : dall'annuncio tra le culture alla comunione tra i Roma : Urbaniana University Press, ©2009. 978-88-401-7095-4 popoli / a cura di Gabriele Bentoglio. 191816 Vallabaraj, Jerome, S.D.B., 1949-. Delving into the world of the catechetical education of adults : a Bangalore : Kristu Jyoti Publications, 2008. 978-81-87370-41-3 multi-perspective elaboration / Jerome Vallabaraj. 191846 San José Prisco, José. Derecho parroquial : guía canónica y pastoral / José San José Prisco. Salamanca : Sígueme, 2008. 978-84-301-1679-9 192268 Rab-gsal-zla-ba, Dis-mgo The hundred verses of advice : Tibetan Buddhist teachings on what New Delhi : Shechen Publications, 2008. 81-7472-177-0 Mkhyen-brtse, 1910-1991. matters most / Dilgo Khyentse & Padampa Sangye. 192395 Gollapalli, John. Transforming links for mission : one planted, another watered and Hyderabad : Count Ministries, 2003. God gave the growth / Siga Arles, John Gollapalli. 192449 Pathikulangara, Varghese, C.M.I. Mar Thomma margam : a new catechism for the Saint Thomas Kottayam : Denha Services, 2004. 81-9041-350-3 Christians of India / Varghese Pathikulangara. Page 2 of 14 N° Record Autore Titolo Editore ISBN 192450 Faith under fire / [edited by] JPDC. Delhi : Media House, 2008. 81-7495-320-5 192461 Podimattam, Felix Mathew, Magisterium and the moral theologian / Felix M. Podimattam. Delhi : Media House, 2008. 81-7495-317-5 O.F.M.Cap., 1934-. 192462 Vempeny, Bandhu Ishanand, S.I., Raw materials : for an Indian theology / Bandhu Ishanand Vempeny. Delhi : ISPCK, 2008. 81-7495-302-X* 1937-. 192464 Recent researches in Buddhist studies : festschrift in honour of Delhi : Sri Satguru Publications, 2008. 81-7030-890-9 Professor A.K. Chatterjee / edited by C.D. Sebastian. 192469 García Domínguez, Luis María, Discernir la llamada : la valoración vocacional / Luis María García Madrid : San Pablo, 2008. 978-84-2853-337-9 S.I., 1950-. Domínguez. 192503 Lal, Dinesh, 1974-. Indo-Tibet-China conflict / Dinesh Lal. Delhi : Kalpaz Publications, 2008. 81-7835-714-3 192510 Perspectives on Wittgenstein's unsayable / edited Kali Charan New Delhi : Readworthy Publications, 2008. 978-81-8997-355-1 Pandey. 192511 Moti Lal Pandit. The Buddhist view of knowledge and reality / Moti Lal Pandit. New Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlal 978-81-2151-196-4 Publishers, 2008. 192513 Kay, Richard, 1931-. Councils and clerical culture in the medieval West / Richard Kay. Aldershot : Variorum, 1997. 0-86078-640-4 192516 Los procesos de nulidad de matrimonio canónico hoy : (actas de la Madrid : Dykinson, 2006. 84-9772-830-0 jornada especial habida en Madrid el dia 23 de septiembre de 2005 para el estudio de la Instrucción Dignitas Connubii) / Asociación española de canonistas ; Rafael Rodríguez Chacón. 192519 Bourdeau, Michel. Les trois états : science, théologie et métaphysique chez Auguste Paris : Cerf, 2006. 2-204-08080-2 Comte / Michel Bourdeau. 192538 Khan, Massod Ali, 1947-. Mystics and mysticism in Islam / Masood Ali Khan. New Delhi : Mohit Publications, 2008. 978-81-9066-531-5 192539 Iqbal, Shaikh Azhar, 1961-. The Islamic world today / Azhar Seikh. New Delhi : Mohit Publications, 2008. 978-81-7445-453-9 192540 Kumar, Raj. Judaism, Christianity and Islam : an encounter / Raj Kumar. Delhi : Sumit Enterprises, 2008. 978-81-8420-157-4 192541 Khan, Massod Ali, 1947-. Islam in modern India / Masood Ali Khan. New Delhi : Mohit Publications, 2008. 978-81-7445-437-9 192542 Ahmad, Sharif. Fundamentals of islamic philosophy / Sharif Ahmad. New Delhi : Cyber Tech Publications, 2009. 978-81-7884-440-4 192590 Parkhe, Camil. Contribution of Christian missionaries in India / Camil Parkha. Anand (Gujarat) : Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 978-81-8931-736-2 2007. 192619 Singh, Avinash. All about prayer : from basic aspect to higher aspect / Avinash Singh. Delhi : ISPCK, 2008. 978-81-8458-075-4 Page 3 of 14 N° Record Autore Titolo Editore ISBN 192625 Roberts, S. Samuel. Jesus Christ : the greatest liberator / S. Samuel Roberts. Delhi : ISPCK, 2008. 978-81-8458-056-3 192626 Building solidarity : challenge to Christian mission / editors, Joseph Delhi : ISPCK, 2008. 978-81-8458-063-1 Mattam. 192631 Navaid, Mohammad Ilyas. World of Islam / by M.I. Navaid. New Delhi : Discovery Pub. House, 2009. 978-81-8356-423-6 192632 Hasnain, Syed Iqbal. Muslims in North India : frozen in the past / Syed Iqbal Hasnain. New Delhi : Har-Anand Publications, 2008. 978-81-2411-410-0 192638 El proceso de Bolonia y la enseñanza superior en Europa / José- Salamanca : Universidad Pontificia de 978-84-7299-783-7 Román Flecha Andrés (coordinador) Salamanca, ©2008. 192728 Seikh, Azhar. Doctrines of Islam / Azhar Seikh. New Delhi : Mohit Publications, 2009. 978-81-7445-460-7 192729 Syed, M.H. Biographical encyclopaedia of islam / M.H. Syed. New Delhi : Anmol Publications, 2009. 978-81-2613-908-8 192731 Seikh, Azhar. Principles of Islam / Azhar S. Iqbal. New Delhi : Anmol Publications, 2008. 978-81-7445-457-7 192732 Tanner, Ralph E.S. Religious ceremonies : Christian rituals in cross cultural perspective / Bangalore : Dharmaram Publications, 2007. 978-81-8995-800-0* R.E.S. Tanner. 192734 Rishikesh and beyond : theology in inter-religious context / editor Bangalore : Dharmaram Publications, 2007. 978-81-8995-810-7 Davis Varayilan. 192861 Gil Benumeya Grimau, Rodolfo, Judaísmo e islam profundos : ambigíedad y espera, fe y entrega / Madrid : Ibersaf, 2008. 978-84-95803-63-4 1931-2008. Rodolfo Gil Benumeya Grimau. 192867 Musulmanos y cristianos frente al agua en las ciudades medievales / Madrid : Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, 978-84-8427-642-5 María Isabel del Val Valdivieso, Olatz Villanueva Zubizarreta. ©2009. 192948 Aportación de la teología de la liberación a los derechos humanos / Madrid : Dykinson, 2008. 978-84-9849-378-8 dir. Juan José Tamayo Acosta. 192950 Luhumbu Shodu, Emmanuel.
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