00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 118 U S ARMY ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLAND~ FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1987 Jewish Leaders South Korea Demand Meeting Death From Anti- Government Protest With Pope By Jerry Schwartz Draws Warning From Prime Minister Assocwted Press Writer By M HAhn and schools and end the dIsturbances EarlIer, students threw fIrebombs, Assocwted Press Writer "I hope the pubhc clearly reahzes that stones and chunks of pavement to NEW YORK - Representatives If we should fall to overcome the pre­ break through pollce hnes mto the of major JewIsh orgamzatIons today SEOUL, South Korea - Pnme sent dIfficulty m a peaceful manner, surroundmg streets Faculty members demanded a meeting WIth Pope John Mmlster Lee Han-key saId today the the natIOn would plunge Into a major Issued a statement demandIng the Paul II to dISCUSS hIS agreement to government was ready to take cnsIs," he saId government respect the natIonal Will receIve Austnan PresIdent Kurt "extraordInary" measures to stop PreSIdent Reagan sent a letter to and usher In full democracy "The Waldhelm, whom they called "an un­ street VIOlence sweepmg the natIOn as Chun urgmg hIm not to overreact to peoples' Will has been confIrmed," repentant NazI" the fIrst death from the anti-govern­ street demonstrations, The New York saId the statement They said such a meetmg must be ment protests was reported Times reported today The letter The clashes today followed mas­ held before a scheduled ceremomal Lee's warnmg was the fIrst major called for a resumptIOn of dISCUSSIons sIve street battles In Seoul and other meetmg between JewIsh leaders and government statement on the VIolence with the pohtIcal OppOSitIOn, saId an cttles Thursday when OpposItIon the pope m September that began June 10 and has contInued umdentified semor admInIstratIOn of­ groups held an "antI-tear gas" day to In a statement, the leaders urged unabated In the capital and several fiCial quoted by the newspaper demand the government stop USIng that an early meetmg WIth the pope other CitIes Korean newspapers have FIerce clashes erupted In the streets the powerful gas Street battles had take place, "to dISCUSS substantive IS­ speculated that PreSIdent Chun Doo­ around several umVerSItIes In the erupted when pohce USIng tear gas sues of Jewlsh-Cathohc relations and hwan's government IS consldenng capital as students set up barncades broke up largely peaceful marches to clanfy for us and all who share our ruhng by emergency decree or martIal and pelted not pohce WIth firebombs New clashes also erupted III dIsmay the mOtivatIOn for Impartmg law to curtad the protests and rocks Pohce armored cars used provmclal CIties today Several hun­ the honor of a papal audIence to Kurt "Should It become ImpOSSIble to multIple tear gas launchers to fIre dred protesters took to the streets In Waldhelm" restore law and order It would be thousands of gas bombs the southern port City of Pusan as po­ Those SIgnIng the statement m­ mevitable for the government to make "Down with the milltary dIctator­ lice repeatedly fued volleys of tear cluded the largest Amencan JewIsh an extraordInary deClsIOn," the pnme ShIP'" the students chanted as they gas to break up the crowds orgamzauons - The Synagogue numster saId In a natIOnWIde teleVI­ called for the fall of Chun's govern­ Earher, about 100 semillanans Council of Amenca, wmch represents SIon address He dId not elaborate ment and ImmedIate democratIc elec­ marched peacefully through Pusan, all three major branches of Judaism, In VIOlence that entered ItS 10th tIOns the country's second-largest ctty the Amencan JewIsh Committee, the straIght day today, one not pohceman Amencan JewIsh Congress, B'nal was killed and three hurt when a B'nth the National JewIsh Commu­ protester rammed a stolen bus Into Defense Minister Told Hezbollah mty Relations AdVISOry CounCIl and pohce In the central CIty of TaeJon, Kidnapped His Son, And Journalist the World JewIsh Congress saId a spokesman at Nauonal Pollce - It was the World JewIsh Congress Headquarters m Seoul By Farouk Nassar Hezbollah, or Party of God, and that sponsored much of the research It was the first confirmed death ASSOCiated Press Writer "firmly demanded the qUlck release" that turned up Waldhelm's wartIme SInce the vlOlence began of Glass, 36, and Ali Osselran, 40 actIvltles Waldhelm has admItted hIS Yonhap, the Korean news agency, BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanon's The reported demand by Syna, wartIme servIce m the Balkans but saId a youth rammed the bus mto a defense mmlster today accused the Lebanon's maIn power broker, was demed any wrongdOIng hne of 300 not pohce, hitting four It Shute Moslem group Hezbollah of seen as an Indirect accusatIOn that the These groups are part of the Inter­ IdentIfIed the dead officer as Park kldnapmg hIS son and Amencan mlhtant Shllle factIon was Illvolved III natIOnal JewIsh Committee on Inter­ Dong-Jm, 21, and saId the other three Journahst Charles Glass, and sources the kldnappmg of Glass, 36, and Ali rehgIOus Consultations, WhICh had officers were hospltahzed saId Syna demanded the ImmedIate Osselran, 40 been arrangmg the Sept 11 ceremo­ The agency dId not say what hap­ release of both men Osselran's 82-year-Old father, mal meetmg with the pope In MIamI pened to the youth dnVIng the bus The sources, speakmg on condI­ Adel, told CBS News III an mtervlew On Thursday, the 50,000-member Lee, who reports to Chun, urged tIOn of anonymIty, Said Synan offI­ at hIS Beirut home "Hezbollah IS the Amencan jeWIsh Congress Said ItS Koreans to return to therr homes, Jobs cers contacted the leadershIp of party that has kidnapped them " leaders WIll boycott the Sept 11 con­ In an mtervlew earlier today With ference W dldhelm has been accused The ASSOCIated Press, Osselran Said, of takIng part In NaZI war cnmes High Court Strikes Down "I have been told that Hezbollah car­ dunng World War II ned out the abductIOns But I person­ The VatIcan "must have known Teaching Of Creationism ally make no accusatIons" that a meetIng WIth Waldhelm would Hezbollah has a base only yards outrage anyone with a memory of the WASHINGTON (AP) - The Proponents of creatIOn-SCience say from where Glass and the younger Holocaust," saId Henry SIegman, Supreme Court, InvokIng the the theory IS not based on rehglOn, Osselran were kIdnapped Wednesday executive dIrector of the congress constItutionally requrred separation of and that the LoUISIana law was an at­ m the Quzal suburb of Moslem west "TheIr dIsregard of such predIctable church and state, ruled today that tempt to proVIde academIC freedom BeIrut The Synans, who were de­ reactIOns IS utterly IncomprehensI­ states may not reqUlre pubhc schools Today the court rejected that argu­ ployed III BeIrut's Moslem sector ble " that teach evolutIOn to teach ment Feb 22 to quell mlhtIa anarchy, man "For JeWIsh representatives to creatlOmsm also Cntlcs of creatIOn-SCIence have at­ a checkpomt about 350 yards away meet WIth Pope John Paul In these down a LOUlslana law requmng that tacked It as rehgIOn masqueradIng as Glass IS the 25th torelgner and Clrcumstam,es would be a desecration teachIng the theory of evolutIOn be sCience mnth Amencan to be kIdnapped m of the memory of the VIctimS of the balanced by teachmg the theory of WTltlng for the court, Justice Lebanon The Los Angeles native be­ Holocaust In whose destructIon Kurt creatIOn-SCience, also called creatIOn­ WIlham J Brennan Said the purpose came the fust foreigner abducted Waldhelm has been accused of com­ Ism of the LOUISiana law "was to restruc­ smce the 7,500 Synan soldIers took phcIty," he saId CreatiOn-SCience, states that the ture the SCIence curTiculum to con­ control of we'>t Berrut The congre,>s sponsored the re­ earth and most life forms came mto form With a partIcular rehglOus No group has claimed responSibIl­ search on Waldhelm's war record and eXIstence suddenly about 6,000 years vIewpOint" Ity for the kldnappmg produced the charges, WhICh Wald­ ago, In a process slmdar to a hteral He added "Because the pnmary AIdes to Osselran earher told the helm has vigorously demed translatIOn of the Book of GeneSIS purpose of the CreatIomsm Act IS to AP the mInIster was up all nIght advance a partIcular rehglOus behef, makmg contacts wIth Synan offiCIals the act endorses relIgIOn m VIOlation and authontles of Hezbollah In an ef­ of the Frrst Amendment" fort to gam the release of hiS son and Sources Say Stark Skipper The LoUISIana Legislature enacted Glass the Balanced Treatment for Creatlon­ The sources close to the Synan To Be Relieved Of Command SCIence and EvolutIOn-SCience Act In army saId the command contacted By Norman Black hon was Included In the investigatIve 1981 but It was struck down before SheIk Mohammed Hussem Fadlallah, AP MilItary Wrtter report proVided last week to Gen ever bemg enforced the sptntual gUide of Hezbollah, an George Cnst, the general m charge of EvolutIOn, first propounded by Iraman-backed fundamentalIst group, WASHINGTON - The skIpper the U S Central Command Charles DarwIn, states that Earth IS and conveyed the demand of the USS Stark, Capt Glenn R Cnst, who IS headquartered In bilhons of years old, and that hfe "No threats were made m relaymg Bnndel, WIll be reheved of hIS com­ Tampa, Fla , IS In charge of all U S forms developed gradually dunng that the demand But It was clearly stated mand before the shIp Sails for home forces aSSIgned to the MIddle East, tIme that the Synan command regards the early next month, Pentagon sources mcludmg the PerSIan Gulf where the Brennan said the LOUISIana law abduction as detnmental
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