THE HOLTON RECORDER, MONDAY, DEC. 19, 2016, PAGE 1B 2016 Christmas Greetings & Letters to Santa Claus Holton Third Grade The following are letters to and the collection of all the Di- How are the elves? I hope love if you got me a christmas Marry Christmas, Jacob watch. Santa written by students in ary of a Wimpy Kid books. they are good. For Christmas, tree. Merry christmas, Santa! Dear Santa, Love, Andrew, Holton Carlene McManigal’s third Merry Christmas, Norah may I have a science kit, Wii Sincerely, Olivia Hey Santa! I hope you’re grade class at Holton Elemen- Kelly game, and a camera? wearing 3 coats so you don’t Dear St. Nickolas, tary School. P.S. ha ha for the underwear Sincely, Chloe Schuster Dear Santa, get cold. I’m going to leave Hello, How are you and your last year. How are your reindeer doing? carrots for you’re raindeer, and elves? I hope I remember the Dear Santa Dear Santa, And how is Rudolph? Can I I’m going to leave cookies and cookies and the carrots. Well, How are you? I would like Dear Santa, How are you. I wood like a have a four wheeler for Christ- milk for you. What I want for this is my list of things. This Pokemon Station and a remote Merry Christmas, I would like Red N64 controller, iphone 4S mas. My name is Koy and how Christmas is trolls, shoes, farm, is some of the things I want for the wii. I would also like a lot of Beanie Boos and some case. is Sam my Elf on the shelf do- and a Hippopotamus. Oh yeah, I but not the main things. I want Pokemon cards and a stiring Shopkins. I hope you have a Sincerely, Cale Shaw ing? When will he come? I hope forgot to write who it was from. a computer, Battleship, and weel for the wii. Merry Christmas. you will have a good Christmas! My name is Savannah. You’re checkers. Sinserly, Dalton Peters Sincerily, Emily Ditzler How is Mrs. Claus doing? a great guy at Christmas time. I Love, Andre, Holton The following are letters to From, Koy hope you have a great time giv- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Santa written by students in ing out presents. Dear Santa, How is the North Pole Saint Hello, how is your day? I bet Alyse Menghini’s third grade Dear Santa, Peace, Savannah Ho Ho Ho! How are you do- Nick? May I have for Christ- its good. I would like an ipad, class at Holton Elementary Hello Santa, my name is ing? Do the reindeer feel like mas Chocolate pen. I do 3D some Pokemon cards, and a School. Monte. How’s it going in the Dear Santa, flying? Thank you for the gifts pen, Gel a Peel, and Pom Pom laptop. I hope you have fun go- Northpole? I hope you don’t get Hi Santa how are you doing? last year. What I want: comput- WOW! Thank you Saint Nick. I ing across the world! Dear Santa, frostbite, it’s going to be cold. How are the reindeer doing? er, ipod and American Girl doll have some delicous cookies on Sincerly, Krista Adcock My name is Christan. I will Hope you have a marry xmas! How is Mrs. Clous? And by the clothes and the doll. the coffey table. Thank you. not get to have presents because Oh and by the way can I have way you might whant to bring Love, Elizabeth, Holton Love, Tess Austin Dear Santa I will be on a cruise. But, I have a nerf sword and a game called three coats and two mittens. By How old are you? May I have a question for you. Is Rudolph subnaunica for xbox. Please! the way I will like a phone and Dear Santa, Dear Santa, pokemon cards and a xbox1. real? People say he is. Can you See ya latter. elf on the shelf. Hi, how are you doing? Is How are you. Do your rein- And a real Broncos Helmet. still leave me presents? I really From, Monte Love, Faith Mrs. Claus baking cookies are deer want carrots? May I have Hope you have a good Christ- want a huvrbord and a skate- the reindeer doing good? I hope the Lego Amusement park sets, mas. board. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, so. Thank you for the gifts! For little loctetts, Pom Pom Wow, Love, Rhevl Merry Christmas, Christan My name is Rylie. How are My name is Caleb. Does your Chrismas, I want an Iphone, Chocolate pen and 3D pen you and the Elfs doing? Thank belly get in your way some- a lot of blankets, a computer, there’s more shopkins shop- Dear Santa, Dear Santa, you for the Elf On The Shelf. His times? I leave your reindeer books, and a dorf hamster! pies, shopkins chef club, Shop- Hi how are you? I’m good. How are you doing? I hope name is Johny Twix. He picked carrots every year. And I leave Thank you Santa! kins, and my dog Puppy Earl May I have a ROLOX Gift card you are warm this Christmas. it and I really wanted John, but you milk and cookies. Oh and Love, Ansley, Holton because he ran away. L Have for x-mas. How are the rein- Can Emmy stay for one more my sister wanted Twix. He got also I want madden 17. That’s a safe trip. deer? Please write back to me. day please? I will give you Sweet Tarts and spelled Johny my favorite this year. Hope you Dear Kris Kringle, Love, Kaylin Segenhagen May I please also have a foot- some cookies! What I want for Twix on the stove. I really want can get it! How is Mrs. Claus? Is Ro- ball with an air pump. I hope Christmas is drone and an ipod. an Ipod touch 5, a Barbie Dream Sincerly, Caleb douph going to lead the sleigh Dear Santa, you are ok. Merry Christmas. I Have a good Christmas! Home with Barbie dolls, and on Chrismas Eve? Well Thank How cold is it in the North hope you have a safe trip. Bye! From, Gracyn Shopkins, and Pokemon Cards. Dear Santa, you for the presents last year! pole? What is your favorite Sincerely, Korban Wilson Sincerely, Rylie I’m Havie, how are your rein- They were great! This year I cookies and milk? please tell Dear Santa, deer? This year we are giving want a puppy, some games, me before chistmas so I can get Dear Santa, I hope you have a great Christ- Yo yo yo Santa, you some delicous cookies. I legos, a TV, and hamster. you some. I would like Ninten- Hello, Merry Christmas! Can mas. I hope your raindeer don’t I’ve been really good. Has would please like a drone, a toy Love, Presley, Denison do pokemon sun and pokemon I have some Beanie Boos. May eat your fingers! Are the elves your belly been in your way? kitty, a new set of paints, and moon. May I have shpoppies, you bring me $100? May you working good? I would really For Christmas I want a x-box some wii u games like spatoon, Dear Mr. Claus, pokemon carbs, shopkins happy bring me an iPhone 7 Plus. like a trampoline, Art Kit, and one and a t.v. Hope you have an Mario party 10, Super Smash I am going to give you cook- places, and barbies. I hope you Please and thank you. I hope pool. I like cookies do you? Adventure. Bros., and Mario cart 8. ies and milk. Are the reindeer have a safe trip! you have a Merry Xmas. Marry Chrismas, Elisa From, Kane Merry Chritmas, Havie ready to fly? I want a 32 inch Love, Sierra Visocsky Love, Melissa Castro Fino Bartel ViZio tv and a new iphone five Dear Santa, S. I want a pet husky. Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Whats up! Are you doing The following letters to Santa Love, Zac, Holton So has was your summer San- What is your favorite song? I hope you are haveing a fine? How are your reindeer? Claus are from students in An- ta? How are the Elves? I hope What kind of breed are rein- lovely time in the North Pole. How are your elves doing? My gela Strube’s third grade class Dear Santa Claus, the reindeer like carrots be- deer? What is your favorite And my name is Brody. I love elf on the shelf turned are milk at Holton Elementary School. Hi Santa Im Taylor and I cause I will be putting those out football team? What is your Christmas. Santa, I what to green and that would be Izzy. wondered if you could bring on Christmas Eve and I’m go- favorite type of cookie? May I know if your Elf’s are ok and By the way this is what I want Dear Santa, me some toys. My present to ing to put out cookies for you. please have some drones? May raindeer too. For Christmas I for Christmas. I want a drone, You’re my best friend! My b- you is cookies and milk. So What kind of cookies do you I please have K-State football would like a phantam 4 and a new shoes and Kit Kats. day is 6 days before Christmas. lets get started. I wanted to ask like? Also ask Gary my Elf on gloves? May I have a FitBit desk top computer.
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