Spring's Com ing, Spruce Up Your Car! M init Ed The solution to the problem of the Concorde is quite simple, it seems to this very simple mind. Why not let the big plane do business from the government s McGuire Airport at Fort Dix. It is far enough away from city centers so (ff online tr ia l IC e a h e r that noises from the big bird would not be of­ fensive. After a period of trials the operation of the Concorde could be evaluated sensibly. Re­ and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW member, Sen. Case and many others boomed the airport as the possible fourth jet port when the Port Authority was claiming that the met­ ropolitan area would break off from the main­ 1 S Cents per copy land and sink in the Atlantic if we di<ki't build Stcond C low pcn'oga po d o* Ivrtx'tord ' another jetport pronto, at once yesterday! Vol. 56, No. 3 Pubi>tK#d o ' 251 l-dff Id t ft Sufctcr.pr.on U 50 ?*bt.iM *M*>r Lyndhurst H igh’s L e e s t I *1 i B e s t i \ m E a r t h ♦ w j T e a c h e r ! • / Dr. Seymour Greenberg, * ; V chairman of the B.E.S.T committee of the National Association of Geology Teachers. Eastern Section, recently annotnoed the 1977 Best Earth Science Teacher awards. The Eastern Sec­ Richard L. Lees, winner of Eastern Section Award for Geology Teachers is shown tion winner for 1977 was with one of his Lyndhurst High School students, Linda Van Horn. Richard L. Lees of Lyn­ Mayor Anthony Scardino, Jr. for right, hands Child Shield Emblems ta families who ha VO voluntoorod to dhurst High School. The wiisrtfTmttt*tftTttriwrt>feimfwiwiitin<wiii)>»riiiM>nn>f»tfti>>wrin<>nriimiswi«rwwr^fnw<ifiiiftni»iM^^ irrr rn~>nnn>inwwwMwwwtww provido Child Shiold Homos far tho protection of children on their way to and from school. Shown, from loft, Eastern Section of the Na­ ore: roar, Jose Rendeiro. Barbara Pistone, Maria Rondeino, Diane Belka, Mary Ann Pahira of Juvenile Aid tional Association of Geol­ Bureau, co-chairman with Phyllis (Mrs. William Gallagher, Jr.) of the Child Shiold Program; Front raw; Cin- ogy Teachers indudes the Candidates’ Forum dia and Maria Rendeiro, and Tracey and Renee Pistone. states of New Jersey. New York, Virginia, Delaware. Pennsylvania, and Mary­ To Be Held M onday land. Mr l« es was also Hear Discussion For Child Shield Need named the New Jersey win­ An open forum, in­ Ralph P. DeNisco, Jr., gree from Fairleigh Dick­ Over fifty persons repre and from school if he Shield person need only call ing home from the park at ner His nam e will now be troducing m em bers who Brent N RuOruck and erson University and is em­ senting all facets of town­ should be molested or the police as soon as a child night placed in nomination- at the are running for the Board Thomas N. DiOuara All ployed as a marketing rep­ ship organizations and frightened McSweeney said comes to the door so appre­ The program is in active national level. of Education, will be h eld are former students in the resentative for a major ad groups attended the meet­ approximately 100 homes hension of a would-be mo­ use In Carlstadt and other The B.E.S.T. Award is March II. 1977, at S 00 p.m. l.yndhurst schools They vertising firm in New York ing of the Lyndhurst Child lester is more certain, he now stand ready to display nearby commiaiities and in­ made to an individual who in the Lyndhurst Ifigh feel they have an insight as a ty . Shield Program at the need take no direct action cludes not only children but the Child Shield emblem is selected as an oiA- School C afeteria. The mod­ to what our school system Ulhis Dobrowski is seek­ Parks Department Monday himself older persons aa well. but there are still some standtng Earth Science erator will be Mrs. Juke must produce to prepare ing the two-year term niflfts. Detective Francis arena oi Ism mar srhooia U n William Gallagher. taodasr hecaaea at Ha deal- Kane. McSweeney. Jtivenile Offi­ Mayor Scardino lauded today’s students tor tomor­ which have no such homes. Jr., and Mary Arr. lS S ft i I tags with (us peers and his Twelve candidates, in­ row's world Yet, not in a the program and said the cer. explained the purpose he said. He also noted that of the Juvenile Aid Bureau students A teacher is se­ cluding two incumbents, way to overburden the tax resigned He is a student at program might be extended ate co-chairmen of the Pro­ of the program, to offer a some stores or offices lected from each state and are running for four seats payer Seton Hall University to youngsters returning gram. Anyone wishing fur­ home or safe'Shelter for a from that group one is cho­ on the Lyndhurst Board of Ralph DeNisco is also a studying political science might be willing to offer from athletic programs in ther information may call child on his way both to sen to represent the entire Education graduate of Fairleigh Dick Heading "The Action aid He said that the Child the evenings or those com- 93S-9670 eastern section during na­ Incumbents James Scotti enson University and em­ People'' ticket is Carl Ces tional conaideration. and Joseph Breslin are ployed as a computer pro­ taro He is campaigning for trying for two of the tree- grammer with Western a three-year term Cestaro Mr. Lees attended Jersey year terms. Scotti has Electric, Newark is a native of Lyndhurst aty State College where he served 13 years on the received B.A. and M.A de­ Brent Rudnick served as and has been involved in It Was Award Night board and was it’s presi­ class president and later grees in science. He has many school and commu­ dent in 1966. Breslin has student council president at nity activities in the past also been the recipient of served five years. He is a Lyndhurst High School He few years He is a member numerous National Science graduate of Queen of Peace holds an under graduate de­ Foundation awards. Schools of the Bergen Gotnty High School and attended gree from Georgetown Uni­ Yowig Democrats attended were Rutger’s At Commission Session New College of Engineering versity, Washington. D C The other member of the University, Pace College, (now New Jersey Institute and an MBA from Fairleigh ticket Is Mrs Anita Car­ by Amy Divine young children while on so that the work has been cost but the town was de­ Princeton University, of Technology) Edward Dickenson University a bone. also a native of the At last Tuesday's meeting their way to and from drawn out many months nied this help at present American Museum-Hayden Plmkett has joined their public accountant, is township Mrs Carbone has of the Board of Commis­ school; and Jotn Mazur of beyond what it was sup- and is waiting for another Planetarium, and Franklin team seeking the third open also employed as treasurer been active in the PTA and sioners three events were Mazur's Bakery for the pused to be Township At­ offer of such help. ’Hte ap­ and Marshall College The three-year term. The trio of the North Arlington Lyn­ feels there is a need for a photographed honoring lo­ speedy rebuilding of his torney Gabriel Ambrosio in­ proximate cost is estimated studies resulted in his at­ offers vast experience in dhurst Joint Meeting mather to be elected to the cal residents who have con­ burned-out bakery and the terceded with government to be four and a half mil­ taining a Master of Arts in the field of education and DiChiara is a former star board She is raining for tributed to the betterment consequent improvement of authorities so they would lion dollars The rise in wa­ Earth Science from Frank­ business athlete and captain of the the two-year term of life in the township: De­ the appearance of Ridge permit the man to complete ter rates is planned to help lin and Marshall. Ex­ Also joining forces in Golden Bear track team Annette Bortone's cam- Road. tective James Setterm- Lyndhurst's work and they pay for this work. If Feder­ periences in Earth Science their attempt to capture the He is currently completing brino, awarded a plaque had agreed but the work is Township Engineer Joseph al funds are not forthcom­ occurred from Maine to three 3 year terms are his requirements for a de­ (Continued on Page 4) personally by Detective Lt Neglia reported on the still not completed How­ ing Neglia said he thought Florida and Montana to Joseph Delaney, head of trials and tribulations of the ever, the Commission hopes the town might go ahead New Jersey the Bergen Co. Narcotics contractor who had been for completion in the near with the first phase of re­ Task Force and a detective engaged to install the future. Neglia also reported newal of the mains wnich Mr Lees has been at Honored For Police Activity in the Paramus Police De­ drains designed to prevent on the repair to the pum­ was planned for Ridge Lyndhurst High School for partment. for Settemhrino’s flooding in the Peabody ping station in the Meadow­ Road as far as Lake Ave­ the past fourteen years At last Tuesday's Board by the New Jersey State Legal Techniques by the excellent work while a Tontine-Riverside Avenue lands area stating the work nue where, eight years ago.
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