Early Medieval Archaeology Project (EMAP) Bibliography (draft version October 2007) Introduction The sources for this Early Medieval Archaeological Project bibliography were collected rapidly from review of a few primary and secondary publications. The primary sources of information were those mentioned within the reports of the excavations bulletin and those within the bibliography of Edwards (1990) The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland which still serves today as the singularly best introduction to Irish early medieval archaeology. More recent publications in various journals and publications have also been reviewed. This bibliography focuses on the themes of settlement, burial and ecclesiastical archaeology. Some attention was given to industry, craftwork, agriculture, commerce, external contacts and maritime archaeology while some limited effort was expended in examining early medieval art or artefact studies – certainly the area in which EMAP would hope to provide more information. It is envisaged that this limited bibliography will eventually develop into a major collection of resources which will hold information about all archaeological publications relevant to early medieval Ireland. This archive will be linked to the EMAP database where it could be possible eventually to search for publications by title, year, author or subject. Needless to say then, the below bibliography is provisional and represents the first phase of a larger project working towards making available an online archive of early medieval publications. The bibliography has been broken into the sections of: -General Publications -Regional Studies -Rural Settlement -Settlement/Cemetery Sites -Crannogs -Ecclesiastical Archaeology and Burial -Viking Settlement and Burial -Buildings -Other Burial Evidence -Agriculture and Landscape -Industry, Craft/Domestic Activities and Pottery Evidence -Maritime Ireland -Commerce and External Contacts -Early Medieval Art -Other Relevant Sources 1 General Publications Bieler, L. 1963. Ireland: harbinger of the Middle Ages. London. Bracken, Damien & O’Riain-Raedel, Dagmar 2006 Ireland And Europe In The Twelfth Century; Reform And Renewal. Four Courts Press. Charles, T.M. 1971. Britain and Ireland in Early Christian times : A.D. 400-800. Thames & Hudson. London. Charles-Edwards, T. M. 2000 Early Christian Ireland Cambridge. De Paor, Ma!ire & Liam. 1978. Early Christian Ireland. Thames & Hudson. London. Driscoll. Stephen T. & Nieke, Margaret R. 1988. (eds.) Power and politics in early medieval Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh University Press. Edwards, Nancy 1990 The Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland, Routledge. London. Edwards, Nancy & Lane, A 1992 (eds.), The early church in Wales and the west, 130–7. Oxbow Monograph 16. Oxford. Edwards, Nancy 2005 The archaeology of early medieval Ireland, c.400-1169: Settlement and economy. In D. O’Croinin (ed.) A new history of Ireland: I Prehistoric and early Ireland, 549-607 Graham, B J 1993 Early medieval Ireland: settlement as an indicator of economic and social transformation c. 500-1000. In Graham, B.J. & Proudfoot, L.J. (eds.) An Historical Geography of Ireland, London. 19-57. Hamlin, Ann & Lynn, Chris (eds.) Pieces of the Past, Belfast. Killanin, M & Duignan, M 1967 The Shell Guide to Ireland. London Laing, Lloyd. 1975. The archaeology of Late Celtic Britain and Ireland 400-1200 A.D. Laing, Lloyd. 2006 The archaeology of Celtic Britain and Ireland, A.D. 400-1200. Cambridge. Mallory, J. P. & McNeill, T. E. 1991 The Archaeology of Ulster: From Colonisation to Plantation, Belfast, 181-248. Mitchell, F. & Ryan, M. 1997. Reading the Irish Landscape. Dublin, 246-296 Monk, M.A. & J. Sheehan (eds.) Early Medieval Munster: archaeology, history and society. Cork, 65-75. Mytum, H. 1992 The origins of Early Christian Ireland. London. Ni Chathain, P and Richter, M (eds.) 1984 Irland und Europa im Fruhmittelater. Stuttgart. O’Carragain, Tomas. 2005. Regional Variation in Irish Pre-Romanesque Architecture. In The Antiquaries Journal, 85, 23-56. O’Croinin, D. 1995 Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200 London O’Keeffe, Tadhg. 2000. Medieval Ireland: An Archaeology. Tempus. Dublin. O’Keeffe, Tadhg 2003 Romanesque Ireland. Architecture and Ideology in the Twelfth Century. Dublin. O’Sullivan, Aidan. 1998. The Archaeology of Lake Settlement in Ireland, Royal Irish Academy. Dublin. 2 Smyth, Alfred. P. 2000 (ed.) Seanchas : studies in early and medieval Irish archaeology, history and literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne. Four Courts Press. Dublin. Spearman, R.M. & Higgit, J. (eds.) 1993 The Age of Migrating Ideas: early medieval art in Northern Britain and Ireland : proceedings of the second International Conference on Insular Art held in the National Museums of Scotland in Edinburgh, 3-6 January 1991. Stroud. Edinburgh Stout, M. 1997. The Irish Ringfort. Four Courts Press. Dublin. Regional Studies Bradley, J. 1990 Medieval Kilkenny City. In W. Nolan and K. Whelan (eds), Kilkenny: history and society. Brannon, N.F. 1986 ‘Five excavations in Ulster 1978-1984’, UJA (3rd series), 49, 89-98. Clinton, Mark. 2000. Settlement patterns in the early historic kingdom of Leinster. In A.P. Smyth (ed.) Seanchas: Studies in early and medieval Irish archaeology, history and literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne. Dublin, 275- 98. Clinton, Mark. 2000. Settlement dynamics in Co. Meath: the kingdom of Loegaire. In Peritia 14, 372-405. Culleton, E. 1999 Celtic and Early Christian Wexford. Dublin. Cuppage et al, 1986 The Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula. Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth, O'Brien, Madeline & Walsh, Paul. 2004. Archaeological investigations in Galway City, 1987-1998 . Wordwell Ltd. Bray. Gosling, P. 1993 'From Dun Delca to Dundalk: the Topography and Archaeology of a Medieval Frontier Town, A.D. c. 1187-1700', Co. Louth Archaeol. Hist. J. 22, 3 (1991), 221-353. Gowen, Margaret. 1988 Three Irish Gas Pipelines: New Archaeological Evidence in Munster. Wordwell Ltd. Dublin. Manning, Conleth (ed.). Dublin and beyond the Pale. Bray, 145–54 Monk, M. A. 1998 Early medieval secular and ecclesiastical settlement in Munster. In M. Monk, M.A. & Sheehan, J (eds.) Early Medieval Munster: Archaeology, History and Society Cork, 33-52. O’Sullivan, A. and Sheehan, J. 1996 The Iveragh Peninsula: An archaeological survey of south Kerry. Cork University Press. O'Sullivan, Jerry & Stanley, Michael 2006 "Settlement, Industry And Ritual; Proceedings Of A Public Seminar On Archaeological Discoveries On National Road Schemes September 2005 Smyth, Alfred. P. Celtic Leinster: Towards an historical geography of early Irish civilisation A.D. 500-1600. Irish Academic Press. Blackrock. Stout, Matthew. 1998. Early Christian settlement, society and economy in Offaly. In W. Nolan and T. O’Neill (eds.) Offaly: history and society, 29-2. 3 Roycroft, N. 2005 Around the bay on the Great North Road: The archaeology of the M1 Dundalk Western Bypass. In O’Sullivan, J. and Stanley, M. (eds), Recent archaeological discoveries on National Road Schemes 2004: Proceedings of a seminar for the public, Dublin, September 2004, Archaeology and the National Roads Authority Monograph Series No. 2, 65–82. Dublin, National Roads Authority. Rynne, E. 1967 North Munster Studies. Limerick Settlement Barrett, G.F. 1980. A field survey and morphological study of ringforts in souther, Co. Donegal. UJA 43, 39-51 Barrett, G.F. 1982. Ringfort settlement in County Louth: sources, pattern and landscape. Journal of County Louth Archaeological and historical Society 20, 77-95 Barrett, G.F. & Graham, B.J. 1975. Some considerations concerning the dating and distribution of ringforts in Ireland. UJA 38, 33-45. Barry, TB. 1981 Archaeological excavations at Dunbeg promontory fort, County Kerry, 1977. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 81C, 295-329. Bersu, G. 1947 The rath in Lissue townland, Co. Antrim: report on excavation in 1946. Ulster Journal of Archaeology 10, 30-59. Bersu, G. 1948 Preliminary report on the excavations at Lissue, 1947. Ulster Journal of Archaeology 11, 131-3. Boal, F.W. & Moffitt, M.K. 1959. A partly destroyed rath in Killarn townland, Newtownards, Co. Dublin. UJA 22, 107-11 Boyle, J.W. 2004. Lest the Lowliest be forgotten. Locating the Impoverished in early Ireland. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 8 (2), 85-99. Brannon, N.F. 1982 The excavation of a cashel in Carn townland, County Fermanagh. UJA, 44-45 (1981-1982), 60-64. Brannon, N.F. 1980 The excavation of a rath in Ballykennedy townland, County Antrim. UJA, 43, 65-70. Brannon, N.F. 1980 The Excavation of a rath in Shewis townland, near Richhill, County Armagh. UJA., 43, 106-108. Brannon, N.F. 1980 The excavation of a rath in Drumbroneth townland, Dromore, County Down. UJA 43, 71-74. Brannon, N.F. 1979 A trial excavation at an earthwork near Moira, County Down’, UJA, 42, 26-33 Brannon, N.F. 1982 A rescue excavation at Lisdoo fort, Lisnaskea, County Fermanagh. UJA, 44-45, 53-9. Brannon, N.F. A souterrain in Spittle Quarter townland, Co. Down. Lecale Miscellany, no 8, 39-41. Case, H.J. et.al 1969 Land-use in Goodland townland, Co. Antrim from Neolithic times until today. JRSAI 99, 39-54. 4 Charles-Edwards, T.M. 1976 Boundaries in Irish Law. In Sawyer, P.H. (ed.) Medieval Settlement. London, 83-87. Childe, V.G. 1936. A Promontory fort on the Antrim Coast. Antiquities Journal 16, 179-98 Cleary, Rose 1987 Archaeological investigation of a ringfort at Ballyduff, Co. Limerick, North Munster Antiquarian Journal, 27, 3-7 Clinton, M. 1993 Souterrain at Loughcrew, near Oldcastle, County Meath. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 123, 120-6. Clinton, M. 1996 Two recently discovered souterrains in County Meath. Ríocht na Midhe 9 (2), 30–6. Clinton, M. 1998 The souterrains of County Dublin. In C. Manning (ed.), Dublin and beyond the Pale: studies in honour of Patrick Healy, 117-28. Dublin. Clinton, M. 2001 The souterrains of Ireland. Bray. Coffey, G & Armstrong, E.C.R. 1910 Scandinavian objects found at Islandbridge and Kilmainham. PRIA 28C, 107-22. Coleman, J.C. 1947. Irish Cave excavations. JRSAI 77, 63-80 Collins, A.E.P. 1952. Excavations in the Sandhills at Dundrum, Co.
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