Information For Hewlett-Packard's Value-Added Businesses November 1990 Announcing the new HP 9000 Model 860s 30% increase in ~LTP~erformance over Model 8558 HEWLETT PACKARD Table of Contents @haII, No. 1 Pemd Cornpu&m Editox 14 General Tracy -r I Upooming wminars fr~rHP VABS Mew User Liceme Program produrn HP C7mmL is published monthly for HP MItrankP major competitors in 1990 44 Desktop Hewlett-hkard's value-added busi- ~USINEFS~B~repart card reviw New version of SCO UNIX opepecating system HP btsVABs at ADUS [HP) Wot2Estatlon Diswntinum of HP Vectra 486 n-s a provide you with infomation User Group Conference Model 150 PC abut HP's produm.and sembto help you be more oudl. Bdpk~b 15 General Por further information on any of the PC utilities applkapplons available hr products and service discussed in Multiuser System HP 4951C/S2iV54AnIAX HP ChameIs, please wntact your HP 3 General 15 Mass Storage dmrep, HP 250 and 26Q discontinuance DDS support on HP Aptlo 90011 Seria 400 warbtations See beCOVET For subsfir5ption 4 HP3000lMPE h38- and lS2-Mbyb? hard disk drive HP fP Sriw W, %2,932 with hut dimrrlm infamation. internal disk drives Mdisk drive dintinuance Mote: Not all HP computer pnnhc~ HP 3000 Series 980 shipping, memory ndueed 16 Networks are sold and sqpofled in all counfn'~~. ThinLAN link upgrade for HP 3000 HP establishes new distributed ampting Please &ck with your bml HP leaks suie standards I 9m afirice. HP MICRO 3000XE remerl hu*n price list HP DlW16 and DTCMl rack cabin& HP Sp&m Utilization Scrvice HP DTClX.25 XE network link N&rt-ftzckard does mt wvrrmnt the Information Aaaph reduced enhanwments videiw& accumq of the infomion prodded HP Spell prim change aznn&vity in HP Channels and shaEl not k lirrble HP Schedule prioe ehange 18 Printers for any rrr, rn~de4 the info-i~n HP TDF price cbange Announcing new Dodn/OS printw 1 conrained herein. Infdanprovided HP OffhConaect to PROFS dismntinued wnnedivity products Navember 1 New pricing for HP ThinkJtt, Quidet, and in HP Channels is subject tu chunge Rmterprinters withut non'ct. 7 HPIOOQ my font -A and RTEd mni! support HP-IB DDS New Faces cartridge intraduced tape drive New WindowdOS12 drivers available hr HP LaserJet III and HID printers I 7 HP WOOIHP-UX . HP Recision TmIs now supportud on new New HP 96(10 Model tWS mtMn HP Apollo 9000 Series 400 workstations HP-UX Release 7.06 requi2 for HP 9000 Applflalk - HP Laser$&printer tools Models 860s and 870St10O Wrbions Components to configurn HP LaserJet nP prinm bt Apple Macintosh available 9 General HP Mserfet printer memory prise reduction Nemork Liciense System DominjOS ~~10.3o0wwailable 21 Terminals Support For SW.1 dimntinued HP 7WX &minit1now supported on Apt10 10 Apollo m- ApolldIBM networking producb Supplies obsokxenne 23 Supplles Entrodwing enhanced ApolldXBhd producr~ Introducing HP-IB to Centmnics hterfilce and cblmnWIes eomnter Lr HP-iR instruments 9nd COM-BXEe for TI bridging eOmpum New HP 9000 Model 860s pmEdes up to 12 HP-UX HP DIETorder phone numbers 30% increase in OLTP perfomaeover Nomn Utilities ported to HP-UX the ~urrentEIP 909I) Model 855S system. It Y1360 lestnrcturin& alsa offers an additional price@%- HP 9000 Malel3LO discantintma point within a bdpefifmance range of high-end systems fmm tbe HP eOOO Mud& 85OS tbmugh Model 87WQOwstems. See articles beginni on page 7. HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. Upcoming seminars for HP VABs November and December feature two Programming with SoftBench and The S.A.L.E.S Course exciting new training programs for HP Encapsulator The S.A.L.E.S Course is the solution- value-added businesses: The Winter '90 Performance characterization and selling fundamentals course that HP has HP Apollo Workstation Technology optimization been offering to its dealers. Taught by Camp and The S.A.L.E.S. Course. Motif and XI1 hints and tips America's Return Inc., we've now opened it up to our VABs, as well. The The Winter '90 Workstation Debugging, testing, and tuning XI1 seminar is taught in two separate one- Technology Camp applications day sessions one to two weeks apart to The Winter '90 HP Apollo Workstation Graphics overview better reinforce and put into practice Technology Camp is HP's first major what has been learned. technical symposium for software Comparison of workstation and developers. We are offering two inten- X Terminal performance For more information and a course sive days of workshops geared to help Software distribution methods description, call Chip Pettibone at HP experienced software developers expand (408-447-4175) or Richard Chambers at Concurrent FTN on the DNlOO00 their HP-UX and DomainIOS skills America's Return (415-525-2504). even further. Main features include DomainIOS future porting path developing and improving performance K+RC to ANSI C with Motif, X11, operating systems, and compilers. Invitation brochures with a complete description are available by calling The workshops will be taught by HP's 800-472-5277 (in the U.S.) or technical experts, people from teams 415-960-3773 (worldwide). currently dedicated to giving special- ized technical consulting for value- added businesses. Attendees will leave Date Location Fee* with a binder full of presentation notes, The HP Apollo Workstation Technology Camp reference material, and a tape of exam- November 28-29 Andover, Mass. $450 ples to help reinforce and enhance what December 5-6 Mountain View, Calif. 450 they've learned. Registration: Call 800-HP CLASS (800-472-5277) The camp will take place November The S. A. L. E.S Course 28-29 in Andover, Massachusetts, and November 1, 14 Fullerton, Calif. 495 December 5-6 in Mountain View, November 7, 15 North Hollywood, Calif. 495 California. (Note: Products not yet pub- Registration: Call America's Return Inc., at 415-525-2504 licly introduced or announced will be discussed. Attendees will be required to *U.S. list prices sign a nondisclosure agreement.) Listed below are the topics that will be offered. I Hewlett-Packard reserves the right to HP Apollo workstation family cancel seminars or change prices, Cooperative object computing dates, and locations. Understanding, selecting, and using GUI toolkits OSF status report HP-UX OS and compiler hints and tips DomainIOS performance hints and tips ICCCM and Window Manager compliance NOVEMBER 1990 I HP Channels d "They're very organized. HP puts one HP outranks major competitors in 1990 person in charge and you can get an VARBUSINESS annual report card review answer from them." (Anonymous VAR) "They bend over backwards to help For the past four years, VARs have rated Qualiv of Sales Leads - "Once us meet customers' needs that are out Hewlett-Packard above its major com- again, Hewlett-Packard is on top, of the ordinary." (Anonymous VAR) petitors in the majority of categories nearly a full point ahead of its nearest included in VARBUSINESS magazine's competitor. ." (VARBUSINESS) "HP "They're dedicated to quality. It's the annual surveys. This year was no excep- sales leads are usually very good. way they approach everything they do tion. HP outranked IBM in 18 out of 18 They know our niche and they don't in the business." (Anonymous VAR) categories, DEC in 17 out of 18, and want to waste our time on something Sun Microsystems in 16 out of 18. that doesn't fit." (Anonymous VAR) Changes in 1990 VARBUSINESS survey process End-User Support - "HP has really HP was ranked first overall in 6 of great stuff. It almost never breaks In the past, VARBUSINESS has pub- the 18 categories, including "Overall down in the first place, but when it lished the results of surveys conducted Impression" and received the only A+ does, they roll hard." (Jim Grimsley, for one or more different computer ven- ("Product Quality") given to any ven- CEO at First Total Systems Inc.) dors each month. At the end of the year, dor in the 1990 Review. "You get the feeling that they'll do the published reports for all vendors were compared against each other and In addition, HP was included in whatever is necessary to solve a cus- the results summarized in the annual VARBUSINESS magazine's "Best of tomer's problem. They're always right review. This method created a situation the Best" summary categories for behind you." (Anonymous VAR) where the individual survey results "Support," "Partnership," and "Best "They take ownership of a problem being compared for the various vendors Overall ." when it comes to end-user support. could have been collected as much as You get the feeling they'll solve it at 11 months apart. HP first in six categories any cost." Here's a review of HP's first-place wins Joint Sales Calls and Other This year, representative samples of and a sampling of what our VARs and Assistance - "They make a lot of VARs for all vendors were surveyed on VARBUSINESS magazine editors had to joint sales calls with us. They let us a monthly basis. This means the ven- say about HP as a computer partner: take the lead. The HP rep can make dors were measured for their perfor- mance over a 12-month period, rather Qualiry of Products - "Hewlett- presentations with us or we can take than using a once per year rating. This Packard continues to be a winner in clients to their office. It reinforces our new procedure ensures that survey this category. It also received the only image. We don't take advantage of results are more equitable for the ven- A+ awarded this year and achieved them, but when we need them, they're dors being evaluated by their VARs.
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