Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science Electrical Engineering Annual Report 2012-2013 Annual Report Table of Contents Message from the Chair 3 New Faculty 4 Student Highlights 6 Faculty Highlights 10 Alumni Board 17 Members of National Academies 18 Interdisciplinary Research Centers 20 Department Statistics 22 Faculty Circuits and Embedded Systems 24 Physical and Wave Electronics 27 Signals and Systems 30 Post-Graduation Academic Placement 34 Student Awards 35 Student Clubs 36 Industrial Affiliates Program 38 Administration 39 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2012-2013 Message from the Chair Annual Report Professor M. -C. Frank Chang Welcome to the 2012-2013 Annual Report, highlight- 4 Professor Alan Willson (Vitold Belevitch Award) ing UCLA Electrical Engineering’s achievements and 4 Professor Asad Madni (IEEE Aerospace and Electronic activities over the past year! Systems Society’s Pioneer Award) Our faculty and students have been conducting cutting- 4 Professor Bahram Jalali (IEEE Photonics Society Aron edge research over the past year, sharing their results in 400 Kressel Award; The Engineers’ Council Distinguished journal and conference papers. A collaborative effort by Engineering Achievement Award) graduate students Philip Hon, Amir Tavallaee, Qi-Sheng 4 Professor Jason Speyer (AIAAA Guidance, Navigation, Chen, Professor Ben Williams and Professor Tatsuo Itoh and Control Award) on “Radiation Model for Terahertz Transmission-Line 4 Professor King-Ning Tu (EMPMD John Bardeen Award) Metamaterial Quantum Cascade Lasers” was awarded the 4 Professor Kuo-Nan Liou (Quadrennial Gold Medal 2013 IEEE Transactions on THz Science and Technol- Award) ogy Best Paper Award by IEEE MTT-S. Grad students 4 Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii (NASA Group Chih-Kai Chen and Ralph Hudson with Professor Kung Achieve Award) Yao were honored with the IEEE CORAL Best Student 4Professor Robert Candler (Northrop Grumman Paper Award for their work on “Modeling and Theoretical Excellence in Teaching Award) Performance Analysis for Dynamic Spatially Distributed Following suit, our students also were honored for their Energy-based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios”. significant research developments. Distinguished Ph.D. Recent Ph.D. graduates David Murphy and Amr Hafez, Dissertation Awards were granted to: who received the 2012 ISSCC Distinguished Technical 4 Chengcheng Wang for research on Building Efficient, Paper with Professor Asad Abidi, Professor Frank Chang, Reconfigurable Hardware Using Hierarchical and Broadcom colleagues, were awarded the Jack Kilby Interconnects Award for Outstanding Student Paper at 2013 ISSCC. 4 Amir Ali Tavallaee for research on Terahertz Quantum- Garnering great distinction, our faculty have also been Cascade Transmission-Line Metamaterial recognized with technical, society, and teaching awards. 4 Yu Zhang for research on System and Incentive Design Professor Aydogan Ozcan was in Socio-Technical Networks awarded the Biophotonics Continuing in our mission of placing graduates in Technology Innovator academia, five recent graduates have accepted faculty Award from SPIE, rec- positions at institutions worldwide from UC Berkeley ognizing his seminal (Thomas Courtade), Pennsylvania State University (Ahmad contributions to com- Mirzae) and State University of New York in Buffalo putational imaging, (Wenyao Xu) to Cairo University (Mohamed Aboudina) sensing and bio-pho- and Ain Shams University (Sameh Ibrahim), both in Egypt. tonics technologies We also welcome two new Associate Professors to our impacting telemedi- distinguished faculty: Dr. Christina Fragouli (UCLA cine and global health Ph.D. 2000) whose research focuses on network coding challenges. For his fun- and algorithms and Dr. Mona Jarrahi (Stanford Ph.D. damental contributions to 2007) whose research focuses on terahertz electronics. adaptive and statistical Lastly, I am delighted to announce that the UCLA signal processing, Pro- Electrical Engineering undergraduate program has received fessor Ali Sayed Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology was awarded the (ABET) accreditation through September 2019. The six- IEEE Signal year review cycle, culminating with a self-study and site visit Processing Soci- by ABET program evaluators, assesses how well we prepare ety’s Technical our graduates for successful careers and lifelong learning. Achievement We thank all of our friends, alumni, collaborators and Award. Society customers in industry, government and academia for their awards were continuous support, and look forward to future interac- presented to: tions with all of you. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2012-2013 3 Network Coding, Wireless New Faculty Networks and Network Security Associate Professor Christina Fragouli The focus of Professor Fragouli’s research is on how cols for sensor networks. Professor Fragouli is among to make communication networks more efficient, reli- the pioneers in the area of network coding, with two able and secure. We increasingly rely on communication monographs and more than 80 journal and conference networks for services that are considered fundamental, publications in this area. such as education, news coverage, health and entertain- ment. Yet as the demand for network services increases, Wireless networks so do our requirements and expectations: we require and Professor Fragouli works on developing new physical expect availability, performance, security, and cost-effi- layer and packet layer cooperation schemes, that extract ciency. At UCLA, Professor Fragouli leads ARNI, the a near optimal throughput and reliability performance Algorithimic Research in Network Information Flow from wireless networks. As an example, she introduced Laboratory, that works on addressing such challenges. with her collaborator Ayfer Ozgur the theory of wire- ARNI develops information less network simplification, that ex- transfer schemes that enable amines how much we can simplify a new capabilities for net- wireless network by shutting down works, such as being able to relays, while still maintaining a tar- better identify network de- get fraction of the network capac- fects, achieve unconditional ity. As another example, she was security at low complexity, awarded the 2013 Mobihoc best and significantly increase the paper award (with Melissa Duarte, bandwidth efficiency of Ayan Sengupta, Sid Brahma and wireless networks. The work Suhas Diggavi), for designing and in ARNI spans from deriv- deploying physical layer coopera- ing theoretical performance tion schemes that can double the bounds and combinatorial throughput over the traditional algorithms to designing and point to point schemes. In 2012, deploying practical protocols she co-founded the startup on testbeds. We next briefly ShoelaceWireless, to commercialize describe three main research technologies that increase the speed directions. and reliability of video delivery over wireless. Network coding Over the last decade, Pro- Network security fessor Fragouli has helped Professor Fragouli’s research aims develop the theory and to promote our fundamental under- practice of network coding. standing of secrecy over arbitrary Network coding is a new area, that breaks away from networks, as well as design protocols that enable offering the traditional point-to-point information transfer unconditional security at low complexity. Her student model, and tailors instead the information flow to the Laszlo Czap and collaborators Vinod Prabhakaran and network structure through the use of coding techniques. Suhas Diggavi and she developed secrecy capacity char- For instance, with her student Javad Ebrahimi, she acterizations for interactive network secrecy. With her developed novel algebraic code designs, that enable low- collaborator Katerina Argyraki and students Iris Safaka ering the complexity of network coding operations; with and Panagiotis Kostopoulos and other collaborators, she her student Mahdi Jafari and collaborators, she studied designed and deployed secrecy protocols on testbeds of subspace properties of network coding and their appli- software radios and smartphones. This work was the first cation to network tomography; and with her student to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of creating Lorenzo Keller and collaborators she designed and tenths of Kbits per seconds of secret bits among groups deployed the first implemented network coding proto- of wireless nodes, without using cryptographic methods. 4 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2012-2013 Addressing Performance Limitations of New Faculty Existing Terahertz Systems Associate Professor Mona Jarrahi Associate Professor Mona Jarrahi is joining the Elec- research team responsible for developing a novel trical Engineering Department in academic year 2013- MEMS-reconfigurable terahertz filter technology with 2014. Her research is focused on ultrafast electronic and unprecedented frequency tunability, which was utilized optoelectronic devices and integrated systems for tera- by her group to demonstrate terahertz intensity modu- hertz/millimeter-wave sensing, imaging, computing, lation with the highest reported modulation depth and and communication systems. modulation bandwidth at terahertz frequencies through Although unique potentials of terahertz waves for a fully integrated system platform. chemical identification, material characterization, bio- Professor Jarrahi is also the inventor of a very power- logical sensing, and medical imaging have been recog- ful technique for direct monitoring of ultrafast carrier nized for quite a
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