75c. A Y ear in Advance ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 18, 1890. Second Y ear —N o 67 ATCHRISTMASTIDE. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. C'ireiilt Cuiirt. ' TEe 7ase o^f the P«*opIe vs. Kieburd UPPER lyiARKETr Oiir MeroliaiitM Have Tlioir Ntures and FrtH'man, for disposal of propertj ’ hi'ld Cliolce vjiriet.v of tViiitluwH I'lxfd L’|t. on contract, was on trial Tuesday and Father Tiitn* in his tv><txe1ew8 ronrul han rt'sulted iu Judge Dabo U taking it4i' ata and Poiiltry, AGCRACtIVE. brought to iiH the glad holtda.v houhod , the jury and din*ctlng tt verdict for the and our inorchaiita aivcontributing their / Fresh. Fish. defendant. Your trade i. solicited. Hpaco toward pleaHiug the eye and mak­ The Olive horning scrape of the People «"w4 J. H. MiiCLOUP. ing glad the heart. vs. Bi'iijumin CarjM'iiter aud A mas Hub- It is w’ith great pleasure FoHter, I’oHt & CoV. h Ijow windows are berd, apjieak'd from Justice court, was that we see crowds of men, drserring of mPTittoTi. !n one will bo flnished yiikterduy By the jury bringing - Ganlaoe^ MBtiae. found a well regulutetl lioiiHehold in full in a verdict against Carpenter. You will ftnd lue with Smith Bro's., in the 'w:omen and children eager o|)eration. In one apartment can be The Temple will case is now on trial. old Randell Shop, west of the Steel, prepared to examine and secure the aeen the mirvnnt engagtHl in tlie weekly Cortland Wagon Co. vs. Andrew T. to serve the public. Get your biigRles paint ­ wanhing, while acrobs the hall will be ed when nut in um>. I will do fhein at low endless variet\' of suitable Caldwell and Jatnes R. Caldwell. Judg ­ j»rlces. JACK CItICHTON. found a table set with the latent style of ment for plaintiff f8.T4.17. China, the only thing that H<*omH to be M'm. S. Doiiuldson nnd Andrew J. Christmas Gifts. lacking is the food. The other window is Donaldson vs. Peter Clavey and Janu'S POULTRY WANTED! tastefully U iiume I in both the luxuries H. Fitts. Jmlgmentfor plaintiff f‘ir»7.- I will pay the higlu'st market price for That nnd necessjties of life, 10. POULTRY delivered at Mungcr's Wool In Mrs. J. T. C'oIe-& Co ’s, windows will Ida Carr vs. Fre<l Carr. Decree of di­ House, Bt. Johns. be found work baskets and boxes, vorce granted. 00w4 ' MTLLIAM GILSON. The merry, merry belU rang out upon the [ Coloiige bottles and the Jat<>st style Tie piercaiilie to froHty mf>rti. ........ ......... ............... Catherine K, Gilmore vs. John Gilinoi*e, Th^y chimed tlie song that angels sung when hats, all trimmed in a style that is pleas­ Christ the Lord was born: D«‘cree of divorce granted. “O peace on earth, vood will to men,” the ing to the feminine world. Emma..!, Whitnej' vs. Geo. Aw Whit- Is now displaying. In their chorus rolled and died In the St. Johns Mercantile Company ’s 80 acre Farm for Sale In far reveriioratlons ou this blessod Christ- nci'. I)ecr*H; of di\ orce granted. miles north of Fowler, 72 acres cleared, mastide. windows will he found a novel Christmas Anna O. Wiggins vs. Wm. H. Wiggins. large frame house and barn, young; orchard, l.l acres wheat. Bill sell or trade for other Mammoth 01 bring the holly branches and the boughs scene. A house, supposed to be the abid­ Decree of divorce granteil. property. Small payment down and will of mistletoe ing place of Santa Claus, with the moon The PtKjple vs. Elias Carter. Furnish­ take team of horses. Post office Maple Rap- And twine tliem both together herd within MAKTIN liAYN'KS. Grocery the flro-light glow. and stars and evergreen trees for a back ing liquor to minors. Prisoner failed to Forgetting all of liitU‘rne8S, of rankling and t>nde, ground. On top ol the building is a ai>|)ear iu court. In default of whieh the _ _ Department Let ©fch to reconclletl to each this gladsome sleigh tilled with Cliristinas gifts. The RfiSS-MAKING and ('hrlstmastide. (’ourt called for his bondsmen. other window is hung in the richest of GENERAL SEWING Let ail the sweet old son^ be sung, the dear Is an elegant line of fresh old stories tt>Id, drapings nml filletl with choice goods. At home or by the day, by the Tito dross of Life nil overlaid with what is For Fowtnntisster. Candies, , nuts and fanc3" life’s pur<» gold, . Fi’ench candies and fancy creams MISSES STARKS, Lot pain snd disappointment be but chaste*, mouldfKl in almost every shape will be St. Jolins, l_)ec. 11, 1S90 . goods to please the children. nings sanctltluti. <>4w4p Hea«l Cllnt<»n nve., east side. And heart shall iiiiswer unto heart this Joyous found in the disphay window of I). Mc- tdiplstuiHstldoi ----------------------------------------- “Musk also fiRs the • ;tfr.— (Jibbon. Nly claoice Iw Long, Jong our sllvorn-throiited bells shall and it is a pleasant spot to cciio out ttn lr chime. There is always a crowd congregated \m wooa Fiir-rcucblijg waves of promi«o unto every about the windows of Littell’s News de- \nsit if rUls only to see the race ami clime. IN «T. JUHN.S. pot, where are displayed the usual front- And year shall follow after year until tbc One I,<enTe address at Lyon & AValdo Feed crowd. A mammoth assort- who dieil ispiec»*s of ull the latest periodicals and On Calvary, h Iui II come to claim his own at Barn on Railroad stre<'t. Delivered to any works of noted authors,' also b* ‘autiful ment of choice cigars for the part <if the village frt*e. fiOw4. gentlemen. Cliristinas souvenirs' ^ ^ Signed ................................................................ From the side walk the pedestrian can Th«; follownrg votCT* hare been handed A Political KeiuiniHccnce. see the whole length of Davies & Davies in to date: BRBgKINB CDLl^. “Yes,’' said an old citizen of St. Johns Tk liT Ws h I’l. new stpre ; the briglit new harness, rota's, Volnej' Chapin....................................... 82 ‘J Those who have ei)lts they want broken to the other day, as he was looking over a carriages and cutters make a ideasiiig Geo. A. Wells......... ............................... Hi bHrn*'ss can Ke<‘ure m.v servlet's at n'asonable list of tormer Congressmen from Michi­ show. J. E.Littell............................................. 4 rates. Call at Waldo & Lyon ’s Feed Barn gan, “Those three names recall quite an t I A flue line of neckties and hankerchiefs on Railroad stre<*t, St. Johns, inten*Hfiug bit of political history, but With its artistic drapings at­ herahl the name of Wilson & Son from now4 . GRANT W A LD* ). probably none but old-timers woubl re- Business Locals . their window. tracts much attention and Hiember very much about it. Time flies.* ’ Lovely I Beautiful! are the exclamat­ Toksomal Y Piirlor D favorable comment. An end­ The nameH referml to were those of The finest line of silk umbrellas in St.' .lohii F. Dtiggs, Congi'essmnn in 1807-00 ions of the admiring throng wliich gather JtThiisis at Kendrick’s; just the thing « A.]M[xr i oiTTi A VIH, less variet\' of handkerchiefs Uandolph Strickland, 1800-71, and Jabez in front of the show windows of Thcleu & for Cbristmus pr^'st'nts. Dever, us they look upon a jiasteboard in all colors and qualit 3% as G. Sutherland, 1871-78, all from the 0th Shawls. Informs his old custoiiiers that he has re­ lady in full evening toilet. She is exquis ­ moved to tli^ sei'on*! *ltnir ertst of the corner well as price. Silk and wool district of .Michigan. You ctui find the finest line of Bla<‘k and Invites his ]>atrons to remember the “John F. Driggs hud been in Congress itely dres.sed and her surroundings vie and colorwl shawls in Clinton county at elianae. mufflers in all colors, new for several ttwms,” went on the old citi­ with h«'r outfit, .\bsent minded youug John Hicks'. meji have been known to stop and con ­ and ^egant designs in black zen. “He hailed from Saginaw, which Handkerchif'fs nnd Mufflers, in great sult their note book on the date ot the Corner Borber $hop. was then in the sixth district, and he profusion at Kendrick’s for the holiday silk mittens and hosier 3’' for I am pleased tf> annc»iini'e to my niuueruua made a pretty good Congressmau. lint next ball. The other is equally ua prett3’. trad*'. - east<*mers that I have leased the room, corn ­ along toward the last of his congressiouul We could not do it cn^lit by trying to er, of Clinton Ave. nnd Walk»*r street and ladies’. Umbrellas suitable La«iies’ Kid Mittens newly fitteil It nn, making »ii,v shop one of career he was implicated iu an affair di'scnbe it, but will say that the talent the tlnest in St. .lohns. Vo\ir patronage Is for presents. v--. With fur trimming at John Hicks’.____ solhlted. _______ ovar4v3YcHt Fointewbdshlp-ft pj ioi iitt land titsin d^^<played in triitimiug these, which did not reflect much credit on liim. two windows is truly remarkable. AVe *'xtend the compliments of the sea­ son to onr Patrons an*l trust the new It was said that a young man who was In Dutcher Bro ’s., dis[(lay windows For Sole ? year will bring to them many i>l*'nsni*es Fifty nert-s of choice land live miles n4»rt )i too old to be eligible for admission to can be sj'en slippors of eyery sha)K> and add much prosperity.
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