Volume 4• Number 2 • July - December 2011 STUDY OF LOGISTICAL INTERMODALITY IN PARANÁ STATE – BRAZIL Technical Note Claudia Tania Picinin Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná [email protected] João Luiz Kovaleski Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná [email protected] Luiz Alberto Pilatti Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná [email protected] Bruno Pedroso Universidade Estadual de Campinas [email protected] Marcus Vinicius Pereira Gonçalves Faculdades Integradas de Itararé [email protected] Abstract: Intermodal transportation is characterized by the transfer of goods from the origin point to a destination, involving two or more different modals of transportation. This paper aims to analyze modal road and rail transportation in the Campos Gerais region, as a form of concentrated cargos (stor- age and distribution) in this region. The empirical secondary data was obtained from federal agencies, such as the Ministry of Development and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). The modal choice emphasizes each specific characteristic and costs cutting. The Campos Gerais region pres- ents significant exports, representing 41% of the state of Parana in 2004. The logistics junction of Cam- pos Gerais region is focused on modal road-rail, centering on a large volume of cargo in this region. Keywords: Logistics; modal of transportation; intermodality. 1. INtroDuctIoN through four ways of organizing logistics organiza- tions internally. Until 1950, the companies developed The methods used to perform the transportation may activities on their own, ruled by the “era of transpor- be the most varied depending on the type of cargo, tation.” From 1950 to 1970, companies ran through location of the production company, availability of a phase of predominance of a systemic vision, in resources for the implementation of transportation which the “age of business logistics” predominated. such as highways, railroads, airports and ports, as From 1970 to 2000, there were two phases of greater well as several other factors that can directly and in- structural impact in organizations, which the “era of directly influence this practice. supply chain,” was active from 1970 to 2000, with an integrated circuit of manufacturing, logistics Machline (2011) argues that during the period be- and other organizational functions. After 2000, the tween the 1950’s to 2000’s, companies have gone 71 Picinin, C. T., Kovaleski, J. L., Pilatti, L. A., Pedroso, B., Gonçalves, M. V. P.: Study of Logistical Intermodality in Paraná State – Brazil 72 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 4 (1), pp 71 - 83 organization acts based on an imprint aimed at the will be detailed , being more directly linked to the global view on the “era of supply chains.” Based on structure of the logistics platform to be installed in a corresponding approach, Bozarth et al. (2009), and the city of Ponta Grossa. Machline (2001), stated that in the last 20 years there was a “convergence of the traditionally distinct ar- All the transportation modes use terminals and plat- eas of operations management (OM), sourcing, and forms to move the loads. The terminals are inevita- logistics into a single area commonly known as sup- bly the origin or destination point of traffic, and in ply chain management (SCM)”. some cases, the point where the load requires ser- vices such as consolidation/deconsolidation for the According to Damaria (2004), the intermodal trans- distribution of loads. Therefore, they can be consid- portation of cargo uses the integration of different ered a mix of facilities where the transport process is modalities, objectives the gain efficiency. Intermod- originated or completed. al transportation requires bill for each shipment in different modals under different responsibilities, as 2.1 modal road multimodal transport requires a single shipment bill under the responsibility of a legal person. Among the modes, roads are most used in Brazil, rep- resenting about 60% of the transport of cargo carried For Rodrigues (2003, p. 31) these modals can be sub- through the country. The road still has a long lifetime divided into road, rail, river / lake, sea, waterway, air in Brazil, because even though it has a considerably and pipeline. Road transportation, even in some cases high cost compared to rails, for example, it takes ad- accounting for the high cost carrier, covers most of the vantage of the structure the country offers, considering Brazilian territory. The railway route has no flexibil- the existing roads. ity, being restricted to a single path and is not as fast as road transportation, but has a significantly lower The lower deployment cost per kilometer and the low- cost. Road transportation is different from rail routes est period of maintenance compared to the modal rail because it can supply routes without walking dis- results in a fast expansion of road infrastructure (Ro- tance, finished products and semi-finished products. drigues, 2003, p. 49). A major reason for the develop- ment of highways is the shortest time for construction Ballou (1993), affirms that the basic difference be- and maintenance, being encouraged by the rulers of tween rail and road modal transportation is their this modal choice, especially in the period between way of acting, once trucks are able to manipulate a 1956 and 1961. smaller variety of cargo due to security restrictions Road transportation is the most flexible and agile to access (regarding size and weight of the cargo). In addition, cargo. They are transported in spaces reserved directly trucks offer greater flexibility in delivering cargo in with carriers, which can be done together or separately installments. with another cargo, when the load is sufficient for the -to tal space of the vehicle (Damaria, 2004). Road transporta- This article aims to analyze the road and rail trans- tion is widespread by the structure and the convenience it port modality in the region of Campos Gerais, as a offers, considering the unfolding of the course. According form of concentrated loads (storage and distribu- to Rodrigues (2003, p. 51), road transportation is a more tion) on that studied region. efficient and simpler type of transportation; its only re- quirement is the existence of roads. 2. INtermoDalIty The flexibility offered by road transport is undoubt- Intermodality is the transportation of merchandise edly one of the key differing points which gives it an advantage, considering other modes, so the country from the origin point to a delivery point, by using has today a considerable fleet of trucks that perform different modes. The documentation is issued inde- this type of service for both cargo closed, and for frac- pendently, one for each carrier, each taking respon- tional loads. sibility for their transport. For Damaria (2004), the choice of modal to be used 2.2 modal rail in the international distribution of merchandise is critical, so it is very important to know every detail According to the Agência Nacional de Transportes Ter- 2 for creating and developing appropriate logistics. restres - ANTT , rail transportation is characterized by For this study, modal road and rail transportation 2 National Land Transportation Agency Picinin, C. T., Kovaleski, J. L., Pilatti, L. A., Pedroso, B., Gonçalves, M. V. P.: Study of Logistical Intermodality in Paraná State – Brazil Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 4 (1), pp 71 - 83 73 carrying large volumes with high efficiency, especially east and Northeast, given part of the Midwest and in cases of displacement to medium and long distances. North. Approximately 28,840 km of network was The loads typical of this transportation are: steel prod- granted (ANTT). ucts, grain, iron ore, cement and lime, fertilizers, petro- leum, limestone, coal and clinker, and also containers. 2.3 comparisons between the modal The modal rail embraces the important features the high competitiveness of transport for large volumes and long The rail provides greater security, compared to road distances, and are safe, economical and clean - in this transportation, because it has lower accident rates case, there is an option to use biodiesel (CNT, 2007). and a lower incidence of burglaries and robberies. To Caixeta Gameiro and Filho (2002, p. 3), is the fol- According to Ballou (2001), there are two legal types lowing situation is considered cargo theft: “the situ- of rail service, being common or private carriers. For ation in which individuals illegally take possession private services, the carrier sells transportation to all of part or the entire load of a carrier vehicle, which shippers, as the services settled by economic and se- may occur, in the last case, the disappearance or no curity regulations of government agencies. Private of the vehicle concurrently with the stolen goods” transportation is already acquired by the shipper for In Brazil, the occurrence of “cargo theft” indicates a the purpose of serving only the owner. Due to the lim- preference for products with high added value and ited scope of the private carrier, the drive train is the easy market distribution. usual type. Road transportation has a unique feature that differ- According to Damaria (2004), the modal rail normally binds neighboring countries. It has flexible routes, by entiates it from all other modes, which is its ability being restricted to a single path, and is not as nimble to travel by any means. It doesn’t attach to fixed or as road transport. The share of railway transportation rigid paths routes, having the ability to pass by any between Brazil and other Latin American countries is place, presenting a unique flexibility. This feature still unexpressive, the difference being a gauge of the gives to this mode an extraordinary advantage in the biggest problems. The movement of freight by railroad race for the load with the other modes (Keed, 2003). offers special benefits to the shipper, either in bulk, coal or grain, refrigerated goods or automobiles, which re- This modal has an advantage towards rail modals or quire special equipment for transportation.
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