OFFICEoFTHEHARYANASTATEAGRICULTURALMARKETING BOARD, PANCHKULA. ORDER allotted:- The following vehicles are hereby From To Remarks Sr. No. Vehicle DescriPtion New Sec.v, Board (i) l.'. | ( (ii) New Board C.M.b.U (iiD Secy. /Irrtanrti Ciaz Model 2019) C,M.E.O CT.'A Against (iv) HR.598.OUUO condemned (SX4 Model-2O13) car No, HR- 01w-0003 EIC CE-II (v) @ (Srvift Dzire Model 2019) H.Q. Poot (vi) HR-72-007u CE-II (Swift Dzire Model 2013) ffi t"k. *ith immediate effect. DR.J.GANESAN CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR . ,, . \ t^ ^0Y Lg? )L - 3{ Dated: L:l/1I ) r->o Endst. No. Mech .20201 I Acopyofaboveiis'forwardedtothefollowingforinformation and necessary action Please' 1. The CE-II, H'S'A'M' Iloard' Panchkula' 2. The CMEO, H'S'A'M' Board' Panchkula' 3. The CFA, H'S'A'M' Board' Panchkula H'S'A'M' Board' Panchkula' , The Executive Engineer (IT)' t- Panchkula' il ;.J. to C.A./Secretary & EIC H.S.A,M Board, Su al Engineer (Mech') For Chief Administrator OFFICE OF THE HARYANA STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD, PANCHKULA ORDER Sanction is hereby accorded to release the leave encashment of 300 days unutilized earned leave in respect of Sh. Bhola Dutt, Junior Engineer (PH) (Retd.), HSAMBoard, Panchkula. Vijay Singh Secretarv Endst. No. Adm n.-rrr-2020/ tnt, W)1t -) *Datedr {S l*.- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- 1. Sh. Bhola Dutt, Junior Engineer (PH) (Retd.), HSAMBoard, anchkula. anchkula. S dmn.) For Secretary Office of Haryant State Agricultural Marheting lio*r'i, Panehkula ORDER Smt. Nukul, Secretary-cum-E,O., Market Committee, Mohindergarh is hereby placed under suspension with immediate effect and her Head Quarter is fixed in tl-re office of Zonal Administrator HSAMBoard, Gurugram. She will not leave the Heacl Quart:r.riithcui obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority. During suspension, she will be entitled to subsistence allowance as admissible uni.er rules 83:86 of the Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2015 as amendecl from time to time. These orders shall take imnrediate e ct. DR. J. GANESAN CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR Endst. No. C&E-I-t7t4t20z0t ,tlr I r \g- - ga6 Datecl,: 1& \ o {:\ :r ra r A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- L Smt. Nukul, Secretary-cum-E.O,, Market Committee, Mohindergarh. 2. The CFA,H.S.A.M.Board,Panchkula '''3. The ZA,H.S.A.M.Board, Gurugrarn. 4. Supdt.(Admn) and 4.-6 H.S.A.M.Board, Panchkula. 5. The PS to Chairperson, C.A. and Secretary BOard. ../U. The E.E./SDE(IT), H.S.A.M.Board, for Chief Administrator Panchkula Sh. Ashok Kumar, Secretary_cum_E.O., Market Conrmittee, NarnaLrl is hereby placed under suspension with immediate effbet and his Head euarcer is fixed in the office of Z'cnal Adrninistrator HSAMBoard, Gurugram. He will not leave the Head euarter without obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority. During suspension, he will be entitled to subsistence allowanoe as actrnissible under rules 83-86 of the Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules, 2016 as amendecl licrn riine ro time. These orders shall take immediate offect. D1{. , J, G, ^.', i. :i ,. CI{IEF AD ryI II'IIIS :!'iiri\' i' i) I t Dated: zri osilai-CI . t "- \- A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information atrd necessary action:- 1. Sh. Ashok Kumar, Secretary-cum-E.o., Market committee, Narnaul 2. The CFA,H.S.A.M.Board,panchkuia. i. The ZA,H.S.A.M.Board, Gurugram. 4. Supdt.(Admn) and 4-6 H.S.A.M.Board, panohkula. 5. The PS to Chairperson, C.A. and Secretary Board. \-d. The E.E./SDE(IT), H.S.A.M.Board. panchkula. lbr Chief rtcLuiir is,i r-:: rc r office of Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Boarct, Panehkula p,acedunder::J:'###;T#;:H';';,T:f 'o#H|;"TTT"':,::::1 ' zonal Administrator HSAMBoard, Gurugam. He will not leave the Head euafter withoLrt ,i obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority. During suspension, he will be entitled to subsistence allo ance as adrnissible under rules 83-86 of the Haryana civil services (General) Rules, 2016 asamencied fi.orn time to time. These orders shall take immediate effect. DR. J. GANESAN CHIEF'ADMINISTRATOR A cop}r of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:- I' Sh. Aditya Yadav, secretary-cun:-E.o:; Market committee, I(anina, 2. The CF.\H.S.A.M.Board,panchkula. 3. The ZA,H.S.A.M.Board, Gurugram. 4. Supdt.(Admn) and ,4.-6 II.S.A.M.Board, panchkula. 5. The PS to Chairperson, C.A. and Secre-.tary Boar 6. The E.E./SDE(IT), H.S.A.M.Board, panchkula. A! for Chief Administrator Office of Harya,na State Agricultural Marketing -!i0a;.'.: Panchkula ORDER Sh. Narender Kumar Yadav, Secretary-cum-E.O., Market Committee, .Atcii i:; hereby placed under suspension with immediate effect an his Head Quarter is irxcd in r.lic ul,ir:c of Zonal Administrator HSAMBoard, Gurugram. He will not leave the Heact euaLrei r,,ii.,ic,'-ii obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority. During suspension, he will be entitled to subsisten,:e allowance as adrnissible under rules 83-86 of the Haryana Civil Services (General) Rules,2016 as amendeci iL"our rin: tr.; time. These orders shall take immediate effect. DR. J. G,A.NESANT CIIIEF iVfINISTRAT{-..J.i. A copy of the above is forwarded to the following fol information and necessiily 1r:ir,l:- 1. Sh. Narender I(umar Yadav, secretary-cum-E.o., Market Committee, Ateli 2. The CFA,H.S.A.M.Board,Panchkula. 3. The ZA,H.S.A.M.Board, Gurugram. 4. Supdt,(Admn) and ,4-6 H.S.A.M,Board, Panchkula. 5. The PS to Chairperson, C.A. and Secretary Board. \-4 6. The E.E./SDE(IT), H.S.A.M.Board, Panchkula. { A.o.( for Chiel' Administrator THE HAR.I!1q{.NA STATE AGRICULTURAL IWARKETING BOARD,PANCHKULA. ORJ}ER .,eurgranes, lvlarket committees shall look after the work of tlre gesreta_1,_curn_E.O.Marl<et Corntiiitees iii addition to &eir own dudes without any extra remuneration: as in-ciraree Ate.ii 1.'ddl.) r,:; in-chal r:r Mohilcl,:..r.-:1. ln-r'l-', I(alh,,,,.,: .:.J.,... Th""".crde.GiGfufrale- in-chall: effect. .nr#t Jrrttoll.,._'. ..,, Endst.No.At mn_yl_2020t h?Llza ttq _gy n^r^,, u.,io,lcopyisi"..#;;;',h?;;:r:,{;;#i*i##kl.,,u.u ]] All rhe above named officials. ?l The CMEO/CFA/MDO,HSaMBoard. The Z.A'./ZIvEOIDMEO, 1] HSAM Board concerned. 4) The pSpA to Chain H. s.A.M. B oa.d, pai, s)-Thechairman/Aclmir*;;rr;#,rc;"J;r,J'"."""""1'"L5) The chair- o,.,, o c,r i. r i i.. ", ^,\?*!S,e]etav' j::.,, *..
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