FROM • USOM/Saigon SUBJECT • Monthly Civil Police Report - ~iarch REFERENCE • (Cfleck one before Reports Control l\.To. S/CPD-1 e1'ch address) ICATO Circ XA-556, 7 Feb 1957 DISTRIBUTION ACTION . I INFO .ADDRESS AND SEJW\L NUMSEI\ ACTION R~~c ,.- ·vED APR2 0 1959 WASHmTON 'rOICA A • l 6 4 l INFO. ~n~~ - sr.~r-:: UN;\'ERSITY l. Situation~ · V ~.H ~ · ·'M HOJ!CT a) No variance was noted with ~ference to the report tor February 1959· l>) · -Police author1,ties and the Civil Guard continue ento.rcement aot1v1t.ies against dissident groups, robbe1'$ and pirates. A~sts continue to be made and considerable equipment, literature and weapons continue to be confiscated. c) The President or the Republic ot India, *Jendra Prasad, made ~ ~tate visit to Vietnam during the month. Ceremonies, both public and private, and a large parade cons1stipg in part of Vietnamese Ulilitary forces., were held befo:r;>e tremendm)s crowds. No. police incidents occul"I'ed· du~ing this visit. 2. Operation3: a ) PeJ,"sonne 1. -OTHER AGENCY 1) On l2 March,. frli>. ~rd Hoft,. Cb1ef, Police Division, MSUG, vtsited Korea and Formosa to observe the police oommunieations syst~ms presently in opera·tion. Mr. Hoyt ct;mterr.ed. wtth ICA/l'SD advisors and higll ra~ing police otficia,l.s relat1ve to conum..micattons problems. Mr. Hoyt l"f)turned to satgon 27 March. 2) Mr. earl Rumpf, .police .>1dV1tiol'_. , ;returned, .fttom Clal"k A1r Force Hospital., Fhilippine.s, on 20. ~~cll,,p and rep~rted for duty 2' Maxw-...h. (Ret~:r February Rep0rt 2 .a )1)) b) Treini.ng Area. I . ii:umomzrNG 0H1crn ' ·l '""'"" rktJ/I; •"'"' · j '"o" '°· om (Do not lypa- bsfow this line} '( SAmON 'l'OICA A -/Ifi./ I tfflCLASSIPIED 2 8 1) Seve:ral meetings were held with Ministry of Interior officials and police training officials during the month. Matters pertaining to the establishment of a master training program on a natioml scale and the opening or the Command Officers School at VBI Headquarters,, Camp des Mares, were discussed. 2) TheVBI Command Officers SchoolJI a permanent in-service police training school for medium and high rank officers, opened on 16 March. PU'ty medium-rank VBI agents selected trom all provinces comprise .the first class. More than 2 million piasters in counterpart funds were spent on .remodeling of buildings and on equipment. MSUG will participate in a minimum of 15 hours of lecture time covering such subjects as History of Police, Personnel Administration, Burglary and Robbery. In add1t1onJI MSW will lecture and give range training on Use ot l'irearma. 3) The -three week Revolver Instruetors Course given to 48 members of the Saigon Municipal Police ended on 6 Narch. A.graduation ceremony was held at the B1nh Toi Bange vith Director 'l'l"an Van 'I'll ot the Saigon Nunicipal Police,, precinct commissioners and MSW police advisors attending. (Refer February Report 2.b)3)) 4) A select group ot seven of the Municipal Police revolver instructors are receiving additional training two momings each week. 5) Several lectures were given by MSUG aovisors to a conterence ot Civil Guard revolver instructors beginning the training of 40 students selected from all Civil Guard province detachments • This revolver instructors course began ;o March. All of the training is .done by Vietnamese instructors and I4SUG advisors are merely supervising this training. 6) During the regular monthly meeting with the Director of the National Police Academy and his staff, the Director asked 1t MSUG advisors would develop an advanced instructors course for his teaching staff. This request is being discussed f'urther at higher levels. A program of monthly guest lectures to be given to the Academy ~tudents by police adv1sors has been establiehed. Th18 program will contime unt11 July. The first of these monthly lectures was given th1s month on the subject of Tratt1c. 7) Baste mathematics classes continue for VBI "rsonnel selected to study the commun1cattons field. (Refer li'ebruary Report 2. b )5)) 8) Several meetings have been held w1th Mr. Tran Van tu, Dtrector of Saigon Municipal Police, relative to the establishing of a traffic investigation school tor his traffic officers and other personnel. MJ:t. Tu stated that in his optninn this training would be premature at this time and sugg~sted that such a achool be postponed tor the time being. 9) DU.ector TU has ordered the beginning ot riot shotgun re-traj.ning to be given to h1s riot squad and personnel assigned to l'9-1d1ng squads and guard duty. This training w111 be. given by MSm-tre.tned Vietname~e instructors. lfJSUG adVisors will supervise. l1NCIASSDIEJ> SAIGON TOICA A ~/ [('-/ I . tmCIASSD'mD 3 8 10) 'l'be Civil Guard adv1soF visited the new site of the Officers School at cap St. Jacques. A detailed report including a plan of the buildings and surroudding area was submitted. (Refer rebruary Report 2.b)l3)) 11) The Civil Guard advisor also v1s1ted the Regional Non .. comm1ssioned Officers School recently transferred to cat rn. This site is an improvement over the previous site at Ben Go. (Refer February Report 2 •b )14)) 12) lectu!'e material tor the Police Training Manual is still in process of tnnslation. Charts and illustrations for this manual a.re being prepared. It is expected that all material tor this manual will be turnea over to the printer this month. (Refer February Report 2 .b)lO)) i;) All material on the Dl'1ver Training Imtructors Manual has been sent to the printer. (Refer February Report 2.b)ll) 14) A Tear Gas Training Nanual has been written, translated into Vietnamese, and it ts expected to go to the Printe~ early in April. 15) Conversion of the English sound-track to Vietnamese language on several police training films continues. 16) VBI multilith press operators continue to be tre.ined in operation of the mult1lith press h~cently delivered through the American Aid program) by the USOl'i Program SUpport Division. (Refer February Report 2.b)l2)) c) Research. l) Pinal draft ot the Saigon Police Precinct Records study has been completed. Permission to make a similar study or Municipal Police Headquarters organization and records has been granted. (Refer February Report 2.c)l)) 2) Study of the Vietnamese Vehicle Registration System continues. }) 'l'he last three chapters ot the proposed Vietnamese Traffic Code have been completed and turned aver to the Review Committee ot the Department of Public Works. d} Organization. l) On 17 March,; a ceremony was held at VllI Headquarters, camp des Mares, tor the dedication of American Aid equipment recently received in Vietnam. Among those attending the ceremony were Mr. Arthur z. Gardiner, Director or USOM, Secretary of state for the Interior,, Mr. Iam Le Trinh, as well as other GVN and USOM officials and MStn advisors. UNCIASSD'!ED 4 8 2) JiJ,~ lng the past su i.Yeeks, 60 V'Bl and ~unieip~d Police pe:rsonnel, potential · an~s r_.,t the 1959-60 progrom, have been studying Elllgl1sh. This basic English ill bq '~ompletec 5 June, at which time the number ot actual participants will ·ed to J}Q on a oompet1t1ve basis. An advanced Bnllish-language course will :tn foz· ·;;Jiese men,, 20 of uhom will have been specifically selected tor radio .e.tiorF: study in the United States. The r~~iniil.g 20 particip~mts will be d ·to ~· )llO'!J other poliee t:raining 1n the United States. 3) (}. 31 WB.rch, five police leader participants departed Saigon for the tates .,;ier-e four tir:l.ll obseNe the American police scene fo:r• two months. The he he~ .. I of the VBI Crime IaboNttoey lJ 'lii.rUl spend five months studying various ..nal a 1; :i administrative concepts and techniques pertaining to crime laboratories. 4) er:·; ·· number of Heney System fingerprint oar-ds x•ecetved at VBI Headquarters la 283· 581. JI. bacldog of approximately 40,000 carda exiats. In order to ·e the ::acklog and to adequately handle the tremendous anticipated increase ly re,.. ::,tpta of cards follotiring the inaugumtion of the National Identity ·gl'Sm, }laris are being made to increase the personnel within the Identification nd \;o ,tid additional shifts to the present staff. 5) 'rh:i actual implementation of the National Identity Card Program continues •layed . )3nd1ng the arrival of necessary photographic equipment. It is .1ted tl:!·.1 t this equipment w1U awive in satgon before 15 April. Meanwhile, preser~·; ·~d their revised plans for this proposal. These plans are nOfi being _,ed 1n1;·} English and will be used as the basis for further discussions with .cials . (Refer Janwu'"Y Report 2.d)l2)) 6) Ttt : VBI and American Aid advisors have instituted an Inventory Control tor PD'ts an.d supplies at VBI Headquarters. 'Dlis system 1s presently being 1 ope?'f-1~ 1on at the equipment and parts center. 7» Wr::~?.cly confeJ"ences are held Yith the DirectoJ> General or Police and ' Serv", .3s ~VBI), at mich previously drawn agendas are discussed. 8) lXY:Jctor Tu, Saigon Municipal Police, has agr-eed to organize a revolver .:nt be' .. : ~en the various city precincts and the VBI in the very near future. 9) A .:: ~mm1ttee was to have been fomed by Mr. Do Van Ro, Police Training ·.tor, r· partment of Interior, for the purpose of reviewing the Rules and i.ons p~·,;-·.nulgated by MSW for Municipal Police. Director Tu states that he :>d notl L;.~'lg further on this. (Refer February Report 2 .d )8)) 10 » ~rt.. ~les ot organization and equipment tor the proposed reorganization of :..1 Gua r··~ according to the most recent Project Agreement, are being prepared ~.
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