Indigenous plants suitable for revegetation or landscaping in the Somers Region. Scientific Name Common Name Size h x w (m) 123456 CANOPY Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle 25 x 10 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood 30 x 15 TREES Allocasuarina littoralis Black Sheoak 8 x 5 Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak 11 x 6 Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia Coast Banksia 20 x 10 Banksia marginata Silver Banksia 2(10) x 2(5) Bursaria spinosa subsp. spinosa Sweet Bursaria 6 x 3 Eucalyptus cephalocarpa Silver-leaf Stringybark 20 x 15 Eucalyptus obliqua Messmate Stringybark 70 x 35 Eucalyptus ovata var. ovata Swamp Gum 30 x 20 Eucalyptus radiata subsp. radiata Narrow-leaved Peppermint 30 x 20 Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. pryoriana Coast Manna-gum 10 x 6 Leptospermum lanigerum Woolly Tea-tree 6 x 2 Melaleuca ericifolia Swamp Paperbark 9 x 3 SMALL Acacia longifolia var. sophorae Coast Wattle 4 x 5 Acacia myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 3 x 2 TREES / Acacia oxycedrus Spike Wattle 3 x 2 LARGE Acacia paradoxa Hedge Wattle 4 x 5 Acacia stricta Hop Wattle 5 x 2 SHRUBS Allocasuarina misera, A. paradoxa Slender, Green Sheoak 2 x 1.5–2 Allocasuarina paludosa Scrub Sheoak 2 x 2 Aotus ericoides Common Aotus 1.5 x 1.5 Bossiaea cinerea Showy Bossiaea 2 x 2 Brachyloma ciliatum Fringed Brachyloma 0.5 x 1 Cassinia aculeata Common Cassinia 4 x 2 Coprosma quadrifida Prickly Currant-bush 4 x 1.5 Correa alba var. alba White Correa 2 x 3 Correa reflexa Common Correa 2 x 2 Daviesia latifolia Hop Bitter-pea 3 x 2 Dillwynia cinerascens, D. glaberimma Grey, Smooth Parrot-pea 1.5 x 1.5, 2 x 2 Epacris impressa Common Heath 1.5 x 0.6 Epacris obtusifolia Blunt-leaf Heath 2 x 1.5 Goodenia ovata Hop Goodenia 2.5 x 3 Hakea nodosa, H. ulicina Yellow, Furze Hakea 3 x 2 Hibbertia fasciculata var. prostrata Bundled Guinea-flower 0.5 x 0.5 Hibbertia riparia Erect Guinea-flower 1 x 0.6 Isopogon ceratophyllus Horny Cone-bush 0.6 x 1.2 Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree 4 x 2 Leptospermum myrsinoides Heath Tea-tree 2.5 x 1 Leucopogon australis, L. ericoides Spike, Pink Beard-heath 1.5 x 0.7–0.8 Leucopogon parviflorus Coast Beard-heath 4 x 3 Leucopogon virgatus var. virgatus Common Beard-heath 1 x 0.6 Lomatia ilicifolia Holly Lomatia 2 x 1 Melaleuca squarrosa Scented Paperbark 5 x 2 Olearia lirata Snowy Daisy-bush 5 x 3 Olearia ramulosa var. ramulosa Twiggy Daisy-bush 2.5 x 1 Ozothamnus ferrugineus Tree Everlasting 3 x 2 Persoonia juniperina Prickly Geebung 0.5 x 0.3 Platylobium obtusangulum Common Flat-pea 1 x 1 Pultenaea daphnoides Large-leaf Bitter-pea 3 x 2 Pultenaea gunnii subsp. gunnii Golden Bush-pea 1.5 x 0.5 Pultenaea stricta Rigid Bush-pea 1 x 1 Rhagodia candolleana subsp. candolleana Seaberry Saltbush 2 x 2.5 Ricinocarpos pinifolius Wedding Bush 3 x 2 Solanum laciniatum Large Kangaroo Apple 3 x 3 Tetratheca ciliata Pink Bells 0.6 x 0.6 GROUND Acaena novae-zelandiae Bidgee Widgee 0.6 x spreading Acrotriche prostrata Trailing Ground-berry 0.3 x spreading COVERS Acrotriche serrulata Honey Pots 0.3 x 1 Arthropodium strictum Chocolate Lily 1 x 0.8 Astroloma humifusum Cranberry Heath 0.5 x 1.5 Billardiera scandens var. scandens Common Apple-berry 1 x 1 climber Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion 0.5 x 0.2 Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily 0.6 x 0.3 Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids 0.5 x 0.2 Centella cordifolia Centella 0.1 x spreading Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting 2 x 0.3 Chrysocephalum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting 1 x 3 Clematis aristata Mountain Clematis Climber Clematis microphylla var. microphylla Small-leaved Clematis Climber Dianella laevis Pale Flax-lily 0.8 x 0.5 Dianella admixta Black-anther Flax-lily 1 x 2.5 Dichondra repens Kidney Weed 0.1 x spreading Euchiton collinus Creeping Cudweed 0.2 x spreading Geranium sp. 2 Variable Crane’s-bill 0.5 x 0.5–0.8 Goodenia geniculata Bent Goodenia 0.1 x 0.5 Gratiola peruviana Austral Brooklime 0.3 x 1.5 Hovea heterophylla Common Hovea 0.6 x 0.3 Helichrysum scorpioides Button Everlasting 0.3 x 0.3 Hydrocotyle laxiflora Stinking Pennywort 0.2 x spreading Hypericum gramineum Small St John’s Wort 0.3 x 0.2 Kennedia prostrata Running Postman 0.1 x 2 Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus, L. tenuiflorus Scaly, Wiry Buttons 0.3 x 0.3–0.4 Lobelia anceps Angled Lobelia 0.3 x spreading Lomandra filiformis Wattle Mat-rush 0.3 x 0.2 Lomandra longifolia subsp. longifolia Spiny-headed Mat-rush 1 x 1.2 Microseris sp. 3 Yam Daisy 0.7 x 0.5 Patersonia fragilis, P. occidentalis Short, Long Purple-flag 0.2–0.4 x 0.4–0.6 Pelargonium australe Austral Stork’s-bill 0.6 x 1 Persicaria decipiens Slender Knotweed 0.6 x 1 Pimelea humilis Common Rice-flower 0.5 x 1 Selliera radicans Shiny Swamp-mat 0.4 x 1 Senecio hispidulus, S. quadridentatus, S. tenuiflorus Rough, Cotton, Slender Fireweed 0.6–1.3 x 0.3–1 Senecio minimus Shrubby Fireweed 1 x 0.5 Stylidium armeria Common Trigger-plant 0.6 x 0.3 Tetragonia implexicoma Bower Spinach 2.5 x 2 Thysanotus tuberosus subsp. tuberosus Common Fringe-lily 0.3 x 0.2 Tricoryne elatior Yellow Rush-lily 0.5 x 0.5 Veronica calycina Hairy Speedwell 0.2 x 0.5 Viola hederacea Ivy-leaf Violet 0.1 x spreading Wahlenbergia gracilis, W. stricta subsp. stricta Tall, Sprawling Bluebell 0.5 x 1, 0.9 x 0.4 Xanthorrhoea australis Austral Grass-tree 3 x 2 Xanthorrhoea minor subsp. lutea Small Grass-tree 1.2 x 1 GRASSES, Austrodanthonia caespitosa, A. geniculata, A. racemosa var. racemosa, A. setacea Wallaby Grass 0.3–1 x 0.2–0.4 Austrodanthonia penicillata Slender Wallaby-grass 1 x 0.4 SEDGES Austrostipa mollis, A. pubinodis Supple, Tall Spear-grass 1.5 x 0.3–0.5 AND Austrostipa muelleri Wiry Spear-grass 1 x 0.5 RUSHES Austrostipa rudis subsp. rudis, A. semibarbata Veined, Fibrous Spear-grass 1.2–1.5 x 0.4 Baumea acuta Pale Twig-sedge 0.3 x 0.4 Carex appressa Tall Sedge 1.2 x 1 Deyeuxia quadriseta Reed Bent-grass 1 x 0.2 Dichelachne siebriana Plume Grass 1 x 0.4 Distichlis distichophylla Australian Salt-grass 0.2 x spreading Eragrostis brownii Common Love-grass 0.4 x 0.3 Gahnia sieberiana Red-fruit Saw-sedge 3 x 3 Imperata cylindrica Blady Grass 1 x 0.5 Juncus pallidus Pale Rush 2.3 x 1 Lepidosperma concavum Sandhill Sword-sedge 1 x 0.7 Lepidosperma filiforme Common Rapier-sedge 0.9 x 0.9 Lepidosperma laterale Variable Sword-sedge 1.2 x 1 Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides Weeping Grass 1 x 0.3 Notodanthonia semiannularis Wetland Wallaby-grass 0.6 x 0.3 Poa labillardierei var. labillardierei Common Tussock-grass 1.2 x 1 Poa morrisii Soft Tussock-grass 1 x 0.7 Poa poiformis var. poiformis Coast Tussock-grass 1 x 1 Poa sieberiana var. sieberiana Grey Tussock-grass 0.9 x 0.4 Poa tenera Slender Tussock-grass 0.2 x spreading Themeda triandra Kangaroo Grass 1 x 0.5 Speak to your local indigenous nursery regarding the availability of plants listed above. Height for grasses, sedges and rushes is to the top of the flowering stem. Warringine Ck Bittern Coastal Somers Region Wetlands Stony Point Ecological Vegetation Class Map Woolleys Rd This map is based on EVC maps of the modelled T h distribution of pre-1750 vegetation boundaries (NRE 2002). e E Less than 40% of native vegetation cover is remaining sp lana today within the Somers region. Lorna’s de Triangle Bushland It is intended as a guide for determining the EVC in which Reserve you will be planting. For more detailed information Disney St regarding the boundaries of EVCs in this area, contact Mornington Peninsula Shire Customer Service. South Beach Rd Balnarring Rd Bittern Western Port k C s k ic rr e M Frankston - Flinders Rd Stony Warrawee Rd Stanleys Rd s Rd Sandy er Coolart Rd Point d n li F Point Rd Merricks Rd Balnarring - Coolart HMAS Hanns Creek Wetlands Frankston Reserve Cerberus Rd Lord Somers Rd Balnarring Beach Rd Camp HillSomers Rd d Swamp Scrub / Wet Heathland Mosaic Tasman R Areas indicated with dark blue once contained Merricks Ck entrance patches of Swamp Scrub or Wet Heathland depending on soil conditions. Contact Mornington Peninsula Customer Service for more information regarding Wet Heathland plants. 1. Grassy Woodland Some other EVCs may be shown on the map that are not 2. Swamp Scrub included in the legend. Research and publishing: Matthew Dell and Linda Bester 3. Heathy Woodland Biodiversity Protection Universal Ecology Services, Victoria Grants or rebates are available Photographs: from Council for owners of land M. Dell and the Department of Sustainability and Environment 4. Damp Heathy Woodland over two hectares. Conditions EVC mapping: State of Victoria apply. Contact the Customer Service Centre. EVC tables derived from lists by Jeff Yugovic and the Department of Sustainability 5. Lowland Forest and Environment. Nomenclature follows Ross JH and Walsh NG (2003) A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria. 7th Edition. Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. 6. Coast Banksia Woodland The rights to photographs remain with the acknowledged owners. Swampy Riparian Woodland - see Flinders region brochure for plant list..
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