1 2019-2021 LWVPDX OREGON ELECTION INFORMATION MULTNOMAH COUNTY RegistEr to VotE DIRECTORY OF ELECTED OFFICIALS •OnlinE at the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office: JANUARY 2019. Online at lwvpdx.org sos.oregon.gov/voting-elections •In PErson in Multnomah County at Duniway-Lovejoy THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS is proud to be Elections Building, 1040 Se Morrison St., Portland, OR nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or 97214, 503-988-3720, mcelections.org. political parties at any level of government, but always Or at any Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles office. working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. •By Mail - Print registration forms are available at all LWV encourages informed and active participation in branches of the Multnomah County Public Library and at U.S. government, works to increase understanding of major public Post Offices, and can be printed online from mcelections.org. policy issues, and influences public policy through education Complete and sign the form and mail to the address indicated. and advocacy. LWV Education Fund works to register •By OrEgon Motor Voter – You are automatically registered voters, provide voters with election information through voter when you obtain a driver’s license or Oregon I.D. at the guides as well as candidate forums and debates. Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. You will be registered SincE 1920 LWV has been an activist, grassroots organ- with no party affiliation. ization whose leaders believe that voters should play a critical role in democracy. Men have been members since 1974. To RegistEr to VotE in OrEgon - You must be a United States LWV opEratEs at national, statE and local lEvEls through Citizen, a resident of Oregon, and at least 16 years of age with more than 700 state and local Leagues, in all 50 states with first ballot at 18. An Oregon driver's license or state ID card 300,000 members and supporters. The League is one of issued by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) America’s most trusted grassroots organizations. or acceptable identification is required. ThE LeaguE of WomEn VotErs of Portland (LWVPDX) was organizEd in 1926. Membership in the LWV is open to Last day to rEgistEr to votE in any particular election is 21 all persons who are at least 16 years of age. A membership days before election day. There are four scheduled election form is available under Join Us on lwvpdx.org. dates each year in Oregon: the 2nd Tuesday in March; the 3rd ThE LeaguE is nonpartisan. However, after detailed Tuesday in May; the 3rd Tuesday in September; and the 1st research, study, and consensus/agreement, League members Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The Oregon may adopt “positions.” Using these positions, the League Legislature can choose a different election date. may advocate to influence public policy. That is why you may see that LWV Oregon or LWV Portland supports a state or VotEr information at My VotE - To learn how to update your local ballot measure in some elections. registration (name, address, party), vote by mail in Oregon, See VOTE411.org, during election times, for candidates absentee ballots, election history, campaign finance, your and ballot measure information that will appear on your ballot. elected state officials, etc.: sos.oregon.gov/voting-elections As individuals, League members are encouraged to engage and then My Vote. Or call 503-986-1518. fully in the political process. Voting in thE OrEgon May Primary - each major political THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF PORTLAND party uses the May Primary election to nominate their 618 NW Glisan St., Ste 303, Portland, OR 97209 candidates for the November General election. Major parties 503-228-1675, Office hours M-F 10:00am to 3:00pm have the option of choosing a “closed system,” meaning only Call ahead (Holiday and summer hours posted on the website) registered voters in that party can vote for that party’s Website: lwvpdx.org; email: [email protected] candidates. Or, a major party can choose an “open system,” Facebook: facebook.com/lwvportland where the major party allows voters who are not registered Twitter: @LWVPortland with any party to vote for their candidates. In addition, there YouTube: on lwvpdx.org -- click pull-down menu under are usually nonpartisan candidates on the primary ballot that “Learn.” you may vote for whatever your party affiliation. You may always vote in the primary, but you must belong to a major •If mailing in a check for membership/donation, use: political party to vote for partisan candidates if all major LWVPDX, P.O. Box 3491, Portland, OR 97208-3491 parties declare the election “closed.” •This Directory was made possible by donations to the LWV of Portland and the LWV of Portland Education Fund OrEgon Political PartiEs - For a party’s political platform, consult the party web site or call for information. ContEnt Major Parties Oregon Election Information 1 •Democratic Party of OrEgon, 503-224-8200, dpo.org National – Executive Branch 2 •IndEpEndEnt Party of OrEgon, 503-437-2833, indparty.com Oregon – Executive Branch & •OrEgon REpublican Party, 503-595-8881, Oregon.GOP Mult. Co. Legislative Branch 2 Minor Parties Oregon – Judicial Branch 3 •Constitution Party of OrEgon, 541-659-4313, Metro Government 4 constitutionpartyoregon.net Multnomah County Government 4 •LibErtarian Party of OrEgon, 971-266-0028, lporegon.org City Governments 4 •OrEgon Working FamiliEs Party, 503-841-7161, Community Colleges 4 oregonwfp.org Public School Boards of education 5 •Pacific GrEEn Party, 541-516-6059, pacificgreens.org Special Districts – Soil&Water and Water/Fire 5-6 •ProgrEssivE Party, 503-548-2797, progparty.org 2 NATIONAL – Executive Branch OREGON - Legislative Branch • oregonlegislature.gov (includes how to find your senator or •PrEsidEnt Donald J. Trump (R) to 1/2021 representative), 800-332-2313. •VicE PrEsidEnt MikE PEncE (R) to 1/2021 •olis.leg.state.or.us follow bills, watch testimony, etc Limit: two 4-year terms •All phone numbers below are in Salem Comments 202-456-1111; Switchboard 202-456-1414. •SD=Senate District, HD=House District Via website under “Get Involved,” call or write the White House. whitehouse.gov STATE SENATORS in all or part of Multnomah County. 4-year term, no limit – oregonlegislature.gov/senate or NATIONAL - Legislative Branch senator’s last name – e.g. oregonlegislature.gov/Hass Standard email: [email protected] US SEnators from Oregon, 6-year term, no limit e.g. [email protected] •JEff MErkley (D) to 1/2021 •Mark Hass (D) SD 14 to 1/2021, 503-986-1714 merkley.senate.gov; 202-224-3753; Portland 503-326-3386 •BEtsy Johnson (D) SD 16 to 1/2023, 503-986-1716 •ElizabEth SteinEr Hayward (D) SD 17 to 1/2023, •Ron WydEn (D) to 1/2023 503-986-1717 wyden.senate.gov; 202-224-5244; Portland 503-326-7525 •Ginny Burdick (D) SD 18 to 1/2021, 503-986-1700 •Rob WagnEr (D) SD 19 Tualatin to 1/2023, 503-986-1719 •KathleEn Taylor (D) SD 21 to 1/2021, 503-986-1721 US ReprEsEntativEs from Oregon, 2-year term, no limit •LEw FrEdErick (D) SD 22 to 1/2021, 503-986-1722 •MichaEl DEmbrow (D) SD 23 to 1/2021, 503-986-1723 •SuzannE Bonamici (D) District 1 to 1/2021 •Shemia Fagan (D) SD 24 to 1/2023, 503-986-1724 bonamici.house.gov; 202-225-0855; Beaverton 503-469-6010 •Laurie MonnEs AndErson (D) SD 25 to 1/2021, 503-986-1725 •GrEg WaldEn (R) District 2 to 1/2021 •Chrissy Reitz (D) SD 26 to 1/2023, 503-986-1726 walden.house.gov; D.C. 202-225-6730; Bend 541-389-4408 •Earl BlumEnauEr (D) District 3 to 1/2021 STATE REPRESENTATIVES, in all or part of Multnomah Co. blumenauer.house.gov; 202-225-4811; Portland 503-231-2300 2-year term, no limit, oregonlegislature.gov/house or •PEter DEFazio (D), District 4 to 1/2021 representatives last name - oregonlegislature.gov/Malstrom defazio.house.gov; D.C. 202-225-6416; Eugene 541-456-6732 Standard email: [email protected] e.g. [email protected] •Kurt SchradEr (D) District 5 to 1/2021, 202-225-5711, schrader.house.gov; Oregon City 503-557-1324 •ShEri Malstrom (D) HD 27, Beaverton to 1/20121, 503-986-1427 •Brad Witt (D) HD 31, Clatskanie to 1/2021, 503-986-1431 •Mitch GrEEnlick (D) HD 33, PDX to 1/2021, 503-986-1433 OREGON – Executive Branch •Margaret Doherty(D) HD 35, Tigard to 1/2021, 503-986-1435 •GovErnor Kate Brown (D) to 1/2023 •JEnnifer Williamson (D) HD 36, SW/NW PDX to 1/2021, 4-year term, 2 consecutive terms during any 12-year period. 503-986-1436 503-378-4582. Oregon.gov/gov/ •AndrEa Salinas (D) HD 38, Lake Oswego to 1/2021, 503-986-1438 •SEcrEtary of State DEnnis Richardson (R) to 1/2021 •Karin PowEr(D) HD 41, Milwaukie to 1/2021, 503-986-1441 4-year term, but no more than 8-years in a 12-year period. •Rob Nosse (D) HD 42, PDX to 1/2021, 503-986-1442 503-986-1523. [email protected], sos.state.or.us •Tawna SanchEz (D) HD 43, PDX to 1/2021, 503-986-1443 •Tina Kotek (D) HD 44, N & NE PDX to 1/2021, •State TrEasurEr Tobias REad (D) to 1/2021 503-986-1200 4-year term, but no more than 8-years in a 12-year period. •Barbara Smith WarnEr (D) HD 45, PDX to 1/2021, 503-378-400. [email protected] ost.state.or.us 503-986-1445 •Alissa KEny-GuyEr (D) HD 46, SE & Ne PDX to 1/2021, •AttornEy GEnEral Ellen Rosenblum (D) to 1/2021 503-986-1446 4-year term, no limit.
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