. —— 85 IMPERIAL BUSHMEN. THE New South Wales Imperial Bushmen was one of the regiments raised in response to an invitation from the British Government, which (the second phase of the war having commenced) now asked the Colonies for hardy bushmen men who could ride, shoot, and find their way about—in order to fight the Boers with their own weapons. Volunteers were tested and subsequently enrolled in Cootamundra, Gundagai, Wagga, Young, Hay, Cooma, Moree, Cobar, Tenterfield, and Bourke. Pay. Pay was issued by the New South Wales Government at Imperial Cavalry rates until landed in South Africa. These ranged from 23s. per diem with 4s. field allowance in camp to lieut.-colonel, to 9s. lOd. and 2s. 6d. to 2nd lieutenant ; and from 6s. 4d. per diem to regimental sergeant-major, with Is. field allowance, to 2s. 3d. to buglers and privates. After disembarkation, pay was as follows : 4s. Brigadier-general, 50s. and 12s. per diem ; commandant, 25s. and ; major, 23s. ; quartermaster, the subalterns, and 4s. ; captain, 21s. and 3s. adjutant and same ; officers, 20s. 15s. and 2s. 6d. ; medical officers, 20s. and 3s. ; veterinary and 3s. Colonial allowance for all officers, 3s. per diem. Officers employed in Army Service sergeant-major, 9s. per diem Corps duties, 5s. per diem, additional. Regimental ; 8s. sergeants, 7s. quartermaster-sergeant, 8s. 6d. ; company sergeant-major, ; other ; privates, 5s. ; buglers, saddlers, and farriers, Is. per diem extra. corporals, 6s. ; " Separation allowance " was also granted to wives and families of soldiers serving in South Africa, from 2s. 3d. to warrant-officers' wives to Is. Id. those of diem each child, or 4d. per diem to wife, with l|d. each child, privates ; and 2d. per if in quarters or drawing lodging allowance. Establishment. The following establishment was approved : —Regimental Staff—One lieut.- colonel, 1 major, 1 adjutant, 1 quartermaster, 1 medical officer, 1 veterinary officer, 1 sergeant-major (W.O.), 1 quartermaster sergeant, 2 clerks, 2 medical orderlies, with 15 riding horses and 7 spare ; total, 22. 12 batmen ; total, 24, Detail of a company or squadron : —One major or captain, 4 subalterns, 1 colour- sergeant, 1 farrier-sergeant, 5 sergeants, 3 shoeing smiths, 1 saddler, 2 buglers, (including 5 drivers, 5 batmen, 2 cooks, 2 wagon men) 6 corporals, 97 privates ; spare horses total, 120. total, 121, with 112 riding horses, 4 pack-horses, 4 ; officers, N.C.O.'s and total, Total of staff and 6 companies :—36 714 men ; 750, 31 spare horses total, 742. To this was with 687 riding horses, 24 pack horses, ; added as an estimate, 66 mules, to be provided by the Imperial authorities in South Africa. Reference to Orders. Enrolment G.O. (N.S.W.), 37/00 Pay and allowances . 43/00; 88/00 Establishment „ 52/00 Nominal roll „ 57/00 Embarkation „ 57/00 Officers Gov. Gazette (N.S.W.) 312, 12th April, 1900 Clothing, Etc. Uniform consisted of F.S. jacket, pants, puttees, and hat. Arms were supplied issued in Sydney. in South Africa. Cartridge belts with supporting-braces Fully horsed and supplied with saddlery. Regimental transport was provided. 8f> Departure and Return. The regiment embarked at Sydney on transport Armenian, on 23rd April, 1900, comprising 40 officers, 722 sergeants and rank and file, with 800 horses and 6 carts. Of these, 1 officer, 20 others were killed or died, 1 was transferred to South African constabulary, 9 officers and 95 others were struck off in South Africa, 1 was com- missioned in Imperial Army ; 30 officers and 605 others returned to Australia by transport Ornmt, embarking at East London 23rd June, and arriving in Sydney 17th July, 1901, having called at Albany and Melbourne. Prior to his departure from Cape Town, Colonel Mackay was entertained by the Mayor at a banquet, where there was a large and representative gathering. The Mayor, in proposing the toast of his guest, referred to the valuable services rendered by the Contingent. Service. The New South Wales Imperial Bushmen served with— (a) 2nd Brigade Rhodesian Field Force, under Lieut.-Gencial Sir F. Carriugton, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., to 31st August, 1900 Lord Methuen's No. 2 Column, from 22nd June, 1900, ; (6) under Major-General C. W. Douglas, from 7th September, 1900, to 25th December, 1900 ; (c) Mounted Brigade, under Colonel R. G. Kekowich, from 25th December, 1900. to 12th January, 1901 ; (d) Mounted Brigade, under Major-General J. M. Babiugton, from 12th January, 1901, to 29th May, 1901. It was brigaded with 4th and 5th Contingents, New Zealand; 2nd Imperial Light Horse ; 2nd Mounted Infantry ; and two squadrons 14th Hussars. Brigade was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel R. Grey, C.M.G., from 17th Julv, 1900, to 6th May, 1901 ; and by Colonel W. B. Hickie from 7th to 29th May," 1901. " D " Squadron served as personal bodyguard to Lieut.-General Lord Methuen, K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G., from 17th September, 1900, to 31st May, 1901. The following were the principal operations in which this Contingent was : engaged —Relief of garrison, Eland's River, 5th August, 1900 ; Marico River, 6th August, 1900 ; occupation of Ottoshoop, 14th August, 1900 ; Buffel's Hoek, 18th and 19th August, 1900 ; Jacobsdal, 22nd August, 1900 ; Malmani, 27th August, 1900; Wonderfontein, 10th and 11th September, 1900; Manana and Lewerpan, at which place one 15-pr. and one pom-pom were captured from the enemy, 12th September, 1900 ; re-occupation of Lichtenberg, 28th September, 1900 ; Oliphant's Nek, 5th October, 1900 ; Magatas Pass, 10th October, 1900 ; Riekertodam, 16th October, 1900 ; Lead Mines, 24th October, 1900 ; Kaffir Kraal, 1st November, 1900 ; Klerksdorp (re-occupation of), 16th November, 1900 ; Wittepoort and Bulkop, 26th and 27th December, 1900 ; Syferfontein, 5th January, 1901 ; occupation of Ventersdorp, 10th January, 1901 ; Klip Drift, 17tb January, 1901 ; Valkfontein, 26th January, 1901 ; Magalisburg Valle) , where one 9-pr. and one pom-pom were captured from enemy, 3rd March, 1901 ; relief of Lichtenberg, 7th March, 1901 ; Hartebeestfontein, 20th, 21st, 22nd March, 1901 ; Veldfontein, where the whole of De la Rev's convoy was captured, including 9 guns and 142 prisoners, 24th March, 1901 ; Wittepoort, two 15-prs. being captured from the enemy, 14th April, 1901 ; Hartebeestfontein, 18th April, 1901 ; Geduld (one 9-pr. Krupp cap- tured), 3rd May, 1901 ; Palmietfontein, 8th April, 1901 ; here Kemp and Siuutts' convoy was captured. Promotions, Etc. Captain and Adjutant H. Lc Mesurier to Major, 11th April, 1900 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 12th November, 1900. Captain G. De L. Ryrie to Major, 10th November, 1900. Captain W. E. O'Brien to Major, 12th November, 1900. ;; 87 Lieutenant H. Caines to Captain, 11th September, 1900. Lieutenant J. E. Oxley to Captain, 11th September, 1900. Lieutenant (A.M.C.) G. L. L. Lawson to Captain, 11th April, 1900. 2nd Lieutenant V. W. Ryrie to 1st Lieutenant, 11th September, 1900. 2nd Lieutenant A. C. Michell, Acting Adjutant, 29th March, 1901, to 8th April, 1901. 2nd Lieutenant C. M. Macpherson, Acting Adjutant, 9th April, 1901, to 7th June, 1901. Warrant- Officer W. Butler, Lieutenant and Adjutant, 11th May, 1900 ; Captain, 24th September, 1900. 345. Sergeant A. C. M. Gould to 2nd Lieutenant, 1st June, 1900. 547. Squadron Sergeant-Major T. Hungerford, 2nd Lieutenant, 13th September, 1900. 1339. Sergeant A. C. Thompson to 2nd Lieutenant, 24th March, 1901. For distinguished gallantry in the field. A.O., 25th April, 1901. R.Q.M.Sergeant G. H. Helbert, Lieutenant Quartermaster, 26th August, 1900 Captain, South African Constabulary, 1st January, 1901. 1406. Transport Sergeant W. Foley, Lieutenant Quartermaster, 1st January, 1901. For promotions of N.C.O.'s and troopers, see nominal roll. War Services and Honours of Officers. Regimental Staff. Mackay, Colonel Hon. J. A. K.—Operations in Rhodesia, 17th to 21st May Transvaal, July to November, 1900, including action at Eland's River 1900. , Orange River Colony, and Cape Colony, November, 1900, to June, 1901. Staff Officer Oversea Colonials, Cape Town, November, 1900, to July, 1901. Despatches London Gazette, 19th April, 1901. C.B. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Le Mesurier, Lieut.-Colonel H. (originally Adjutant).—Operations Rhodesia, Transvaal, Orange River Colony, and Cape Colony, May, 1900, to June, 1901. Commanded Regiment from 12th November, 1900, to — July, 1901. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Butler, Captain Adjutant W.—Operations as above. Despatches, London Gazette, 19th April, 1901. D.S.O. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Miller, Major David (acting Paymaster).—Operations as above. Staff Officer Oversea Colonials, Cape Town, July to October, 1901. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Holmes, Captain Quartermaster, Arthur.—As above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Greig, Lieutenant F. E. (Transport Officer).—As above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Lawson, Lieutenant (A.M.C.) G. L. L. —As above. Queen's Medal with five clasps. Kane, Lieutenant (A.M.C.) F. W.—As above. Queen's Medal with four qasps. Barbeta, Lieutenant (Veterinary) Estevan.—As above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. (Vet. Lieut. Barbeta served subsequently with 1st A.C.H.) Reynolds, J. A. (Chaplain, Anglican).—As above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Caine, Clement (Chaplain, R.C.) —As above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. 88 " A " Company. Ryrie, Captain G. De L.—Operations in Rhodesia, Transvall Cape Colony, and Orange River Colony, May, 1900, to June, 1901. Wounded at Wonder- fontein, 11th September, 1900. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Mackenzie, Lieutenant K. D.—Operations as above. Queen's Medal with four clasps. Doyle, Lieutenant R. D.—Operations as above. Despatches, London Gazette, 19th April, 1901. (Lieutenant Doyle served subsequently in 1902. Despatches, London Gazette, 29th July, 1902.) Queen's Medal with four clasps. King's Medal with two clasps.
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