Truman Womens Basketball Game 1 FTruManTruman vs.s TaTeCentralu niversiTyChristian CollegeF Nov. 2010 volleyball Tyler Madsen, aThleTics Media relaTions assisTanT 660.785.7778 (Phone) | 660.785.7475 (Fax) [email protected] (eMail) | TruManbulldogs.coM (websiTe) truMan schedule/results Week 3 | Matches 10-11 sePTeMBeR 3-4 @ uInDy CLAssIC sePT. 3 vs. novA-souTHeAsTeRn (FLA.) . .W 3-0 #16 TRUMAN BULLDOGS sePT. 3 vs. WesT vIRgInIA sTATe . .W 3-0 sePT. 4 vs. WAyne (MICH.) sTATe . .W 3-1 7-2, 0-1 MIAA sePT. 4 AT #4 InDIAnAPoLIs (InD.) . .W 3-2 vs. #3 WAsHBuRn Nickname: Lady Blues sePTeMBeR 10-11 @ MIssouRI-sT. LouIs InvITATIonAL Location: Topeka, Kansas sePT. 10 vs. souTHeRn InDIAnA . .W 3-2 sePT. 10 vs. ILLInoIs-sPRIngFIeLD . .W 3-0 FRI., sePT. 17 VB SID Contact: Mike Knipper sePT. 11 vs. ARKAnsAs-FoRT sMITH . .W 3-0 SID Email: [email protected] sePT. 11 AT MIssouRI- sT. LouIs . .L 0-3 7:00 PM KIRKsvILLe 2010 Record: 9-0 (1-0 MIAA) sePT. 14 AT #13 eMPoRIA sTATe * . .L 1-3 Road Record: 1-0 SEPT. 17 VS. #3 WAShBuRN * . .7:00 Pm SEPT. 18 VS. FoRT hAyS STATE * . .4:00 Pm vs. FoRT HAys sTATe Nickname: Tigers SEPT. 22 VS. SouThWEST BAPTIST * . .7:00 Pm Location: Hays, Kansas sePT. 24 AT MIssouRI souTHeRn * . .7:00 PM sAT., sePT. 18 VB SID Contact: Ryan Prickett sePT. 25 AT PITTsBuRg sTATe * . .3:00 PM SID Email: [email protected] 4:00 PM oCToBeR 1-2 @ WAsHBuRn LADy BLues FALL CLAssIC oCT. 1 vs. AngeLo (TexAs) sTATe . .11:30 AM KIRKsvILLe 2010 Record: 3-6 (0-1 MIAA) oCT. 1 vs. TARLeTon (TexAs) sTATe . .4:30 PM Road Record: 1-1 oCT. 2 vs. sT. eDWARD’s (TexAs) . .11:00 AM oCT. 2 vs. ABILene CHRIsTIAn (TexAs) . .3:00 PM Weekend At-a-Glance: oCT. 6 AT CenTRAL MIssouRI * . .7:00 PM The 16th-ranked Truman volleyball team will play in front of its home crowd for the oCT. 9 NEBRASkA-omAhA * . .4:00 Pm first time in 2010 this Friday night in a second-straight top-25 battle, as no. 3 Washburn comes to Kirksville for a 7 pm match. Following that, Truman will face Fort Hays state at 4 pm on saturday afternoon. oCT. 15 NoRThWEST mISSouRI * . .7:00 Pm Truman has lost two straight after opening the season with seven wins, though each oCT. 16 mISSouRI WESTERN * . .7:00 Pm of the past two losses came on the road to current top-25 opponents. The Bulldogs welcome a Washburn squad that is 9-0 overall, 1-0 in the MIAA, and is oCT. 20 EmPoRIA STATE * . .7:00 Pm coming off a 3-0 win against northwest Missouri state in Topeka, Kan., on Tuesday night oCT. 22 AT WAsHBuRn * . .7:00 PM to open conference play. oCT. 23 AT FoRT HAys sTATe * . .7:00 PM Meanwhile, Fort Hays state (3-6, 0-1 MIAA) fell in three sets to Missouri Western at home on Wednesday night. oCT. 26 AT souTHWesT BAPTIsT * . .7:00 PM oCT. 29 mISSouRI SouThERN * . .7:00 Pm Last Week’s Recap: oCT. 30 PITTSBuRG STATE * . .6:00 Pm The Bulldogs went 3-2 in a five-match stretch from sept. 10-14, which included four contests at the Triton Invitational in st. Louis, Mo., before opening MIAA play at no. 13 NoV. 3 CENTRAL mISSouRI * . .7:00 Pm emporia (Kan.) state on Tuesday night. nov. 6 AT neBRAsKA-oMAHA * . .4:00 PM Truman won a five-set match against southern Indiana before posting back-to-back sweeps against Illinois-springfield and Arkansas-Fort smith. But the host Missouri-st. nov. 12 AT noRTHWesT MIssouRI * . .7:00 PM Louis Tritons were able to then turn the tables and sweep the ‘Dogs, dropping the purple nov. 13 AT MIssouRI WesTeRn * . .7:00 PM and white to 7-1 through the first two weekends of non-conference action. Then, on Tuesday night, a high-powered offensive showdown resulted in the no. 13 nov. 18-20 @ nCAA souTH CenTRAL RegIonAL Hornets slipping out with a 3-1 victory in emporia against Truman. sophomore middle DeC. 2-4 @ nCAA eLITe eIgHT blocker Megan sharpe recorded a career-best 20 kills to go with zero attack errors, while three other ‘Dogs recorded double-digit kills. The Bulldogs hit .340 for the match and out- Quick Facts dug the Hornets by six. LoCATIoN:.................................................KIRKsvILLe, Mo. Following Along This Week: FouNDED (ENRoLLmENT):..............................1867 (5,600) Check out the all-new TrumanBulldogs.com this weekend, as live stats, box scores and game recaps will all be available throughout the weekend to follow along with the Bull- AFFILIATIoN (CoNFERENCE):..........nCAA DIvIsIon II (MIAA) dogs if you’re unable to make it to Kirksville for the home openers. NICkNAmE:.........................................................BuLLDogs Free live stats for all home matches in 2010 will be available through Truman’s sports CoLoRS:...................................................PuRPLe & WHITe Information office, while live video will be hosted by B2 networks. PRESIDENT:...............................................DR. TRoy PAIno Truman home volleyball matches are free for all spectators. AThLETICS DIRECToR...............................JeRRy WoLLMeRIng Bulldog Coaching Staff: ALL-TImE PRoGRAm RECoRD ..................801-445-14 (.641) Ben Briney in is his second season as the head coach of the Truman volleyball pro- hEAD CoACh ....................................................Ben BRIney gram and is now in his sixth season overall at the university after serving as the pro- RECoRD @ TRumAN .............................31-15 (2nD seAson) gram’s top assistant from 2005-2008. He is the ninth head coach in program history and has a 31-15 career record. oVERALL RECoRD ......................................................sAMe In his first season as head coach, the Bulldogs maintained a top-25 ranking through- ASSISTANT CoACh ........................................MegAn WARgo out the season, extending the consecutive-week streak to 140 for the program. The TRUMAN VOLLeyBALL Week 3 | MATcheS 10-11 F WAShBURN / FORT hAyS STATe F SepT. 17-18, 2010 squad won 24 games and reached the - Top setter: Amanda guess (241 as- 2010 Bulldogs nCAA tournament for the tenth time in pro- sists, 9.64/set) No NAmE PoS hT yR homEToWN gram history. He had five players named all- - Top Defense: Molly smith (109 digs, MIAA, headlined by freshman Megan 4.54/set); Jessica Fey (27 blocks, 1.12/set) 1TAssIs HegyI L 5-3 so WAunAKee, WIs. sharpe, who garnered national Freshman of - Head Coach: Chris Herron (9th season the year accolades as well as first-team all- at Wu; 256-49 record … 12th season over- 2KyLIe eAsLon s 5-8 JR eDMonD, oKLA. region status. all; 331-78 record) During his tenure as an assistant, the 3DeAnnA sCHAeFeR oH 5-9 so o’FALLon, Mo. Bulldogs advanced to the nCAA Division II Fort hays State “Tigers” (3-6, 0-1) 4 HeATHeR HARgADIne oH 5-9 so LABADIe, Mo. tournament in all four seasons, won two - Team offense: 11.73 kills/set; .179 atk south Central regional championships and pct; 1.12 aces/set 5ALLyson sTeLLMACH Rs 6-0 so HunTLey, ILL. advanced to the national semifinals one - Team Defense: 13.73 digs/set; 1.06 time (2008). He helped coach six different blocks/set 7MegAn sHARPe MB 5-11 so eDWARDsvILLe, ILL. players to 11 combined AvCA all-American awards, saw two players win the MIAA’s - Top offense: Tracie Hileman (2.94 8KATIe THoMAson oH 5-8 JR-T BARTonvILLe, ILL. MvP award and led the team to its first no. kills/set, .153 atk pct); Makayla McPhail 1 ranking in the AvCA top-25 coaches poll (2.91 k/s, .187 atk pct) 12 eRIn BuRMesTeR Rs 6-2 JR DeWITT, IoWA in school history. - Top setter: Whitney Liggett (281 as- 14 CAsey BRuno L 5-5 sR PeARLAnD, TexAs He is assisted by Megan Wargo, who is sists, 8.52/set) also in her second season at Truman after - Top Defense: Kirsten Chamberlin (110 15 AsHLey PeTAK s 5-7 sR oMAHA, neB. spending four years as the assistant coach digs, 3.93/set); samantha Ledy (17 blocks, at Lees-McRae (n.C.). 0.52/set) 16 JoHAnnA RuFF MB 6-0 JR AnKeny, IoWA - Head Coach: Kurt Kohler (2nd season About the Bulldogs: at FHsu; 10-33 record) 17 JennA noveLLI oH 5-11 sR LAnCAsTeR, CALIF. - The Truman volleyball program reached career win no. 800 in a 3-0 sweep Series Info: 19 MoLLy sInCLAIR oH 5-11 JR sT. LouIs, Mo. of Illinois-springfield on sept. 10 at the Tri- Truman vs. Washburn 21 ALLIson BARKeR oH 5-10 sR RACIne, WIs. ton Classic. This is the 37th season of Bull- Truman leads all-time series, 35-10. dog volleyball, meaning the program has 23 eMILy BRIseno MB 6-0 so Lee’s suMMIT, Mo. averaged more than 20 wins per season 2009: Washburn won, 3-1, on sept. 18, throughout its duration. in Topeka; Washburn won, 3-0, on oct. 23, 24 LAuRen RADIx oH 5-10 so BLACK eARTH, WIs. - The Bulldogs were selected to the in Kirksville. AvCA coaches’ top-25 poll for the 143rd straight week, dating back to 2000, when Truman vs. Fort hays hEAD CoACh: BEN BRINEy they came in at no. 16 in this week’s poll. Truman leads all-time series, 8-0. The next poll comes out on Monday, sept. AssIsTAnT CoACH: MegAn WARgo 20. 2009: Truman won, 3-1, on sept. 17, in - The Bulldogs have had success this Hays; Truman won, 3-1, on oct. 24, in ATHLeTIC TRAIneR: CAssIe DeBLAuW, ATC season when heading to “overtime” in a Kirksville. set, as Truman is 3-1 in sets that go beyond 25 points (ex: 26-24).
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