Groat proportion in oats as measured by different methods: Analysis of oats resistant to dehulling and sources of error in mechanical dehulling 2 D. C. Doehlert', M. S. McMullen , and N. R. Hiveland'' 1USDA-ARS Hard Red Spring and Durum Wheat Quality Laboratory, Harris Hall, North Dakota State University, Dept. 7640, P.o. Box 6050, Fargo, NO 58108-6050, USA (e-mail: [email protected]); 2Department of Plant Sciences, Loftsgard Hall, North Dakota State University, Dept. 7670, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, NO 58108-6050, USA; and 3NDSU Williston Research Extension Center, 14120 Highway 2, Williston, NO, USA. Received 15 December 2009, accepted 12 February 2010. Doehlert, D. C,, McMullen, M. S. and Riveland, N. R. 2010. Groat proportion in oats as measured by different methods: Analysis of oats resistant to dehulling and sources of error in mechanical dehulling. Can. J. Plant Sci. 90: 391-397. Groat proportion is the groat yield from an oat dehulling process. We compared hand, impact and compressed-air dehulling to measure groat proportion, and evaluated sources of error. Hand dehulling was the simplest and most accurate method, because all groats and hulls can be accounted for. Mechanical methods dehulled most, but not all, oat kernels. Failure to account for oats resistant to dehulling in calculations resulted in gross errors. Oats resistant to impact dehulling did not differ in groat proportion from the general population, but differed in many physical properties. Hull structure may account the most for their resistance to dehulling. Mechanically dehulled oats consistently yielded lower groat proportions than those from hand dehulling. Since the difference cannot be attributed to oats resistant to dehulling, groats must be lost during the aspiration process, common to all mechanical methods. Uniform aspiration protocols should provide a uniform error. All groat proportion values obtained here were highly correlated among themselves, except when values were not corrected for oats resistant to dehulling. A theoretical groat proportion calculated from the ratio of the mean groat mass (collected by any means available) and the mean kernel mass yielded a groat proportion value that did not differ significantly from the hand dehulling value. Key words: Oat milling, groat proportion, oat dehulling Doehlert, D. C., McMullen, M. S. et Riveland, N. R. 2010. Mesure de la proportion de gruau de I'avoine par diverses methodes: analyse de I'avoine resistant au decorticage et sources d'erreur lors du decorticage mecanique, Can. J. Plant Sci. 90: 391-397. La proportion de gruau correspond a la quantite de gruau obtenue a la suite du decorticage de l'avoine. Les auteurs ont compare le decorticage a la main, par impact et par air com prime afin de mesurer la proportion de gruau et devaluer les sources d'erreur. Le decorticage manuel est la methode la plus simple et la plus precise, car elle permet de compter Ie gruau et la cosse de chaque grain. Les methodes mecaniques decortiquent la majeure partie des grains, mais pas 10US. Ne pas tenir compte de l'avoine resistant au decorticage dans les calculs entraine des erreurs grossieres, La proportion de gruau est la meme pour l'avoine resistant au decorticage par impact et la population generale, mais les proprietes physiques du gruau different a maints egards, II se pourrait que la structure de la cosse explique en grande partie celte resistance. L'avoine decorriquee mecaniquement donne toujours une moins grande proportion de gruau que celie decortiquee a la main. L'ecart ne pouvant etre impute ala resistance au decorticage, on en deduit qu'une partie du gruau est perdue lors du processus d'aspiration, commun a toutes les methodes mecaniques. Des protocoles d'aspiration uniformes devraient donner lieu aune erreur uniforrne. Les proportions de gruau calculees dans Ie cadre de cette etude sont fortement correlees entre elles, sauf quand on ne precede aaucune correction pour la resistance au decorticage. Le calcul theorique de la proportion de gruau d'apres Ie rapport entre la masse moyenne du gruau (etabli par n'importe quelle methode disponible) et la masse moyenne du noyau donne une valeur qui ne differe pas de maniere significative de celie obtenueavec le decorticage a la main. Mots cles: Mouture de l'avoine, proportion de gruau, decorticage de l'avoine Abbreviations: B, mass of broken groats; CGP, complete groat proportion; CRGP, crude groat proportion; DHE, dehulling efficiency; GM, groat mass; GP, groat proportion; HGP, groat proportion as determined by hand dehulling; IGP, groat proportion as determined by impact dehulling; KM, Mention oftrade names or commercial products in this kernel (grain) mass; MCF, moisture correction factor; publication is solely for the purpose ofprooiding speci­ RGP, groat proportion of oats resistant to dehulling; fie information and does not imply recommendation or RM, mass of oats resistant to dehulling; TGP, endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture. theoretical groat proportion 391 392 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE The oat grain generally consists of the caryopsis or groat dehulling resistance when one intended to select for high and the hull, which includes the lemma and palea that groat proportion. enclose the groat (Fulcher 1986; White 1995). Oats are In recent studies from this laboratory (Doehlert and generally dehulled as part of their processing for human Wiessenborn 2007; Doehlert et al. 2009a, b) we have consumption. The yield of groats from a grain sample studied oat dehulling using an impact dehuller, and is referred to as the groat proportion or the groat compared dehulling characteristics with a variety of percentage and represents the economic yield of a given physical oat kernel characteristics. One calculation, sample of oat grain. called "theoretical groat proportion" (TGP), was the Groat proportion can be measured analytically by ratio of mean groat mass, determined from whole hand dehulling (Doehlert et al. 1999; White et al. 2000), unbroken groats recovered after mechanical dehulling or by mechanical dehulling. Analytical mechanisms for with the mean kernel (grain) mass, with the hull on. It mechanical oat dehulling include the compressed­ appears that this value should be equivalent to groat air type dehuller, as described by Kittlitz and Vetterer proportion (Eq. 1), although it was not calculated by (1972) or may use an impact dehuller, such as that traditional means. We found that TGP values were described in Cleve (1948), Stuke (1955), Deane and consistently and statistically significantly higher than Commers (1986) or Ganssmann and Vorwerck (1995). groat proportion determined by the impact dehuller During mechanical deh ulling, some type of mechanical (IGP), where IGP was calculated by an equation stress is applied to the oat kernel, which results in resembling Eq. 2. We considered the possibility that the hull breaking free of the groat. The hulls are oats resistant to dehulling may have some unique then separated from the heavier groats by aspiration property so that their subtraction from the starting (Doehlert and McMullen 2001). mass might introduce an unexpected error into the In theory, the groat proportion would be the ratio of groat proportion calculation. In this study we collected the grain mass to the groat mass. those kernels resistant to dehulling and analyzed their physical characteristics to test the hypothesis that these GP = GM 0) may contribute to error in the determination of groat KM proportion. A second hypothesis to address the difference between TGP and IGP is that aspiration applied to the groat hull Here, GP is groat proportion, GM is the groat mass mixture sucks some small or broken groat out along from a sample and KM is oat kernel mass of that with the hulls. Essentially, if the oats resistant to sample (with the hull). Such a relationship holds true if dehulling cannot account for the difference in IGP and one measures groat proportion by hand dehulling, TGP, we must conclude that the missing mass is carried where the entire oat sample is dehulled. But most out with the hulls, in order for our process to remain analytical operations and all commercial operations consistent with the principle of the conservation ofmass. use some type ofmechanized dehulling, where the entire To test these hypotheses, we have analyzed the oats oat sample is not dehulled. A portion of the oats in any resistant to impact dehulling as generated in a previous sample will be resistant to mechanical stress and will study (Doehlert et al. 2009b) that included 16 geno­ retain their hulls'. However, because the oats resistant to types grown at six locations in replicated plots. We have dehulling remain with the groats during aspiration, a analyzed their size, mass and density. We have also groat proportion calculated from the ratio of the crude determined the groat proportion of all samples analyzed groat preparation mass to the original oat grain sample by hand dehulling, and by a second mechanical mechan­ mass will over-estimate the true groat proportion, ism known as the compressed-air dehuller. Our results because of the presence of hulls attached to the resistant also contribute to the technology of the measurement of oats. To avoid this error for analytical purposes, it was groat proportion. recommended to sort the crude groat sample (Doehlert et al. 1999; Doehlert and McMullen 2001), and to remove the oats resistant to dehulling, and then to MATERIALS AND METHODS calculate groat proportion from the mass of cleaned Plant Material groats based on the mass of oats that were actually Fourteen oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivars (AC Assini­ dehulled: boia, Beach, Brawn, CDC Dancer, HiFi, Killdeer, GM Leonard, Maida, Morgan, Morton, Otana, AC Pinna­ GP (2) cle, Ronald, and CDC Weaver) and two breeding lines KM-RM (ND02l6l2, ND030291) were grown at three locations (Carrington, Fargo, and Williston) in North Dakota in where RM is the mass of the oats resistant to dehulling.
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