Drgdrishya Vivek Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Total Number of Episodes: 35 Total Playback duration: 32 hours Compilation provided by: Anand Vrindavan Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Page 1 of 8 Drgdrishya Vivek Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj DRG DRSYA VIVEK Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 01 1 Introduction P001-012 Same vasthu has 2 names Brahma & Jiva One is correct & other incorrect Viveka (Discrimination) between Drg(seer) & Drsya (Seen) Two Drk- Seers one mediated through sense organs & another who sees without mediation ( directly) Vicara is a vikshepa in Yoga while Samadhi is a laya in Vedanta Form is seenby eyes which are again seen by Mind Sakshi sees mental Vrittis while there is no seer of Sakshi Lec 02 1-3 Eyes see various shapes,colours etc & Mind sees various qualities of P013-026 eyes such as clear, clouded etc Vedanta is not sadhana but understanding properly "What is" Without being born Brahma appears as objects Knowerhood only when there is Triputi & not otherwise Only a seeker of Truth is eligible for this knowledge Factually there is no Drsya in the locus called as Drsta The division is merely mayika Lec 03 1 This teaching is not regarding an other Iswara but one's own Self P027-041 Until Atma is experienced as Non Dual Brahma Dukha is not eliminated Is Brahma a Sadhana Sadhya Vasthu or not - Primary question Vedanta's words are not for belief but to see actually & experience it Culmination of Vedanta- There is nothing other than "I" Brahma should be known - mere adhyaropa as it is the very substratum for all suppositions & hence not a Jneya Vasthu Lec 04 Discussion on Sukha & Dukha P042-056 As long as there is identification with body there is no avoiding dukha Doership ( Kartrtva) is a major problem leading to Papa & Punya A true sadhaka sees defects in one's own self rather than others A jnani sees neither defects in himself or others Bhoga is merely a Sukhakaar vritti in mind & not in external objects Any dependence on external things is Dukha When all experiences, things, people are coming & going I remain the knower of their presence & abscence - Hence bigger than everything This knowledge not available to one with an agitated mind or a sick body Lec 05 Mutual transference of Gunas of Drsya with Drsta P057-071 Identification with Drsya as mine is the main problem Nature never gives Dukha it is only in "I" & "mine" Neither does Iswara give Dukha Only Ignorance causes dukha Drsta means put yourself in that position where there is no identification with whatever is being seen Drsta is Asangha, Udaseena & Swatantra ( Independent & Unattached ) Learn not only to accumulate but also to give up Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Page 2 of 8 Drgdrishya Vivek Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 06 Drg Drsya Viveka is Atma Anatma Viveka P072-085 Discussion on Shanthi path - Bhadram Karne Bhi Shrunuyama etc 4 levels of mistake -Seeking pleasure in outside things, Manorama Abhimana & Abhyasa Self is the dearest of all things dear to one If you cannot extricate yourself from Dukha there is nothng in creation that will free you Drsta teaching is to eliminate Abhimana janya sukha Important discussion on next Viveka - No establishing Second object without first Drsta becoming evident Become Pure first before you approach Iswara ! Lec 07 Saakshi Drg eva Na Tu Drsyathe discussion continues P086-099 Iswara alone is what is desired by one & all knowingly or unknowingly! What you seek is infinite & where you seek is in finite things Time space & Objects do not condition Drsta but only Drsya When you are no longer identified with limited Body you become one with Iswara Drg Drsya viveka frees one from Pramtr Pramatr is one who sees value in pramana operated Prameya & seeks that alone for his status Abhava of Antahkarana is Maya & Iswara has this Maya within Himself Lec 08 Even when all differences are cognised Seer remains One P100-112 Discussion on " Shannomitra Sham Varunah " Identification with many vrittis of mind such as sukha, dukha etc causes notion of I am Dukhi I am Sukhi etc Important to experience That I am different from whatever I See Abhasavada & Pratibimbavada discussion Drsta as seen in Sankhya, Yoga & Vedanta Lec 09 Discussion continues on nature of Drsta P113-127 ***** Discussion on " Namo Brahmane Namasthe Vayo" Drg Drsya Viveka is Tvam Pada Pradhana Brahma Sakshaatkar upaya Important discussion on three types of Drsta - Bhava, Abhimana & finally the True all pervasive Drsta. Difference in Yoga & Sankhya regarding Drsta Lec 10 1-5 Discussion continues on nature of Drsya P128-139 ***** Why is knowledge attained through senses not true ? 4 questions one needs to ask regarding Drsta/ Drsya No knowledge of Bheda without identification with antahkarana Vritti Discussion on Samanyadhikarana & Vyadhikarana Drsta sees presence & abscence of time space & objects Important - Are you Drsta or do you need to become Drsta ? Divisions in antahkarana cannot touch Drsta There can be no dividing line between Drsya & Drsta Lec 11 1-5 Need for alambana to reach Iswara P140-153 Without desire for the Lord where is worship & Understanding Alambana of shapes & colors to see Eyes & capacity of eyes to know manas Difference between Sadhana & Pramana To Know one's own self what is needed is Pramana rather than Sadhana Vedanta needed to know the adwitiya nature of Brahma Nature of Satvik manas All desires, doubts, Shradda Ashraddha etc belong to mind alone What is experienced outside is in fact an expression of what is inside Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Page 3 of 8 Drgdrishya Vivek Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 12 5 Discussion on Asangha nature of Drsta P154-165 "Bhadram Karnebhih " Shanti mantra discussion All darshanas consider Atma is different from Body except charuvaka Culmination of Drsta vicara is in Self alone Neither birth nor death or Atma & always effulgent Birth & Death are merely inferences based on birth & Death of Upadhis Lec 13 5 Discussion on non-destructive nature of Atma P166-179 "Purnah Purnamidam " Shanthi mantra discussion True nature of Sushupthi is Mithya whether seen or not No Pragabhava or Pradhvamsabhava for Chaitanyam Atma remains knower of all changes in Jagat including body Effulgence of Atma is not dependent on another Nature of Guru discussion Whither Iswara or one's own Self ? Learn from All Lec 14 5 Swayamprakasha nature of Atma P180-190 "Sahana Avathu" Shanti mantra Discussion Need for properly understanding the True meaning of "I" Nirvikar Swayamprakash is swarupa of Parameshwara Punarjanma is not for Atma. nor for Antahkarna Merly identification & considering antahkarana as mine & real, causes punarjanma All questions regarding travel is remaining with Avidya alone Lec 15 5 Discussion on " No witness for Drsta ' P191-201 Meaning of "Shanti Shanti, Shanti " Swasthi No Stharkshi... Discusion Difference between Nitya & Vibhu All distinctions of Time, space etc are merely due to identification with Body & do not exist factually What does Vedanta actually do ? Travel towards destination starts from where we are Knowing Self distinct from body alone makes Brahmajnana possible What is the real Granthi ( Bondage) Discussion on Fear of Death Lec 16 6 Dual nature of Antahkarana P202-212 Why agitation in mind - 6 causes Bhadram Karnebhi discussion Vedanta can only teach by negation Drsta & Drsya are in reality one & same Drsti eva Shrishti & Vice versa hence neither Drsti nor Shrshti A desireless person can never indulge in action Lec 17 6 Know from where you are getting your teaching P213-225 3 things to know in life - Body is known, Abhasa inside body is known Unattachedness of knowledge Through Chitchaya alone Buddhi grasps things Vrittiman is a mere notional existence Discussion on Vivartha Creation Not discriminating between 2 similiar things is at root of adhyasa Discrimination between Pramtr, Sakshi & Mistaken Sakshi 3 types of Bhranthi Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Page 4 of 8 Drgdrishya Vivek Swami Akhandanand Saraswatiji Maharaj Lec 18 Viveka of Nitya & Anitya P226-234 Other than Viveka no other upaya for elimination of Dukha Locus of Dukha is always in the mind & never elsewhere 6 qualities of a Vairagi Lec 19 7-11 3 Types of Tadatmya - Sahaja, Bhrantija & Prarabdaja P235-249 First step in path of Parameshwara is to try to understand the meaning of many words heard properly Second step is to concentrate on subject matter of enquiry Third step is Vedanta Bhranthi due to non understanding of True swarupa Knowledge is bigger than space which contains the entire universe Drsya is within Drsti of Drsta & Drsti is non seperate fo Drsta Laya of Ahankara is Sushupthi, partial is Swapna & when active Jagrat Mithyathva of Swapna 4 important things in sadhana Lec 20 11-17 Discuusion continues on unreality of 3 avasthas P250-266 2 issues - 1 What is to be acheived & 2 how should be the tool needed Important to be Truthful without which no seeking Paramatma Saakshi is also aropitha on vasthu What is seen is Jada & what Sees is Chetana Paramatma sometimes expresses himself as Sakaar & sometimes as Nirvikaar What remains in all changes is the True Drsta Manas is Vritti(Vyavahar) & Ahankar is Vrittiman (Doer/Enjoyer) All 3 avasthas keep coming & going while Atma illumines all 3 Owning up the actions of 3 avasthas is at root of all dukha Lec 21 14/15 Determined & brave alone can have this knowledge P267-282 Fearlessness is Brahma One's Swarupa is my true location & sometimes get down into various avasthas But my Sathyathva is in these
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