;kbkBk ftZsh t/otk gZso ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ns/ AND ftnkfynkswe w?w'ozvw EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM ON THE BUDGET OF THE piN gzikp ;oeko ;kb 2019-2020 GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB FOR THE YEAR 2019-2020 cotoh, 2019 February, 2019 1 PART –A EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM 2 “ “ ” “ “ “ ” 3 INTRODUCTION Under Article 202 of Constitution of India, in respect of every financial year, a statement of the estimated receipt and expenditure of the State for that year called "the annual financial statement is to be laid before the State Legislature. The estimates of expenditure show "Charged and "Voted" items of expenditure separately. The memorandum explains the Estimates in two Parts. Part "A" is explanatory memorandum to the Budget. Part "B" section I of the Annual Financial Statement deals with the analysis of transactions of the Government of the Government of Punjab in the Consolidated Fund as the Public Account and Contingency Fund. It pertains to the Accounts for the year 2017­ 2018, Revised Estimates form the year 2018­2019 and Budget Estimates for the year 2019­ 2020, Part "B" Section 2 Contains General Abstract of receipt and disbursement of the State for the period 2017­2018 to 2019­2020. 2. The Estimates have been broadly categorized as Receipt Estimates and Expenditure Estimates. Estimates of Receipts have been further sub­divided into Tax Receipts and Non­Tax­ Receipts. In terms of functions and programmes of the Government, the expenditure has been broadly grouped into the following sector:­ 1) General Services 2) Social Services 3) Economic Services 4) Grant­in­aid and Contribution In each sector, important functions and major programmes have been allotted major heads of account. Major heads have been divided into minor heads, which reflect meaningfully the programmes, activities etc. under the function. 3. Part "B" Sector­3 of the Memorandum has, XXIV Statements. Statements I to IX deal with the Financial Position, Revenue Expenditure and Public Debt of the State. The remaining Statements deal with the State Plan, Public Sector undertakings and Local bodies etc. The Non­Plan Technically New Schemes is at Statement XI. 4. Object wise Summary of expenditure is at Statement V. 4 ftôk-t;s{ Pages CONTENTS Gkr T L ftnkfynkswe w?w'ozvw 1 - 3 PART - A : Explanatory Memorandum Gkr n L ;bkBk ftZsh t/otk gZso 6 PART - B : Annual Financial Statement ;?eôB 1 b/yk 2017-2018 s' piN nB[wkB 2019-2020 sZe gqkgshnK ns/ tzv B{z do;kT[D tkbk ;kbkBk 7 - 35 ftZsh t/otk gZso. SECTION 1 Annual Financial Statement depicting receipts and disbursements from Accounts, 2017-2018 to Budget Estimates, 2019-2020...... Gkr -2 oki d/ b/y/ 2017-2018 s'A piN nB[wkB 2019-2020 sZe dk ;ko 36 SECTION-2 Summary of Finances of the State from Accounts 2017-2018 to budget estimates 2019-2020 ;?eôB-3 37 SECTION-3 t/otk gZso STATEMENTS I 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 oki dh ftZsh ;fEsh dk ;ko(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 3 38 - 39 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE STATE(AS PER FORM III OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 II 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 oki eo nkwdB dk ftôb/ôD(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 4 40 nB[;ko (o{b 6))D Analysis of the State Tax Revenue(AS PER FORM IV OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 III 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 r?o eo nkwdB dk ftôb/ôD(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 5 41 - 42 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) ANALYSIS OF NON - TAX REVENUE (AS PER FORM V OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 IV 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 nkwdB b/y/ d/ ftek; you dk ;ko(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ 43 - 44 ckow 6 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) Analysis of Development Expenditure of Revenue Account(AS PER FORM VI OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 V 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 wkbh nkwdB b/y/ d/ r?o ftek; you dk ftôb/ôB(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH 45 o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 7 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) Analysis of Non-Development Expenditure on Revenue account(AS PER FORM VII OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 VI 2014-2015 sA' 2019-2020 g[z{ihrs b/y/ dhnK gqkgshnK ns/ you/ dk ft;b/;D(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH 46 - 47 o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 8 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) Analysis of receipts and Disbursements on Capital Account(AS PER FORM VIII OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 VII 2014-2015 s' 2019-2020 oki ;oeko Bz{ e/Ado s'A spdhb j'J/ ;kXB(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 48 - 49 d/ ckow 9 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) Transfer of Resources from Centre to the StateAS PER FORM IX OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) from 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 5 VIII gzikp bJh e/Adoh ;jkfJsk(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 10 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) 50 Central Assistance for Punjab(AS PER FORM X OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)) ………………………………………………….. IX foDF ;fEsh/ j[D sZe d/ pekfJnk eoi(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ ckow 11 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) 51 Debt Position/Debt Outstanding(AS PER FORM XI OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6) X sBykjK,T[iosK,g?BôB, foNkfJow?AN bkG ns/ ftnki T[Zs/ youk(n?cHnkoHphHn?wH o{bi, 2018 d/ 52 ckow 13 nB[;ko (o{b 6)) 2019-2020 Expenditure on Salaries, Wages, Pension & Retirement Benefits and Interest(AS PER FORM XIII OF FRBM RULES, 2018 (Rule 6)………………………………… during 2019-2020 XI seBheh so s/ BthnK ;ehwK 53 Technically New Schemes, 2016-2017. XII ekB{zBh p'ovK dk ;kb 2016F17 bJh ftek; youk 54 Development Expenditure of Statutory Boards during 2016-2017 XIII oki ;oeko d[nkok fwsh 31H3H2016 sZe fdZshnK rkozNhnK d/ pekJ/ dh ;fEsh 55 Position of outstanding Govt. Guarantees as on 31.3.2016 XIV ;kb 2016F17 dhnK ftek; ;ehwK bJh ftZsh ;jkfJsk 56 Institutional Finance for Development Schemes 2016-2017 XV 14t/A ftZs efwôB dhnK f;ckoôK 57 - 59 Recommendation of the 14th Finance Commossion XVI ;N/N gpfbe ;?eNo ndkfonK dh wkbh jkbs d/ gqdoôB dk t/otk gZso 60 Statement of Financial performance of Public Sector undertaking XVII tZyFtZy oki ;oekoh y/so ndkfonK B{z fjZ;k g{zih B{z T[gpzX 61 Provision by way of Share Capital and Loan to the various State Public sector Undertaking XVIII uE/ ftZs efw;B dhnK ;kb 2011F2012 s'A 2016-2017 bJh f;cko;K 62 - 70 Recommendation of the 4th Finance Commission for the year 2011-2012 to 2016-2017 XIX ;z;EktK fiBQK B{z oki ;oeko tZb'A nB[dkB fdZsk iKdk j? 71 - 74 Name of Institutions to whom Grant-in-Aid is given by the State Government. XX ;kb 2014F2015 bJh ftZs wzsoh d/ piN GkôD ftZu s÷this nkôtk;BK$ c?;fbnK s/ ehsh 75 - 92 ekotkJh pko/ fog'oN Action take report on Assurances/decisions proposed in the Budget Speech of Finance Minister for the year 2014-2015 XXI iwkBsK dh ;{uh 93 List of Securities… XXII ftZsh fizw/tkoh ns/ piN gqpzX (n?cHnkoHphHn?wH) n?eN 2003 d/ GkrF3 nB[;ko oki dh wZXekbh 94 - 99 ftZsh gkfb;h Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement of the State as per section 3 of the Punjab Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003 XXIII gzikp ftZu ;oekoh ns/ nZX ;oekoh eowukohnK dh frDsh 100 Number of Government and Semi Government Employees in Punjab XXIV List of Pending Liabilities from Previous Years in respect to funds received under Flagship 101 Schemes 6 PART ‘B’ SECTION - 1 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT DEPICTING RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FROM ACCOUNTS 2017-2018 TO BUDGET ESTIMATES 2019-2020 Gkr ‘n’ ;?eôB -1 b/y/ 2017-2018 s' piN nB[wkB 2019-2020 sZe gqkgshnK ns/ tzv B{z do;kT[D tkbk ;kbkBk ftZsh t/otk gZso 7 I-CONSOLIDATED FUND OF PUNJAB-REVENUE ACCOUNT-RECEIPTS 1-gzikp dk ;zfus czv - wkb b/yk - gqkgshnK (` in thousands) (` jikoK ftZu) Major Major Head Accounts Budget Revised Budget Head w[Zy wZd b/y/ Estimates Estimates Estimates Number piN ;'X/ piN wZ[y nB[wkB nB[wkB nB[wkB wZd Bzpo 2017-2018 2018-2019 2018-2019 2019-2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 A-Tax Revenue J/F eo nkwdB (a) Taxes on Income and Expenditure (J/) nkwdB ns/ you s/ eo 0005 Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) 1,51,60,00 39,99,87,00 39,99,94,00 40,31,12,00 ;?ANob r{v; n?Av ;oft;; N?e; (;hHihHn?Z;HNh) 0006 State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) 79,01,14,09 2,14,40,55,00 1,39,36,36,00 1,71,09,56,00 ;N/N r{vi n?Av ;oft;i N?e; (n?;HihHn?;HNhH) 0008 Integrated Goods and Services Tax 10,72,32,00 3,31,17,00 3,31,24,00 0 fJzNhro/Nv r{v; n?Av ;oft;; N?e; (nkJhHihHn?Z;HNh) 0020 Corporation Tax 32,52,81,00 34,89,71,00 33,63,76,00 43,13,51,00 ekog'o/ôB eo 0021 Taxes on Income other than Corporation Tax 27,46,76,00 30,88,20,00 29,10,18,00 36,24,17,00 ekog'o/ôB eo s'A fJbktk nkwdB s/ eo 0028 Other Taxes on Income and Expenditure 0 0 93,75,00 78,00,00 nkwdB s/ j'o eo s/ you/ Total (a) Taxes on Income and 1,51,24,63,09 3,23,49,50,00 2,46,35,23,00 2,91,56,36,00 Expenditure i'V (J/) nkwdB ns/ you s/ eo (b) Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions (ph) ikfJdkd s/ g{zihrs b?D d/D s/ eo 0029 Land Revenue 91,34,21 1,10,00,00 98,40,55 1,11,53,04 G"A wkbhnK 0030 Stamp and Registration 21,35,13,16 25,00,00,00 23,00,00,00 26,50,00,00 nôNkw ns/ ofi;No/ôBB 0032 Taxes on Wealth -10,00 -11,00 1,22,00 -12,00 nkwdB s/ eo Total (b) Taxes on Property and Capital 22,26,37,37 26,09,89,00 23,99,62,55 27,61,41,04 Transactions i'V (ph) ikfJdkd s/ g{zihrs b?D d/D s/ eo (c) Taxes on Commodities and Services (;h) t;sK s/ ;/tktK s/ eo 0037 Customs 10,72,00,00 6,12,33,00 7,05,90,00 8,36,93,00 e;Nw÷ 0038 Union Excise Duties 11,20,50,00 5,96,70,00 6,30,18,00 5,13,81,00 e/Adoh nkpekoh eo 0039 State Excise 51,35,68,21 60,00,00,00 54,62,00,00 62,01,00,00 oki nkpekoh 0040 Taxes on Sales, Trade etc.
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