COSMIC TOP SECRET M ATo t> <D- s J,- /M/ss ' HEADQUARTERS ALLIED AIR FORCES SOUTHERN EUROPE y MICROFILMED : REEl : ..£ P: jjgfe». ^22 AUG 1984 ~K>kj ~Zù> mxj \10\J T^A «OC1, mn 1'w*V;histo,RY I ? JUN 199SPJJ PHASE n. 30 JUN 1999 feV .8¾ jwqWtY - 31 DECEMBER 1952 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE ÂFSODTH-IH COPY NO. 2 M Afo -—aasare-sßps ECRET Classified COSMIC TOP SECRET By Authority Of C OMAIRjS OUTH By A7*V _ Date 2 March 1953 HEADQUARTERS f D . - ALLIED AIR FORCES SOUTHERN EUR HISTORY PHASE III 1 JULY - 31 DECEMBER 1 ? 5 2 J-Hf DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE «P&0Z HtTM < J AX. RAF ALTERNATE CACO MAlo SzcftST LIST OF CHARTS Charti No. Following Page 1 Organizational Chart — MiFSE 1 2 RHAP and TAF Forces Assigned AAFSE 3 *3 Organizational Chart Hq 56th TAF 6 4 Organisational Chart Hq AAFSE 13 5 Roster of Personnel CCttAIRSOUTH ADVON 1? 6 Status of Personnel Hq AAFSE, by Nation 17 7A Hq AAFSE ~ Strength 1 July - 31 December 52 l8 7B AAFSE — Support Units - Strength l8 1 July - 31 December 52 8 Hq AAFSE — Civilian Personnel Strength l8 1 July - 31 December 52 9 56th TAP — Personnel Strength Report 19 1 July - 31 December 52 10 Air/Ground Training 25 IlA AAFSE Assigned IAF Organizations — 27 Average Number Hours Flown per Pilot Assigned IlB A/iFSE Assigned IAP Organizations — 27 Utilization of Aircraft 12A Plying Training — 56th TAF 30 12B Flying Training — 56th TAP 30 13 Schedule of Exercises — ANCIENT WALL 32 14 Schedule of Air Force Activities — 33 ANCIENT WALL 15 Build-up of 56th TAF during ANCIMT WALL 33 16 Approved 4th Slice Infrastructure Program — 51 AAPSE 17 Layout of Mobile Communications Center 57 18 COMAIRSOUTH HP Radio Circuits 57 *19 56th TAP — Radio Net 59 *20 56th TAF — TWZ Net 59 21 Wire Net — AAFSE 59 * Included in Copies Nos. 1 and 2 only DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LIST OF MAPS Italy — Approved 3d Slice Infrastructure (less Communications) Greece — Approved 4th Slice Infrastructure (less Communications) Italy — Approved 4th Slice Infrastructure (less Communications) Turkey — Approved 4th Slice Infrastructure (less Communications) Europe and Near East All Maps in back pocket. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LIST OP PHOTOGRAPHS (Photographs Included in Copies 1 and 2 Only) NUMBER PRECEIES PAGE NO, 1. Lt General David M. Schlatters USAF, Commander, Allied Air Forces Southern Europe. Foreword 4 2. From left to righti Air Marshal E, P. Kelaides, C/S, RHAF; General Aldo Urbanil C/S, IAPj Major General David M. Schlatter, COMAIRSOUTH; and General Muzatter Goksenin, C in C, Turkish AP. 4 August 1952. 2 3. Generale DA Sergio Lalatta, IAF, Doputy Commander, Allied Air Forces Southern Europe. 4 ' 4« Gonoralo DA Rainiori Cupini, IAF> Commander, 56th Tactical Air Force. 6 5. Third Air Defense Conference — Hq AAPSE — 19-21 November 1952. a. Capt de Fregate Delort (FN)j Col H. S. Judy {USAF) Chairman; Sqdn Ldr. Stanley Brown, RAFj Secretary (all HAAPSE). •9 b. A group of representatives from CCMNAVSOUTH, US Sixth Fleet, CINCSOUTH and RAF, Malta. 6. Brigadier General Edward W. Suarez, USAPr Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Southern Europe. 15 7» Air Force officers from the Six Southern European NATO nations, on COMAIRSOUTH's Staffi from left to rights Sqdn Ldr S. H. Brown (RAF'), Maj Selcuk Okyay (TAF), Wg Cdr. D. P. Theodossiades (RHAF), Lt Col D. Panali (IAP), Lt Col W. A. Buttera (USAF) and Adj Ch Pentori (FAP). 17 8. Joint Operations Conter — Hq 56th TAP, Vicenza Air Field — during ANCIENT WALL Exercisea. 32 9. Admiral Carnoy, USNf CINCSOUTH, Lt Gen Schlatter, USAP, CCMjIIRSOUTH, and Gen Frattini, EIt Chief of tho Italian Defense Staff, during ANCIENT WALL Exercise. 33 10. Preliminary Logistics — Training Conference — 5 August 1952, at HAAFSE. From left to right: Col R. E. Fisher, USAF, JUSMAAG (Greece); DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE General Schlatters USAF; Brig Gen E. H. Alexander, USAP, TUSFAG (Turkey),* and Col W. A. Robertson, MAAG (Italy). 45 11. General Wyman, Commander Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe, and General D. M. Schlatter, CGttAIRSOtfTH. 63 TABLE OP CONTENTS Chapter Page I MISSION AND ORGANISATION 1 Force Capabilitiea and Hequirements 3 151st TAC Group (USAF) 4 - 406 F/B Wing (USAF) 4 ' US Marine Squadron 5 34th Communications Squadron 5 56th TAF 6 Fifth ATAC 7 Air Defense 7 Third Air Defense Conference 8 Air Defense Information Center 8- Air Transport 9 Meteorology 11 Organizational Changes — HAAFSE 13 Move of HAAFSE to Naples Area 13 II PERSONNEL 15 ADVON and Nucleus ATAC 15 Hq AAFSE 17 CiTilian Personnel 18 56th TAF 19 Greek and Turkish AF Units 20 7233d Hq Support Sqdn (USAF) 20 Flight "D", 7470th Hq Support Sqdn (USAF)- 22 IAF Support Squadron 22 Frenoh, Greek» Turkish and UK Personnel 23 III TRAINING AND EXERCISES 25 Air/Ground Warfare 25 Jet Transition 27 Gunnery and Bombing Training 28 Training Standards 29 Fighter/Bomber Affiliation Flights 29 Flying Proficiency 30 Flying Safety — Italy 30 Ebtercises 31 ANCIENT WALL 31 DRAGO 35 LONG STEP 35 IV PROJECTS 38 Emergency Defense Plan 39 Organization of EDP 1-53 40 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE Annexes to EDP 1-53 40 Annex 2 40 Search and Rescue 40—" Air Reconnaissance 41 AAFSE Minimum Force Requirements 41 AAFSE Program " 42 Intelligence 42 Targets 43 Technical Intelligence 44 é TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Cbeptar Logistics Logistics and Training Conference Infrastructure Third Slice Infrastructure Communications, 3d Slice Fourth Slice Infrastructure Communications, 4th Slice Logistics Plans Survey of Heavy Maintenance Emergency Transportation Plan Medical Planning Air Munitions Communications MoMlc Communications Center Command Badio Not Electronic Countormeasiircs Air/Ground Communications 56th TiiF Telephone — ILUiFSE Teletype — HAAFSE Bud get Financial Support for the ADVOH HAJ11FSE Budget Command Reporting CHRONOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY ROSTER OF KEY AAFSE PERSONNEL 4 August I95I - 31 December 1952 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE « MATo setter C ET HEADQUARTERS ALLIED AIR FORCES SOUTHERN EUROPE Office of the Coramander 1 March 1953 FOREWORD This volume of the History for Allied Air Forces Southern Europe, covering the period 1 July through 31 December 1952, marks the formal designation of COMAIRSOUTH as overall Air Commander for the Southern European Area and the assignment of Greek and Turkish Air Force elements to Allied Air Forces Southern Europe. During this period, major emphasis has been placed on the revision of existing plans, the formulation of new plans, and the examination of the operational, organizational, logistical and budgetary implications of this expansion of the Command, These six months have also witnessed the development of the Command in other areas, particularly with regard to Air Defense, Air Transport, Logistics, Training, and Communications. Progress has been made in plans leading to an increase in forces available, on an interim basis. Assigned and National Forces have cooperated in three major exercises testing effectively the joint Air/Ground doctrine, Air Defense • and Communications facilities and procedures, and coordination between elements of different forces and different nationalities. Liaison has been established with the British Middle East Air Forces, and the coming year should see considerable development in this area. The liaison which was established earlier with MAAG, Italy, has been developed and similar liaison with the US Military Assistance Groups and missions in Greece and Turkey has been established. This has proved of particular value in the fields of logistics and training. DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY DISCLOSED - PDN(2012)0008 DECLASSIFIED - PUBLICLY - DÉCLASSIFIÉ MIS EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE DAVID M. SCHLATTER Lieutenant General, United States Air Force Commander CHAPTENAT O SECRET MISSION AND ORGANIZATION On 16 July 1952, General Matthew B. Ridgway, SACEURt announced the modification in the Command structure of Allied Air Forces Southern Europe resulting from the assignment of Greek and Turkish military forces to NATO. These modifications provided for the establishment of Allied Land Forces Southorn Europe and also for tho organization of an associated Allied Tactical Air Command Headquarters, the latter under the command of CCMAIRSOUTH as overall Commander of Allied Air Forces Southern Europe. 1 / (Chart No. l) Pending the formal organization of this ATAC and the designation of a Commander, CCMAIRSOUTH, with the concurrence of CINCSOUTH, estab- lished the HAAFSE Advanced Echelon (ADVON) along side CCMLANDSOUTHEASTtS Headquarters at Izmir, TurkGy, on 6 September 1952« Ey its Terms of Reference, the primary mission of the ADVON was to accomplish the preliminary ground work for tho establishment of the Nucleus ATAC and to prepare plans for tho organization, composition, and support of the ultimate ATAC. 2 / While the ADVON has served this immediate prupose it can be considered only as an interim solution. The present concept of this organization is necessarily geared to a very limited staff capability and can not meet CCMAIRSOUTH•s operational
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