Matrix 80 February/March 1989 3

Matrix 80 February/March 1989 3

February/March 1989 75p 2 Matr"x 80 MATRIX EDITOR Maureen Port.r 114 GUildhall Stre.t Folk••ton. WALKING ON GLASS - Thill 85FA Colutrn . K.nt CT20 IES EGH November I '~(J .. London !'feet In9•• T.I, (0303 52939) rEroeERS' NOT I CEBOARO .• Contributins Editor. CQ1PETITION C()Rr<.ER • CLUBS COMPETITIONS Rob Jackson K.ith Mitch.ll Pout KIncaid .t a •.. 3FI. 43 lana St EdinburSh EA6 ISSP SPA I NG BOOKS Paul Kincaid. NEWS - Paul Kincaid. addre•• b.low LOCAl. FNIlOf'ENA - The Clubs Colutm .. BSFA CO-ORDINATOR Kellh Mltct>ell • """...,...,. Port.,. Paul Kincaid HEOIA REVIEWS • 114 GUildhall Street Folke.tone Nlght".,.e HaYles Kent AI •• St.....",.t . CT20 lES 1(1' 10.... - Jessica Vete. Lynne B leph... BSFA MEMBERSHIP annUIIl and i. fro",", Tl£ PERIODIC TABLE .•• Cor",ention Ne_ . 13 Convention Roundup.. 14 Ar".dec:on - Rob P1etthe_ • ,,, _ John Pete,.. 15 Joann. Rain. Keith Fr8eman I'fllrord 19lJI1 - Elizabeth Sourt>ul 15 J3 ThornVille Road 269 Wykehalll Road NollJcon - S 0 Rothmllln . IS Hartlepool Reading Iobrld Fontasycon - John Pele,... 16 Cleveland Berk.hir. Novacon I" - Ke" Hc:Velgh .• 16 TS26 ISEW RGG IPL FIRE AHJ iE......OCK • 1'ft!tgazlne Listings ... Ho... r ••n Port.,. Cockr.ll Dave Wood 40 Cyprus Road F~:~~eC~~~~ Finchl.y 1 London Clevedon T~~' ~~t' C~~~t'I~~'l'Ot~l~' :.... NWI 7BU Avon John Pet.,.. Tune In, Turn ()f"~ Ke" Hc:Veig" Cover <ifc, ibc. £25 Full page (rop) £20 Half page £15 Quarter page £10 Rate. for lIlultipl. in••rtion. are negotiable. Di.tribution of loo.e flyer• .,ith BSFA _l1ing_ co.t £20 per thou.and IIlhe.t.. Rate. for bookl8t. 8ra nagotiable. Raqu••t_ for and flyer di.tribution .houtd b•••nt to Dava Wood. Any opinions .Kpr••••d a ... tho•• of lndlvld.ulll author., and do not ntlc••earily ..eflect tho•• of either the editor or the aSFA. PAPERBACK INFERNO EDITOR: Copyright: CBSFA ).td 1966. IndiVidual copyrighta ara tha proparty of the authora and adltora. Andy Sawyar David V Barrat t I The Fl8xyard 23 Oakftald Road ISSN: 0307 3335 Woodfall Lana Croydon Surrey Product10n by Maure.n Port.r and Paul Klncaid. Littla N••ton South Wirrel CRO 2UD Printed by: PDC Copyprint. 11 Jeffri•• P8••age. L64 4BT Guildford. Surrey. GUI 4AF .eSF...eSF...eSFABSF ...eSF ABSF...eSFABSF...eSF...eSF...eSFABSF.... B B ORBITER CO-ORDINATOR THE !'EXT MATRfX DEI\OLl!'E IS S Liz Holliday Sua Tho_.on FRIDAV 17th MARCH F 31 Snott••ford III Alba_rl. Road A A 101...... Gard.". South Bank .eSF...eSF ABSF ABSF...eSFABSF AB SF...eSFABSFABSF ABSF ABSF.... Lo"dOl'1 York W2 Y02 61EP MatriX 80 February/March 1989 3 PERIW'S IT WAS " SAO IDEA TO JKAGlt\E fHA.T PEOPLE WOllD FIN> One IhLng I _td lIk. to rocour~ thl. u..U'ooughlofwdtingto,",-tri__...thrllll.ngt.n.n'lltlog yeM". and that I. the .... of I'fet,Uc pL.tfor.. for 8«* (0 the FIII"re or Tn. £epir. St';k.. s.dc. Or _~ It .... .av.rtl.lng forthl;amlng .v..l .. HIl.her"to. I ppo.e the ..adllnu the ....,(ort I. (Kl of tne ONdllnto felling on FrI.-V 13th. The he... ...., r.ther .r.rouded In ""n...y. and it·. "'Ot unc.....-, for o;oonpetltlon Il...,to.crlbecl to. pr....lftIobly bee..... o( Its _tor-e.I.......tarl.l.ft.r __Ilne,onlytor_lI.. tn.t <;'. _;",pllcllY'. but r _VI the ........t "-"dful of the .vent ..HI be ov... before lhe ne"t dHdllne. Imparl.1 lIU."., Which .. of c""" .., Chlot tr- who did bother to Colla<je'. Plcoo;on f.1l vict.... to Ult. unfO#"wnat. OCCUrrenC. la.t ..rita ... 11l be abt. to hIl". IMlr ..y.t gr..t ... l..-gth tl'\wl Ilme.rouna.Theedilori.l",lght"'Otbethe_t~oprlat• "Or.... L. On tne aChe<" r-.d, It """"td 110.... bMn nlu ... -.he, pl.... toU.tde.dtllw.. bullt_good ........ghto ..... ..,".r. wl.tfuny. But per~ y<lU all got strud< down ..\til t .... lltHt '-' ".rlllyof lnH"....u. I ...".r used to tIkI _ch OOtlcI of Hoyll'. theory thtlt theM "I""... ""....... l"t.rgallclle ori9"'. but.n.rChi.cnrtlt.mol.l_r••lIybegLnnlngto_,.. The ..t-..p, .. Y""" .....,. De r •• I. that tl>eptlet.-upe Stllt.t""tl.quit._gho("'Ydl" for the to U prinl.... t ..o ..eeI<••fl... Another yur of "'.trIitbeg.......lth In. .......1 bout of 111,...1. thedeadllne Igi... you.andthe ....guiner..a...the.......oer•• _cajallng.l'1.ybolJ""ghtto ..tup.,.egul ~tto _andhelffurtherOl'\.ftarlhet. ....... lhat tell. cer. of thls.-ctian of lhoI _ltorl.t. An Ill, _ III ~. 1•• weeI<'sgrec:e.fl.....ydeedUne for_t.rI.1 to De ........ _t'. f;OIIling. LAU Iy pl t .... _tIn. thoughthet'."'Ot ••lgnelforpeClpl.tost ll-'<ing ......t <;en....Uon W>d ....-li.a ,._1-.. Nod So"flllolO: ertkl... I know _ ...t.geof"'Yklnd wr•. I.. _t1onlngttlls . thlll 1500 verda _ Ilk•• lot. tlut pl_ don't f.1 you f_r to peopl..."'0 t t .v..t. _..-Used r.lJwI' l/'\an hoo... topreo..~ rt'o;l.ofthiot 1.-.gtft.A f_plthy thoughts for thoH peopl. who laft the bus...... of writing. I.U... to on .. !:I'-r.l.ted b-iKt ..ILL 90 <»wn ju.t .. _ll••v.. if the ......, lut ........t. axpr_...s 1.nS72 worclL ThIll tt......-. you ..UI n.v. "'Otio;ed thetl·_publl.r-:lt.... ~pl-e... In ....((ortto~k So., If ycu would Lik._ 10_tl.. forthcooflLng o((_n...,._t.lnlJ' QO~ speak s .t your elub or group. or If book5hope ..len to _tl Ignlng ".--, "'l'thlng Ilk. 1M!.. pl_ ...a V- 1 .,.,.,Id be bed< to 2' pe<J- .-t 1.__ our (;lel to ked "Vhat·. On-. and I'IL p...bUstl V- in the ..."t IIltU.Uon I. pldllng up very nl~I.,.. end I.. looking to k..-p avaHoobl. i...... of I'feld., and o;ontlnu. adYertl.tng untIL t'" U- pe<JH Hllm. And t III be pl.,tl' of epee•• pw- .v..1 1._••• 1 do ..llh the o;on......tlO'Ir-.ct.lp. t1cul.rl.......... thet_hoo ~I.tedthe_Ulte_of pubU.r.1ng the ".soci.lIon·. eccount. up to det•. So ,t·. t,- to 5 ...0..-1.,. in en .ffort to encourage peopl. to plan ahead .t.rt lookl"9 for I'... looking for IdMos. end for for thl• .,...... 1 Il'Ilght __U g ..... you t .....t .. of forthcomLng ...tiel... If you hoov••i~. "- _t gettLng In touch with _tl.... _.--, In the hope t"-t you "'ghl f..1 incllned to _. tOdlscu•• U... _tt.r further. a.ulbt>l. t'- down in your dlarl... So. the r_ining _til"'!! ....I_fO#" thi.y.......11l be hoold, In the .......tplec:e. on "'Indyou, 1 get the imp"...lon thet the,. of you ..... p..-f-eUy cont...t" ".Ir/it tn It. curr.,t .tat•. I'v. receIVed a coupl. of u..ful oH.r. fO#" ....t......., ..hid> .. lit be wly follo"ed ...Po II o;OI'WI*lt that ....,. .It.r.tIOl'\ would dUut. the Anything .1.. you f..1 you ought to know?•• formor.lnfor tI0l'\8Iboutpllollenlng ocllvltt_over..... which __ lobe f lol•. ThedMf lng rlwor.'. "'Ot II lot .1.. I.ft to My in thi. edltorl.l, • Il...~ from lhe other 9OO-end-_lhLng ....,..,.r. 1_ to exo;epttosno;ourllg.youtoo;ontrlt>ut.toyour""'9azlneinl,e,. ...ppoee thoot ttwr. I. nothlng mud> you r..ll.,. .....t to _. Ok.y. renUdptlt.ilbeing.y..rofpl"'.l;OIIIingtofruiliOl'\.andl ....11. 1 I'oOpe y""" don't mind If 1 Inc:orpot".t•• few Ide.. wouLd Ilk. to think lhet ... did tha work bet.._ ..... r.ltwr of ..y - I'... t lng the .1l&'\CII ... vot. of o;onfl.-..c:•• In tn-. ... jumplngupenddOwn._aging.v...yoneln.ignt. .....Id>u... thenk.v y_ch. On that r.ther et ULng "'01•• I ....11 ..len you .1I a One rather _.Lng littt. 1_ ""Ich dIrlfted ecrOS. /IIy .Ughtlybel.tedHooppy V_.prl.. theatoffthak.,._rQ, coneclou....... goee_thing Llk.lhl.. Ifyou ...... 8Ibouttobe end edd the finisl'ling touetws 10 I'felr'it eo. .-poeit.«l on • dHwted, but _t~lI.,. ... __frt..aly. pl_t ..hldlfl !:I'endJorfent..,..tcDook.-..ldyo"reg...d •• .-ces begpge. ....·11 •.- • t. Roy P'-Iey. thIot the COOOlPlat. work. of $heI< _ .. "W'oprl.t.r.llglou. text Q>aa/'"Ing In_lnd. the __tsof_CSagen ........ he .... .-poelted on "'d t 1••_1 ......Irudy In piece. Whet would.,..... Ilk. to t ? And why? To .t..-t ycu off. ttli.........t I would t.... - L..onJ of" u.. Rings by Tolki _ttl' for _t....tetr_.end~.. I.tHlthlnklt· exeoepl.....,. piece of f..t ..,: n.e Coll-eled ~l Storl_ of " R ........ ~.. U...y .... euperb c;-t .torl_ ..... Ich ........ pelt; Jo/'wI ,,"_I..,.'. Aegypt, to gl...... a ~ 10 fllwlly rftICI tl; Luel.... Shel:-"d'. n.e JJgu... Hunter. 10 r_Lnd _ In.t u...r. I••lIIL cla••y ..rltlng\endAobHoLdIltodo:'.l.YO'Idye.. to ,.:o:,.Et.:..:c.~~ gl_ .... cn..c. to r rMoCl It. end think _t tt ....... ~:.:.;;:;~;\;:::?.~ cer.fully. TMe. c;hot~ ofcour.......bJect to ..y -.1.So,glv.... Y"""rchol~.endr_.ln",ot thrl 500 worClll, and I'll pubHIoh _ of lhem In the rwxt f t....... ::>:€O::.;::: of ".td.. Ilihall .I.e _ If I UO"l prco..~. top t .. of fIlYOUrlt•• fO#" puoUc.Hon.t the end of the r_r.

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