Mute's Chronicle. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OHIO INSTITUTION FOB THE DEAF AND DUMB. Vol. V.] COL.U91BVS, O., SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1ST3. [No. 17. The Philosophy officer. sufficient quantity of ice will unques­ rom his department in confusion and oil Shopping. The current cry of the British beefs tionably solve the difficulty. In Russia panic. His "Roughing It" is wholly in­ It is poor economy or, rather, no econo­ eaters, like poor little Oliver Twist asking ninety live per cent of the beef consumed ferior to his other book, though it has sold my at all to purchase inferior fabrics be­ for "more,' 1 recalls SOUK- interesting fact- in St. Petersburg and Moscow is fro/.en largely. The public, are wearying of him a cause they are cheap. Persons in limited eoneorning animal food and itsrehilion to beef. Fresh beef costs more, though it is little and he must arouse himself if he circumstances often commit this error, civilization. It. has marked eras of nation- all comparatively cheap, but the pref­ cares for his laurels. if a calico at ten cents a yard looks about :i! progress and formed the basis of aristo­ erence for fresh beef ov >r frox.cn is not so Bret, Hart conquered attention by his as well as one nt twelve or fifteen cent-, crat!''distinction, and \vliere monopoliz­ great as to prevent a purchaser from choos­ extraordinary talcs in the Oarlanil and the prudent purchaser will often think i; ed hy a guild, as in the Klorentiiu; llo- ing a prime bit of the latter over a sec­ grew celebrated by his trille, "The Hea­ economy to choose' the low-priced goods. l>n!)lic, Ituoii an inilucntal organ of power. ondary article of the former. At the close then Chinee." Cit'icsand publications bid As it is low-priced, :.he may indulge in :; The meat-eaters have always been a pow- of the Winter those having a stock of for him, and Boston and the Atlantic car­ yard or two more for ruflles or bias folds, r in any community, and perhaps no beef on hand often keep it over Summer ried him oil. Since then he has been flattering herself that cheap ornamenta­ -oiii!try in the world has furnished so in the ice-houses, and we arc informed, stilled almost. We have had no really tion is an equivalent for line quality. largely this kind of aliment to its popula- by one of those who have tasted it, that clever thing from him, according to the Tliis mistake may lie seen permeating the lion as the United States, while in many even at the end (if the second Winter he critics, who consider his reign at il " entire wardrobe of many sensible people. older eonntries general impoverishment has had it as jrood, if originally first-class, end. The result is simply this : they neve- lias often i.iadc- it a rarity. as much that we buy fresh In Washington John Hay came home from Europe, have anything of really ^ood quality, an- In the dissolute days of Uome, when City. wrote "Little Breeches" and "Jim Blud- always shabby, anil always Inlying. her aristocracy reveled in th«i accumulat­ In bringing beef from Texas, an experi­ soe," and was made the theme of count­ None but. rich people can allord to buv ed spoils of conquest, and men like Api- ment already begun with some success, less paragraphs. His admirable book, poor goods. This rule applies to all s:»rt'^ oius and Hcliogabalus gave feasts, the. ex­ what is wanted in the vessel is slight "Castilian Days,1 ' gave him reputation of goods muslins, cloths, carpets, and travagance ot which appears to have heen draught of water and large refrigerating ninonir the cultivated, but they are the table linen. We grudge the ti lie we sec t heir chief merit, though still a matter of capacity. The ingenuity which has few. lie is doing line strong work on the women spend in making up muslins ot wonder, only the nohlcs were permitted given us Mississippi steamboats should be Tribune, but he is slipping out of the pub­ low grade for underclothing. There art tit use pheasants and other wild game able to supply these. lic eye. j s<t many stitches in a shirt! And when it and domestic fowl, butchers' meat heing The plains over which millions of bison Even Joaqnin Miller, the poet of the lasts one year instead of two, as it should, considered beneath their taste. roam, each consuming and wasting as Sierras, has almost had his day. His there is just twice as much wo:k done u> The privileged classes ot Europe have much as would feed ten head of herded songs are pronounced monotonous, and need to be. Hotter make three shirts o! preserved to this day the right to control cattle, will be a great Held of futurosnpply his genius a manufactured article. fine quality muslin than six of a lowc- .game; hut the distinction has heen pre­ for the United States; and the Indian Wo await, at this moment, another grade ot mu*lin. Just so in flannels. A vented them from learning long ago how question may yet be satisfactorily settled coming man somebody to put up ai.d lifly-cent all wool Shaker flannel wil. local their share of heef, mutton, and by making herdsmen of the wild trihes pulldown. He will be along anon. The wear two or three times as long as yoiu veal, while the poor class, who, for a pe­ and depriving them of their firearms. question is: Do our humorists and literary flimsy cotton and wool siutl'a few pennu^ riod covering centuries rarely tasted meat, They would take much more readily to lights decline, or do we declare them ex­ cheaper. Especially in a family of child­ have heen gradually growing ahlc to pro- this than to any manual labor such as hausted because they are such, or because ren, fabrics should be chosen for MTVJCI ' Ure it. Democracy, which I)e Tooquo- agriculture requires. we are merely tickle? X<ir York CUI'TCH- that when made up they may descend ville recognized as a Providential fact not In other parts of our country the rais­ l»>nd' nt «Sl. Louitt (Jlobc. from one child to anotiiei, thus saving the to he gainsaid, however much disliked, is ing of beet-root snyar, which improves mother time to .stitch into her brain it .-[treading, and with it is coining greater instead of Impoverishing the soil, will little embroidery of thought and culture. equality of condition and taste. Rail­ furnish food also for an increased number Tlic Frozen IVrlls ol" Hrandoii. A few rules with regard to shopping itself roads and other means of rapid communi­ of cattle; audit will lie well to keep in About a mile Southeast of Hrandoii, may IK- in plaiv. First H.iVo a list of cation contribute toward the distribution view these sources of future1 supply. Vermont, there is situated a well forty- articles to uc purchased made out in black of articles of food among the many, and 11'«*/< in if ton Chrt»iMr. one feet deep, the water of which has the and while. By this means yon will be thereby stimulate production. peculiarity of remaining fro/.en all the saved from sudden temptation to buy In the United States, too, the people year round. In 1H.V.) the owner of the what is not really necessary, and forget who were; once great eaters of salt pork American Humorist*. property began the usual excavations for nothing that y«<u"require. Second dea. have become more and more fresh meat water. After passing through four feet of ml.v with merchants in whoso bunnies* caters, and looking over the whole Held TIT Kill FAMK SOMK XOTA- clay and ten feel of soil, a bed of frozen ntegrity you can confide. Third-In of consumption us well as production, in 111,K INSTANT IX. gravel, sixteen feet in thickness, was he long run one always does better to both countries, it would appear that the We enjoy having a new name to admire encountered, which lapidly changed to my at one and the same place than run sources of supply arc unequal to the, in­ and laud, and after a little while we enjoy mud when exposed to heat. Further ibout for the purpose of hunting up bar­ creased demand. equally its depreciation nnd denunciation. digging penetrated another bed of clay, gains. A regular customer can often get In (treat Britain, notwithstanding the We all seem willing to lift a person to a and finally a layer of clean gravel, in favors denied to an occasional purchaser, theory of (ho land reformers who decry certain height, and we relish seeing him which water was found. As the Winter r'ourth Never buy what you don't all useless inchi-Mircs and think produc­ there-, as lout: as we can Iclude ourselves months approached, ice began to form in ivant, simply hrcausc it is cheap. tion would be sunicient if the soil were with the notion that we aided to put him the well at the rate of fiom two to four all availed of, it seems that the ultimate in the position. Hearing others ex (to inches over night, while during the suc­ A nim-i- I'm t. limit has been approximated in breeding him, we grow envious and cynical ; tall ol ceeding summer, though the well re­ skim ef ice HOW A I'UDMINKM IH'SINIXS MAX WUN ! :<nd cultivation, and the exhaustion piercing him with arr.,ws of satire, and mained open, an occasional !» KU1X.
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