Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 2-21-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 21, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1967 Volume 48, Issue 93 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 21, 1967." (Feb 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vocational Education Seminar to Hail Job Training' By Deborah Hansen be held at 4 p.m. Thursday Thursday is the 50th an­ in the Technology A Seminar niversary of the signing of the 'Room, according to Ralph O. Vocational Act of1917,passed SIU will ?bs.erve this week Gallington, professor of in- ' 'by the .64th Congress. Its pas­ the 50th anniversary of the dustrial education, edtication- sage began federally support­ signing of the National Vo- al psychology and guidance. ed prqgrams of vocational ed- cational Education Act by He will be joined in the President Woodrow Wilson. seminar by S. Lewis Land, ucatiol1 conducted by the states The observance will be in former director of vocational as a pan of public education • . Carbondale, Illinois . the form of a seminar. uFifty ~:~~~~::~~~~~S~~ld:d:C~: Through a ¥ries of acts Tue.day, February 21, 1967 Years of Federal-State Co- tion at Pennsylvania State beginnjg 1917, federal aid ;::eting Set;:~:~;'~ ~~"~~~~:;"·~';~:J::'" ~ * * nd Referendum '2 Area Fimns 'To B.t! Discussed Represej1tatives of the StU­ Reconsider dent body and the University will meet at 1 p.m. today to discuss 3; second referendum Price Raise on the fate of the on-campus At , least tWO of th"e six living area activity fee. Carbondale dry cleaning bus­ Present at the meeting will inesses that last week an­ be Ralph W. Ruffner, vice nounced intention to raise president for student and area their prices have re'consid­ services; Jack W. Graham, ered and decided to continue dean of students; Bob Drinan, the present price struct~ student body president; and Of the four remaining clean­ the pre.sidents of the five liv­ ing establishments, one man­ ing areas involved. ager would nO[ comment over The grqup met last week, the telephone, a secdnd was but was unable to reach a not available, the third had decusion on the question. already raised some of the The qu¥tion involves prices and tbe fourth was un­ whether ·to ' Take the $13.50 decided as to whether to go on-campus r~idence hall ac­ ahead With the planned price tivity fee man atory. increase • The first r . ferendum, held . Last week. the six dry in the living areas earlier in cleaning firms announced in the quarter. was ruled invalid a single advertisement that at last week's meeting mainly they planned to increase their because' if only listed one al­ prices Monday. ternative. On Friday, the Daily Egyp­ A second referendum would tian published an editorial on list three · alternative.s , ac­ the subject and Richard E. QUI'EN CANDIDATES-One oftheseftvecon­ Leon Striegel. Tbe Scarabs cording to Orinan. Richman, Jackson County tesl"ants will be crowned "Mrs. Southern" the dance, which is open to These would be: L state's attorney, referr e d the at a coronation \ ball scheduled for 9 p.m. the ' '''r<". • ~/ BUI Moore will be master 1. The activity fee &hould advertisement to tbe Illinois Saturday at the $~uthelrn illinOis Golf and of cer emonies. Tickets are $2 per couple be made mandatOry b the anorney general's office for Country Club in \ Marion. They are (from in advance; and ·$2.50 at the door. Barbara Board of Trustees ~ conSideration. left) Carol Morrlsoo{ Joan White, Carol Keiser, 7-4262, Is handling reservations. 2. The activity fee should Richman recommended an McDonald, Susan Pan and Sarah Haake. The The event is s ponsored by the SIU Dames be made voluntary through inquiry imo the possibility of judges will be Frank Sleyer, John Andresen, Club and Jean Woods is chairman. syste!ll of collecting mem­ a violation of Illinois anti- Mrs. Ernie Limpus, Mrs. Edward C. Mur­ bership dues. trust laws. At that time, Rich- ACe 3. There should be no ac­ man said if price fixing does t ity oUDcil Meeting tivity fee on the residence hall exist on the part of the dry- level. • cleaning bUSinesses, the state H . h D ' t t E· P Pla After today's meeting, the could file eithercivilorcrim. 19 way epar men ngul£er resents- n Campus Senate must approve inal action against the firms the r eferendufn. If the Senate approves, planning for the r ef­ erenClum will take about twO :~:~i~~:ta~:~gd~~i~io~at~a~:~ For North-South Couple, Left Turn Sig!!a4 w~ eks. Drinan said. consider the price hike was The C'iarbondale City Coun- engineer Ellis Zadalious of walkways on Wall Street north Results of the vote will be • based on the'-fact "there was cil heard a plan at an in- Illinois Highway District 9, of Park to College. The sent to Ruffnl!r, who will r e ­ so much opinion on the sub- formal meeting Monday night would make illinOis Avenue engineer's estimate for ap­ port to the executive commit­ ject. to to institute immediately on a one-way north and University proximately $28,000 was for a tee of the Board of Trustees. The two dry cleaners that trJal baSis a one-way couple Avenue one-way south ,with six foot walk on the east ;rhe. commi~e wH\ ttJen hand told the Dally Egyptian they system on Illinois' and Uni- installed left turn signals at side of Wall from College to down a deC)sion of the futlJre would not raise price s are versity Avenues. The maner the intersection of the two Grand and a 10 foot walk on of [he fee, 9rinan said. Horstman's Cleaners and was referred to the P lan Com- streets with Main Street. __ me west Si ~ between Grand Furriers, and University mission for study. To implem~nt the plan. the and Park. ;' ..... e ,leaners. • Th...e proposal, presented by ,+ .turning radius· .at the north- The Council asked Manager Gus Bode west corner of Mill and Uni- C. William Norman to obtain S IU Facu Ity Votes 519 to 7'4 - versity would have to be wid- mace information from SIU r--- ened and Oak Street, north of officials on a proposal [Q eU- Main, would have to be i'nade minat~ metered parki.I)g on o ange rea ormat one-way west. Universit-y Avenue form Mill T Ch A C F Mill and Oak Stieets be- to Grand. • Faculty voting on Area C I(natural sc~ce s) and B (so­ tween University and Illinois The plan, submitted by John • of General ~tudies has re- cial sCienc@s) assigned 22 would serve as tbe feeder S. Rendleman, vice president ~ suited in an overwhelming af- '" hours, following the so-called streets for the couple. Long- for business affairS, called for . ftrmation of the proposed 8-8 format. The first two range Highway Department constq.lction of a metered Change. level s (fr.eshman and sopho- plans call for -a feeder street parp.ng lot near the southwest The issue posed was more) would have eight hours to connect at an angle~ between . Corner of Mill and University whether to give the General each and the junior level six Mill and Grand. on ground now occupied by two StL.dies Comminee me power hours. Tbe temporary plan was de- SlU-owned !lOuses. The lot to adjust th~ hours of Ar.ea C Area C (arts and literature), vised a t tbe reques.t of the would replace the streetpark­ in conformity with the four- meanWhile, met resistance City Council, which wanted ing. hour format. _ from the departments in- rpe left turn signals inst'alled The Council instructed Nor- According to Roland Keene, valved. SQme departments on Main Street .. man to ask what effect the secretary of tbeFacultyCoun- would not change their three Zadalious said there is a move would have on motor­ cil, 519 voted "for" and 74 three-bour courses. The Gen­ possibility tha.r co n~truction cycle ~g, exactly what Gus says <?ne good thing abOUt voted Itagainst~ Ther~ were era! Stwd.ies Committee want- could stan on the permanent share pf contruction costs the attending a Small college like 10 invalid ballots, ed to keep nine hours for the feeder within a year. Un.Lvecsity will assume and SIU is that lie can be on a This involved reducing the fresbman level ' but .lO ut the The council also beard es- whey the lot would be avail­ first - name basis with toe . hours in each ma. Areas A sophomore hours to seven. timates on construction of abIe. computer• ./ "" J i/ Februa ry 21, 1'961 l . Final Exam Schedule Listed The following final examination schedule Exam inations will start at same tsitmanes.; for winter quaner has been prepared by the as the class sessions ordinarily Registrar's Office: ! Tuesday, March 14 EXamination Schedule for Day ClasJe's Classes wbich meet during the second period Monday. March 13 (7:35 to 9 or 9:15 p.m.) on Tuesday and/ or .Thursday . •. ..... ' • . •6-S Classes which meet only on Tuesday night. 11 o"clock classe~ except 3-hour classes Examinations will start at the same times which meet one of the class sessions as the class sessiofls ordinarily start.
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