Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 A Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Ed Adams Mendel/Leo Coach Marve Adams* St. Philip Coach Ray Adams * Alex Agase* Friend of the League Coach Frank Amato Loyola Academy Coach Dom Amidei St. George Coach Eric Anderson St. Francis de Sales Athlete 2005 Elmer Angsman* Jim Angsten St. George/St. Rita Coach/President of CCLCA Rev. James Arimond S.J. Loyola Academy Clergy James Arneberg* Leo Coach Brother Austin F.S.C.* De La Salle Administrator B Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Barney Badke* St. Rita Coach Fred Baer* Fenwick Athlete 2006 Jamie Baisley Loyola Academy Athlete 2012 Bob Baggot* Leo Athlete Dan Bagley* Leo Athlete Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 B Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year William Bamrick* Cas Banaszek Gordon Tech Athlete Andre Banks Mendel Athlete Henry “Babe” Baranowski* Leo Athlete Walt Barnes Tony Barone St. George/St. Rita Coach/Athlete Bill Barrett* Fenwick Athlete Judge Norman Barry* Mike Barry Fenwick Athlete Taylor Bell Friend of the League Journalist George Benigni Mount Carmel Athlete Rich Bertoni Friend of the League Official Joe Bertrand* St. Elizabeth Athlete Thomas Bettis St. Mel Athlete Paul Biebel* St. George Athlete/Official Greg Bingham Gordon Tech Athlete 2005 Eddie Bohan Mendel Catholic Athlete 2014 John Boles Leo Athlete/Coach 2000 Brad Bomba Mount Carmel Athlete 2008 George Bon Salle Loyola Academy Athlete Steve Borowski Weber Athlete/Coach 2012 Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 B Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Phil Bouzeos Friend John Bowler St. Mel Coach John Boyle* Kevin Boyle St. Laurence Athlete Pay Boyle St. Mel Athlete 2011 Henry Brandt* Holy Trinity Coach/Administrator 1963 Al Brandt Terry Brennan Mount Carmel Coach Neil Bresnahan Fenwick Athlete Gerald Brockhouse Hales Franciscan/Saint Ignatius Administrator Edward Bronson* Official Greg Brooks Friend of the League Official 2014 Roger Brown* Fenwick Athlete 2000 Warren Brown* Friend of the League Journalist Edward Burda Fenwick?/Weber Athlete Chet Bulger* De La Salle Athlete/Coach Ed Burke Mendel Catholic Athlete 2005 Max Burnell* St. George Coach Charlie Butler Mount Carmel Athlete Mark Bybee St. Laurence Athlete 2011 John Byrne St. Rita Athlete 2007 Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 C Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Ted Cachey Mount Carmel Athlete Dick Caldarazzo Fenwick Athlete 2008 Bill Calkins Saint Ignatius Athlete 2010 Bob Calihan* St. George Athlete John Calkins* Rev. Lawrence Calkins O.S.M.* St. Philip Administrator Tracy Campbell Mendel Catholic Athlete 2014 Norm Canty Fenwick Athlete 2011 Tom Carey Mount Carmel Athlete Greg Carney Mount Carmel Athlete Jeff Carpenter Fenwick Athlete 2005 Dan Carroll Weber/St. Rita Coach 2010 John Carroll Fenwick Athlete 2012 Al Cech De La Salle Athlete 2005 Ron Chernick* Weber Athlete Gene Chess De Paul Academy Athlete Bob Chmiel Fenwick Coach Jim Clancy St. Rita Athlete John Cleland Loyola Academy Athlete Dave Condon* Friend of the League Journalist Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 C Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Jim Connelly Saint Ignatius Coach John Connelly* Loyola Academy Coach George Connor* De La Salle Athlete Jack Connor* De La Salle Athlete 2000 Brother John Coughlin* Lawrence Coutre St. George Athlete Tom Coyle Br. Rice Athlete 2005 Ike Craig* Friend of the League Official “Pie” Cranley* Fr. Frank Crawford O.S.A.* St. Rita Administrator Al “Whitey” Cronin* Leo Coach Pat Cronin* St. Rita Coach Rev. F.R. Crowe, O.P. Fenwick Administrator Msgr Rt. Rev Cunningham O.F.* Friend Ron Curl De La Salle Athlete 2006 Mike Curtin Mendel/Fenwick Administrator Len Czarnecki Holy Trinity Athlete Zigmont “Ziggy” Czarobski Mount Carmel Athlete Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 D Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Hon. Richard J. Daley* De La Salle Friend of League Gerald Darda Fenwick Athlete John Dee* St. Mel Coach Capt. Michael Delaney* Friend of the League Official Ron Delisi Gordon Tech Athlete 2012 Fred Dempsey* St. Patrick Coach Joe Depke* Weber Athlete John Deurand* Leo Deutsch* Gordon Tech Coach Dick Devine Loyola Academy Athlete Joe Dienhart* Friend of League Steve Dietz Gordon Tech Athlete 2014 Fred Dillon* Mark Donahue Br. Rice Athlete 2011 Kevin Donlan* Official Don Doody* St. Rita Athlete 2005 Ray Doran Official William Downs* Official Paddy Driscoll* St. Mel Coach Richard “Chico” Driscoll Leo Official 2011 Bod Duax* Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 D Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Rev. Edward Dubel, C.R.* Gordon Tech Clergy Bill Duchon Fenwick Coach Fred Duda Weber Athlete Don Dufek St. George Athlete Brian Duniec Fenwick Athlete 2007 Patrick Dunn* St. Patrick Athlete Bill Durkin Mount Carmel Athlete Br. Frank Dusiewicz, C.R. Gordon Tech/Weber Coach/Administrator Jim Dwyer St. Laurence Athlete Dick Dzik De La Salle Athlete E Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Jack Egan St. Rita Athlete Frank Ehmann St. George Athlete Bob Erlenbaugh St. George/Loyola Academy Coach 2006 Chuck Erlenbaugh* St. George/Loyola Academy Athlete/Coach Nick Etten* St. Rita Athlete Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 F Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Bob Fallon* Leo Athlete/Coach/Official Ed Farmer St. Rita Athlete James Farr Mount Carmel Athlete 2005 Jim “Bro” Farrell Brother Rice/m.c? Coach Joe Farrell Brother Rice Athlete Carl Favaro Loyola Academy/St. George Coach 2014 Jim Fay DePaul Academy Athlete Ron Feiereisel* DePaul Academy Athlete Marty Finan Fenwick Athlete 2010 Br. A.R. Finch, F.S.C.H.* Leo Coach Dick Fitzgerald St. George Athlete Jack Fitzgerald Leo Coach John Fitzgerald 2000 Rev. Terrence Fitzgerald O’Carm* Tom Fitzgerald Loyola Academy Coach Mike Flaherty Mendel/St. Martin de Porres Coach 2000 Nails Florio* Friend of the League Journalist Donald Flynn* Leo Athlete 2011 Larry Flynn* St. Philip Athlete John Foley St. Rita Athlete Tim Foley Loyola Academy Athlete Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 F Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Bob Foster Leo Coach Bob Frasor Brother Rice/M.C? Athlete Wally Fromhart* Mount Carmel Coach Anthony Furjanic Mount Carmel Athlete 2007 G Rudy Gaddini Fenwick Athlete Edward Galvin St. Rita Coach John Galvin* Leo Athlete Del Gander* Mount Carmel Athlete Marty Gaughan* De Paul Academy Athlete Br. Eamon Gavin, F.S.C.* De La Salle Clergy Rev. Jack Gavin, O.S.A. Mendel Clergy Jerry Gee St. Martin de Porres Athlete 2014 Ken Geiger Fenwick Coach/Athlete? Jim Gemskie DePaul Academy George Gilmartin* Joseph Giunta* St. Phillip/De Paul Academy Coach Bill Gleason DePaul Academy Coach Bill Gleason St. Laurence/Br. Rice Athlete/Coach/Administrator 2008 Bill Gleason Friend of the League Reporter (Sun-Times) Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 G Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Bill Gleason Loyola/DePaul Academy Coach Joe Gliwa Holy Trinity Athlete 1987 John Gorman Fenwick Athlete 2010 Bob Groseth Fenwick Athlete/Coach Tim Grunhard St. Laurence Athlete 2000 Lou Guida* Mendel Coach H Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Bill Haig DePaul Academy Athlete Don Hakes Friend of the League Official Bob Hallberg Leo Athlete/Coach Robert Hamilton M.D.* Gordon Tech/St. Rita Doctor Bob Hanlon* Leo Coach Bill Hare Mount Carmel Athlete 2010 Ellie Hasan* Friend of the League Official Richard Hawkins St. Francis de Sales General Mike Healy Fenwick Keith Healy St. Laurence/Providence Catholic Athlete/Coach 2003 Don Heldmann St. Mel/Fenwick Official/League Assignor Bill Hellmer Friend of the League Official 2010 Combining academic and athletic excellence for over a century Chicago Catholic League est. 1912 Chicago Catholic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductees as of 2014 H Name Affiliated School(s) Inducted as: Year Mike Herbert* Loyola Academy Athlete/Coach 2005 Pete Hester* St. Patrick/Loyola Academy Coach Art Hicks* St. Elizabeth Athlete Phil Hicks Br. Rice Athlete 2005 Ralph Hinger* Saint Ignatius Coach Ed Hoerster St. Rita Athlete John Hoerster* St. Rita/Gordon Tech/Loyola Academy Coach Jim Hoffman De La Salle/St. Rita/Weber Coach 2007 Dave Hogan Fenwick Coach 2008 Don Hogan Saint Ignatius Athlete 2006 Mike Holmes Leo Athlete/Coach 2011 Jerry Holtzman* Friend of the League Journalist Mike
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