Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press RNA polymerase mutations that impair conversion to a termination-resistant complex by Q antiterminator proteins Thomas J. Santangelo,1 Rachel Anne Mooney,2 Robert Landick,2 and Jeffrey W. Roberts1,3 1Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York14853, USA; 2Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA Bacteriophage Q-protein stably binds and modifies RNA polymerase (RNAP) to a termination-resistant form. We describe amino acid substitutions in RNAP that disrupt Q-mediated antitermination in vivo and in vitro. The positions of these substitutions in the modeled RNAP/DNA/RNA ternary elongation complex, and their biochemical properties, suggest that they do not define a binding site for Q in RNAP, but instead act by impairing interactions among core RNAP subunits and nucleic acids that are essential for Q modification. A specific conjecture is that Q modification stabilizes interactions of RNAP with the DNA/RNA hybrid and optimizes alignment of the nucleic acids in the catalytic site. Such changes would inhibit the activity of the RNA hairpin of an intrinsic terminator to disrupt the 5-terminal bases of the hybrid and remove the RNA 3 terminus from the active site. [Keywords: RNA polymerase; antitermination; termination; transcription; Q-protein; bacteriophage ] Received February 7, 2003; revised version accepted March 24, 2003. Both specific and general elongation factors promote 82, are stably incorporated into RNAP during a pro- transcription through natural barriers in chromosomes. moter-proximal 70-dependent pause (Yarnell and Rob- These include the discrete termination sites of prokary- erts 1992; Ring et al. 1996; Roberts et al. 1998). Q-modi- otes, and less well-defined transcription barriers of eu- fied complexes have fundamentally altered elongation karyotes: promoter-proximal pause sites, 3Ј-processing- properties, displaying increased elongation rate, dimin- linked terminators, and nucleosomes. General transcrip- ished pausing, and resistance to all downstream intrinsic tion elongation factors include NusA and NusG of and -dependent termination sites; these properties can bacteria and the highly conserved Spt4/Spt5/Spt6 pro- be expressed in a defined minimal biochemical system teins of eukaryotic Pol II; regulon-specific factors include containing RNAP, Q-protein, and the elongation factor the Q-protein and N-protein of the Escherichia coli bac- NusA. Although the correlation of antipausing and an- teriophage and the TAT protein of HIV (Roberts 1988; titermination originally suggested a kinetic basis of an- Greenblatt et al. 1993; Laspia et al. 1993; Roberts et al. titermination—namely, that RNAP might elongate 1998). The recent atomic resolution structures of mul- faster than some rate-limiting step of termination—it is tisubunit prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA polymerases clear that Q induces a more fundamental stabilization of (RNAP), including structures and models of elongation the transcription complex. Thus, static Q-modified elon- complexes, provide an opportunity to describe the activ- gation complexes stopped by a DNA cross-linkat the ity of these factors in molecular detail (Zhang et al. 1999; release site of an intrinsic terminator in vitro are stabi- Cramer et al. 2000; Ebright 2000; Korzheva et al. 2000; lized against the dissociation activity of the terminator Gnatt et al. 2001; Korzheva and Mustaev 2001; Mu- (T.J. Santangelo and J.W. Roberts, unpubl.). Similarly, rakami et al. 2002a,b; Vassylyev et al. 2002). The poly- static Q-modified complexes are stabilized at any elon- merases share a strikingly similar structural core, sug- gation site against attackby an oligonucleotide that gesting that insights into regulatory regions, domains, simulates the activity of an intrinsic terminator (Yarnell and even individual residues may be universal. and Roberts 1999). Finally, Q-modified elongation com- The phage--encoded Q-protein antitermination fac- plexes resist the action of a strong intrinsic terminator tor, and Q-proteins of related phages including 21 and when they are transcribing extremely slowly because of limiting NTP concentrations (Roberts et al. 1998). To understand the molecular basis of Q modification, 3Corresponding author. we isolated mutations altering the core subunits of E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (607) 255-2428. RNAP that interfere with Q function but do not impair Article and publication are at http://www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/ gad.1082103. the basic enzymatic activity of RNAP. We used both Q GENES & DEVELOPMENT 17:1281–1292 © 2003 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/03 $5.00; www.genesdev.org 1281 Downloaded from genesdev.cshlp.org on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Santangelo et al. and the analogously functioning Q82 from phage 82. genized libraries using reporter constructs specific for Although Q and Q82 both modify RNAP at a 70-depen- each Q-protein (see Materials and Methods). Briefly, dent promoter-proximal pause, they share no obvious se- these reporters contained the late promoter upstream quence homology and act only on their own phage pro- of two strong intrinsic terminators, followed by the lac moters with specific associated sequences (Yang et al. operon, making -galactosidase expression Q-dependent. 1989). Presumably, they nonetheless act by the same ba- Mutagenized plasmid libraries of rpoB and rpoC (encod- sic mechanism and may share structural homology. ing the  and Ј subunits, respectively) were introduced To interpret the phenotypes of the mutant RNAPs, we to strains carrying the reporters and the appropriate Q consider the distinctive nature of the interaction be- source, and mutations limiting -galactosidase expres- tween Q and RNAP. Q can only productively bind and sion were isolated. To generate a positive phenotype, the functionally modify RNAP in a paused elongation com- screens require that overproduced plasmid-encoded pro- plex containing the initiating 70 subunit; Q makes di- tein incorporate into and produce an active RNAP; the rect contact with a specific site in DNA, with RNAP wild-type genomic copy of rpoB or rpoC was still ex- core subunits, and, for Q at least, with region 4 of 70 pressed. RNAP preparations from cells grown under con- (Ko et al. 1998; Nickels et al. 2002). Importantly, after ditions used for the screens show that ∼85%–90% of RNAP clears this pause, Q no longer can bind the un- RNAPs contained the plasmid-encoded His6-tagged sub- modified complex. Productive engagement of Q releases unit (data not shown). RNAP from the pause site and Q becomes a firmly bound We isolated 17 point mutations in rpoB or rpoC that subunit, stable (for Q82 at least) to repeated washing of significantly diminish Q reporter activity: 11 individual immobilized complexes in vitro; 70 can (and might usu- mutations, and 3 pairs for which each mutation alone ally) dissociate at this stage. has no phenotype (Fig. 1). Seven mutants were isolated Because of the site-specific and irreversible nature of with each Q reporter, excluding alternative changes at this association, the only step in Q function that is plau- the same site. Of the 17 substitutions, 16 modify the  sibly sensitive to Q concentration is its initial engage- subunit of RNAP; most mutations cluster between or ment with RNAP at the pause site. In fact, most of the within conserved regions D, E, F, or G (Fig. 1B). The defects exhibited by the mutant RNAPs we identified are remaining mutation maps to conserved region G of the rescued partly or completely at increased concentrations Ј subunit. These sites are primarily in domains struc- of Q, implying that these defects are expressed at the turally conserved between Thermus aquaticus RNAP, pause site. Because formation of the paused complex it- Thermus thermophilus RNAP, and Saccharomyces cer- self is not impaired (data not shown), only two sorts of evisiae RNA Pol II ⌬4/⌬7 (Zhang et al. 1999; Cramer et mutational change are likely to be rescued by a higher al. 2000; Ebright 2000; Vassylyev et al. 2002), suggesting concentration of Q. First, amino acid substitutions could that they affect basic elements of the general transcrip- damage a site where Q makes direct contact with the tion process, and could further define the role(s) of in- enzyme. Second, a mutational change in RNAP could dividual domains and residues for all multisubunit disrupt other molecular interactions required for the RNAPs. modification that stably incorporates Q at the pause site. We tested each mutant, regardless of the reporter with The mutational sites that we identified and describe here which it was originally isolated, with both reporters form several discrete clusters in conserved and function- (Figs. 1, 2). Each mutant decreases expression 2–10-fold ally important parts of RNAP that are largely exposed with the reporter for which it was selected, and most within the nucleic acid-binding, catalytic cleft, but reduce expression of both reporters, consistent with a likely are buried and inaccessible to an external protein common mechanism of action of both Q-proteins. How- in the elongation complex. Based on these locations, and ever, some mutants are defective quite specifically for the in vitro properties of the modified enzymes, we argue the reporter with which they were originally selected that
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