Right On, a List of Books by and About the American Negro. INSTITUTION North Las Vegas Library, Nev

Right On, a List of Books by and About the American Negro. INSTITUTION North Las Vegas Library, Nev

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 075 061 LI 004 300 TITLE Right On, A List of Books By and About the American Negro. INSTITUTION North Las Vegas Library, Nev. PUB -ATE 73 NOTE 62p.;(737 References); Second Edition EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *African American Studies; Booklists; *Books; *Library Materials; *Negro Culture; *Negroes;Negro History; Negro Literature ABSTRACT The booklist is divided into the followingsections: (1) Adult Titles; (2) Adult Author Index,(3) Juvenile Titles; (4) Juvenile Author Index and (5) Recordingsand Cassette tapes. A guide to assist the reader in locating general subjectareas is also provided. (NH) U.S. D*2.PARTMENT OF HC'ALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY. LC\ cD RIGHT ON A LIST OF BOOKS BY & ABOUT THE AMERICAN NEGRO Second Edition 0 North Las Vegas Library 2300 Civic Center Drive North Las Vegas, Nevada 649-2363 "14 1973 C:) RIGHT ON Second Edition revised by ThelmaScott Cover design: Lannie Bolden Typist: Jane Whitlock North Las Vegas Library Thomasine Kleffen, Administrator 1973 Stack is a colon just -Eike white. Stack is hqopiness and being glad thatyou cute btack. Mack LS being phoud oi youk cotoh and youttseq. Stack is going to the army and getting ,shot down. Stack I/3 hetping the waliate. Stack L glad that Cassiu,s Ctay became Muhammad A. Stack is woaing bon whatyou want to be. Stack is zaying that what menaiLe titying To be the teadeAs in evetLything. Stack .its weaning a natutat, and white Ins weaning a shag. Stack is having to havean education To become Orrou/S. Stack L6 having a job and wohkingti on. your ,6amity. Freed Thompson age 12 CONTENTS Adaf Tit:fez page 1 Adtat Authon Index page 30 Juveniee Ti tee's page 40 Juvenile Author. Index page 53 RecoA.ding6 6 Ca46ette Tapu page 57 SUGGESTIONS TO THE READER Catt. numbeu appeak to the 'Light o6 the titte6. The ipaowing guide may a66i,st you in &eating 'the genena2 zubject area. CALL NUMBER PREFIX SUBJECT 8 PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY 6 RELIGION C HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION GENERAL HISTORY DT HISTORY-AFRICA E g F HISTORY-UNITED STATES G GEOGRAPHY AND ANTHROPOLOGY GV SPORTS H SOCIAL SCIENCES g ECONOMICS J POLITICAL SCIENCE K LAW L EDUCATION M MUSIC N FINE ARTS GENERAL LANGUAGE 6 LITERATURE Q SCIENCE R' MEDICINE S AGRICULTURE T TECHNOLOGY g ENGINEERING Z BIBLIOGRAPHY PLEASE ASK. The tib;Laxy tta witt be happy to heep you. ADULT TITLES AFRICA IS PEOPLE. 1967 DT352 NoZen, BaAbarut N58 AFRICA UNBOUND. 1963 DT30 Quai4on-Sackey, Alex 23 AFRICAN ART. 1968 N7397 Wa44ing, Rene S. A3 W33 AFRICAN ART; zeutptu/Le. 1968 NB1097 Meauze, Piume W4 M43 AFRICAN CONGRESS. 1970 HT1581 Batalza, Lmamek Anijz.L (Le Roi Jones) ed. C58 THE AFRICAN EXPERIENCE. 1970 Reic DT14 A37 AFRICAN GENESIS.' 1966 GR350 Fnobeniu4, Leo F74 AIN'T YOU GOT A RIGHT TO THE TREE OF LIFE? 1967 E185.93 CaAawan, Guy S7 C3 AMERICAN DILEMMA. 1962 E185.6 Mykdat., G. M95 AMERICAN NEGRO ART. 1960 N6538 Dover,, Cedkit N5 D38 AMERICAN NEGRO FOLKLORE. 1968 GR103 Brewer, John M. 1366 AMERICAN NEGRO FOLKSONGS. 1965 ML.356 White, Newman Iveg W4 AMERICAN NEGRO POETRY. 1964 PS591 Bontemo, Aknet N4 862 THE AMERICAN NEGRO REFERENCE BOOK. 1966 E185 Daviz, John Pnezton D25 AMERICAN NEGRO SLAVE REVOLTS. 1963 E447 Apthekex, Hekbent A67 AMERICAN NEGRO SLAVERY. 1968 E441 Wein6tein, Alen W42 -1- AMERICAN SOCIAL PATTERNS. 1956 HN57 Petuuson, WalAlani P4 AMERICA'S BLACK CONGRESSMAN. 1971 E185.96 Ch/Listophen, Ma mine C5 AND THEN WE HEARD THE THUNDER. 1962 Fiction Kiaens, John Otivet ANOTHER COUNTRY, 1962 Fiction Batdivin, James ANYPLACE BUT HERE. 1966 E185.6 Bontemp6, Anna W. B75 THE ART OF RICHARD WRIGHT. 1969 PS3545 MaAgaiez, Edward R815 Z76 ARTHUR ASHE, TENNIS CHAMPION. 1967 GV994 Robin4on, Loui4 A7 R6 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X.1965 El 85.97 Latee, Mat.cam L5 A3 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF W. E. DUBOIS. 1968 E185.97 DuBoiz, Witham E. B. D7 A3 BALLADS, BLUES, AND THE BIG BEAT. 1966 ML3551 MyAus, Donatd M97 BEFORE THE MAYFLOWER. 1962 E185 Bennett, Letone B4 THE BEST SHORT STORIES OF NEGRO WRITERS. 1967 PZ1 Hughes, Langzton H849 BEYOND THE ANGRY BLACK. 1966 PS509 WitZians, John A. N4 B4 THE BIG BLACK FIRE. 1969 GV1132 DeCoy, RobeAt J7 D4 BIGOTS FROM HELL. 1961 Fiction Boutg, Fitancoi4 Du BLACK-ALICE. 1968 Fiction Demijohn, Thom THE BLACK AMERICAN. 1970 E185 Leis ie F5 THE BLACK AMERICAN IN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN:READINGS PN1009 IN RACISM. 1912 Al M23 MaaCann, Donnatae -2- THE BLACK AMERICAN TRAVEL GUIDE. 1971 E158 Hayes, Bob H35 BLACK AMERICANS. 1969 E185 Pinkney, At.phon6o P5 BLACK AMERICANS. 1971 Red U. S. Bukeau Labor. StatZsticz HD8051 A62 B6 BLACK AMERICAN 6 THE AFRICA RETURN. 1972 HaAALs, Shetdon BLACK AND WHITE. 1967 E185.615 Ian nk,WiLti.am J. 87 BLACK AND WHITE IDENITY FORMATION. 1971 BF723 HameA, Stuart T. 156 H38 BLACK AND WHITE IN AMERICAN CULTURE. 1969 E185.5 Chametaky, _Tutu C45 BLACK ANGER. 1947 GN273 Sach4, Watt S25 BLACK ARTISTS ON ART. VOLS. 1 f 2. 1969 N6538 Sametta S. N5 L4 THE SLACK ATHLETE: A SHAMEFUL STORY. 1968 GV713 024 en, Jack 04 THE BLACK ATHLETE. 1969 GV583 0/0., Jack 07 BLACK AWAKENING IN CAPITALIST AMERICA. 1969 E185.615 ALeen, Robent A4 BLACK BADGE. 1969 .HT99 Gat, Rank N59 G4 BLACK BOY. 1950 PS3545 Wtight, RichaAd R815 Z5 BLACK BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. 1971 E185.8 Bailey, Ronatd W., ed. B145 BLACK CAPITALISM. 1969 E185.8 CAo44, Theodolte L. C9 BLACK CHAMPIONS CHALLENGE AMERICAN SPORTS. 1972 GV583 Jones, Watty 6 Jim Wa4hington J58 BLACK CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM. 1972 E185.615 Cteage; Atbellt C62 *Cate numbelus not azslgned at timeo pninting. -3- BLACK CLOUD, WHITE CLOUD. 1961 Fiction Dougtas, ELZen BLACK COACH. 1971 GV939 JoAdan, Pat E9 J6 BLACK COMPANY. 1972 D810 Radon, Exit N4 PL7 BLACK DRAMA. 1967 PS338 Mitchat, Las -ten N4 M5 BLACK EDUCATION: MYTHS 8 TRAGEDIES. 1972 LC2781 Sowett, Thomas S68 BLACK EMPLOYMENT. 1970 E185.8 Kovanzky, Inving K68 BLACK ENGLISH. 1972 PE3102 Dittand, J. L. N4 D5 BLACK FIDDLER. 1971 LA339 Piko, Richeftd N5 P5 BLACK FIRE. 1968 PS508 Janes, LeRai N3 J64 BLACK GHETTOS, WHITE GHETTOS, AND SLUMS. 1972 HD7193 FoAman, Robent E. AS F66 BLACK HEROES IN OUR NATION'S HISTORY. 1969 E185 Dnotning, Phittip T. D718 BLACK HEROES IN WORLD HISTORY. 1968 E185.96 Tuesday Magazine T8 BLACK HISTORY. 1968 E185 DAimmet, Metvin D7 BLACK INSIGHTS. 1971 PE1122 FoAd, Nick Awton F58 BLACK IS BEST. 1967 GV1132 Otsen, Jack C55 04 BLACK JARGON IN WHITE AMERICA. 1972 PE3727 Ctaenbaut, David N4 C5 BLACK LAZARUS. 1972 F. is StattiSus, Ben BLACK LIST, SECTION H. 1971 Fiction StuaAt, Fitancis BLACK MAGIC. 1967 PN2286 Hughe6, Langston H75 THE BLACK MAN IN THE LAND OF EQUALITY. 1969 E185 Ladenbukg, Thomaz J. L33 BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. 1963 E185.97 Mwuww, EVelLett M6 BLACK MAN, WHITE MAN, DEAD MAN. 1969 Fiction King4Zey, Michaet BLACK MANIFESTO. 1969 E185.615 Lecky, Robett S. L4 BLACK MAN'S BURDEN. 1965 E185.61 kittenz, John O. K487 THE BLACK MAN'S BURDEN. 1969 DT31 Motet, E. D. M6 BLACK MIGRATION. 1972 E185.6 Gtoh, Geonge G7 BLACK MISERY. 1969 PS35/5 Hughez, Langston U274 B5 BLACK MOTHER. 1961 DT352 Davidz on, Basi2 D33 BLACK MUSIC. 1967 ML3556 Jones, LeRot J728 BLACK MUSIC IN AMERICA. 1970 ML3556 Rubtomhy, John R8 THE BLACK MUSLIMS IN AMERICA. 1961 E185.61 Ltncotn, Chattez E. L56 BLACK OUT LOUD. 1970 PS59/ Adoi6, AAno.ed N4 A28 THE BLACK PANTHERS SPEAK. 1970 E185.615 Fonek, Phi-Up S. F5 8 BLACK POWER. 1967 E185.615 Catmichaet, Stokay C32 BLACK POWER AND THE AMERICAN MYTH. 1970 E185.61 Vivian, C. T. V73 BLACK POWER AND THE GARVEY MOVEMENT. 1971 E185.97 Vincent, Theodote.G. G3 V5 BLACK POWER U.S.A. 1967 E185.2 Bennett, Let _one 838 BLACK PRIDE. 1969 E185 Havtiz, Janet H3 BLACK RAGE. 1968 E185.615 WiteiaM H. G68 THE BLACK REVOLUTION: AN EBONY SPECIAL ISSUE. 1970 E185.615 8548 BLACK REVOLUTIONARY: GEORGE PADMORE'S PATH FROM CT3150 COMMUNISM TO PAN AFRICANISM. 1967 P3 H6 HookuL, James BLACK SCARE. 1968 E185.61 Wood, Fohnest G. W84 BLACK SCENES. 1972 PS628 Chitdhess, At ice N4 C5 BLACK SECTS AND CULTS. 1972 BR563 Washington, JoSeph R. N4 W32 BLACK SELF-CONCEPT. 1972 E185.625 Banks, James .8 Jean D. Ghambs B35 BLACK SELF-DETERMINATION. 1969 F548.68 Btaziet, A4that W82 B7 BLACK SHORT STORY ANTHOLOGY. 1972 PZ1 King, Woodie K582 B1 BLACK SLAVE NARRATIVES. 1970 E444 Baytiz4, Jchn F. 823 THE BLACK SOLDIER: FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TO VIETNAM. E185.63 1971 A3 Adeeh, Bite, comp. BLACK SONG: THE FORGE AND THE FLAME 1972 ML3556 Lovett, John _PL. L69 BLACK STAR. 1969 Fiction Coopex, Mohton BLACK STAR OVER JAPAN. 1972 D3889 Axabank, Atbeht A986 BLACK STUDENTS. 1970 LC2801 Edvands, Haw E3 BLACK TALK. 1971 ML3556 SidtLan, Ben S58 BLACK THINK. 1970 E185.61 Owens, Jesse 093 SLACK TROUBADOR: LANGSTON HUGHES. 1970 PS3515 Rottinz, ChaAteme H. U274 Z77 SLACK THUNDER, 1963 Fiction Bontemps, Anna THE BLACK WEST. 1971 E185.925 Katz, Witham L. K37 BLACK/WHITE SEX. 1972 HQ18 HaesetZ, G/Lace W5 H27 BLACK WOMAN. 1970 E185. 86 Higgins, Chestm. H65 BLACK WOMEN IN WHITE AMERICA. 1972 E185.86 Letnek, GeAdo L4 BLACKLASH. 1969 Fiction Bkannet, Jahn BLACKS IN AMERICAN FILMS: TODAY g YESTERDAY. 1971 PNI995.9 Mapp, Edward N4 M3 BLOOD IN MY EYE. 1972 E185.615 Jackson, GeoiLge J28 BLUES FOR MISTER CHARLIE.

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