VOLUME 26 NUMBER 1 2009 Dig Your Roots Deep—But Where? By Kimberly Rae ’ve been cutting roots since childhood—not to rent out to strangers. We sold a car. We said Wouldn’t we all be better off if we didn’t set- in a garden, but in my life. I’m a Navy brat; goodbye. Change is still exciting, but I can feel tle, didn’t put down roots anywhere? I tried Imy dad was in the military for twenty-two those roots trying to hold on, until after my that philosophy for a few years and found it years, and during those years, he and my mom tugging and jerking they are snapping, one by didn’t work. We aren’t meant to be unconnect- moved seventeen times. one. ed to everything. Just as a tree with no roots is It was good practice for me, I suppose. I We all have roots. Some of us dig our roots destined to topple, a person with no roots is caught “the bug”: After spending two years in deep into our hometown, or our church struc- destined to fall. Even trees without roots can- any given place, I’m ready to move on to some- ture, or our career choice. We wrap ourselves so not grow and cannot stand through the small- thing new. This was a wonderful help when I securely around these things that we feel safe, est of storms. left home at age twenty-two to spend two years settled, and at home. This is a good thing, until As the body of Christ we are to be connect- as a missionary in Bangladesh. It helped again we have to uproot for some reason. Suddenly, ed to others in a bond of unity (I Cor. 12:12). when I left for East Africa at age twenty-six. those warm and safe roots become a strangle- We were created to live in community and fel- Being uprooted wasn’t very painful for me. hold. We try to pull away, but the roots remain lowship with others. But things change. I returned from Africa. I wrapped around whatever we leave, and we move Option 2: Put your roots in worth- got married. And in these past six months, my on feeling part of ourselves left behind. I know less things. husband and I have bought a house, fixed it up, going overseas is the right thing for us to do, We might know that we’re not to be rooted and prepared for life as missionaries in restrict- but I feel like I’m leaving with half-shredded in worthless things, but the question is: What ed-access countries. I didn’t realize it fully, but roots still reaching out behind me. do we actually do? What do you find yourself as one delightful day followed another delightful What are we supposed to do about making spending regular time on? What do you run to, day, tiny roots sprung out of my heart and roots? Roots aren’t bad, but they should never to get away from it all? The mall? The TV? A twined themselves gently around my new home, keep us from obedience. God often speaks about fiction novel? Food? These things aren’t bad in our families, and my secure relationship with roots in His Word. Over sixty times, God moderation, but if we find ourselves growing our church. addresses this issue. Let’s look at our options: to depend on them for strength, we have devel- When my six months at home were over, we Option 1: Don’t have any roots at all. oped roots in the wrong places. packed up all the things I had lovingly used to Some of us may wonder, since uprooting In I Kings 14:15 God uproots Israel as a make our house a home. We readied our home causes so much pain, why develop roots at all? punishment. Israel had dug roots into idols IN THIS ISSUE Books . 2 News Parent . 6 Remember When Bulletin Board . 16 By Grad Year . 17 Warkentin. 6 Forster . 3 Contact Us. 2, 31 Congrats. 17 Whitehead . 4 Return to Home Family Album . 22 Dig Your Roots Deep . 1 Reconnecting Campion. 8 Sympathies . 27 ELWA . 14 Eikenberry . 11 From the Editor . 2 Open Dialogue GSS . 14 Maxwell . 10 Jim Crouch Tribute . 27 Haile. 4 HC/SIM . 14 Molenhouse . 12 Letters . 13 Newton. 6 Sebring. 3 made by man. Can you think of the man-made dig our roots into than our comfort zone. Is idols we can mistakenly cling to? Ask yourself: there any way to have truly secure roots that we Could I live for a week without ____? Our never have to worry about? Yes! Jeremiah 17:7- lives are not intended to be controlled by worth- 8 says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the less idols and addictions. Trees with roots LORD, and whose hope is the LORD. For he wrapped around unstable things are as destined shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which to fall as the ones with no roots at all. spreads out its roots by the river, and will not Option 3: Put your roots in good fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, things. and will not be anxious in the year of drought, What about all the good roots we have spread nor will cease from yielding fruit.” into and around all the good things in life—our I don’t like the idea of “uprooting” myself Books families, our friends, our churches, our careers? from my family and friends that I love, to move Job had secure roots in many good things, and half a world away. But my roots in Christ will Child of the Outback in one day, all was uprooted (Job 29:19). stay. It is my choice which roots to develop— Written by an MK I don’t believe it is wrong to be rooted to the the ones that may break, or the ones that are www.childoftheoutback.com/ good that God has blessed us with. Those roots secure. I still need to invest time and energy and Anyone care to read and give us a review? are good, but they are not secure. No matter love into the relationships in my world. But my how tightly we may wrap our hopes and dreams roots—the parts that draw sustenance; the parts Always Faithful around our children, they may walk away from that hold me firm; the parts that keep me from Margaret Lacey: God. Families change. People die. toppling over—those roots must be in Christ, A Story of God’s Provision Relationships get severed. We move. Sickness not in myself, my comfort zone, or even in and natural disasters all make those roots vul- people. By David G. Sawyer nerable. If our roots are all wrapped up in only Colossians 2:7 says we are to be, “Rooted the good and not the best, we may find our- and built up in Him and established in the faith, his little paperback is a collection of selves toppling suddenly when life tears our cir- as you have been taught, abounding in it with short vignettes of the adventures of cumstances into pieces. thanksgiving.” As we obey the Lord to go TMargaret Lacey—missionary mother of Option 4: Secure your deepest roots where He has called us, we feel the pain of Beaj Beacham and seven other children, several in the only secure place. change and adjustment to new circumstances of of whom have also served overseas. She worked So what is the best way? There must be our lives. However, when we are rooted and in 4 African countries doing medical work, and something more solid, and yet more flexible, to grounded in Him, no matter where we go, we though widowed after 25 years, she continued never need to feel uprooted again. to serve her Lord on the mission field. Margaret Published twice a year, Simroots is a non-profit Jeremiah 17:8 “For he shall be like a tree had quite an adventuresome spirit! She is publication, produced by SIM MKs, for SIM MK high planted by the waters, which spreads out its described as adaptable, daring and high-spirited. school graduates (includes AEF, AEM, ICF merged missions) and their caregivers. roots by the river . .” You can obtain your copy from the author for $7 US +SH. ([email protected]) Used by permission from ABWE/The Please send donations to: Message. SIMROOTS SIMROOTS c/o SIM USA c/o SIM Canada P.O. Box 7900 10 Huntingdale Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28241 Scarborough, ON USA Canada M1W 2S5 Letter from the Editor 704-588-4300 416-497-2424 [email protected] [email protected] “The blossom cannot tell what becomes of with childhood friends and nationals, seeing Tax-exempt donations should be made to Simroots Project #US 501087 and and sent to SIM USA or its odor; and no man can tell what becomes of the country through adult eyes, discovering SIM Canada. his influence.” that their family is not forgotten. To donate online, go to www.sim.org/giveusa. - Henry Ward Beecher And third, much closer to my heart, is to realize that we are becoming the next genera- Please send correspondence to: Dear Readers, tion. The sympathy section never lacks for EDITOR LAYOUT Three things strike me about this issue of entries! My own mother’s name is now added Karen Keegan Grace Swanson 222 Hyle Avenue 1565 Gascony Road Simroots.
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