[37] VOL. CCCXXII OVER THE COUNTER SALES $2.75 INCLUDING G.S.T. TASMANIAN GOV ERNMENT • U • B E AS RT LIT AS•ET•FIDE TASMANIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY 2014 No. 21 396 ISSN 0039-9795 CONTENTS Notices to Creditor Notice Page THOMAS GRAEME RAPHAEL late of 43 Stanley Street Oatlands in Tasmania primary industry worker single never married died on the twenty-second day of August 2013: Administration and Probate ............................... 38 Creditors next of kin and others having claims in respect of the property of the abovenamed deceased are required by the Fee Units ............................................................ 40 Executor Ursula Jean Raphael c/- Page Seager Level 2 179 Murray Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars of their Heritage .............................................................. 39 claim in writing to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania by 14 February 2014 after which date the Executor Industrial Relations ............................................ 38 may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which she then has notice. Interstate Transfer .............................................. 38 Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. Land Acquisitions .............................................. 38 PAGE SEAGER LAWYERS, Practitioners for the Estate. Living Marine Resources ................................... 39 BARBARA ANN LILLIE late of Lillian Martin Nursing Home 281 Cambridge Road Mornington in Tasmania who died on the the sixteenth day of July 2013: Creditors next of Notices to Creditors ........................................... 37 kin and others having claims in respect of the property of the abovenamed deceased are required by the Executors Robert Tasmanian State Service Notices ...................... 41 John Badenach and Benjamin Scott Swain c/- Murdoch Clarke of 10 Victoria Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to the said Executors and to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania on or before the fifteenth day of February 2014 Tasmanian Government Gazette after which date the Executors may distribute the assets having Text copy to be sent to Mercury Walch Pty Ltd. regard only to the claims of which the Executors then have Email: govt.gazette@mercurywalch.com.au Fax: (03) 6232 2138 notice. Mail: 5 Bowen Road, Moonah, Tasmania 7009 Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. Order Information When using this facility please ensure that your order and MURDOCH CLARKE, Solicitors to the Estate. a copy of the material are faxed to Mercury Walch Pty Ltd on (03) 6232 2138 BETTY ALMA JAMES retired clerk/widow deceased who died on the twenty-seventh day of September 2013 late of Deadlines Queen Victoria Home Lindisfarne in Tasmania: Glenwyn Anne All copy must be received by last mail Friday or 4pm Friday prior Dolan of 13 Balanda Street Lauderdale in Tasmania retired to publication. A proof will be emailed prior to publication. Please supply an email address in order for us to forward a proof. If your marketing manager/married woman and Roslyn Elizabeth advertisement requires alterations, they are to be sent as soon as Olding of 9 Hampshire Road Sandy Bay in Tasmania office possible, but before 4pm on the Monday prior to publication. After manager/married woman as Legal Personal Representatives this deadline Mercury Walch Pty Ltd will not be held responsible for of Betty Alma James require that any person who has a claim any errors and the advertisement will be printed. against the Estate lodge written details of their claim with the Enquiries Registrar of the Supreme Court of Tasmania at Salamanca Subscription and account enquiries phone (03) 6232 2137 Place Hobart in Tasmania within thirty days from the date of Gazette Notice enquiries phone (03) 6232 2128 publication of this notice after which date the Legal Personal Out of Hours Special Gazette Notification Representatives are at liberty to pay and distribute the assets Out-of-hours notification for Special Gazettes phone (03) 6232 2128 of the Estate dealing then only with the claims that they have or mobile 0400 922 459 notice. Gazette and State Service Online Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. The Tasmanian Government Gazette and State Service Notices are WORRALL LAWYERS, Lawyers acting on behalf of the now available online at:— www.gazette.tas.gov.au Legal Personal Representatives of the Estate. No. 21 396—15 JANUARY 2014—303686—1 38 TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 15 JANUARY 2014 PETER JOHN RULE late of 12 Kunama Drive Kingston Beach in Tasmania married/administrator: Creditors next of Industrial Relations kin and others having claims in respect of the property or Estate of the deceased Peter John Rule who died on the twenty- seventh day of June 2013 are required by the Executors Glenn INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1984 Anthony Lucas and Leon Alwyn Coad c/- Simmons Wolfhagen of 168 Collins Street Hobart in Tasmania to send particulars to Notice of Variation of an Award Simmons Wolfhagen by the fourteenth day of February 2014 after which date the Executors may distribute the assets having Name of Award Award No. Date Made regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. Tasmanian State Service 1/2014 09/01/2014 Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. (Consolidated) SIMMONS WOLFHAGEN, Solicitors for Executors. Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. ALLAN MAHONEY, Registrar. Administration and Probate ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935 Land Acquisitions Notice of Intention to Apply for Letters of Administration LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1993 NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to NOTICE OF ACQUISITION the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (Section 18) that Letters of Administration of the Estate of BRONWYN IRIS RYAN late of 1/9 Shawfield Street Lenah Valley in Tasmania IN PURSUANCE of Section 18 of the Land Acquisition Act divorced/office administrator deceased intestate may be 1993, I, KIM ALEXANDER SHIELDS, Specialist Valuer granted to Kelli Margaret Ryan of 7 Bluegum Court Claremont (Acquisitions) acting as a delegate of the Minister of the Crown in Tasmania net leader/partnered the lawful daughter of the for the time being administering the Land Acquisition Act 1993 deceased. do hereby declare that the land in the Schedule hereto is taken and vested in the Crown absolutely under the said Act for road Dated this fifteenth day of January 2014. purposes. SIMMONS WOLFHAGEN, Solicitors for the Applicant. Given under my hand this 9th day of January 2014. KIM A SHIELDS, Specialist Valuer (Acquisitions), Department of Primary Industries, Interstate Transfer Parks, Water and Environment, 134 Macquarie Street, Hobart INTERSTATE TRANSFER (COMMUNITY-BASED SCHEDULE SENTENCES) ACT 2009 All that 3,051m2 of land situate in the Parish of Ulva, Land NOTICE UNDER SECTION 3(2) OF THE INTERSTATE TRANSFER District of Monmouth being Lot 1 on Plan of Survey P167135 (COMMUNITY-BASED SENTENCES) ACT - DECLARATION OF being part of the land contained in original Grant Number 5/71 ANOTHER STATE OR TERRITORY TO BE A CORRESPONDING LAW being the land now informally known as Daisybank Road, Richmond of which David Lord was the last known registered PURSUANT to section 3(2) of the Interstate Transfer proprietor. (Community-based Sentences) Act 2009, I declare the following laws to be corresponding law for the purposes of the Interstate Subject to the BENEFITING EASEMENT: right of carriage Transfer (Community-based Sentences) Act 2009: and driftway over the Right of Way 6.10 wide on Plan No. 123914. • Community Based Sentences (Transfer) Act 2012 of Victoria Subject to a Right of Carriageway (Private) and Service Easement 7.20 wide appurtenant to Lot 8 on the Plan over the • Sentence Administration (Interstate Transfer of Right of Way (Private) and Service Easement 7.20 Wide on the Community Based Sentences) Act 2009 of Western plan. Australia Location: Richmond Heavy Vehicle Link Road - Daisybank Road • Crimes (Interstate Transfer of Community Based Municipal Area: Sorell (24-09-72) Sentences) Act 2004 of New South Wales • Chapter 12 of the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005 of the Australian Capital Territory NICK McKIM MP, Minister for Corrections and Consumer Protection Date: 23/12/2013. 15 JANUARY 2014 TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 39 Living Marine Resources Heritage LIVING MARINE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 1995 Section 94 PUBLIC NOTICE – TOTAL ALLOWABLE CATCH FOR THE COMMERCIAL GIANT CRAB FISHERY FOR THE 2014-2015 QUOTA PERIOD Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 I, BRYAN ALEXANDER GREEN, Minister administering the NOTICE OF PERMANENT ENTRY OF PLACE IN THE Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995, pursuant to TASMANIAN HERITAGE REGISTER Section 94 of that Act, hereby set the total allowable catch for the commercial giant crab fishery at 38.3 tonnes for the quota In accordance with sections 21(1)(a) and 26(c) of the Historic period from 1 March 2014 to 28 February 2015. Cultural Heritage Act 1995 (the Act), the Tasmanian Heritage Council has entered the following places in the Tasmanian Expressions used in this Public Notice have the same meaning Heritage Register on a permanent basis: as in the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 and the Fisheries (Giant Crab) Rules 2013. ABC Mural, 5-7 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart Dated this 23/12/2013 Alexandra Battery, 629-663 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay Austin’s Cottage, 14-16 Austins Ferry Road, Austins Ferry BRYAN GREEN MP, Baltonsborough Inn Wall, 3A Main Road, Austins Ferry Minister For Primary Industries and Water. Bridgewater Bridge, Midland Highway, Bridgewater INFORMATION Campbell Town Bridge, Bridge Street, Campbell Town Cenotaph, Anzac Parade and Queen’s Battery, 20 McVilly Drive, This notice sets the total allowable catch for the 2014/15 Queens Domain fishing year for the commercial giant crab fishery. For further Coal Bin, Waubs Harbour, Bicheno information contact the Wild Fisheries Management Branch Gaiety Theatre and Grand Hotel, 114-116 Main Street, Zeehan of the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Goulburn Street School, 126-146 Goulburn Street, West Hobart Environment on 6165 3045.
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