12490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 12, 2008 SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL FINANCIAL MAN- The resolution (S. Res. 592) was Chairman of the Board of the Tennessee Val- AGEMENT, GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, FED- agreed to. ley Authority, Bill Sansom, and the Chief ERAL SERVICES, AND INTERNATIONAL SECU- The preamble was agreed to. Executive Officer of the Tennessee Valley RITY The resolution, with its preamble, Authority, Tom Kilgore, for appropriate dis- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask reads as follows: play. unanimous consent that the Com- S. RES. 592 f mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- Whereas May 18, 2008, marks the 75th anni- ernmental Affairs’ Subcommittee on HONORING THE DETROIT RED versary of the Tennessee Valley Authority; WINGS Federal Financial Management, Gov- Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority ernment Information, Federal Serv- was created by Congress in 1933 to improve Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask ices, and International Security be au- navigation along the Tennessee River, re- unanimous consent that the Senate thorized to meet during the session of duce the risk of flood damage, provide elec- proceed to the immediate consider- tric power, and promote agricultural and in- ation of S. Res. 593, submitted earlier the Senate on Thursday, June 12, 2008, dustrial development in the region; at 2:30 p.m. to conduct a hearing enti- Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority today by Senator LEVIN. tled, ‘‘Addressing the U.S.-Pakistan Act of 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831 et seq.) was signed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Strategic Relationship.’’ into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt clerk will report the resolution by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on May 18, 1933; title. objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority The assistant legislative clerk read continues to serve the Tennessee Valley, pro- as follows: f viding reliable and affordable electricity, A resolution (S. Res. 593) honoring the De- managing the Tennessee River system, and PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR troit Red Wings on winning the 2008 National stimulating economic growth; Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, on be- Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority Hockey League Stanley Cup Championship. half of Senator STEVENS, I ask unani- provides more electricity than any other There being no objection, the Senate mous consent that the privilege of the public utility in the Nation and has competi- proceeded to consider the resolution. floor be granted to Rebecca Gilman, tive rates and reliable transmission; Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I am de- Jessica Kazmierczak, Kate Williams, Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority is lighted to submit this resolution and Kevin Simpson. expanding its environmental policy to in- today, along with my Michigan col- crease its renewable energy sources, improve The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without energy efficiency, and provide clean energy league, Senator STABENOW, congratu- objection, it is so ordered. in the Tennessee Valley region; lating the Detroit Red Wings on a f Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority hard-fought victory over the Pitts- continues to reduce power plant emissions burgh Penguins in the 2008 Stanley Cup UNANIMOUS-CONSENT and is working to further improve air qual- finals. Last Wednesday night, the Red AGREEMENT—H.R. 6049 ity for the health of individuals in the Ten- Wings captured Lord Stanley’s Cup for Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask nessee Valley region; the fourth time in 11 years, marking unanimous consent that the cloture Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority is a leader in the nuclear power industry, with the 11th Stanley Cup Championship in vote on the motion to proceed to H.R. multi-site nuclear power operations that the Red Wings’ storied 81-year history. 6049 occur on Monday, June 16, at 5:30 provide approximately 30 percent of the Ten- The 2008 Championship was secured p.m., and that following morning busi- nessee Valley Authority’s power supply; through grit, and the strength of team ness on Monday, the Senate resume the Whereas, as part of NuStart Energy Con- work. As Kris Draper said after the se- motion to proceed with all time until sortium, the Tennessee Valley Authority ries clinching win, ‘‘Once again, our re- 5:30 p.m. equally divided and controlled submitted one of the first combined oper- solve came through.’’ This resolve, and between the leaders or their designees, ating license applications for a new nuclear power plant in 30 years; the winning tradition that spans every with the 20 minutes immediately prior Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority’s level of the Red Wings organization, to the vote controlled between the ma- integrated management of the Tennessee has been fostered over the years by the jority and Republican leaders, with the River system provides a wide range of bene- Ilitch family, whose commitment to majority leader controlling the final 10 fits that include providing electrical power, winning championships and to the De- minutes, and that the mandatory reducing floods, facilitating freight transpor- troit community are second to none. quorum call be waived. tation, improving water quality and supply, The Red Wings season was defined by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without enhancing recreation, and protecting public land; a physically dominating team that was objection, it is so ordered. Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority able to control play at both ends of the f builds business and community partnerships ice. After winning three difficult play- that foster economic prosperity, helping off series on the road, the Red Wings 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE companies and communities attract invest- followed up a heart-wrenching, triple- TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY ments that bring good jobs to the Tennessee overtime loss at Joe Louis Arena in Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Valley region and keep them there; and Detroit, with an equally epic 3–2 heart- unanimous consent that the Senate Whereas the Tennessee Valley Authority stopping cup-clinching victory in proceed to the consideration of S. Res. no longer receives appropriations to help fund its activities in navigation, flood con- Pittsburgh. Moments after cutting De- 592, submitted earlier today. trol, environmental research, and land man- troit’s lead in half with a power-play The PRESIDING OFFICER. The agement, because the Tennessee Valley Au- goal with just 1:27 remaining, Pitts- clerk will report the resolution by thority pays for all its activities through burgh swiftly pushed the puck back title. power sales and issuing bonds: Now, there- deep into the Red Wings’ zone. As time The assistant legislative clerk read fore, be it seemingly slowed, Red Wings fans as follows: Resolved, That the Senate— tensely watched, hoping their team (1) commends the Tennessee Valley Au- A resolution (S. Res. 592) commending the thority on its 75th anniversary; would be able to withstand this final Tennessee Valley Authority on its 75th anni- (2) recognizes the Tennessee Valley Au- onslaught. With the final seconds tick- versary. thority for its long and proud history of serv- ing away, a Pittsburgh player launched There being no objection, the Senate ice in the areas of energy, the environment, a backhander toward the goal, goalie proceeded to consider the resolution. and economic development in a service area Chris Osgood dove to the ice, stretch- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask that includes 7 States; ing his pad to the post trying to block unanimous consent that the resolution (3) honors the accomplishments of the any rebound attempt. Another Penguin be agreed to, the preamble be agreed Board of Directors, retirees, staff, and sup- slapped at it, and almost unimagi- porters of the Tennessee Valley Authority to, and the motions to reconsider be who were instrumental during the Tennessee nably, the puck slithered all the way laid upon the table. Valley Authority’s first 75 years; and along the goal line, daring to throw the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (4) directs the Secretary of the Senate to game into yet another overtime in- objection, it is so ordered. transmit a copy of this resolution to the ferno. And with that, the horn sounded, VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:14 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S12JN8.003 S12JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD June 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 12491 giving Red Wings fans everywhere the with 27 points, including a remarkable won the Conn Smythe Trophy for the most sweet taste of victory. I immediately six goal effort in the finals, the last of valuable player in the playoffs; called my daughter Erica to share in which proved to be the series clincher. Whereas Nicklas Lidstrom, Kris Draper, her joy as a Red Wing fanatic. Knowing In addition, Captain Nicklas Lidstrom, Kirk Maltby, Tomas Holmstrom, and Darren with his calm demeanor and McCarty have all been members of the team that for her, those last few seemed like for the last 4 Stanley Cups won by the Red an eternity. unshakable nerve, became the first Eu- Wings, and Chris Osgood, Chris Chelios, and This euphoria spilled out into the ropean born player to captain an NHL Brian Rafalski have each earned their third streets of Detroit last Friday, where team to a Stanley Cup championship. Stanley Cup Championship; over a million fans joined the Red The Red Wings continue to set the Whereas Marian and Mike Ilitch, the own- Wings organization in celebration. standard for championship-caliber ers of the Red Wings and community leaders Unfazed by the 92-degree heat, the Red hockey and teamwork. From long-time in Michigan, have once again returned Lord Wings faithful flaunted their red and members of the Red Wings organiza- Stanley’s Cup to the city of Detroit; tion, to veteran additions to the roster, Whereas Red Wings head coach Mike Bab- white, swelling with pride over victori- cock, following in the footsteps of the great ously navigating the difficult path to to new, young talent that helped to en- ergize the team, the 2008 team united Scotty Bowman, has won his first Stanley the cup.
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