OPERA ii.NG:ENGi -NEE-RS .l.OCAL ·3 STATIONARY ENGRNE:E.RS LOCAL, -39 _·.,..:~:.- "' . ' . - ,.,. "':.' -~. .,; s.·AN ciuFORNIA -· ... -· FRAN&isczo. .. .. , ... "" ·- . .. ·- • Make :SaJety ·a Habit~lt :Pays! · l~fflci~I Notiye . llndustry . Sta.JS .Changes ~in Off i-ce _ ,· Hours: Directory of At Top C ' S~ I ~ ces in This Issue h The revised issue of the Local e t Union No. 3 Directory of offices r rmits an_d business representatives appears on page 2 of t his issue Busiest construction' schedule .i, ;' -- e 1ars, generously p r o- f h N y ·11 longed by a kindly Indian Summer sun and a late s,tart on +he 0 t e Engineers e w s. ou'(w, 1 annual bad-weather season, has absorbed th_e skillful, ditigent _ note there are some changes in attention of thousands of O perating Engineers on a wide vari ety addresses, names, te I·ep hone t ctr~tch'rn- '£' o f pro1ec. s ~ - '.: f rom th, e G re<1t D',v,ae . ' t o Pachtc Sh ores. num bers. - - · . - · All - b · k d t , It was truly harvest season for t he · mem ers are as f! 0 men of Local 3, whethe1·· busy on· a highways hurrying, witli one e:;· e no_te . there· ·h?Ye · be~n some California subdivision or double- 1 on the sky; new ga!:Dbling palar2s. 1 ch-anges made 1n +.he office_hours shifting a copper mine 011 the vast I Utah: Big rush to beat :t,he of the branch offices of Local 3. purple, eye-resting reaches of the j snows; mining, roads, industry. · Please note this m'onth's report plan.et Nevada. ·· Northbay:_ Using good weatJ,c_, r of the business agents in your The .boys didn't pull in pump- I t6 the _last hour; major housing, district. Where . the office hours kins, grapes, co"i-n, a,n<l beans, like ( roads, s~}t pla_n t. _h_a·\f·e.: been changed mention of their outdoor colleagues, the farm- ! . !_lawau\ KaJSer's ''.Paradise'; t~"~ ·+, w1----··it b e ma-- d e .rn th e b us,ness• ers, .but -they· are· plowing <leep ancl· 1 m,, shap• • €, safety• drive. follo"s fi1e -' t . wicle .. for freeways bridges 10 000- - fatallt1e.s on one Job. - agents repor- . - · - ' • ' ' I Re 111· • T t d ··ir f ~pr * * * home snbdh,isiorn;, a-'l<l ·imlustrial ·ir < m;; . .~s ;~ u'.fi. or ·. -:~ structures, - aml they are reaping Imi ion nm Y; -m1 ion :ya, GRIM SAFET)-7 REMINDER- From Nevada ci>n1e/ t'1i/iictifre' i>f, lfq- uipment_ Mechanic the wages therefrom. dam; freeways. .one of Isbell Company's Backhoes in upside down. position. It ha.ppened · - dl ,_ t· f th h- t 1 San Jose: Final Fall rush; ·f! ll - d nounces A goo y por .JOn o e arves t t , l b J·l a · I· •. , Sta t e personne1 bo ar an . t ti b nk t .d con rac ors rnve a ac, 0 0 , 11"'11 - on a Reno-job, ancl the operator fortui1a.tely was 11ot seriously h~n-t. He examinations for Heavy Equipment goes ll1 O . '.e _a . O 11 e 1p pl'OV! e 1 ways, industry, housing. - is very ·selfcco1is<'ious over the whole .affair, needless· ·to sa.y. Ho\\·ever, 1'1echanic for Stockton and vicinity the necessit~es 111 ca_s e of prolo~ged. Sacramento·: Top speed; push,ing this is a .ren1iilcler to _all of the brothebi that you cani10.t be too careful. v,;il! ,be held on Dec. 17. Ffnal date un~mpl?yment dunng the wmter freeways· Placerville bypass fin- i_\fake ·safety a habit-it pa~:s! · ,.? fo r filing a'pplications._ Nov. 25. seaso~ ~~1st a:he_ad-'--men in the con- ished. ' - ------- ---- I st;:uctron ·- game h~ve formed the Stockton: Mountain jobs ih h,igh ra,1 11y-_day:fu~t-habit. · . Igear but deep in the Sierra go1'ges :. 'ii._1_ 9_ok?at.'."this month's 'fin~ _set dars are getting shorter; va1ley, of busmes_s ;:igent reports ·covenng freeways. · : ..the :_3-0_Q;PQO-sg·u_are. :i~il~ ,j_urj~di_cti_Q.ll,. ~ -,-,.:1\'I;ti·ysville: Local· 3r ui'rd(!f grou rrc'i· o~; Lo~al 3, sh~ws_ -v ork at fever . farmers hard at it on big Poe job; p1t:h :n ,~u chstncts as long .as . tunnel wo1·k ahead for yeai·s. J11pe· Pluvrns sta~:s away from ~ur San Nfateo: E,,erybody workh1g shores.. and. refrainsd from. sendmg j as \\,e at!1€1 .. stay s good·· . · h1~~~1owlm~ stor ms own from t 11e Oakland: or:e of best months; i'l, -: Np. th .Pacific. dustry, _back -county subdivisions; Here's a quick roull(:-i.1p on the opening main line routes_ out ·:of B.A. reports for November, 1955 : the Bay Bowl. ,Eureka: PGE. steam ,pJant mov- · San Francisco: Freeways, h ous­ in·g, also rail tunnels, highways, _ ing, industry, waterfront jobs. a utumn in the Redwood empire. J Fresn9: Valley freeways m o-,te, Nevacla : Mining in high gear, also· niountain jobs, h ousing. Record State Highv,ay Program _ Biggest budget in liistory, n early i EL DORADO $350 million, has been announced U.S. 50, east of Camino, $970,000. by the State Highwa.y Commission. FRESNO Listed he,·e are the major l"-.:orthern. Complete fwy. thru Fresno, $1,-. Californhc projects for tl~e 1956-57 930,000. fiscal ;year: r SR 41, Shields Ave., $600,000. ALAMEDA HUMBOLDT Foothill Blvd., Hayward to Mat­ U.S. 101, north of Fernbridge, 4- tox Rd., $800,000. lane, $1,130,000. Warm Springs to Beard Rd., $5, - U.S. 101, Mad River Bridge, 4- 785,000. lane, $715,000. Eastshore fwy., Magnolia to 17th MARIN 'st., $2,65~,ooo. U.S. 101 at Greebrae intersecUon, BUT'J:'.E 6-lane, $2,7000,000. Springs, SR 32, . Chico to Hog MENDOCINO $680,000. U.S. 101 Ridgewood summit, I CONTRA COSTA 1 $610,000. HilltcYp Dr. to He1·culese, 6-lane, U.S. 101, north C!f Hilvilla, $825,~ co·n,nects Carquinei proj., $6,800,- 000. I000. MERCED f U.S. · 99 at Atwater, 4-lane, $2,- 500,000. NEVADA, SIERRA U.S. 40 at Stateline, 4-lane, $2, - 600,000. PLACER U.S. 40, east of Newcastle, 4- lane, $1,300,000. U.S. 40 to Colfax, 4-lane, $3,250,- October 8, 1955, Alameda, Calif. 000. To Magra, $3,900,000. HERBERT C. CANTRELL · SACRAl\T!ENTO October 13, 1955, El Dorado. Calif. I ·u.s. 99 at Cosumnes· River, 4- lane; $2,250,000. JH. 0 . RAl\ILOSE · · SR 24, Freeport Blvd., $650,000. October 13, 1955, Nonrnlk, Calif. SR 15, F olsom Blvd., $700,000. · j HERBERT H. ANDERSQN October 18, 1955, Hay\\·ard, Calif. SAN FRANCISCO U.S. 101, Lyton St. tci SR 1, 8- . LESLIE FLO\VERS lane, $3,900,000. LAST LINR, BAYSMORE FREEWAY - Guy F . R_otite of 'the free,; ay can be plain(y seen in t~-e October 19, 1955, Stockton, Calif. U.S. 101, Bypass, B2.yshore, S­ Atkinson Co. submitted low bid of $2,039,702 on Oct. foreground. The "runway" 3:bo_ve,_ at bottom of the HAR"VEY BEATTIE lane across Candlestick Cove, $1,- :2: G ·for the last nmjor unit of t he Bayshore Freeway bay is at least 10 'times as ,vide a.s the surface show- October 23, 1955, San Mateo, Calif. 435,000. (Same amount apportioned - .so•uth of San Francisco. The bid covers the last unit ing: · As it joins 1;lj~r_ra ·Point it will cross over the HARMON H . NELSON San Mateo County). · 'of the_Gancllestick C_ove overwa.ter unit, first portions '1~ainline rail trad~s: The p:res~nt route can be seen I October 31, 1955, San Jose, Calif. Embarcadero Freeway, to Broad­ of which are ·.sho_wn 'in the above picture. The con-­ · at r.ight as it win1ls its way ·over ·the point, (Picture _ FLOYD \VEECH way, 8-lane, $5,300,000 . (Continued on Page F )ve) 't:r;lct is 'for 1.6 miles of freeway ancl two bridges. courtesy, "Calif; Highway~ aiicf PuBlic Work's"). October, 1955, W ells, Nevada COMl\vIEl\TT eetinQ- latest C~anges i~ Report cf Last Operating:fngineers ra iocatUnion Ntt 3 la,,s on Workinen s ·The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 p.m., President Clancy pre­ Di rectory of Officers and siding·: Roll call showed 'freasm·e1· Yande,.-ark absent, and excused. Compensation .: ~ synopsis of the Regula1· JHeeting lWinutes of October 1 was read CHANGES MADE BY 1955 ancl'by motion approved as re~cL LEGISLATURE Business Representatives . A sy;10psis of th.e ~xeeutive Eoar.cJ Minut~s of October 12 and of By FRANK LAWRENCE,· OFFICERS Industrial Accident Commissioner November 2 read, and the acts and recmpmendations of the Boarcl were Local Union Manager. .. .-.................................... Victor S. Swanson by motion apprnYed as reacl. Questions and a11swers on work- Presidcrnt. ............................................................... Pat Clancy A letter was receiYecl froQ1 the M.,un icipaJ Canpen's Union, Local 250 men's compensation laws prepared' Vice-President.. ..................................................... H. O. Foss by th~ lngustrial Accident Co1i1 - requesting support of Proposition N . It was regu,larly moY ed and sec- Rec_ordi)1g,Conespopding_ Secy ........................ C. F .· Mathews mission. ·· · onded to endorse Proposition N . Carried. Financia) Secretary............ ................................. R. F. Swans.on Questipn-\V!Je11 clid the 1955 Cards of thanks were received from the family of Leslie Flowers; Amenclpients gq. into eHect? Treasurer .............................................
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