ALPHABETICAL INDEX Names of authors are in capitals, subjects in lower case roman, and localities in italics; book reviews are placed at the end. Accessory minerals, from Variscan granites of the Barometer, empirical calibration of the S valence Erzgebirge, Germany, 239 barometer, 421 Ag-Cu exchange, 399 Barstowite, crystal structure of, 901 Agate, defect structure and luminescence behaviour Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE deposit, Inner Mongolia, of, 149 stable isotope study of the carbonatitic dolomite Age determination, by instrument analysis, 297 host of the, 927 Agrostis capillaris, mineralogy of Pb-P grains in, 777 BELLATRECCIA,F., 123; zirconolite and calzirtite, 649 AIKAWA,N., 693 BENVENUTI,M., 111 A1 mass transfer, and diffusion in water, 633 BEYER, B. D., 735 Albite metasomatites, 519 BILAL, E., 567 Alkaline rocks, occurrence of several mineral phases BIRCH, W. D., 735 in, from Khaldzan Buregte and Tsakhir, 165 Bi-Sb energetics in sulphosalts and sulphides, 723 Allanite-(Ce) in granitic gneisses from the ultrahigh- Bismuthinite-stibnites, energetics in sulphosalts and pressure metamorphic terrane, Dabie ShaH, sulphides, 723 China, 579 Bone diagenesis, Palaeolithic, in the Arago cave at Alluvial diamonds, from Wellington, NSW, 447 Tautavel, France, 801 Almandine-spessartine-rich garnet, 503 Borate, crystal structure refinement of ludwigite, 511 Aluminosilicates, A1 mass transfer and diffusion in Bomite, exsolution behaviour in the bomite-digenite water, 633 series, 1 Aluminous efflorescences from the Te Kopia Braggite, Raman spectra of, 363 goethermal field, Taupo volcanic Zone, New Brazil, Curitiba, coutinite, discredited as identical to Zealand, 413 lanthanite-(La) and/or lanthanite-(Nd), 761; Alunogen, 413 Jacupiranga, crystal chemistry of zirconolite at-miargyrite, 399 and calzirtite from, 649 Analcime, synthesis of thallium-leucite pseudomorph BR/GATTI, M. F., 511 after,75 BROWNE, P. R. L., 413 ANDERSON, P., 791 BOHMANN, D., 37 Antimony (Sb), crystal structure of antimonian Burpala alkaline province, Russia, loparite from, 519 dussertite and the role of Sb in oxysalt minerals, 17 Calciosamarskite, new data on, 27 Apatite, 587; crystal chemistry of Si-, S- and REE- Calcite, 321 rich apatite, 661; Palaeolithic bone diagenesis in Calzirtite, crystal chemistry of, 649 the Arago cave at Tautavel, France, 801 CAMPBELL,L. S., isotope study ofBayan Obo deposit, APPEL, P. W. U., ludwigite from central Sweden, 511 927 ARAI, S., potarite in dunite, SWJapan, 369 CANADA, Nova Scotia, scapolite pegmatite from As-Sb solution model, 399 the Minas fault, 387 ATEM, mineralogy of Pb-P grains in grass roots, 777 CAPPdLLI, E., 649 ATENCIO,D., 'coutinite', 'coutinhite' and 'neodymite' Carbon isotopes, a SIMS study of carbon isotope discredited, 761 composition in complex diamonds from George AUSTRALIA, bariosincosite, a new Ba-V phosphate Creek, Colorado, 857; for some diamonds from mineral from Spring Creek Mine, 735; NSW, the Kaapvaal Province, S. Africa, 829; in Wellington, diamonds from, 447; Queensland, diamonds, 447 silvialite, new member of the scapolite group, 321 Carbonatite, carbonatite-syenite-phonolite-diatreme, AYYAPPAN, P., 735 615; O, C and Sr isotopes study of the carbonatitic dolomite host of the Bayan Obo Fe-Nb-REE Baikal Alkaline Province, Russia, loparite from, 519 deposit, Inner Mongolia, 927; REE uptake by BAILEY, D. K., 615 sector growth of monazite in, 813 Bariosincosite, a new Ba-V phosphate mineral, 735 Carboniferous, evaporite-derived hydrothermal fluids ALPHABETICAL INDEX in the western Cobequid highlands, 387 Cobaltite-framboidal pyrite association from the Caries (dental), crystal chemistry and dissolution of Kupferschiefer, 353 calcium phosphate in dental enamel, 791 Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names CARIO, L., 879 (IMA), new minerals approved in 1998 by the, Carrara Marble, fluid inclusions, in the Apuane Alps 763 core complex, 111 COMODI, P., Si-, S- and REE-rich apatite, 661 CARROLL, M.R., 421 Compaction, post-depositional changes in the north- Cathodoluminescence (CL), as a probe of surface east Ni~de ignimbrites, Anatolia, Turkey, 131 structure and composition, 199; combined with Composition (surface), CL as a probe of,199 SHRIMP ion probe measurements of detrital Compositional zoning, of zirconolite and calzirtite, zircons, 179; for some diamonds from the 649 Kaapvaal Province, S. Africa, 829; in a study of COMPSTON, W., geological age by instrument the petrogenesis of plagioclase phenocrysts of Mt analysis, 297 Etna, 189; in the investigation of the lumines- COOPER, M. A., 13 cence behaviour of agate, 149; magmatic and Copper speciation, in natural waters, 769 metasomatic processes during formation of the Core Complex, fluid inclusions, in the Apuane Alps Nb-Zr-REE deposits at Khaldzan Buregte and core complex, 111 Tskhir (Mongolian Altai), 165; of carbon isotope COSTAGLIOLA, P., fluid circulation in the Apuane composition in complex diamonds from George Alps, 111 Creek, Colorado, 857 COTTER-HOWELLS,J. D., Pb-P grains in grass roots, Cation ordering, in exsolution in the 777 bornite-digenite series, 1 Coutinhite, discredited as identical to lanthanite-(La) CERN~ P., 313 and/or lanthanite-(Nd), 761 CERVELLE, B., 879 Coutinite, discredited as identical to lanthanite-(La) CHAKMOURADIAN,A. R., loparite and 'metaloparite' and/or lanthanite-(Nd), 761 from Russia, 519 Crandallite group, crystal structure of antimonian Chalcopyrite, surface oxidation studies of, 559 dussertite and the role of Sb in oxysalt minerals, Chalcostibite, 399 17; Palaeolithic bone diagenesis in the Arago cave CHAMPNESS, P. E., 777 at Tautavel, France, 801 Charge transfer, in yushkinite, 879 CRESSEY, B. A., 813 CHARLET, L., 801 CRESSEV, G., REE-uptake in monazite, 813 CHARNOCK, J. M., 559; 769; 777 Crystal chemistry, of cation ordering in Mg-AI rich CHATTOPADHYAY,P.K., Zn-spinel in metamorphosed spinels from high-grade hornfels, 257; of the sulphide deposit, 743 monazite-(Ce)-huttonite solid solution series, Chemical composition, of uraninite in Variscan 587; of Si-, S- and REE-rich apatite, 661 granites of the Erzgebirge, Germany, 239 Crystal growth, REE uptake by sector growth of CHINA, Dabie-Shan, allanite-(Ce) in granitic monazite, 813; zones, for some diamonds from gneisses from the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic the Kaapvaal Province, S. Africa, 829; zoning terrane, 579; Inner Mongolia, Bayan Obo Fe-Nb- patterns (concentric) in crystallizing (Cd,Ca)CO3 REE deposit, stable isotope study of the solid solutions from aqueous solutions, 321 carbonatitic dolomite host of, 927 Crystal structure, of antimonian dussertite and the CHn,nq, I. L., 857 role of Sb in oxysalt minerals, 17; of barstowite, Chloritoid, zoning of, from kyanite-facies metapsam- 901 ; refinement of ludwigite, 511 mites, Alpi Apuane, Italy, 105 Chondrites, fusion crusts of enstatite chondrites, 473 Chromian illite, from the Coire Dhuinnid Fault zone, DANDAR, S., 165 Scottish Highlands, 37 DAVIES,R. M., diamonds from Wellington, NSW, 447 CHUr,.ANOV, N. V., 519 DE MIN, A., 257 CL, see cathodoluminescence DE WAAL, D., 363 Classification, in trioctahedral micas, 57 Deccan Traps, India, xenoliths in lamprophyres from, CLIFFORD, T.N., chromian illite-ankerite-quartz para- 703 geneses, 37 Deep crust boundary, India, xenoliths in lampro- Clinozoisite, zoisite-clinozoisite in the Meliata phyres from the Deccan Traps, 703 blueschists, Western Carpathians, Slovakia, 489 Defect structure of quartz and agate, investigated CO2 metasomatism, in the Coire Dhuinnid Fault using EPR, 149 zone, Scottish Highlands, 37 DELLA G1USTA, A., 257 952 ALPHABETICAL INDEX DELLA VENTURA,G., Zr- and LREE-rich titanite, 123; EXAFS, mineralogy of Pb-P grains in grass roots, 649 777; of copper in hydrosulphide solutions, 769 Demineralization, crystal chemistry and dissolution Exchange equilibria (Ag-Cu), between ~t-miargyrite, of calcium phosphate in dental enamel, 791 chalcostibite, pyrargyrite, and high-skinnerite, Dental enamel, crystal chemistry and dissolution of 399 calcium phosphate in, 791 Exsolution behaviour in the bornite-digenite series, DESSAI, A. G., xenoliths in lamprophyres, 703 1 Devitrification, post-depositional changes in the Extensional veins, fluid circulation in the Apuane northeast Ni~de ignimbrites, Anatolia, Turkey, Alps core complex, 111 131 Diagenesis, trace element behaviour during, 353 FALLICK, A. E., Mineralogical Society-Schlumberger Diamond, carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen medallist (1997), 281 abundances in relation to CL characteristics for FALSTER, A. U., 27 some diamonds from the Kaapvaal Province, S. FARYAD, S. W., constrasting blueschist mineral Africa, 829; extreme chemical variation in assemblages, 489 complex diamonds from George Creek, Fault zone, Coire Dhuinnid, Scottish Highlands, Colorado, 857; from Wellington, NSW, 447 chromian illite-ankerite-quartz rocks from, 37 Diatreme, carbonatite-syenite-phonolite-diatreme Fe-Ir-S, phase system, 379 from West Eifel, Germany, 615 Fe-Li micas, a new approach to the substitution Digenite, exsolution behaviour in the bornite- series, 933 digenite series, 1 FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, A., zoning patterns in Diopside, oxygen diffusion in, 673 (Cd,Ca)CO3 solid solutions, 331 Disorder, in lillianite group minerals, 917 FERRARIS, G., 763 Djerfisherite, in the Kugda alkaline complex, Siberia, FILATOV, S.K., 263 433 FINCH, A. A., Luminescence phenomena in minerals, DONG, SHUWEN,579 introduction, 147; 189 DOWKER, S.E.P., calcium phosphate in dental enamel, FISHER, P.C., 369 791 FITZSIMONS,I. C. W., 829; extreme chemical
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