Bryant University Bryant Digital Repository Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Booster (1925-1929) Collections 12-1927 Volume 5, Number 3, December 1927 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster Recommended Citation "Volume 5, Number 3, December 1927" (1927). Booster (1925-1929). Paper 7. https://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/booster/7 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library Special Collections at Bryant Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Booster (1925-1929) by an authorized administrator of Bryant Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BOOSTER Vol. 5 DECEMBER 1927 No. 3 JUST SUPPOSE Ql~rt6tma!1 Suppose some cl ay you were to come into the That star that showed the Kings the way lobby clown stairs and there find the foll owin g notice To ,vhere the infant, Jesus, lay, ]lOSted on the wall "ONE THO U SAN D DOLLAR S GIVEN TO E\"Ej.~Y FEl.zSON VISITlN G THE Still leads llS to each Christmas day, With added vigo r, joy, and cheer. EIGHTH FLOOR" Again supposing the onl y means of going up were by elevato r. 'Wo uldn't it he "Christmas at last I" Toelay that is a common say­ an awful thing if the power gave out when you had in" thrOLJO"hout the entire worl(l. As we utter those gone about half the way up? And wouldn't it be t h~ee wor~b we can feel the thrill of millions of peo­ even a gr eate r j 01t if you hacl to abandon the idea 0 f ple who, like ourselves, a re lookin g forwarcl to this getting thc thousand dollars and had to descend and g reatest of all clay s w ith g reat enthusiasll1. go away instead? I can wager the experience would Christmas is a clay for the old as well as a day for shorten your life by at least ten years. the yo ung. T o the adult the day signifies peace, hap­ Now this Popula ri ty Contest is somewhat in the piness, alld good will-in ma ny instances an a nnual same fix. At t he top of tbi s grand affair we have 1al1lil v reuni·on. To the little one it means toys, something, which we a re not disclosing just yet, but Christmas trees, alld g reatest of all , Santa's annual whi ch we feel sllre you w ill enjoy li stening to when visit from Toyland o r Happyland. we are ready to ann oun ce it. So you see \Ve have Picture with me if you will the custumary proceed­ furnished the elevator, the Contest, a nd we are "v ill­ in gs ill the aver:lge home on the "),light Bdore" and ing to furnish the Goal at the top, but YOU Illust on the day itself : furnish the power. N ow thi s elevator of ours is qllite Tomorrow will be Christmas. A lreadv littl e Mary heavy, and ha lf the students would be far from enough to ra ise it to thE' lOp. It requi res the ~W H OLE and John have been put to bed with a final warning that they must sleep soundly all night or Santa "von't student body of the Coll ege. Jlist now the power is come. They fear the warning, but thei r enthusiasm is mighty weak a nd it has climbed only a small distance. so great that the Salld-Tvlan has lInllsual difficulty in Chances are that it will fall lin less vou come to the rescue mighty quick. If it cloes yo u never know taking them with him to fairyland. In the meantime ~h all i\l a hastens to the attic for last year's trimmings, while \V bat was at the top. And I assure you that you'll be missing something real good. Pa fetches the carefull y chosen pine tree from its hid­ ing place. Soon the tree is set ancl 1\ fa begins to direct. It is not too late yet. You have until January 10, 1'a very paticntl y conforms wi th her wishes, hut he 1928, in which to vote. The last "Booster" carried a seems ullusually liberal in offerin g criticism anc\ sug­ vote and this one carries another. You are entitled to gestions. Before anvthing is permanently set it must as many votes as YO ll can get hold of. You can vote lie viewed from all angles possible. OrC\illarily the for whol11 YO II please. I f you clo not care to vote ]lass work woulcl he tedious but today they find pleas lire vour votes on to someone who does care. Please clo in it. :\ t la st, their task accomplished, they sit down ;10t cast them aside. A U votes should he dropped in to admire it, Old y to be in te rrupted by the sound of the "Booster Copy" boxes, which appear in the cor­ the clock s l riking twel ve. As usual they had taken ridors or in the rool11s. If the return is good we wi ll more time tha n expected, but all is well jli st the same. make announcements of the results every Friday. l\[ornin g" dav.·ll s. The little ones a re up and a f1ut­ Rel1lellll)er-\VE furnish the Contest and the Goal. teri1lg wi d1 joy, helel in sll spense for the g reat event­ a nd YOLo furnish the votes. Here's hoping for a g reat the opening () F 1he pa rl or doo r. At last the minute, response. the ,;econd, the C\'clltl Ahl The children jlll1l!, w ith deli ght. The sight is Illagllificeut. !VIa alld Fa ap­ proach the door quiet ly to "hare with the little ones VOTE the joy, the lili ssfuiness, the wonderful atmosphere or happiness and content. Date That day of clays- Chri stmas- has come. To you, olle and alL The g 'ooster Board extellds its best wishes Departlll ent for a verv ~ / re r ry Chri stmas and a New Year of lJ()lIllti 1'\11 l'mls)"H..: rity, c()ntentment, and happilless. Name .... EDITOR- I"-Cll TEF. Page Two THE BOOSTER JUNIOR CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS A CHRISTMAS DINNER WHICH FOR CURRENT YEAR BROUGHT GOOD CHEER "'1 The Junior Class of the Busin ess Ad­ During the summer vacation the ministra tio n Department h eld a meet­ young set in o ur community form ed a T il1 g F riday, December 9, alld elected club. th e foll owillg class officers : President, lITe based our acti vities upon the id ea Of Lloyd N. \Vay; V ice President, George of extendillg cha rity. T he dues wer e C. Craig ; Secreta ry, Evely n M. R owse; fif teen CC ll ts weekly, w hich did not Treasurer, George D. 'NilkiI1 son. seem much, but rea lly made our funds Mr. Ba ril er acted as tempora ry cha ir­ grow. .A 11 1 rnan lIntil NI r. IVay carne to the chair. I The g irls ma de scrap books a nd dis­ tri buted th em among th e sick children, Ii The Saying of Omar Ibn Al Halif th e boys h e lp ed to gath er mate rial for Four things come not hack: these books. "Vh en winter came, a F OI The spok en word; kind old lady na m ed Ivlrs. Jackson, C HRISTMAS VACATION The sped a rrow; w ho was interes t cd in our w ork, let .. rriday, Dece1l1 ber 23, Bryan t-Stratton ..,<: T ime pa st; us use h er hom e for our meetings. I t College w ill begin its Christmas vaca­ The Il eglected opporutnity. , was fi na lly decided that all of our funds tiOIl peri od which con tinues to Monday, ,. I, collec ted should be spent to help s upply F OI J a nua ry 2, wh en all class sessions w ill Who Misses or Who Wins food for needy folks, wh o would other­ be r es umed. The executive o ffice s will '1 \Vho misses or w ho wins the prize, wise be w itho ut a Christm as dinner. re maillOpeJlaSusua l.11:any prospect­ Go lose or conquer, a s you can; Sylvia, Ill y c hum, an d I were c hosen ive entrants fo r 1{id-Year groups open­ But, if you fa ll , or if you rise, to carry a Ch ristmas dinner to I,T id ow T h ing r ebrua ry 6, fi nd this vacation pe­ Be each, pray God, a gen tlema n. Brown . "Vllat a pa thetic little scene ri od a ccl!lve nient time to come in and l\Tm. M . Thackeray. we witnessed! I enro ll iur the courses w hich they plan to pursue in February. "Vhen we opened the door of ller A Golden Rule humble home, a gust of w ind chilled Tit D o all the good you call, us. vVe e ntered a cold , uncomforta bl e CHRI STMAS Ey all the means yon can, room, wh ic h ,,,as a combina tion of bed­ Christmas ! "Vith this word 'we na tu­ In all th e ways yon call, r 00111, sitting room, a nd kitchen. ral:y think of g ifts, good things, prac­ III all th e pla ces you ca n, The occupants o f the room seem ed A ll ticall y every tl1ing that goes to mak e us At a ll the times you cal1, more dreary than the room itself.
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