~, C00015348 .... --... ..'-' -----;:: ~--~ _ , <II. , . o DEC 131952 .. ' I' •• .. • t2Ia JUJ'IIIW of CukIQ. JD,totl.ilIlUI~ .",'1 mna_ (~) VAWuUrie4 J'~ O'ItJed. Ca' ~.. \ or tIM ml'o:e_ or 3D Do....., l6'~ (b) J!t=o boa ~Jc \0 lU.rua.. dJ,(,*, .1Q necrbol" .1S)2 .... 1. JIUrs1:atoto.'t!Ia 1'eqtles' ot'-t!Ie D!ftCtoso.. tl:a ~ollaIdq.,ur1,. CAt:1='CIt' B.:!C1'I::IGIt eli) u.4 :-eriev- or' 'tlut cu=en 81tu:1.ti.GD is aul1.;d.'Cte¢.: A ~rel1-s"'r7 ':ay1Gvottl:. WAIf 1In'cS",Stu1= or ~ IN1:JcG J:iu beon. 'J cO!tplatri- \:11.h "_;.:~ ~ ~. "en: 1A014C1Wl _l:&U&~ J: !le:ol'ae", (b), e:a.:.~1f::!.D1 ==-:.~c:a lou lIeeA Obtalz:l8..1dW:!l :l.s M.JjI;aUd. .. !fQ A.. II', 2. A, trip to All" 1'ee!::1c&l. In~ Ce:te:o YeS aU = 7rl4q". 12 roced;w ~y 1.JJfl;I,. !:r. 1i~. Ii::.~cc= (e~~"j, c4~. ~. C.. Jha=~ (~1:.1Ga8 Sta:'rISI). DI.':ri:& ~Y1s1t ~o/sz. ~=:J brierce CJ:1 'tlae cuce::l; G'te't 0: t:.e :IZ.veG1p.Uc:n" e:14. cop!u 0& .elacted. CU. stucU.e. U4 ~=s reports ,... re ob~ '~~ "~Il. .t=a been :t@u~\Oe:tl¥ atu!.1e4 1::. detc1l.. ' ' . ." . 3. l!1'!-~ro cUll r-ists no %'eas~ e~eDCe tl::t t!t!r oQJeeb " 51~~ z...-e or tore1[: Grit:':'. 101:11. 1:r:r:re !s =0 l::!1cat!=: th:1t. t!".e$~ olJJe=:... ':"_",*sent. a d!=:t ~at to tte DCi=al. c1or~-, ~ ere cerl=:r ~:=~1:al. ~-.e..'"'S ,,'tiic:h Cl"O relAt.d to t&:=se lOf.el:.t1c[:. 1-.3, a .. re.l:\:!.'to ~ 1::2 -;:-1p ~~ ~CG= C;2ccl.ualcc.s, o/er. 1& p'oceed~ 1d.th pla."l~ 'to CQ;ve::e a ~'"'O\:.? (;rc~&b~ 110t. r.ore ~ ~), cr to? ~~ const:lt­ cnt.s ~ 'tJlet %le.lds 0;: p::;,$1Ca (n:olu ea:l uner at=:s~), cst:'Opt!Ya1CA e:lll astrc==.y, ~ :-=dev tile evlc.enco a:4 ~.\.. 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" " :: . ~1.­ '. :.:11~ .. .- .-.- . -::eon " .....•• .......or • or •• ';:.ranea. o ..:_ .~~A .. " ' " (.' .. .; .. " " fi~lcc~d. ,$ been ,.. ......., ... " # ' , sa " :?l:!..-:.~ ,~.s\:lt- ::')':>1c;; , ' , ,- .,; •.... :-- , ,, .. , , ' '., . , " .. - ~ .;. " ..... ..~ .,,' 0" .. ....... _.. :. ' .. .... -. " !to ... ,. .. 0. ': .-:",- ~ ··tt" . ", .. " . .... '" ~---:.::. ... '.,.; .....-:,. ........ ,,'" " "0 •• " " C00015348 (',,' .., , -I o S'J.B .1.,- . Diu =eo 1DYal:VDI the s1~tmi: lid »totc;::nphlq (£cRa===a :t1l::) or teQ l:r1£h' ~ta ~ C-e1':ls, the Bl;.y CD 2 Jul¥ 19)2 Do ~ ~or:::::a­ .UQ:l. £o-.u:ce 1. a ~et a:a~'. J.~te, lS~ witllll ~ pboto­ P'D~C tape1'1.eAce. !Q!. 1or:a.l ~k:o we lJ,l0J vc:a~ cccd1~ b..""161:t, c1e.G;:'~ ::0 c:louda. C!)Jc:ta asr,Mtan4 1:0 be ·cJllJA; Bbetm- 1Q1le t:rav=l1:la ' SA ~ ~.~.:s.-~ d1:n:cUa:s acza~D "U:e IIlq. sw..""Ctt .. G:rivSAS al=z tho A ~ l...... : t:!ut 81l~Uns o:cw::ra4. Be.~"the '=' a::4 ~~ tho ~ \litb bia penc::sl. CIC!t%'B. !lovud tbe ed or tl:e ~~ c::na o'b.1ec; .~tacl b't= t» zu\ a=:1 Z'e'Ift'II.a. CCIUZ'S. -=au"tba ~. I BtAt::a: lome ~o~c: telIan~ """'D':t1~ o~ tbo f1l= naulte5. SA ~QllQyf..::a ==l.U2S=u: ... 10 ~Jaaa, all. &Uke 111 ...." .." at. stu. 'b. J)eol4ecU¥ ~~. tiba\ ~..,. an ~ CI' beJ:z.g,-u .. .c. J:::Iao~ _~ ee.~ ~'4e~~ becawIe ~ ant v1ra1'bJA o:Il:I lUI cell .~tG cr lJ.;bt. It CIIUl t. cb!:l,*" bow­ el'e:~ tl:at ~ Cl'e e1t=er ccm..aphuical. Sn nh:". e= a!::Uv tQ 'brit::, aw. 1l:l ratlectt."lco cr elS. ~~ z=l!'-lu::1t:.Q'.%IiII. C=Jccts \.1a1c!a ~oll..-.r a1:ll.r.:t cauna 1:1:0"01 a:lJ:l1la1' b~t::ec. :tlz:cwsttou 1C1= c=le be: c:w.=04 b7 tbe1Z' ~ pin') i SO ~t. 'e.~t!..==-. 4. A~~ .. ~"~QD of ~ to c=- er..e:lt. wse objCC~. ~OT 'to D:)I'e fA- :-a:::&~o:za ~..:= are .' e::=.s aee:: J!~ 3-d1:::1e:al=al :1D ~t. e. b a::.cm::I:U C\I;i;Od ~, p&_ c=:d.at.1:l;: ~ s:Jtmi. c:u.rr.:a 1:1 apa:s. r. ~ a!.~ ob.'~ 10121cl1 ftft:'Ied. c::::ae ~ ~1;r t::.aU'o:= :1D l:r1r':t=!n.,. 1:1: rolJ,;,)1.":cl .. I1r-,"~ .~t. )4 .." ~~ 'V1.C:i. %'C&S=~e lI:I1tcm::d.t:r 0: EOUcD IL~ a aCQl1"r ~=iq 0: r.'="-t 2.1"/:S14C. (~1:J:1:J c:p1'7':al.=~ 1;0 ~ , ~-''''.-.r'...o:s r:-=::=~: -sr z::r.:b ~~C;) ~-=; 'D ::pIl G l.OOO ;Y&%1b; l7l -;::'l ~~.oo ya::a; 1;b.r.::.;h (llQ,o:r.J ~"'d::;;- etc.). n1c r!.l:. is: Ct1.--r..:tl,y =er e:ca:::1Mt1ca b.Y tho U. S. Jie:Y,1 Phot~ Ictw... protc:t.100: I.d:oratQr,)", l.nac:o:rtlG. 'EGd=te4 ~t.19=l &Lto; lS J=u::.rJ 1953. C00015348 .. " .;, • z;, • .. y , o ~~ ••!3 1It1n:; ~~".. r;:'Ci 1."'.0 n1~t or lC-n ~tol:= Z052 !r= .23~ to 0::;00 ~O\:al. t:i.=, 'b,y gll:f:~ ct ~ wec:Z:aro .tot!~ a.~ t",.,,!t ~'Ul~ !':reo Ec:c=. ''Ahe d~~~:7U= o~ e.o llC!l!O Vl!4 .~ ~~ ql;J"ol; v1C . 1'oe ~ 1:t!,hts ~T." ~.:c!oUta:l~ 0: cl::r-~ do 0:1- ~~ \/\..0 'obtu.!ae4. l;'oat!l.u' \.-:.:; cleere • . , St::~ : A ~U'1a= or o!::cnc:t:l a::1z::uttG e."14 elC'\"Ct1a::c or tz:a %It.1'- 1'''-''': o"'Jeftt vito" tb. CAlclllA~.1 pO!Jli:!on c."14 r:Jlet1-lo =o't!.lm ~ tho pl:!:lat ';"!l1f.clo lI:=e llttlo cio:et t=t ~ c~seJ:Yed object ym: ~ J~tc:.. 3.. P.r.'m~ ~1r!tt1:1;""3' a: • it~'!e Cb,'~ 111 P!~!d.a !l!:!: G1~:l:I.r: au :-e~..e. 1:~ ~ l:~ ~tc:, ta.Qoze ceet-~ea. n! as;) .l:~"l 't~ 0.5 13 ~~"' 1;;2 r.=r vc::t ~l:: n.. ,.. ..b" ~..&l. ~J.- 1I:G to tb.c Cl~ c1~%l, ti::e IIC11:..""CO vee 4dv1J:rc; alo:I.l: b::erld..r.:co1 111 ~ c::::'" t.:!C)I!t!=zo 'II1th £~...r toy ScC'..zte. 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B!':"\t'.::;: n=t 1:.:.=:.:-.::a cr ~: &:JUr:;: 1rL1Lca.tu en 'U::a:t\":l..,. pononnl rc;~~t1== =1 ~-'..;..t .... , ncu;:-l, rcsu.l.~ 1.n tile bel1o.t 't!I:lt ttc rt!~ r::!;I ~.": l:=c::1 an el~~=:.U: l ...~. ii~"i:"ICr.. tbs 1OU"'..:oWlll CO:ld!tiCD. ~ the ~ - .....:;>'£lD 1:; C\:: __~l.Q. ucex;?lc.tr.ec1. :ilI.1s 1ll~.. toe::~ iI1tb o~h:r P,PO:::C o~ ~Ci c::a" lee-ole ~l:l:I.l. de~e==Uc::D :In dcrJb~ DJo th!a t1oe. '. .- ... '. ~.... .;'" •., • a ....... ., , . ..... ,=,.M • r .. ' ..... :••• r ..... - .:; .... ',:. ...• .. C00015348 - o Q YHE~DHNSHD~N.UN~ASnY DPERATICNS RESEARCH DFFICE "\D CClMNII:C'nCUT AWHUa ~ CHEW CHASE. MM'ILAND -. ? ...... ....."' ........... al:. ca.. WftN'7JIIC ••-....It1'MC ..... IUI" ...... All'" 12 lIeceJI'.ber 19S2 J~ - ]):0.
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