ASEANAFFAIRS.ASEANAFFAIRS. COM PresentsPresents Save ur Planet KualaKuala Lumpur, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, India : comingcoming soon Get Details at www.aseanaffairs.comwww.aseanaffairs.com SAVE OUR PLANET 2 the Queen SirikitThursday, National March Convention 25, 2010, Center, Bangkok SAVE OUR PLANET 1 Friday, March 12, 2010, the Radisson Hotel, Sathorn, Bangkok Full Report inside Series of events being organized by Asean Affairs Business Council in South East Asia, India and China on Climate Change and what we in Asia can do to meet the challenges of Global Warming and reducing our carbon footprints A before it is too late. After the two hugely successful events in Bangkok in March 2010, the next events are being planned this year finally leading upto to a mega conference. To participate, sponsor or speak at our events and to receive the complete report of Save Our Planet 1 (SOP 1) and Save Our Planet 2 (Sop 2), please e-mail us at [email protected] Conference Partners ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 1 ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 2 SAVE OUR PLANET CONTENTS Save Our Planet 1 Foreword 3 Programme 4-5 Supported By 6-7 Biographies 8-9 Welcome Address 10-15 Presentations by Speakers (Summary) 16-18 Feed back 19 List of Participants 20-23 Save Our Planet 2 Programme 24-25 Supported By 26-27 Biographies 28-29 Welcome Address 30-33 ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP11 EVENTS s(ORASIS'LOBAL)NDIA Asean Leadership Forum 7th Asean Leadership Forum "USINESS-EETING *UNE !PRIL 3HERATON'RANDE3UKHUMVIT "ANGKOK +UALA,UMPUR -ALAYSIA *UNE sTH!SEAN,EADERSHIP &ORUM !PRIL s3!6%/520,!.%4 -ARCH s3!6%/520,!.%4 -ARCH s(ORASIS!NNUAL-EETING H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva Prime Minister of S. Roy, Founder of Asean Affairs *ANUARY Thailand delivering the opening discussing the details of Asean Affairs Keynote address. interview with Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia. s4HETH!SIA%CONOMIC 3UMMIT Save Our Planet2 Save Our Planet1 -ARCH 4HE1UEEN3IRIKIT.ATIONAL -ARCH #ONVENTION#ENTER "ANGKOK 4HE2ADISSON(OTEL "ANGKOK s!SIA 0ACIFIC7EEKS "ERLIN s!!"#/CTOBER s!!"#!UGUST s!SEAN,EADERSHIP &ORUM s!!"#*UNE s!3%!."USINESSAND )NVESTMENT3UMMIT Participants listening attentively to the Participants listening attentively to the speakers presentations. speakers presentations. 2nd Conference on HM the King’s Conference on HM the King’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Sufficiency Economy /CTOBER 2EMBRANDT(OTEL Philosophy "ANGKOK 4HAILAND !UG 3WISSOTEL.AILERT0ARK "ANGKOK Asia Pacific Weeks Horasis Annual Meeting 5th Asia Economic Summit /CTOBER *ANUARY $ECEMBER 'ROER3AAL 4OWN(ALL"ERLIN-ITTE :URICH 3WITZERLAND 3HERATON4OWERS(OTEL 3INGAPORE Daily Online www.aseanaffairs.com Google Rank No.1 in SEA media Bi-Monthly Print Magazine in 35 Countries Americas* Europe* Asia Asean Affairs Business Panelists on stage for the High Level The rapporteurs synthesizing the key Speakers and Moderators at the 5th Council (AABC) Hi Profile Events Platform Asean Round Up 7th Fl, Order House Building, 448 Ratchadapisek Rd, Bangkok Thailand-10320, Monthly TV Program Plus++ Research, www.aseanaffairs.com Analysis..More phone +66-2- 938 0156-7, fax +66-2-938 0249, mail [email protected] ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 2 ASEANAFFAIRS &OREWORD 3!6%/520,!.%4#ONFERENCE3ERIES Invitation to join as a conference partner 7ARM'REETINGS FROMTHEGLOBALPUBLICATIONOF3OUTHEAST!SIAn!SEAN!FFAIRS 4HECONFERENCESERIES3AVE/UR0LANET3/0 WASLAUNCHEDTHISYEARBY!SEAN!FFAIRS"USINESS #OUNCIL !!"# STARTING WITH THE HUGELY SUCCESSFUL 3AVE /UR 0LANET 3/0 AND 3AVE /UR 0LANET3/0 IN-ARCH BOTHIN"ANGKOK4HEFIRSTCONFERENCEWASADDRESSEDBYSPEAKERS FROMCOUNTRIESANDPEOPLEPARTICIPATEDFROMNATIONS FROMINDUSTRY DIPLOMATICMISSIONS GOVERNMENTS THINKTANKSANDMEDIA 0LEASEREADTHEPAGEDETAILEDREPORTINSIDEONTHESETWOEVENTSINCLUDINGTHELISTOFPARTICIPANTS !TREMENDOUSLISTOFconference partnersSUPPORTEDTHESEEVENTSNAMELY BAYER, THE German Government ,OCAL %MBASSIES European Union DELEGATIONS 'ERMAN 4ECHNICAL#OOPERATION(GTZ), EMERSON, Ebeling Heffernan, TESCO, PTT, BiersdorfAND MANY MORE GLOBAL &ORTUNE COMPANIES ARE PLANNING TO COME ON BOARD FOR THE NEXT SERIES OF CONFERENCES 9OUR ORGANIZATION CAN ALSO BECOME A 0ARTNER IN 3AVING /UR 0LANET BY SUPPORTING THESE CONFERENCESERIES The next Save Our Planet conferencesARETOBEHELDIN-ALAYSIA+UALA,UMPUR 3INGAPORE )NDIA.EW$ELHI 6IETNAM(O#HI-INH #HINAAND)NDONESIA*AKARTA CULMINATINGINAMEGA CONFERENCEIN"ANGKOK 'OVERNMENTSAREFINDINGITDIFFICULTTOARRIVEATACOMPREHENSIVEAGREEMENTFORACTIONONCLIMATE CHANGE(ENCEITISNOWUPTOUSASINDIVIDUALS COMPANIESANDORGANIZATIONSTOFINDACOMMONPATH THATWECANALLAGREEUPONTOFOLLOWASAPRACTICALMODEL!NDTHEREAREMANYINITIATIVESTHATHAVE BEENPUTTOEFFECTIVEUSEBYMANYCOMPANIES SMALLANDLARGE"RINGINGTHESECASESTUDIESTOGETHER WITH OTHERS WHO ARE LOOKING AT PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS TO ADOPT IS THE goal of Save Our Planet Conferences.7EINTENDTOPUTTOGETHERTHEDELIBERATIONSOFOURCONFERENCESINTOACOMPREHENSIVE REPORT THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL AND SUBMIT IT TO THE 5NITED .ATIONS %NVIRONMENT 0ROGRAMME 5.%0 HOPINGTHATTHISWOULDBESEENAS!SIASCONTRIBUTIONTOFINDINGASOLUTIONTOTHECLIMATECRISIS 3INCETHEBEGINNINGITHASBEENOURENDEAVOURASANINDEPENDENTVOICEOF!SEANTOCONNECTTHE REGIONTOTHEWORLDANDVICEVERSATHROUGHOURDAILYONLINEEDITIONWWWASEANAFFAIRSCOM RANKED BY'OOGLEASTHENUMBERONESITEOF3OUTHEAST!SIANEWSANDMEDIA BI MONTHLYPRINTMAGAZINE AVAILABLEINTHIRTYFIVECOUNTRIESWORLDWIDE HIGHPROFILEEVENTSANDMONTHLY46PROGRAMME ,OOKINGFORWARDTOYOURPARTICIPATION 0LEASE CONTACT US AT AABC ASEANAFFAIRSCOM OR ME AT MY CONTACT DETAILS BELOW TO JOIN AS A CONFERENCEPARTNER S. Roy ([email protected]) Founder & CEO !3%!.!&&!)23n4HE6OICEOF3OUTHEAST!SIA !SIA %UROPE !MERICAS TH&L /RDER(OUSE"UILDING 2ATCHADAPISEK2D "ANGKOK4HAILAND WWWASEANAFFAIRSCOM PHONE FAX MAILAABC ASEANAFFAIRSCOM ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 3 SAVE OUR PLANET1 Programme WELCOME and OPENING ENERGY and Climate Change MC : Dr Valerie McKenzie : Presenter of Thailand’s Longest Energy and Emerson’s Impact on the Carbon Footprint running TV Program in English, Morning Talk Mr. Tony Novak Welcome by Country General Manager; Emerson (Thailand) Ltd. Mom Luang Rajadarasri Jayankura, Chairwoman Smart and Responsible Energy Management of Asean Affairs Mr.Niraj Sharan Welcome address by Chairman, Aura Inc & Aura Energy - US, Italy & India Swarup Roy, Founder & CEO of Asean Affairs Zero Emission in a School Setting Dr. Art-ong Jumsai na Ayudhya COPENHAGEN Climate Change Director The Society for the Preservation of Water, Thailand Summit and its Implications Panel Discussion: Moderated by Prof Said Irandoust, Challenges and Opportunities of the Copenhagen Climate President of The Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. Conference (Keynote) Panelists: Mr Novak, Mr Sharan, Dr. D'Couto, Dr Art-ong Dr. Michael Nobel : Founder, the Nobel Charitable Trust and guest professor at the Frontier Research Centre, Tokyo Institute Financing the Fight against of Technology, National University of Japan (SWEDEN) Climate Change Avoiding Runaway Climate Change: the 'Venus Syndrome’ Government Financing - (2nd Keynote) The Fight against Climate Change Mr. Sumit Pokhrel Stuart Scott : Director, The Climate Summit , (USA). GMS-EOC climate change specialist ASIAN Beyond Copenhagen - the shift to green energy offers DEVELOPMENT BANK .(THAILAND) great economic advantages Private Sector Financing- The Fight against Climate Change Dr. Hanns Schumacher : Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Thailand Mr. Shayne Heffernan Co - Founder , Ebeling-Heffernan , (BAHAMAS) The Bayer Climate Program - Concept and Practice Climate Change’s Implications for Peace Mr. Dominikus von Pescatore Climate Change’s implications for Peace. Senior Bayer Representative for Country Group North ASEAN and Managing Director of Bayer Thai Co., Ltd. The Hon. BARRY GUSI Chairman The Gusi Peace Prize Foundation, Republic Thai-German Cooperation on Climate Change of Philippines Mr. Torsten Fritsche Director of Resource-Efficiency and Energy German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) (THAILAND) Panel Discussion: Moderated by Dr. Raphael L’Hoest, Counsellor for Economic Affairs German Embassy, Bangkok. Panelists: Dr Nobel, Mr Scott, Dr Schumacher, Mr Pescatore and Mr Fritsche ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 4 ASEANAFFAIRS Programme Eco Friendly Energy : Closing Address From Garbage to Gold His Excellency Mr. Saksit Tridech Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Eco Friendly Energy (EFE): Environment of Thailand A Unique technology developed over two decades in Japan which converts Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to Participants from: Germany, China, Sweden, India, energy through perfect combustion with zero pollution. Solving the problem of landfills and energy generation at Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Japan, Philippines. the same time. All presentations of the event are available Mr. Masaru Takano General Manager of S.H.C, R&D Centre (Kaga Plant, Japan) online : www.aseanaffairs.com/events/sop1 on behalf of TIME INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES CO; LTD, The worldwide representative of this technology. Contact www.timecoltd.com or email : [email protected] ASEAN AFFAIRS Save Our Planet Report www.AseanAffairs.com/events/SOP1 5 SAVE OUR PLANET1 Supported By Bayer Thai Company Limited Established in 1962, Bayer Thai’s business has been
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