!= ?. LF.,GrSLAT£VE LI:BRARY, ~IP. T/~8 p/.,EL.IAUKNT BU£LDI~$, i ,~ / TERRACE.Kr] q j h Id VOLUME 73 NO. 4e THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1976 I POLIOE .! • ~ :~ , i.'~ BLOTTER : i,,. ' ~'~:" Windshields in two vehicles parked in the McEwan Motors display lot :.-..le were smashed by unknown youths at about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. Julle Lorette, a member of the Terrace Figure Skating Club, practices for the club's annual / Police are still in- sharing carnival coming up this weekend. Julie phlys the sheriff in a wild west number , vestigating. complete with a train, robbers snd a posse. Show times are Saturday, March 11 at 8 p.m. •The only other reported [and Sunday, March 12 at 2 p.m. 2 incident was the lodging of a "I "lnquiryin local police .Is for N ati ve Fisheries, Expert AffaireOTTAWA¢Cl:')--lndlan Minister Hugh To Speak in Northwest i ~:~i~." . ~ ..... Fauilmer confirmed Wed- nesday he has proposed setting up an inquiry into Terrace -- Barbara Lane, She will speak in Prince m~cial and the food fisherY. ..... , . ,-~,~,~.~,; ~,,-~,*,. • constitutional development a University of Victoria Rupert on Monday night, in the Yukon: n Professor and widely- March 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at Ms. Lane was recently •,~\:::,: ? .."!,"~'.:,:~. ~,,.~.~, ,.* Faulkner told the Coln- regarded expert in the area the College facility in the expert witness for the West mona the aim of the inquiry of Native fishing rights, will Amante Building; in Terrace Washington tribes in their ~..'-~.~." ~ ~,-' .~/ ,,. is trying to bridge the divc- be speaking in the nor- on Tuesday night, March historic court decision slons emerging hetwecn the thweet during the week of 14th, in Room 206 of the guaranteeing them a large white and native population March 1st. College; and on Wednesday percentage of the com~ in the North. She is being sponsored by evening, March l.qh, in the mercial fishery on the But Erik Nielsen, the Pro- the Aboriginal Studies Hagwilget Band Hail in American northwest Pacific gressive Conservative MP Program (Nor thwes Hagwilget Village at 7:00 coast (the Boldt Decision). A me,her dog and her pups are llvlug ................oo the handunts of "~ix pu'~;.het"~K~'~e-~death,......................... aeenrdlng to one of the ne Communith College) as part p.m. as well. In 1975, she was research do- concerned neighbors after being abandoned hy their owners, hers. Another puppy was taken in by a neighbor. The 81 for the Yukon, said he feels the new measure would of its regular series, Her topic will be: "Native ordinator at the Land Claims Although the owners have vacated the home on ~0~8 Agar was telephoned, but apprently they are unnlhe to help make matters worse and he "Aboriginal People and the People and Fishing" and she Center of the Union of B.C. Avcoue morethan a month ago, the dogs continue tolive in a dogs without the permlulon el the owners to go onto Land." will look both at the com- (nwispoce under the home, The mother dog ori~inally had property. "a gross intrusinndnto the Indian Chiefs. affairs of the territory." • Any inquiry should have Native Bid for Grandee Fails legislativebeen°rdoredbytheelectedassemblyin the I Women iaroh on Parliament , Yukon, not by the federal OTTAWA iCP) -- About recent first ministers' of the work force." guvernment, hesald. 300 women marched on conference show "men The moratorcmn on day. VICTORIA (CP) -- Justice ruptured hya lawyer., extracted by Newmont cording to law." Faulkner also rejected as Parliame Douglas Andrews of the making decisions for us. We care conftruetion should end The writ against the Mining Ltd. at their mine Newmonthas announced it irresponsible comments by tHill onWednesday to mark recognize the tyranny of immediately and a system ei British Columbia Supreme provincial government and called Grandue at Stewart"- will close the copper mine, Nielsen that the inquiry and Court has adjourned in- International Women's Day such a spectacle." 24-hour free day care should Newmont Mining Ltd.-- nbecause the government's the community's only in. proposals for revenue andpress demands for equal The Ontario budget, tabled be established, Ms. Dale}, definitely a hearing into a owners of the northwentern takeover of the land last daetry, heeaeseofdepressad sharing between the federal land claims writ filed pay, child-care centrc~, and Tuesday by Treasurer Darcy said. B.C. mine-was %nsd t~ century was a criminal act. world copper prieea. government, the natives and what they termed decent McKe0ugh, brought scathing Women who chose to stay Tkesday by a group of native ~Ive members any Yukon government Indinm hying claim to the The writ calls for the court The Indians also base their working conditions. comment from spokesman in the home should receive Cowichan band, three from to seize all properties and claim on lilegal possesnion of could endanger northern GMdae mine in Stewart in the Nishga tribe, from Marc Lalonde, federal Pat Daley, of the. Ottawa increases in family two assets of Newmunt Mining, isnd by Newment and illegal pipeline legislation no~ minister responsible for the Women's Centre, at an allowances, or a wage for an effort to save it. the Chemaiuns band and me "to he held in trust by this licensing of mining claims before the House. • . • . ...Justice Andrews said from the' ~mhant band in courtuntllsueh flmeun these h~ the ~r,-,i-oi~ an'' PAVES THE WAY S~tUS of w omen,..attm,ded ,,earl~ n~ws e0nf~ence, en~,fld~rear~._........... weunesmy me ~nmans had Port •Alherni -~ ,. ...... ,, ..... - The bill under detailed• anouonamo ~,x eamnomers suz......~u .,u- • it. u wul~u juu rtumn$- not taken correc.t pried.., urea It says the'petitioners are affairs are all nettled ac" merit" study by a ,special Commons p~smt, to help defray costs CREATION'_ ......... kids , and. ther. e i an~t' a lot of with theirwrit by ~atlin~ to the '"~'ister"~o"a ,~,,h~,: ~. • . ~,,~;,,,,,, ,,a,,M ,~ ...... m me mar~. : ~ccusmg..mot, cough o~ support from the corn- , • t/ .--"TO, " , aa~l W ul1114.1164|5411l , " • ' III, " : w~m~,*! I~Vr~ tll~ Wl~ . " " "' " " " " ' 't. 4i se/'ve the attorne~ene~al /~m,~i all .tlhA.~lii',i~i-,~ .. I|rllelli {Alllll • I~ltl; .•- fa~: e tlfi.l~l|lln,. 'Alaebo. '" Lalunde'did not Sneak at refming women the tnght to reunify; she said. People T ~Tnd0~.,S- 1 .~v~ro..............- .... P~t" ...........talni~the.-3~lm'alt --~ be/~" " ........... II ~ II ......9MIIUUI IPl tlp . ................. "that ............. would cro~ the th e march" but t01d "--reporters~ .... W~....ork" ,-.MS.~ • ~,-. Da lay. said....... the shouldnt' be so s rimd' .... •'.• ,,,•: - ,. --,, ---• :, ~';-,... ~. .. • ~,. ,•...::~,.~ ,,~- :.--,-~;-.,:.r.= - • ~...- .',~-•.~',.~-~,~:-~;,: -. ' --.- , ~.~ .; ~ '~" "~.,,~""' ";-.~.... ..... -~.~;,.............. ;::~-,~. ~,-':~thal; :" ":'-,~he~' .......~mp0Ytal~!' .......... "~"'Or:." :~d~~::' ..~a,~ti,o~.•~,, .whe n.thereare ~es .•;,ur~Md• • ' '- ..... :~ ~ - , I, : .,r . J~ ..... _ ~ .....L . .... !1....-.li~2 i'~;~---__X ~ " -. !!~: ~:~::"., . _ !~ i. ~ women~is'-" a t~v at ~~fo-.---.~-; ~-~ ,, . e_UL__LS.. ..... -, , P. ea.t.plot efo, the .nliVllO! RSrmmlOnl • home wan"r~e08~b, ferent goal for fulI:em- Among other"demands •l~e'rerrace HERALD:is ramm ~ermwest appem - . ~. '. " ." ' .- - ' " . ~'~'. ' -- • . ,,.,~..,,.--.-.,,_.,.._.~/- .. olovment .among .women made I~ the womenwere; oBn'entl "al tO be b ~ . taeyoppone any oongn'uotlon ~,t,~ an-of3 a~owtai~:~ m " " -" ', ' ' .y.. ,flag oo a . ~ g day by .'rl~.., B.C. (CP) -- A The workers withdrew ,.+, +ho~. ~.,.~ ..~_~ h .... 1974 The I~overnment could than it did for men. Equal access, to work and ,ory wm~_ could he o! ray.. uoupled.., with tentative ag.reement has their services Feb. e. ~'~ '~,~ .~'~o~] not 'sui)uo'rt a wa~e--for Provincial Tedkctionf in equal pay; abortion on grea, slgumcaUee to the ",.eHay-s ou,e,al an, men reac~nan m the month- Another &5.CUPE members wl--~the,~'f~d'~a"~ov~e'i~en'~ '' mothere,"])eeause irwould social services and a demand and aceessib]e people of the" Terrace.• muncemeat, . from Ottiwa, long contract diup" ute bet- are • still on strike in the One s • increase taxes ~, moratorium on day-cure bwth-oontrol. reformation;• KI.t~mat...... dls~ct../ ....... d.theM-miilis~l,ellar4das , ween; the Trail School Grand Forks distriot i af- for settin"of the u- mainthe in -'~'' reasons ~- The wa-e cb -~'a • -'- construction have reduced go#ernment-funded rape especially the ahem- InJectlooo~eupltol~tothe Distrietunditamaintenance feoflngl,~00 students.... ~..v _- ,~--= .o - - -.'~-..~""'?~ ":~ services and potential jobs crisis centres, rl,his for ployed.The story Involves a lmrt of .Prin ce Rupert, our kndctmtodialemployecs that Picketing in both districts an...... atmnpt .~^,. oy ^me ,.^ govern ,..~ ......mane ox, me• ........... uttawa tenants . for women, Ms. Daley ad- Indian women and, --'. lesbians; mlalag and access highway bul~lfor story, (that mnst has halted classes.... for more badbeen restricted toschoei ................. ded. m a ken..ff I nt~r....... n 0onstractlon that would still be considered in the than 4,000 students . board,. offices. 'and shunts ciaunsnelorecoasu'ucuon..................m we re grown up now, me These n011cles ,, keen Women, s Day a stat,tm.v I'InV several hundred "lour" ltole .at tkl Theschoolboard---rov---' have '---- ..... ~...... me.xu~on starts m 1981. statement saiu..,we uon t .................... -.' P 3 : . , .....It . lapp ~ t~'e".~omK~w~ ..... assess Faulkner.- said he met the w ant an allowance• any women m me home ann out nonuny. workers -- the .ma ~ raty of ' prenent), bode, -well -- U the a grenment at a see ring.,briefl y several. times a week Yukon Territorial com~.cil-inore~-we want a living th. permanen|ly. Fac. enlylfrtheZ,~eere~Istere TuesdsyandthehOworksrs, to plckupassign-ments..', lastfalI"todise, thenext wage," Herald Job Finder are lard to come by, and unemployed, in Terrace members of the Canadian Contracts between CKPE step • in constitutional Helen Levine, a professor ' ,he company~Invelved is hut also ie~"Ita hithert Unfon0fPublleEmplnyess, und the distrieta and with the development." of social work at Carleton U.8.
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