Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85358-3 - Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution Edited by David Little Index More information Index Abacha, General Sani, 254 teaching methods and strategy of, Abbas, Mahmud, 320 393–5 Abd-Rabbo, Yasser, 319 Afghanistan, 398–9. See also Taliban; Abdullah, Crown Prince, 319 Yacoobi, Sakena Abidjan Peace Accord, 285–6 9/11 and, 382, 388, 389, 400 Abiola, Chief Moshood, 254 Afghan Communist Party (PDPA), 387, Abrahamic Faiths. See specific 400 denominations by name al-Qaeda within, 388 Abuja Agreements, 298 Anglo-Afghan War, 385–6 Academic Associate Peace Work (AAPW), anti-American sentiment within, 388 264, 267 Bin Laden sheltered by, 388 Aceh, Indonesia, 402 demographics of, 383, 399–400 “Act of Free Choice”, 405, 413 economic overview of, 401 Action Group (NG), 251 fact sheet, 399–401 Ad Hoc Ethiopian Peace Committee fifth century BCE through late 19th (AHPC), 164–70, 171. See also elders centuries, 384–5 as peacemaker tool geography of, 382–3, 399 Adams, Gerry. See also Sinn F´ein Great Britain and, 385–6 Hume and, 71–2, 73, 74, 77 historical overview of conflict, 382–3, Mansergh and, 71, 72–3, 74, 77 400–1 on Reid, 65–6, 77, 79 India and, 386 Addis Ababa Accord of Sudan (1972), Islam within, 383, 384 191–2 isolationism of, 385, 386 Addis Ababa Peace and Democracy Kabul, 384 Conference (1991), 169–70 Karzai, Hamid, 401 Adifaris, Assefa, 164 madrasas, 387 Afghan Communist Party (PDPA), 387, mujahedin, 387 400 National Assembly, 401. See also Karzai, Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL). See Hamid also Yacoobi, Sakena Northern Alliance, 382, 388–9 boys’ education, 395–6 Soviet Union and, 386, 387 “Guide to Teaching Human Rights in U.S. and, 387, 388 the Afghan Classroom” (AIL), 393–4 U.S. invasion of, 382, 389, 400 overview of, 13–14, 382, 391–6, 397 Western imperialism vs., 385 475 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85358-3 - Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution Edited by David Little Index More information 476 Index Afkhami, Mahnaz, 391 writings by, 14, 46–7, 48–9 AFRC (Armed Forces Revolution Zone of Peace and, 15, 25–6, 44–7 Council), 286 Albania. See Kosovo African Women’s Peace Table, 235 Albright, Madeline, 137, 138 Afrikaners, 216, 217, 219, 220. See also Alcalay, Rabbi Yehuda, 305 Boers; Nationalist Party of South Alexander the Great, 303, 384 Africa Alexandria Summit and Declaration, agreement-making by peacemakers, 352–3 443–4, 445–7 Algiers Peace Agreement, 176 Ahmad Shah, 384–5 All People’s Congress (APC), 282–3 AHPC. See Ad Hoc Ethiopian Peace Alomang, Yosepha, 418 Committee al-Qaeda, 388. See also Bin Laden, AIDS, 235 Osama; September 11, 2001 AIL. See Afghan Institute of Learning Alternative Peace Initiative (API), 112 Aksumite Empire, 152 Aman, General, 156 Alas, Jos´e“Chencho”, 31–49. See also El Amanullah Khan, 386 Salvador American nuns in El Salvador, 42 abduction of, 34–5 Amir, Yigal, 354 alliances created by, 39–40 ANC (African National Congress). See also Bible as peacemaker tool of, 25, 32, 34, Mandela, Nelson 46 armed struggle adopted by, 227 campesinos and, 32–3 ban against, 221, 224 Chavez y Gonzalez, Archbishop Luis, colonialism vs., 219 25, 31, 33, 34–5 Democratic Party and, 225 community leaders trained by, 34 founding of, 219 Cursillo Movement founded by, 31–2 Madlala-Routledge, Nozizwe and, 227, exile of, 41–3 229 Foundation for Self-Sufficiency in PAC, split from, 221 Central America, 47 as Pan African Association, 219 Institute for Technology, Environment passive resistance by, 221 and Self-Sufficiency, 44 post-apartheid era, 224, 225 interfaith mobilization by, 47–8 United Democratic Front (UDF), 222–3, land reform focus of, 25 227, 231 Lempa River project, 38–9, 44 United Party of South Africa, 220 Mesoamerican Peace Project, 47, youth leagues, 220 48–9 Anglo-Afghan War, 385–6 National Teacher’s Strike, 35–7 Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985), 67–73, overview of, 25–6 95 peacekeeping efforts by, 443 Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921), 58 priesthood left by, 43, 47–8 Annan, Kofi, 3 pulpit as peacemaker tool, 11 Antiochus, King IV, 303 religious training of, 31–2 apartheid, 220, 221, 222–3, 224. See also as religiously motivated peacemaker, South Africa 47–9 APC (All People’s Congress), 282–3 risks taken for peacemaking, 434, API (Alternative Peace Initiative), 112 435 Appleby, R. Scott, 54 sermons as peacemaker tool of, 36 Apprentice Boys, 59 Suchitoto, as priest of, 32–41 al-Aqsa Mosque, 304, 314, 319 Vatican II, effect upon, 30 The Arab League, 309, 319 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85358-3 - Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution Edited by David Little Index More information Index 477 “Arab Revolt” (1936), 308 Zangon Kataf reconciliation efforts, Arafat, Chairman Yasser. See also 265–6 Palestinian Authority Ashkenazi, Dalia, 358, 362, 363, 365, 367, as Chairman of Palestinian Authority, 369 317–19 Assab, 157 death of, 320 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 98 Froman and, 6, 342, 349–50, 356 Azikiwe, Benjamin Nnamdi, 252 Oslo agreements and, 316, 318–19 Araujo, Arturo, 28–9 Babangida, General, 253–4 Armed Forces Revolution Council Babur, 384 (AFRC), 286 Babylonians, 303 Artemije, Bishop, 129, 131, 137, 138, 141 Baker, James, 333 Arusha, 236 Bakshi-Doron, Chief Rabbi Eliyahu, Ashafa, Imam Muhammad. See also 349–50, 353 Nigeria; Wuye, Pastor James Balfour Declaration, 306, 307, 308 debate as peacemaking tool, 12–13 Balkan War (1912), 125 institution-and-capacity building by, Balkans. See Bosnia and Herzegovina 445 Ballestas, Ricardo Esquivia, 6 Interfaith Mediation Centre, 12–13, Bambayi riots, 230 247–8 Barak, Ehud, 318–19 as Kaduna native, 255 Barrios, President, 27 Kaduna Peace Agreement and, 14, 272 al-Bashir, Omar Hassan, 209 on manipulation of religion for Basotholand, 217–18, 228–30 violence, 430 Basque region, 19 media as peacemaking partner, 267–8 Battle of Blood River, 217 militant organizations, contact with, The Beatitudes. See Sermon on the Mount 268–9 Begin, Menachem, 313, 315 as militant youth activist, 259–61 Beilin, Yossi, 319 Muslim-Christian Dialogue Forum Belay, Dr. Haile Salassie, 168, 170–1 (MCDF), 247–8, 264–9, 270, 271, Belfast, 56–7. See also Ulster 272–3, 432 Belfast Agreement (Good Friday Muslim-Christian Youth Dialogue Agreement), 53, 72, 73–82, 95 Forum (MCYDF), 263–4 Berom people, 272 National Council of Muslim Youth Besrat, Kassahun, 164 Organizations (NACOMYO), 260, 263 Bible as peacemaker tool. See also overview of, 247–8, 432 Christians and Christianity; Judaism; peacemakers trained by, 267 Qur’an personal awareness of, 8 Chacour, 323–4, 338–40 Qur’an as peacemaker tool of, 266, 267 Froman, 341–2, 346, 350, 351–2, 354 religious background, 262–3 Giay, 420–1 religious motivation for peacemaking, Isaac, 161–2 269–70 Janjic, 146 secular peacemaking tools adapted by, Landau, 357, 363, 370, 373–4 18–19 Lowrey, 207–8 status as religious leaders, 271 Madlala-Routledge, 239 threats to religiously-motivated Magee, 84–5 peacemaking, 270–2 Wuye, 266, 267, 270 Wuye, Pastor James, becoming brothers Biko, Steve, 222, 226 with, 261–4 Bin Laden, Osama, 382, 388, 389, 400 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85358-3 - Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution Edited by David Little Index More information 478 Index Bio, Brigadier-General Julius Maada, Vance-Owen peace plan, 104, 105 285 World Wars and, 99 Biram, Palestine, 322, 331 Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA), 101, birr, 174 102–3 Black Consciousness movement of South Bosque, Pio Romero, 28 Africa, 222 Botha, Louis, 218 Blood Brothers (Chacour), 336–7 Botha, Pieter Willem, 222–3 Bloody Friday, 61 Bradford, Rev. Robert, 63–4 Bloody Sunday, 60–1 Brcko Districk, 106. See also Bosnia and “blowback” theory, 388 Herzegovina Blue Nile, 152 Britain. See Great Britain Boers, 216, 217, 218, 245. See also Dutch British Council, 264 colonialism Broek, Father Theo Van den, 414, Bogside riots, 59 418 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 97–119. See also B’Tselem, 318 Markovic, Friar Ivo; Yugoslavia Buddhism, 383 Balkan War (1912), 125 buildings, religious, 11 Bosniak/Croat Federation, creation of, Bulgaria, 125 121, 122 Burundi, 273 Bosniaks, 121 Bush, George W., 319–20, 354 Bosnian Franciscan community, 108–9, “Bushmen” of South Africa, 215 118 Byzantine Empire, 98 Bosnian independence movement, 101–2 CAMA (Compassion and Missionary Communist Yugoslavia, 99–100 Associates), 407–8 Croatia, 101, 104 Cameroons (NCNC), 251 current entities of, 106 Camp David Accords (1978), 315 Dayton Peace Agreement, 106, 121–2, Camp David Summit (2000), 318–19 128, 149, 236 campesinos, 27, 32–3 demographics of, 101, 121 Cape Colony, 218 disintegration of Yugoslavia, 100–1 Carey, George, 354 economic overview, 122 Carter, Jimmy, 105, 163 EUFOR, 106, 122 Casas, Bartholomew de las, 26 Greater Serbia, goals of, 121 case studies as peacemaking technique, historical overview of conflict, 97, 98, 391–2. See also storytelling as 121 peacemaking technique independence, declarations of, Catholic Church. See also Christians and 101–2 Christianity independence, war for, 102–4 Maronites, legitimization of violence by religion, Melkites, 322, 323 106, 107–8, 115 Second Vatican Council, 30, 32 media in, 113–14 Causaus y Torres, Bishop, 27 NATO campaign, 106, 122, 442–3 Caux, Switzerland, 167, 168 Republika Srpska (RS), 122 Central America. See also specific Sarajevo, battle for, 103 countries by name Slovenia, 101 FSSCA (Foundation for Self-Sufficiency U.S. and, 104, 105, 106, 121–2, 128, in Central America), 47 149, 236 as a zone of peace, 45–7 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85358-3 - Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution Edited by David Little Index More information Index 479 Chacour, Abuna Elias, 321–41.
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