•V S BANK! REGISTER; T1 VfVti ' lllusd W««kl>' EnUred as aVond-Glass ttaittr *<• Iba Post- ij ALV11, oOct il B«r] Bink, N K uDder tb* Act ol^larob Id. 1«1». RED %%W, N,,,J., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14,1925, • $1.50 PER.YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 8$ HIGH SCHOOL RECEPTION. HOLMDEL SLED COASTERS. COMMUTATION TICKETS NEW REGISTER MEMBERS, ieventh Grade Pupilt to bs Cuette SOUTH RED BANK-PARTY. [0T£ MADE FOR $40,01)0 un and Curioui Miihapi on Koer.t A BIGGER SHOW IN 1925. FIGURING OUT WORDSJI • of Senior Clan. Heyer'i Hill. SUMMEft RESIDENTS ASK FOR IN REG- EW PART OF TOWN HAS COM- IDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP RUN- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY IS •IFTY TAKE PART IN CROSS*' ISTER'S OFFICIAL FAMILY. The senior class of the lied Bank MUNITY, DANCE. NING SHORT OF MONEY. flld' folks as well as young folks MAKING PLANS ALREADY. •"- LOWER RA;LROAD RATES. igh school will hold its annual re- iavo been enjoying sled coasting at ORD CONTEST AT tlNCROFT* -Say It Would Be Ruin- hay Art John S. Valentine, Carl ;ption for the members, of the Matthew Shnota Wa» the Host and The School Board Applied for lolmdel on . the "hill' on Koert The Newly-Elected Officer* of tie Thli Wat tha Main Fe.tur. 'Voui (or Them 'to laiui Short Tarm H. Winters and Cecil R. Mae- eventh gr&do on Friday night of He Played the; Part to "the $45,000 and the Township Com- Jeyor's farm. Tho sport goes on Society Were Installed Lait Community Gathering at tho| '•' 7 Commutation TlelceM at the Same Clone!, Each of Whom Ha* hit week at the junior high school Queen'* Taiie" in Hit Bit New mittee Provided $40,009 by Put- lay afid night. The hill is about an Thunday Night—William H. Schoolhouia — Another Conlett* 1 ulld(ng. "Moso," a three-act play, tiog~a Note in tbo Bank. iglith'of a mile.long' with a deep ••••' Monthly Rate"a» Yearly Tickets. Char* * of a Department. Building on Upper Broad Street. Waite it Preiident. Held, With Bdok for Ptln. t ' < For several months past efforts Fifteen years ago The Red Bank ill jio given by members of, the South Red Bank had its first corn- The Middletown township school boggan-like dip in the center and Tho Monmouth county horticul- Fifty persons attended tho meet.' have been under way to compel'the egister was changed from the graduating class. - The cast consists unity gathering last-Thursday oard last Thursday njght made ap- ridge near the end. At the bot- tural, society met last Thursday ig of tho Community league ot railroads which operate between Ingle ownership of John H. Cook f Clarence Gray as Mosc, Gerald light. The occasion' was a ,dance ilication to tho Middletown town- im of the hill is a. barbed wire night at Red Men's hall at Rum son .uicroft last Friday night el the! Hew York and Point Pleasant to to a corporate form of ownership. 3aldwin'as Frank Thornton, Charles ;iven by Matthew Shuetz in hjs new hip committee for $45,000. The once and a few feet beyond the and installed these officers: choolhouse at that place, Thodvi* akerson as Thurston Hall, George noney used to run the schools is 'ence Is a brook. In order to avoid rJlilft monthly commutation tickets The'paper had been started by John lullding on Upper Broad street, President—Williim H. Walte. ~~ :ommittoe of tho league, which was! M ailey as 'Billy Holt,' Russell Tet- urned. over to tho school board by he fence and the brook tho coast- , nt the same rate per month as the H. Cook more thannhirty years'pre- iuth of the railroad crossing. Mr. Flnt \Iea presldent-^Chirlci Rice.. charge of tho meeting, had prom> le'y ' as Henry Warwick,' Russell Shuetz, Who makes and repairs aur he township committee; and under irs have to steer their slods in a Second vice president—Alfred Grifllthi. ,'d a surprise and this took the 'annual commutation tickets are, is- vlously,'' The xibanga In the form of. ' Secretary—Frank Edlngtcn. ownership WaV.made. .In order' 'to Wickes as_Society Smith, -Paul tomobila-tops and automobile cur- ho law the : school appropriations emi-clrcular course at the bottom 'orrrt ot a crossword puzzle ar« ielder,' 'Lawrence Burdge "find tains, opened business in his. new- uro,supposed to.bo allotted to the if the hill. This they are not al- .Treasurer—William Turner. .' iStnds of the' public utilities com- five part ownership In the business Financial >ecretai7—Pettr MuMhlllr" mged.on blackboards. Tho trath- to six young men. who were then In 'tank Kaiser as boy' friends of So- place Monday, 'He' had been en- xihpol board by the township com- ways able t-> do and some queer ami . Correspondlns secretary—Percy. Hjcks, irlng was divided into taia teams, ety .Smith, Isadore Cardon as mittee in 'quantities sufficient to rather humorous mishaps-have oc- charge '.ot various departments of. gaged In business/on Monmouth A fine;talk on the cultivation of ith Kenneth Wyckoff anT George • ViThoja who are advocating this 'homas Edward, Vincent Layton as maintain, the schools for periods of curred, • the paper,- Share* of stock in- the street and he was forced by increas- orchids'was giveri by WilUarn .'Eichdaleas captains. 'Each team •^ in commutation tickets say ,n old njAn^Bbrothy Morris "as e|ght weeks. ,'. •-.'.. "... " .j, company;: were'glven- to these per- ing trade to get riew.quarters.- •> Fred Allgor was among those who Turner, superintendent for Bertram was put in a separate room and it the system of a graduated Eleanor Thornton,' Julia Jervis as It wa3 reported tast;woek that inthly scale of commutation lons free of all cost to them. Thirty persons were! at the festlvf. 'ailed to steer out for the fence. H. ^Bordeh of Eumson. - The forty minutes was allotted to each inne Schuyler, Kathryn O'Brien as th the school yearhalf cojnpleted lide to'solve tho problem. The , _.ket has been abandoned/by most Th> plan^ai worked well during itles. , At the outset Mr. Shuetz' n$ of the barbs of the fence ripped flower show of the coming year was Betty Carewe, Catherine Allaire as school board had received same puzzle was used in each room. •-"fai tye railroads operating In New the past ftftjjenseara. When other made a short speieoH'in •<which hft iis coat all the way down from the discussed... 'Although the ^members ;: Sally MIddleton, Dorothy- Metsgar 0,000 from the township commit- Each team had an answer within tha. Je'iriey and'that' the system should young men'became .capable of tek- said that he did not know many of collar to the coat tails. Mi£s Hazel were highly gratified over the suc- is Katherine' Stanton, .lanetto out of a total school approprin- specified time.-Mr. Wyekoff's teaev, "Tie abolished oh the roads operating ng complete, icharge of other ;he residents of South Red Bank' Kramer, the school teacher at Holm- cess of last summer'^ show they an- imock as Edythe Jones and "Mar- m of $144,000. It was also said ron with a -perfect answer, Mr-, Dttween New York and Point Pleas- tranches of-work they were taken jut that he could tell; by looking at del,-was another who was unable to ticipate a bijge'r and better show in ;aret Manna as Mrs. Bone., [at the school board had' put notos iichdale's team had' one -wore) "ant. They declare that the present into the concern..undo; the same ;hem that they;were\ mlght^ fine :ontrol her sled. When she saw 1925.' On the exhibition committee r -the bankfor $45,000 and had ex- wrong. Several persons remarked system' of graduated , commutation' :ondltions as the six who formed Clarence Gray is chairman of the lolks. He said lie-gaV"e the-aance- :hat she was going into the fence for the big show are Wellington W. lausted its,borrowing capacity in that to the best of their knowledge. Mtes favors those who commute the the original corporation. The plan eception committee and the chair- or the purpose of getting acquaiht- ihe got off the sled. The sled went Kennedy, 'William Turner* Thomas lis direction, as the.bank had re- this was the first_time a crossword •whole .year round as against those worked,: as- well with these, new man, of the other1 commtttes are sd with South: Rei- Bankers. He fiider the fence and into the ,brook^ Head, James Kennedy, Alfred,Grif- aed to loan them any more money puzzle had been used to entertain who come to Monmouth county for member* of'The Register company lizabeth Compton, invitation; Wll- jaid ho wanted td get acquainted !t was fished out by bystariders. fiths, Harry'Hetith, Percy Hicks and p notes. community gathering. The puzzU one'or two months in the cummer. as with those who Johied The Reg- lani Colio, dance; Henry Fix, dec. not only because he .was going to do Mr. and Mrs. Robert Voorhees Joseph Kennedy. was taken from a New York news- Under the present arrangements ister company when it Was first or- rationsfrDorothy Morris, entertain Duslness in their'midst but also be- went down the hill together on a t! The township committee had no __At the meetings of the horticul- aper: ' ;, , -•••': '- •tamer residents have' to pay ganized.- '<!•; '• •'• ."'."." •''..•. ment; and Helen Brevoort, refresh- cause'later on he expected to build big sled. In'making the turn at the rrfoney'on'hand last Thursday night tifral Bocicjy specimens of fruits '-Ahother contest was held with a higher monthly commutation rate ments.' ' ,, • '••••• \ ' a house at South Red Bonk and'live bottom of the hill tho sled upset ; On ihi-flrst Jot' this "year, three meet the school board's request vegetables'and flowers are brought 100k for the prize.
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