Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications Spring 3-25-1965 The echT News, Volume 55, Issue 22, March 25 1965 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/technews Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "The eT ch News, Volume 55, Issue 22, March 25 1965" (1965). Tech News All Issues. Book 1449. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/technews/1449 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the WPI Student Publications at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tech News All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Pride in our Past Faith in our Future 1865-1965 I I RCESTEI POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE e ec. ew6 Vol. LV Worcester, Massachusetts, Thursday, March 25, 1965 Number 22 THE FOUR PREPS AND WOODY HERMAN TO HIGHLIGHT J. P. Gemini Pilot at M.E. Colloquium '"Misty Mystique" On Tuesday, March 23, as the major speaker in the Mechanical Engineering Department's Cen­ tennial Colloqlum, Captain Wil­ FROSH TOP SOPHS IN 'fheme For Weekend liam Anders, one of NASA's "Stand by for the biggest mu­ "astronauts in training," spent sical experience of your life­ the entire day at WPI. After an TECH CARNIVAL SKIT ll's the Four Preps In their latest early tour of the campus and Last Saturday night, Worcester Chemistry Lecture, an EngUsh step in a mad scheme to rule the meeting many m en of the faculty Tech witnessed one of the best recitation dass, a "cram" session world or harmony." and administration, he addressed Tech Carnivals in recent years. before a physics exam, and end­ Yes, the 1965 J .P Com'l.iltel' is a practically full hall in Alden. Skits were presented by 1he ing up with the dlsasterous re­ delighted to announce that the Many studerrts and members of Freshmen, the Sophomores, and suits on the exam the next day. Capital recording stars, The Four the faculty we re in attendance the faculty, with the Freshlads Preps, will be the Saturday eve­ to hear an Interesting and in­ giving a nother excellent per­ The Frosh then switched to a ning entertainment Cor· J .P . Week­ formative talk by Captain Anders. formance. As usual, officer Nils James Bond theme, relnactlng a end. His talk cente red around the Hagberg, the "K ampus Kop," was few scenes from 007's latest Not to be outdone, lending United States' space program­ the master of cere monies. For movie, Goldfinrer. Steve Holub mood to the 1965 J .P ., Misty Ule past, present, and future in the second year in a row the class portrayed James Bond with Greg Mystique, on Friday evening, ou r race to the moon. NASA's of '67 lost to their opponents. Sovas as the well-known "Pussy will be the dynamic Woody plans for space flight has been Galore." Marty Koski varied the Herman and his exciting 15-picce Nils opened the program with divided into three parts. The program sing~ng "Two-Te n, Six­ orchestra. hie usual w it and introduced the segmenta are named Mercury, Eighteen, followed by Bob Woog To say that this combination Freshman -skit, ''Frosh Extrava­ Gemini, and Apollo. and Mike Sils doing a take-ofi will provide some or the Ci nest ranza." Writer Fred White and on the song "Ringo," entitled talent yet found on any recent Mercury, which has been com­ M.C. Bob Woog teamed up to "Deano." J .P. Weekend, would probably pleted, bad six manned space put on a fine performance. Bob WOODY HUMAN be a gross understatement. And nights; culminated by a flight of Woog presented his impersona­ The Freshlads were next on with this in mind, we present twenty-two orbits around the tions of Jack Benny, VIctor Borge, the program With the bearded "How Come I Can't Stand Noise a small inkling of what J .P. earth. It's purpose was to put a Hubert Humphrey, and Senato r Vinny Walsh again giving an This Mor ning When I Was Sing­ Weekend, 1965, will offer. man in orbit and bring him back Ted Kennedy. The scene then excellent performance. They sang ing So Loudly Last Night." Or araln. Also investigated were the awJtched to various aspects of such songs as "New York Gals," The Four Preps, probably perhaps, "Desire Under the Tin !actors that would cause a dif­ Tech life. The frosh took the "Cathedral Bells," and also pre­ known to you as folksingers-ex­ Roof of a Hot Street Car," fea­ ferent environment from that audience on a tour of the Tech sented the audience with a new traordinary, are better known to turing their rendition of "Can a found here on eart-h and, more ve rsion of "Tie Me Kangaroo themselves as troubadours-extra­ Girl Who Has a Mole Be Happy Important, how man would react Down Sport." ordinary. With a Gopher." to the changes. This sepnent of Their present albums, "The Four S imilarly, in signing Woody lhe program was a lso valuable The Sophomores then presented Preps on Campus," "Early in the Herman for Friday evening, we In developing e xperienced launch their skit entitled "West Street Morning," and ''Dancing and have captured ,as The N.Y. Tri­ teams so that future !lights might Story." Written and directed by Dreaming,'' arc highlighting an al­ bune reviewed, "an almost for­ proceed with as little trouble as Howle Shore, it presented a satire ready Jon~ list of successes. Their gotten sor t of pulsating ... sound J1081ible .This is the first stepping on Tech Life. Written around the versatality is marked, but in a and d rive that makes you want to stone out of the earth's atmos­ Musical West Stde Story." The small way, by the variety of T.V. cheer. The arrangements are ex­ phere. Sophs satirized the taping for the shows on which they have recently citing, the brass is brilliant. The Gem i n i, the second and Skull, Goddard Day, and the day appeared. The list includes Ed Sui· trumpets blast as one . The present stage, is designed to get of a Tech student. Doug Klauber, livan, Dick Cl'ak, Bob Newhart saxes are loose and easy. And the men to the moon. It is being along With other Sophs, presented and Ozzie and Harriet. their Interpretation of Freddie They are, in fact. a group whose rhythm section- well, if !<here's Uled as a device to record much one reason why this herd stands data concerning the hazards of and the Dreamers. Gene Murphy serious professional side is often out among all the rest, it's be­ lpace travel and the limiting closed the skit with a satire on overshadowed by their unique J ohn Boynton, our own tin ped­ showmanship showmanship cause of the rhythmic t rio's fan­ capebiJities of the human passen­ tastic swinging d rive." &ert. Most important, however, is dler. whk:h Is found in any of their a means of getting ready for Not to be outdone, the faculty up-corning movies ·including "The Woody Herman has for 40 years Hunchback Who Knew 1l Lot of Apollo. also presented an lnterpre't11.tlon been thrilling audiences, whether Apollo is the final stage in our FACULTY PERFORMERS of Tech life. Their skit was mu­ Dames," featuring the lead song, CCon.Unued oa Pace 5) putting a man on the moon. Plans lically oriented and presented are to have three men journey to the voices of Mr. Trask, Dean fliibts. Their major function is to !be moon and go Into orbit around Hollows, Mr. Christopher, Capt. it. With the aid of an auxiliary provide c.rew.men for the coming Young and others. Written by vehicle two of the three would excursions. A secondary reason Captains Doney a nd Young and rnake a lunar excursion . After for training them so thoroughly Professors Christopher, Olsen, txplorat:ion of the moon's crust, Is because they are the ones who and Heventh.al, the faculty skit lbey would return to the mother a re taking the flight and they depleted "That Was The Century lhlp, and then all three would need 'to know how to iron out That Wu" and showed an under­ return to earth. Captain Anders problems and in general have a ltandina of the Tech Student's ftela certain that within this a working knowledge of all ally m any problems. Professor Rich­ deeade the U.S. will place a man systems. Each astronaut studies ard Olsen, as Miss Tech Lover, on the moon. a partic ular subject along with followed in the spirit of our cen­ At the present time there are the general knowledge and Capt. tennial and presented his (or hrenty-ei&ht utronaub In train­ Anders is specializing In environ­ her) colortng book of Tech Life. Ina rno.t of whom bold •n a.ero­ mental control systems. This is 'l'be "atar" of t:he faculty skit, •utJ.::al enlfneering degree. Wle system tbat moves and re­ to moet Tecbmen •t leaat, wu Teen-s have been selected for supplies air i n the capsule and Captain Dorsey's IWnt&birt in- later Gemini flllhb, but 1')0 Ol)e maintains preuure, for life. He 8Crlbed with tbe worda, " Long bat been ~~eleded for Apollo (CoaUaaed oa P ..e 5) Live ~Y Galore." 'l'IIK ron na.e PAGE 1WO TECH NEWS &litorial FROM THE CanJiJale~ :Jo,. JJ. :J. C. PRESIDENT p,.e~iJenJ The present fraternity system, now a major element in I Tech life, is about to undergo a significant change.
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