PRESORTED STANDARD .S. POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON, N.C. PERMIT - NO. 675 50 CENTS Established 1987 THEME: "Greater is Coming!" VOLUME XXVIII, NO. 32 August 6 - August 12, 2015 INSIDE 2 5 7 2 Opinions & Editorials Our Selma: US Ambassador 3 Health & Wellness to African Union Lucky No 4 Career & Education Attacks on the to Head a Top 5 Business Resources More, Blessed Voting Rights International 6 Events & Announcements Always 7 Spirit & Life Act School 8 Classifieds Officer Indicted After Video Senate Appropriations Bill Cuts Shows Him Killing Unarmed Housing Vouchers for Poor Families Black Man During Calm Exchange By Freddie Allen Sr. Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NNPA) – For many Americans living in poverty, housing vouchers mean the difference between having a home of your own or living in a homeless shelter. As many as 85,000 low-income families could lose access to those vouchers under poli- cies crafted in a new funding Officer Ray Tensing and victim Samuel Dubose) bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee, CINCINNATI, OH²2I¿FHU5D\7HQVLQJRIWKH8QL- according to a recent report versity of Cincinnati Police Department has been indicted af- by the Center on Budget and ter recently released video from his body camera shows that he Policy Priorities. shot and killed Samuel DuBose, a 43-year-old unarmed black The cuts would come PDQGXULQJDFDOPH[FKDQJHGXULQJDWUDI¿FVWRS ,QWKHYLGHR2I¿FHU7HQVLQJLVUHSHDWHGO\DVNLQJ'XERVH through an expansion of the about why he doesn’t have his license, and DuBose does not Moving to Work (MTW) de- appear to be belligerent or aggressive toward Tensing at all. regulation program that, “al- 6XGGHQO\2I¿FHU7HQVLQJ¿UHVDVKRWDW'X%RVHVWULNLQJKLP lows participating state and in the head, and then the vehicle starts to roll. Authorities say local housing agencies to ob- WKDWLVVLJQL¿FDQWEHFDXVH2I¿FHU7HQVLQJLQLWLDOO\VDLGWKDWKH tain broad waivers of federal was being dragged by the vehicle. statutes and rules governing Tensing’s lawyer, however, says that Tensing was afraid the public housing and Hous- for his life and fell down as the car was moving. LQJ&KRLFH9RXFKHUSURJUDPV Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters called the fatal shift funds from those pro- Homeless families that received vouchers were nearly VKRRWLQJ³WKHPRVWDVLQLQHDFW,¶YHHYHUVHHQDSROLFHRI¿FHU grams to other purposes, and 60 percent less likely to become homeless again. make.” receive funding under special He added, “He wasn’t dealing with someone who was block grant formulas,” the re- grams, while mandating that The CBPP report cited a that implemented MTW di- wanted for murder, Ok? He was dealing with someone who didn’t have a front license plate. I mean, this is, in the vernacu- port said. the department expand MTW recent study that found home- verted nearly $600 million al- The Senate Appropria- to more than one-third of all less families that received lar, a pretty chicken-crap stop, all right? And — I could use tions Committee, led by Sena- located for housing vouchers harsher words.” voucher and public housing vouchers were nearly 60 per- He then said that even if Dubose was starting to “roll tor Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), units. cent less likely, “to become to cover administrative costs, the chairman, and Senator public housing repairs and DZD\´WKHRI¿FHUVKRXOGKDYHMXVWOHWKLPJR³,PHDQ\RX That’s despite research homeless again, 55 percent don’t have to shoot him in the head. And that’s what happened.” Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), that showed that vouchers less likely to report incidents affordable housing construc- Dubose, who was initially pulled over for having a miss- the vice chairwoman, also “sharply reduce homelessness, of domestic violence, and 42 tion, the report said. Some of ing front license plate, was a father of 12 children and was en- approved policies that would crowding, and housing insta- percent less likely to have their the voucher funding was even gaged to be married. seek to prevent the Depart- bility, problems that have been children placed in foster care held in reserves. Hadassah Thomas, a friend and neighbor, told the re- ment of Housing and Urban linked to long-term, harmful or temporarily housed with porters: “Everybody in the community loved Sam. He was so Development (HUD) from effects on children’s health and other family members.” helpful, and he was always around. He used to baby-sit for my reforming current MTW pro- development,” the report said. In 2014 alone, agencies Families continued on page 5 GDXJKWHU U.S. Gun Violence: A Human Rights Failure Civil Rights Groups Demand By Jazelle Hunt Federal Investigation into Washington Correspondent the Death of Sandra Bland WASHINGTON (NNPA) — The United Nations Human Rights Committee has given the U.S. a series of failing grades on human rights, in- cluding failing to meet interna- tional human rights standards on gun violence; the uneven implementation of controver- sial Stand Your Ground laws; violating personal privacy; and doing a poor job of caring for victims of gun violence. “We have such easy ac- (Left-Right) Eugene Puryear of the Stop Police Terror Project in cess to guns, instruments that Washington, D.C., Lois Wilkins, the Freeland, Mich., resident and can easily take a human’s life. mother of four who started the petition on MoveOn.org, and Rev- Gun violence, and the ways erend Graylan Hagler, the senior pastor of the Plymouth Congre- it plays out especially around gational United Church of Christ carry boxes of signed petitions to Stand Your Ground laws, has the visitor’s entrance of the Department of Justice. (Freddie Allen/ disproportionately impacted NNPA News Wire) people of color…particularly Black communities. In some By Freddie Allen, Sr. Washington Correspondent places, it’s easier to buy a gun 1992. Martin. Both of the shooters mittee’s hearing. than a fresh vegetable,” said According to a national are non-Black. “The human rights com- WASHINGTON (NNPA) – A broad coalition of civil Ejim Dike, executive direc- report from the American Bar In May 2012, Marissa munity also pays attention rights groups delivered more than 500,000 signed petitions to tor of the U.S. Human Rights Association (http://www.aba- Alexander, an African Ameri- to disparate effects of these the Justice Department (DOJ), demanding that Attorney Gen- Network, a national network MRXUQDOFRP¿OHV*XQ5HSRUW can, was charged with ag- laws,” said Meena Jagannath, eral Loretta Lynch launch a full investigation into the death of of organizations working on a pdf), self defense-related ho- JUDYDWHG DVVDXOW IRU ¿ULQJ D ZKR WHVWL¿HG LQ *HQHYD DQG Sandra Bland and into the practices and policies of the Waller micides – and particularly, less warning shot at her estranged variety of human rights issues is the co-founder of the Flor- &RXQW\7H[DVSROLFHGHSDUWPHQWDQGWKHSURVHFXWRU¶VRI¿FH common interracial homicides abusive husband; prosecutors in the United States. ida-based Community Justice immediately. She continued, “Under – have spiked in the 33 states successfully argued that the Project, Inc. :KLOHYLVLWLQJ3UDLULH9LHZ$ 08QLYHUVLW\DKLVWRUL- KXPDQULJKWVODZLI\RX¿QG that have Stand Your Ground Stand Your Ground defense cally Black college and university (HBCU), in preparation for WKDW D VSHFL¿F SROLF\ KDV WKH laws. And Blacks, Latinos, she sought did not apply in her “In our reports, we tried to highlight that there are taking a job there, Bland, a 28 year-old graduate of the school, UHVXOW RI LPSDFWLQJ D VSHFL¿F and Native Americans are case. ZDVSXOOHGRYHUIRUDPLQRUWUDI¿FYLRODWLRQRQ-XO\7KDW strong interest groups that community disproportional- most likely to be the ones star- At the urging of grass- WUDI¿F VWRS HVFDODWHG WR DQ DUUHVW DQG RQ 0RQGD\ -XO\ O\«LI\RX¿QGWKDW6WDQG<RXU ing down the barrel of a gun roots human rights activists in have been behind the prolif- Bland was found dead in a Waller County jail cell. as lax gun laws provide near- the wake of Zimmerman’s ac- Ground law is resulting in peo- eration of these laws. We’ve As news spread of Bland’s mysterious death while in po- immunity to the shooter. quittal, the UN committee ex- ple of color losing their lives… also strongly emphasized that lice custody spread across social media, civil rights groups de- there is the responsibility of the In February 2014, Michael amined gun violence and SYG SYG laws disproportionately government to do something.” 'XQQZKR¿UHGLQWRDQ689 laws as one of four American cried another example of driving while Black and police bru- impact Black and Brown tality. The UN HRC is a multi- full of young Black men, kill- controversies that might be vi- communities because of in- ing 17-year-old Jordan Davis, olations of the ICCPR. Dike’s national, neutral group of ex- herent racism in the U.S. jus- perts who monitor compliance used the Stand Your Ground organization brought together Rights continued on page 5 with the International Cov- defense during his trial. Seven several grassroots groups to tice system, and because they enant on Civil and Political months prior, George Zim- write reports on gun violence allow for people to use deadly Rights (ICCPR) treaty. There merman employed it and was for the committee; in March force based on their subjective are only 22 nations that haven’t found not guilty of all charges 2014, representatives from fears.” signed it – the United States associated with stalking and three of the groups traveled to GLGVRLQDQGUDWL¿HGLWLQ killing 17-year-old Trayvon Geneva to testify at the com- Guns continued on page 4 Page 2 Week of August 6 - August 12, 2015 Greater Diversity News GreaterDiversity.com The views and opinions expressed in each edition of GDN are not those of our staff, Opinions & Editorials websites or affiliates. More Resources and News online at GreaterDiversity.com GREATER DIVERSITY NEWS WWW.GREATERDIVERSITY.COM Co-publishers Our Selma: Attacks on the Voting Rights Act 3HWHU .DWK\*UHDU Editor in Chief John T.
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