MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY IS YOUR GROUP REPRESENT­ FOOTBALL SCRIMMAGE ED IN DEBATE? TOMORROW .. VOL. XXX. STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 1923. No. 5 NATURAL HISTORY CLUB MISS MARY CAMERON + ·r --:· ·:· ·:· ·:· .;. ·:. + ·l- ·:. ·r + ·~ ELECTS NEW OFFICERS I·:· TWEftTY -SIX CO-EDS :MISS MARY CAMERON + IS IT SPELLED RIGHT? :~: ! COUGAR BACKFIElD The Natural History club has elect­ ed the following officers for the com­ I CHARMS AUOifNCf Today is the last opportunity MfN SHOW UP WELL CHOSEN TO COMPRISE ing semester: President, Mary Large; i ·!· for students to correct their ·:-:~ I -- vice president, Phillips Putnam; sec­ •:• names and addresses in the retary-treasurer, Edith Hardin; social ••• copy for the Student Directory. 1 WOMEN'S GlEE ClUB chairman, Clairmont Siekerman; pro­ AT lECTURE RECITAl + The copy is in the library f IN FIRST SCRIMMAGE grams, Fred Warren; corresponding 7 lobby and all students are ·~ I secretary, Horace Skinner. 0:· urged to correct their names at + Mrs. Kimbrough, Director, An­ The program of the club for this ''Happy Mediums'' Title of Pro- ·:· once in order that the Student ·<- ' Line Expected to Show Improve- 1 uounces Even Number of So­ semester will be printed the early part I I. gram Given Yesterday by ·:· Directory may be as complete + . ment With Development of pranos and Altos of next week. 1· New Piano Instructor ••• and correct as possible. .;. Old and New Material 1 -:· -:- -~ + ·:· ·:· .;. ·:· ·:· ·:· .;. ·:· .,. + .,. i WILL TOUR WASHINGTON ; TELLS FOLK-LORE ORIGIN SCHEDULE 728 CLASSES WHELAN HELPS COACH LINE FRUSH S~UAD DIVIDED l I IN 421 SUBJECTS I Last Year's Humorous Skits to Be 1 Makes Appeal for Good American It has b~en neccss.ary to scheduie j New Material Shows Possibilities in Continued With Variations and TO BfTTfR COACHING · Music, Not of "Barney Google" 782 classes 111 421 subJects on the cur- Marker, Brown, Martin, Wal- Additions Type riculum at the State College this se- dorf and Mathers mestcr because of the crowd of stu- Men With Previous Experience I dents. Professors and instructors are Choosing from a large number of to Be Placed Together- , . She c~armed ~rols~ anhd serud· o~s ~e J Charmed by her wit and personality dividing them into groups small The Cougar football squad received contestants, Mrs. Herbert Kimbrough, Scrimmage Soon jmher plano reclta mt e au tltonum a~d . impre~sed by her brilliancy as a enough to give each a reasonable its first taste of real football Wednes­ amount of individual attention. director of the women's glee club, has Thursday. Ip tamst, M tss Mary Cameron's audi- Rearrangement of classrooms and day evening when half an hour's selected 26 girls as the personnel of I e nce was completely captivated yester- departmental offices has also been scrimmaging was indulged in by two the State College glee club this year. The frosh football squad has been DR. SPALDING LEAVES day morning during her folk-tune re- 1 1 made to save the time and energy of Of these there will be almost a n even divided into two sections by Coaches . cital given in the college auditorium. teams picked at random. Coach Ex· faculty and students, who would other­ number of first sopranos, second so­ W helan and Bohler• in order to get Next. Sunday, mornmg. will. be Dr. ' I n mtro. d ucmg. h er num b ers M'ISS endine was well pleased with the wise have to do much running about pranos, first altos and second altos. tentative lineups for scrimmage work Spaldmg s. last mormng servtce at the Ca meron d e ttg· h ted h cr au d'1ence w1t. h showing the men made, especially the the campus and climbing of stairs. Glee club practice has started al­ with the varsity One squad is made Presbytcnan church as he leaves for , d . f I . d · 1 · f' ld Alb 0 0 escnpttve accounts o t 1e ong111 an new material. \¥aldorf, Marker, Mar• ready and plans are being made to per­ up of men who have had previous ex- I us new tC at any, regon, cto- · f f lk 1 · h · 1b f t Th f It d d Importance o o ore 111 t e vanous tin, Bervin and Mathers seemed to fert the vocalist organization as soon perience in football before coming to ' er ~~ s . c. acu y an. stu cnts are countries of the -..vorld. hold their own with apparent ease ? • possible in preparation for the many Washington State This division is by I especially mvttcd. Dwtght Stephen- I "A f lk . I k f · C · · · o song IS not t 1e wor o a COUGARS AND AGGIES against the more experienced men. home concerts which will be given this no means permanent and is merely to Ison of lucago· will .smg O a tenor solo. .cu I turc d musician,. b ut IS. t I1e spontane- I I 7 Captain Hickey proved to onlookers year. A tour of the state, made for dividc the men so the coaches can n t 1C eventng at .3 sacred concert f h . 1 . f · · · will be given by the choir under di- ous song 0 t e peop c, It comes rom in the grand stand and along the side· the first time last year by the women's more eastly supcrvtse the practice. 1 . the hearts of the people and we know rcctton of Mrs. F. C. Chalfant. j . fAM£0 IN fAR [AST lines that his open field and interfer. -organization, will be repeated this year Scnmmagc. w1ll. start about next I , from thetr songs what they are think- ence running ability was as great as with even more attractions being of­ W cdncsday and soon after, practice · ' ing and feeling. That is the way they ever. He plowed through the oppos• fered. Humorous skits, introduced so games will be held with the varsity 1HOLD FELLOWSHIP BANQUET express themselves. Someone • has I W. S. C. and 0. A. C. Only Ameri­ ing line for large gains whenever given successfullv last year, will more than twice a week. Coach vVhelan is fol- . aptly said, '\Vhen words stop, music 1 F1ve Nations to Be Represented at · b h. · · 1 can Schools Heard About in the ball. likely be -repeated with some varia­ lowing the \Varner system 0 f p 1ay,, ' cgins,' and t IS IS parttcUlar y true 1 The line has been showing decide~ tions and additions. which has been used by Washington "Y" Gathering Iof the folk songs," said Miss Cameron. NE)w Zealand The members of the gice club this State for a number of years. While it I Th f ·II h' • The selections given were as fol- improvement during the past week un• year are as follows : is hard to get a lineup so early in the M Ce Ae 0~~ ~P b~nque~ of the .1 · 11ows: "Soiree de Vienne," a waltz, der the watchful eye of the line coach, I 11 First Sopranos season on the available material, the · • ., · wh·t d' c he d hFndpay evem~g an arrangement from Schubert and James Begg of Bunedin, New Zea­ Hack Applequist. He is being assist· . Th jat t1e1 "et1 o tst c urc. laces wtll j . ed in the development of the ends by Muriel Halloway coac1 1es arc opt1m1St1c. e men t. , L tszt; • N orweg1an B ndal ProcessiOn," land, a member of the board of agri­ have been working on the fundament- I be .atd for l OO guests, .JO plates are re- by Grieg; "Volga Boat Song" Miss culture in New Zealand, is here on a Whelan, frosh coach. The coaches Marguerita Beneke 1 . kl' · served for the frosh and these have 1 ' Catherine Hunt a I s, b)oc k tng, tac 111g, passmg a nd II b k T . Cameron's own arrangement; ''Money tour to investigate agriculture and to seem confident of a fast line with . a .;en ta ·en. he old students wtll ' plenty of speed, fight and spirit, with Glade Burnett puntmg, and a noticeable 1mprovement d . 1 Musk," by Sowerby; "Tune from study education in this country. He . 11avc 40 places an the advisory board 1 • is conferring with Vice Dean Sever­ such men as Brown, Burkes and Constance Grace has taken place 111 the last day or two. f , v" d f 1 County Derry.'' by Gramger: "Turkey ' o t 11e '.1. 11ave ·a rrange or 10 . , . Shannon to form a nudeus, while Marie Scroggin Among the 93 men who have been the Straw, by Guton. ance, head of the department of farm p 1ates. lmI · · d Crow, \V ctzcl, Bervin and vValdorf Agnes Diltz turning out nightly the following have T l f b . n closmg, M1ss Cameron rna c an management. • 1c purpo e o t 11e anquet IS to · . d ·. A · will build it up. Second Sopranos been s hO\nng good stuff· . f f ll . I:> appeal tot goo reprcscntat" c men- "In New Zealand I have heard of . · create a sptrtt o e ows 11 1p etwcen 1 can music The veteran Zaepfcl, who played Ruth Wilkins Chapman, H. Han- the new and old students, and to give but two American c:olleges, 0. A. C. Ltncm~n-C. I · full last season, has been shifted to Olive Price sen, F. !-..ramer, C. Brown, L. Brown- the foreign students an opportunitv to and W. S. C.," said Begg, who is very I -------- quarter in order to try his ability at Rachel Davis mg,. N' · L owe, L · F- annmg,· E · R eed • meet the Americans.
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